
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh MP! I'm crying here and my DH is looking at me like I'm a lunatic :D I am so so so happy for you ! Your time has finally come. YOU ARE GONNA BE A MUMMA!!!!!

:appl: :appl: :appl:

(now stop worrying and try to enjoy it a bit! :) )

JGator + Bright + MP ~ hi ladies!! Sorry I kind of dropped off the face of the earth! (or the thread :cheeky: ) I guess it all just too much for me. No real news on the ttc front. I've been off BCP for 16 months with no progress. We have relaxed the trying a little over the last few months and it's been kind of nice not worrying too much about it and we are kind of going with the flow of what will be will be. I'm off to Bali next month so that was another reason I decided to relax a little. I didnt want to be KU in Bali!
I still check in on you from time to time and I'm cheering you on from the sidelines!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP and Bright, yes, I did trigger last night. Got the green light based on my blood tests and follicle size. So, we hope to catch an egg this weekend. DH is still talking about our future triplets as there are 3 possible follies.

Bright, I am eyeing Dani's eternity ring - [URL=''][/URL] :love: Too bad I'm not in NYC anymore - or maybe that's a good thing financially. I don't think I'll get anything right away, but it's in my head now.

HOT, we miss you. Have fun in Bali. I was there last year at this time for our honeymoon. Let me know if you need any advice. We went to Nusa Dua and Ubud. It was hot and humid! But, we still had a great time.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, any tips you have on nusa dua would be most welcome! I've been to Bali a few times but we have never stayed in Nusa Dua so I would love to hear your thoughts. :))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies sorry I have been Mia this weekend. Had a busy birthday weekend and only having time now to log on.

Monkey, yayyyyyy for your betas! Congratulations girl! Such wonderful news and you and your DH must be over the moon. Way to make you work for it though! I am so happy for you guys. Please stay around here as long as you want. I find it so encouraging when others on this thread get KU, not only because it gives us all hope but also because of the knowledge and support you bring to everyone else. Here's to a happy, healthy and sticky pregnancy!

Bright, glad to hear things are feeling a little better. Stick in there and look forward to your vacation. I hope you will feel ready when you get back to join us again!

JGator, hope you caught the egg! Let's hope the TWW is kind and short.

enbcfsobe, welcome. Sorry to hear of your struggles and losses. If I'm sure of anything, it's what a great bunch of ladies we have here who are so supportive and full of knowledge. I hope the acupuncture does the trick. I have just started too, so I hope we can share some knowledge along the way.

Dandy, glad to hear it's good news so far. I will keep you in my prayers for more good news. Hopefully you will be back here again soon and in great health.

Hi :wavey: to everyone else
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

HOT, we stayed at a resort in Nusa Dua. We found that you can't really walk around much outside the resorts there. You can walk along the beach and check out the other resorts - otherwise, the roads have a lot of traffic (there aren't many side walks) and there are some barking dogs on the streets. We did take the free shuttle bus to a shopping center which has a bunch of restaurants when we didn't feel like eating at one of the resorts. We also found Jimbaran which is a short taxi ride from Nusa Dua. There are some resorts including Four Seasons (go check it out) there and they have a bunch of seafood shacks where you eat at plastic tables on the beach facing the sunset. The food was amazing - not fancy at all - but very good grilled fresh seafood and shellfish and very inexpensive. I think the place we liked best was this one. We also did a couples massage/spa afternoon there. I think it was this place. It was very cheap also - but a little sketchy - good value - just different than I am used at American spas.

MLK, Happy BIrthday. Yes, I hope this TWW fliies by. We are going out of town this weekend for a few days on the beach so that should help.

AFM, officially in the TWW. I think I must have O'ed yesterday as I did the trigger shot on Friday night. My wake up times have been totally inconsistent this cycle mainly due to work so I can't really rely on my chart much. My RE said to come in this Thursday to get my progesterone checked, and if it's normal, I won't take Progesterone suppositories this cycle. Last time, I took Progesterone a few DPO, and I just would prefer not to take it if I don't have to as it delayed the start of my next cycle and I don't like how it builds up. Although, if I need it and get pregnant, I will gladly take it.

Hi, to everyone else out there :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, wishing the best for you this 2WW! What kind of progesterone have you been using? I use a 200 mg prometrium suppository every night, and it really hasn’t been that bad. I know it would be annoying to have it delay your cycle (hopefully you will be pregnant anyway!), but I sort of view it as one of those, it can’t hurt and it might help type of things, especially since you had lowish progesterone in your first pregnancy. But maybe you'll have stellar numbers anyway and not need to worry about it.

HOT, great to hear from you, and your message was so sweet. Thank you! I’m still in the terrified this is going to disappear at any second stage, but feel very blessed and trying to enjoy it. And you enjoy your vacation - it sounds heavenly! I really hope you get a surprise BFP one of these days!

MLK, hope you had a lovely birthday weekend. How is your chart coming this cycle? I think you’ll be seeing your doctor again sometime soon, right? Wishing you all the best!

Bright, are you feeling any better after the weekend? I sure hope so! I've been thinking about you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mp, hope you had a great weekend & were able to relax & enjoy being ktfu! How are you feeling?
Thanks for checking on me. I'm feeling better & hope I continue to fel better once my drugs are gone. (tomorrow is the last day of pain pills)
I'm still so excited about your news. You've been an amazing source of support for me too. Big hugs.

Jgator, that's great that you have a beach vacay coming up this weekend. Good way to pass part of the 2ww. I hear ya on the progesterone. It's kind of a pain & I hate the idea of it delaying things if there isn't a viable pregnancy to support. Really hoping that either your progesterone is super high or you have to go on the Crinone soon for your buns(s) in the oven! Oh, and that eternity band is gorgeous! I'm swooning. 

Mlk, happy birthday! Hope you had a great weekend of celebration! 
It's definitely good to start feeling like myself again. 

Hot, it's great to see you! Have fun in Bali. That sounds amazing. Maybe you'll have a nice souvenir to bring home. 

Dandi, that's funny about the last minute planning. I tend to either over plan & obsess about details or leave things to the last minute. This trip has definitely been the latter!
How are you doing?

Hi to anyone I missed. 

Afm, I'm finally feeling better. Whew. Just hoping this improvement continues after my last day of pain pills, which is tomorrow. I have a follow up with my RE on Thursday. I really hope everything checks out ok because we're leaving for Barbados on Sunday! I'm really excited for the trip-it's just what the doctor ordered. 
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Unfortunately, I think I am losing the baby. I had some bleeding when I used the restroom just now, and it feels like I'm about to get my period. Waiting for a return call from the nurse to see what they want me to do. So very sad, but I guess I kind of knew this pregnancy was not a healthy one after getting that initial low beta.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh no MP. I hope the bleeding stops. Keep us posted. Hugs to you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh, mp, I'm so sorry. I really hope this isn't the case. Big hugs to you. Keep us posted.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, I hope it's not so. :(sad Take care of yourself. FWIW, I've been pregnant three times. I've had two successful pregnancies and I bled during the first trimester in both. During the pregnancy that ended in miscarriage, I had absolutely no bleeding even after they told me the pregnancy was not viable. I'm hoping for the best for you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks everyone. I just heard back that my beta went up to 4200, so it is still within normal doubling range. I'm supposed to take it easy and rest as much as possible for now. I still worry because of the gassy/bloated feeling I have. Feels just like I do before AF comes. I appreciate your dust!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mp, I'm so glad to hear your betas are still doubling & looking good. Hugs to you. I hope you can take it easy & relax as much as possible.
Isn't bloating & gassiness a symptom of pregnancy too? :wink2:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sticky dust MP. Like BS said, I think gassiness, bloating, and cramps are signs of pregnancy. Nature is so cruel because it seems like it is impossible to tell the difference between preparing to ovulate, ovulation, pms, and pregnancy!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkey, what a wave of emotions you must be on. Glad to hear the betas are rising and the dr seems happy. Fingers crossed, you get to have an u/s this week to put your mind at ease and so you can see your little bean. Sticky dust and hugs to you x
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tons of sticky dust and hugs to you MP, thinking of you and *hoping*hoping*hoping* for the best.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi mlk! So good to 'see' you! Happy Birthday, I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Thankyou very much Bright, I'm well! I've been thinking of you alot, and I'm so glad you're finally feeling better. Especially as Barbados draws ever nearer! Yay!
Big hugs to the rest of the crew! :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, hope everything is okay with you and the bleeding stopped. Let us know how you are doing.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, you’re leaving for Barbados so soon! That’s awesome! You’ll have to give us a full report when you get back. Good luck at your appointment later this week. I really hope that your body is on the mend.

Dandi, how are things with you? Hoping you get your results back quickly!

JGator, thanks for checking on me. Hope you and “the triplets” are doing well and that one or all of them turn into BFPS!

AFM, I’m so sorry to dominate this thread with my drama lately. I just said over on the JBP thread that I’m really not a drama queen in real life, but I feel like a crazy person lately with these high and low emotional swings. DH said that he wants me to try to take a make steady approach and not get too excited by good news or devastated by seeming bad news, but I don't know how to do that. After seeing that one incident of red/pink bleeding, I only had brownish/tan cm last night, and today I did not notice any. Holding on to hope and faith for now! Appreciate all your concern and support. You ladies are the best! And you all deserve amazing wonderful things!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkey, that's what we're here for. Men just don't see things re: TTC (and just about everything else!) the way we do. They don't feel that disappointment each month we're not pregnant as deep as we do. Even when I miscarried, DH was more concerned about my well-being than the loss. Later, it hit him what actually happened and he was saddened by it but not on the same level I was. In theory, his advice sounds wise but it's just so hard to apply! How long till you get to see this kid via ultrasound?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm holding out hope for you MP! Sending dump truck loads of dust over to you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, glad you haven't seen any more red blood. Can't wait till your ultrasound - that should be so reassuring. Are you getting any more betas this week? And, don't worry about dominating the thread. We know you are in no way a drama queen. And, I can completely understand not being able to stay even keeled about this - especially after trying for so long and your specific situation of the lab work mixup. Geez - it's enough to drive any sane person mad. Sticky dust coming your way.

Bright, have fun in Barbados. How long is your trip?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP -- thinking of you. Hope the betas have reassured you somewhat, but it really is impossible to compartmentalize something that is going on in your own body. So easy for guys to say 'just don't think about it too much' when they don't feel every gas bubble and cramp. Just try to be kind to yourself -- maybe some deep meditation would help your mind get a little rest too? There's lots of free podcasts out there for that.

Bright -- hope you continue to feel better. i think last minute vacations can be the best -- no time to agonize too much over each decision, just get up and go and enjoy! i haven't tried the baby asprin, but the tests i'm waiting for should tell me whether that is the way to go.

mlk -- happy b-day! hope you enjoyed it!

to everyone else as always best wishes for success and health.

afm, waiting for my sparkly to arrive and trying to stay motivated at work. my sports obsession has been pretty helpful (not to mention surprisingly less expensive than my jewelry habit) through all this, especially any games I go to in person. seriously cathartic to scream that much in a (somewhat) socially appropriate setting. i'm still not sleeping well so i'm still not bothering to temp. plus we're trying to (pretend) to be pretty casual about ttc for now since i haven't even started my next cycle after m/c. still waiting for test results on clotting, genetics, etc. not sure what's taking so long. looking forward to my a lovely v-day dinner tonight with DH, another chance to scream my fool head off at a game on Sat. PLUS a 3-day weekend (yay working for the gov't!).
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Enbcfsobe, hoping that you get some sort of answer from your test results, although it seems there are often no answers for these kind of things. I remember JGator had to wait a really long time to hear back on the genetic tests, so you'll have to be sure to follow-up with them. You'll have to post pics of your sparkly when it arrives! Sounds like you have a lot of fun things planned for the week ahead. I so miss the days of working for the government. I could definitely use a three-day weekend once in awhile without feeling guilty about it and having to make up the work! Have a fun date tonight!

Tammy, haven’t heard from you in awhile. Hope all is well! When is the big Napa trip?

Bright, hope you're feeling better each day! The countdown is on to Barbados!

AFM, the NP called me today and said that unless there is any more spotting or unusual cramping, she would prefer that I wait for my ultrasound next Friday. She said that if I go in this week, I’ll just end up having to go again next week because it would be too early to see a heartbeat. She also said that while miscarriage is always a possibility, she thought there was still a good chance all is well. Made me feel a little better. Puppmom, JGator and enbcfsobe, you guys know exactly what I’m talking about. It just has to be different for guys. I know DH really wants a baby too, but his main concern is me and my well-being and I'm guessing that will probably be his main concern until the baby is more tangible.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies,

Sorry I've been a bad TTC poster lately. I'd gotten really bad about posting mostly from work and I am pretty nervous about that. Unfortunately, once I'm home I'm almost always running around or asleep, so I've slacked off a lot. :( I've been reading along but I just haven't felt comfortable taking time to reply. I've gotten loads done today though, so I'm taking a proper break to post!

MP: I'm SO glad that everything is looking good still. I can't even remember if I responded, but I know that I read your post and said prayers that everything would be okay with your sticky little bean. *hugs* I can't wait to hear back about your u/s next Friday!! Please don't apologize for posting your concerns and you're not a drama queen! :)

Bright - Barbados sounds AWESOME! I'm so very glad that you're feeling better and have an awesome vacation to look forward to!

enbcfsobe: Welcome! I'm late to the welcoming party, but wanted to say that I'm sorry for your loss. :( I hope AF comes soon so you can move forward w/TTC. Waiting is awful! I'm glad you have a healthy screaming outlet. That sounds like a fabulous idea.

A big happy Valentine's Day hello to Andi, JGator, MLK, HOT, Puppmom (don't think you're getting by unnoticed!) and anyone else that I missed!

AFM: Things are going pretty well on the TTC front. I've decided to 'stay out of there' this month, so I'm not checking CP or CM except for the occasional moment of weakness every 3-4 days. I started the guaifenesin yesterday (CD 9) and opks 1 x per day. I'll ramp up to twice a day for the opks from CD 12-13 until I ovulate. Other than that I probably won't be doing much monitoring/obsessing w/MIL visiting because she doesn't know we're TTC quite yet. We don't want the questions month after month, ya know?

The port and chocolate day was fun! We ended up buying four bottles of wine, but they'll keep for several years. I keep telling myself that, wishful thinking is good, right? :Up_to_something: MIL comes into town tomorrow, so today is the "oh crap I need to clean the car still and run the vacuum one more time" day. Romantic Valentines Day, eh? :lol: Oh oh! Other news, I just received my oh so lovely earring jackets that I bought from a PS'er on DB. I love them! Now I get to kill the TWW hunting down some inexpensive pretties to put in them. I'm open to suggestions for reasonably priced 5.5mm round studs! ;))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey ladies,

I guess I have been kind of like Tammy, and trying not to think about TTC too much, since right now it is not in my control. I have also just been busy and tired.

Tammy - it seems there is a little bling going on in this tread, I just got some bling too - a couple strands of pearls. The port and chocolate tour sounds awesome. That is what I say about the bottles of wine I buy. I got to bring myself to purchase a wine cellar to store those bottles. Texas weather is not good for wine. Jewelry hunting makes the TWW fly.

MP - the rollercoster needs to stop! At least the bleeding has. I am glad you betas are still rising. I really hope the bean sticks!

Bright - You vacation sounds awesome. I would love to go on vacation, but don't have the energy to plan one.

enbcfobe - I hope you are enjoying your V-day dinner right now!!! I am sorry about your MC, I have never been through it, but know it must be a rough experience to go though. Sounds like you have new bling coming too??? I hope you get answers soon, but I know it can take a long time.

JGator - I hope the TWW flies for you and that you have success this month!

AFM - AF came 4 days late, I spotted for 2 days, and than it came on Saturday. FF now states that my leutal phase varies too much. My doc already thinks I have a minor ovulatory problem based on my history, so this is disappointing, but not surprising. I have my HSG scheduled for Friday. So not looking forward to that, but I know this is the last piece of the initial workup, so I am anxious to get it done. The docs never called about my blood work, so I am assuming it is normal. My DH's swimmers are normal, so he is very happy. We are celebrating V-day this weekend when I arrive into San Antonio. Not much to do around here in terms of going out. Oh, and some good news is that I found a job in the San Antonio area and will be starting this summer. That will make things much easier in so many ways. And I am so excited to get back to a real city. In terms of TTC, it will mean no more 3 hour drives and hotels to see a doctor.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP honey, we are all here for you and want to support you as best we can, even if that just means having a good old vent!! I think you've been so gracious and strong throughout this very trying time, I admire your strength, I really really do.

And a happy ol' Valentine's Day to you too tammy, thanks love! :love:

AFM, I've had quite a positive evening. My gyn rang me to give me my colp results, which happily were all negative, so a trip to the OR is definitely not needed, just a follow up PAP in 12 months. YAY! He is also my favourite obstectrician in town, I work with them all and would only really want to go with this guy as my ob. He does not take new ob patients anymore as he is just too busy, but he told me because he knows my history, and if I'm pregnant soon, he'd take me on. Double yay! AND tonight I got my first positive OPK, AND for the first time in months, DH has the night off!!! :o :o :o

I do hope the universe is trying to tell me something! :bigsmile:
Big hugs and much love to everyone else! Hope you're all well ladies :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Dandi, woohoo! Awesome news all around! So happy to hear that you are healthy and have the green light to get on with the baby-making! Wishing you lots of luck!

Firecracker, hugs. I’m so sorry AF arrived, and the fact that it was 4 days late just makes it all the more cruel. But that’s really great that your DH’s SA was normal, and you have one less thing to worry about. If I were you, I would follow-up on the bloodwork and get specific numbers. It helped me to see the actual numbers and compare them to the normal ranges. If it makes you feel any better, my HSG was no more uncomfortable than a pap, and I know others have said the same thing. And a big congratulations on your new job and upcoming relocation!

Tammy, sheesh everybody here is getting jewelry except for me! So glad you had a fun weekend, and I hope the visit with your MIL goes well too! Hopefully you won't have a chance to drink that wine for a LONG time. Thanks for the prayers for my little one. It means so much to have support from all of you!

AFM, nothing new, but that’s just how I want it after all of these scares! I continue to keep all of you in my thoughts!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi girls! I just want your opinions. I got a BFP on Febrary 11th!! :appl: Well my problem is I have no idea when I conceived. I have a 16 month old son and haven't got my period back since having him. I got off the BC pills in October and on Christmas day I had a little bleeding that day only. I took a pregnancy test on January 23rd just to make sure I wasn't pg cause I was going out to have a few drinks with some friends. It was negative on 1/23/12. Well on February 11th I had the same feeling in my stomach I had on the day I found out I was pg with DS. (Which was the day I was supposed to start my pd) So on 2/11/12 I took a test and it was posititve! When do you think I could have conceived. We really were not BD'ing much. I know we did on 2/1/12. Do you think it could have got a postive test that quick or could I have been pg before and the last test was just done too early? I know it is hard to tell, but my DR. appt isn't for another couple of weeks and I have no clue how far along I am and it is driving me crazy! :twirl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jena17|1329343474|3126926 said:
know we did on 2/1/12. Do you think it could have got a postive test that quick or could I have been pg before and the last test was just done too early?

Totally possible. I got a BFP at 9DPO, so if you happened to O right on 2/1 or 2/2, it's possible you could have conceived then and tested positive on 2/11.