
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jena17|1329343474|3126926 said:
Hi girls! I just want your opinions. I got a BFP on Febrary 11th!! :appl: Well my problem is I have no idea when I conceived. I have a 16 month old son and haven't got my period back since having him. I got off the BC pills in October and on Christmas day I had a little bleeding that day only. I took a pregnancy test on January 23rd just to make sure I wasn't pg cause I was going out to have a few drinks with some friends. It was negative on 1/23/12. Well on February 11th I had the same feeling in my stomach I had on the day I found out I was pg with DS. (Which was the day I was supposed to start my pd) So on 2/11/12 I took a test and it was posititve! When do you think I could have conceived. We really were not BD'ing much. I know we did on 2/1/12. Do you think it could have got a postive test that quick or could I have been pg before and the last test was just done too early? I know it is hard to tell, but my DR. appt isn't for another couple of weeks and I have no clue how far along I am and it is driving me crazy! :twirl:

If you dates are unknown, I would call your OB and see if they can do a dating US. Those are best if done early (they are typically done the earliest at 6 weeks, and it is best if done in the first trimester). It may be too early to do an US, but I had a friend who was in a similar situation as you, and when she told me her first apt was at 12 weeks, I gave her the same advise, and she was able to convince her Doctor to do it.

Congrats BTW.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LtlFirecracker|1329348993|3127020 said:
Jena17|1329343474|3126926 said:
Hi girls! I just want your opinions. I got a BFP on Febrary 11th!! :appl: Well my problem is I have no idea when I conceived. I have a 16 month old son and haven't got my period back since having him. I got off the BC pills in October and on Christmas day I had a little bleeding that day only. I took a pregnancy test on January 23rd just to make sure I wasn't pg cause I was going out to have a few drinks with some friends. It was negative on 1/23/12. Well on February 11th I had the same feeling in my stomach I had on the day I found out I was pg with DS. (Which was the day I was supposed to start my pd) So on 2/11/12 I took a test and it was posititve! When do you think I could have conceived. We really were not BD'ing much. I know we did on 2/1/12. Do you think it could have got a postive test that quick or could I have been pg before and the last test was just done too early? I know it is hard to tell, but my DR. appt isn't for another couple of weeks and I have no clue how far along I am and it is driving me crazy! :twirl:

Congrats!!! If you conceived around Feb 1st, you could definitely have a positive test by Feb 11th. That would be about 10 dpo, possibly? Many women get positives as early as 8 dpo (implantation usually happens between 7-10 dpo, but can occur earlier too). With my first pregnancy, I got a positive at 9 dpo. So, it's totally possible! With your negative test at the end of January, you may have conceived around Feb 1st. It's also possible that you were pregnant at that time, but it hadn't shown up yet on the Jan 23rd test, esp. if you remember BDing 2 weeks or so before that date?

I agree that a dating US(or blood test) might be the only way to know for sure!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi all,

I have been away from the forum for a while, taking a bit of a break. Some of you may remember me posting a couple of months back that my DH and I will need to do IVF with ICSI due to male factor infertility. Anyway, I am in the birth control pill step of the process (who ever thought my road to hopefully pregnancy would involve the pill) and will be starting my stimulating injections in about 10 days if all checks out on my ultrasound that morning.
I am excited but anxious about starting the process. (Mainly anxious about getting enough embryos, etc etc). All the waiting around for the next step to start is tough. Ha, no matter how you approach TTC there is always the painful waiting.

At any rate, I really wanted to catch up again here as my thoughts have gone out to fellow TTC-ers. I read back and mostly caught up with what's been going on with everyone.

MP - I am just so happy for you. What a rollercoaster the last few weeks have been... I am so thrilled things are looking good now and please now I am sending you tons of sticky dust. It made my day to read about your BFP.

Bright - Likewise, I was so elated to read about your BFP then heartbroken about what you went through after. I am so glad you are starting to feel better and that you are taking this well-timed vacation. My thoughts continue to go out that you will get a sticky bean very soon... I know you will. Thank you for continuing to be such a source of kindness and inspiration to this board.

Lizzy - Not sure if you still check back in here at all but it's so wonderful to read about your pregnancy so far. I actually went back tonight to October and re-read through your IVF story on here. You seemed to handle it all like a champ. :)) Did you have any side effects from the stim injections? I hope my process goes as smoothly as yours.

JGator - good luck in the TWW and I hope this cycle brings you success!

Ltl - Good luck at your HCG on Friday. And I'm glad to hear all is well with your DH. That is definitely half the battle!

Tammy - Just want to say hi! Good luck this month

Hello to anyone I've missed, which is probably several of you! I've been away from the thread for a bit.

eta - congrats to Jena on your BFP!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jen, I’m so glad you checked in! I had been wondering whether you had started the IVF/ICSI process. Very excited for you that you are so close to getting everything started. Much dust to you that the process goes smoothly and the first round results in a healthy bean. Please keep us posted. And thank you for the well wishes! I’m still very cautious, but feel very blessed to have gotten a BFP after almost a year of trying.

Hi Jena, congrats on your BFP! You should head over to the Just Barely Pregnant thread to see if any of the ladies over there have any advice. I agree that the only way you are going to know for sure is by having an ultrasound if you want to go that route. One thing I was wondering was how dark your test line was? If it was not a very dark line, it’s definitely possible you conceived on or around February 1, but if it was a pretty dark line by February 11th, it would seem more likely that you conceived a little earlier than that. The darkness of the line is definitely not a guarantee, but it might give you a hint. Congrats again!

Bright, just wanted to say I’m thinking about you today. I think you said you had a follow-up appointment today, right? I hope all is well and you can turn your focus to your vacation!

JGator, hope the 2WW is treating you well!

Hello to everyone else!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright - have a great vacay! hope you are on your way to some sun and sand and relaxation!

MP - hope the waiting game is going okay and that you are feeling well!

Tammy - hi! good luck with your MIL visit -- I think that not knowing whether/when/how to talk about this whole process with family has been one of the more stressful aspects of the whole thing. glad you are taking it easier this month -- sounds like last month was exhausting!

Andi - so glad your colp results were negative -- what a relief that must be!

LtlF - best of luck for your hsg. not going to lie - it can be pretty darn unpleasant. it also may mess with your cycle -- i o'd about a week later than expected after the hsg. that said, i got a bfp that same cycle, so i guess i fall into that range of people who anecdotally/theoretically have better success post-hsg.

Jena - congrats! i'm sure your doctor will help you figure out the dating.

Jen - best of luck on your ivf! i hope all goes smoothly!

AFM, i finally heard from the RE yesterday and all the test results were negative. that's good news in that my ovarian reserves are fine and i don't have a major genetic defect or clotting disorder. dh's karyotype was also fine. on the other hand, RE pretty much said that since we were successful the last 2 times without intervention to just keep trying and see what happens. that's better than the alternative in many ways, but still pretty frustrating. He was fine with us trying right away as he doesn't feel there is any scientific evidence that you are any more likely to m/c if you don't wait a cycle. He left it up to me if I want to do progesterone either post-o or post-bfp, but he also doesn't feel that there's any good evidence that it helps a normal pregnancy. After my experience with it last go round, i'd really rather not -- it was not only incredibly uncomfortable (and nauseating) as it accumulated but i felt that it didn't help my mental state at all and probably just delayed the m/c. If my doctor isn't convinced it will do anything i can't see going through that again. So I guess for now its acupuncture, and i've totally sworn off caffiene (even though i was down to 1/2 cup per day) and alcohol (even in the first half of the cycle). I've also given up my favorite szechuan foods as apparently the peppercorns used in the dishes i love best are used in chinese medicine to stimulate menstruation (not good!). Who knows if any of these things matter at all, but at least i feel like i'm doing something.
in other annoying news my sparkly seems to be stuck in the mail -- boo!!! ETA -- usps now reports my sparkly has arrived in philly...thats major progress!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mp, so glad to hear things are trucking along nicely now. No news is good news! Can't wait to hear your update after your u/s. And you're not a drama queen! This process can drive even the sanest person to distraction!
Thanks for asking about me. Every day is better. Hoping things go up from here. 

Enbc, that's great that all of your tests came back negative. Really hoping your sticky bean is right around the corner. How interesting about the peppercorns. 
I hope your sparkly arrives soon. It's so hard to wait! USPS's tracking system is really bad too, which doesn't help if you're trying to monitor your new sparkly's progress. 

Jen, it's so good to see you again! I've been thinking of you & glad to hear you're starting the ivf process. I hope it goes as smoothly as lizzy's did. (And ends in the same result!)
Thanks for thinking of me. I'm finally starting to feel better. I thought for a while I'd have to change my name to DarkSpot. 

Ltf, so sorry af arrived (and late, at that. How disappointing!) I hope your hsg goes well. For me, the procedure was no more uncomfortable than a pap (I did take 4 Advil beforehand though.) I had some pretty uncomfortable cramping that evening but was fine by the next day.
Congrats on your new job! Sounds like it will make your life better in many ways. Will you & your dh be in the same city now? Yay!

Tammy, have fun with your mil! Hope you guys paint the town red!

Dandi, that's great about your tret results & positive OPK and dh with the evening off!  Sounds like the stars are aligning for you. Hope you caught that egg, lady!

Jgator, we'll be in Barbados for a week. Just what the doctor ordered. 
How are you doing? Hope the 2ww hasn't been too stressful yet & that is has a very happy end. Sending you triplet dust!

Jena, congrats on your bfp! Sending sticky dust for a happy & healthy 9 months. 

Hi to anyone I missed. 

Afm, I had my follow up appointment & it was really just a blood draw for hcg levels & a chat with my RE (no exam). How nice to keep my pants on! He said they got everything. 
So the plan is basically the same as last time. Once AF arrives, 50mg clomid (days 3-7 this time. Last time I did 4-8), then ovidrel & 2 consecutive IUIs. Really hoping for a sticky bean this time.  I had a dream the other night that I got a bfp but was terrified. I imagine I would be if that happened. I'm trying to take things one day at a time as much as possible & looking forward to getting away for some sun & fun. 
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, glad your port and chocolate event ws fun. I hope you are having a nice time with your MIL. Enjoy your new bling!

Firecracker, sorry AF reared her ugly head again for you and late! Good luck with the HSG. I had some slight irritation with the tube they put in to do the procedure, but no lingering pain and it was over pretty quickly. Congrats on the new job in San Antonio!

Dandi, great news on your colp results! And, I hope you caught an egg when your DH had the night off.

Jena, congrats on your BFP. I am no help in dating your pregancy. My sister was in a similar situation where she had a 14 month old, and she didn't get her period yet. She ended up being a month further along than she thought.

Sha, Hi! :wavey:

Jen, welcome back. Good luck with the IVF cycle. Keep us posted on your progress as Lizzy did. It was exciting going through the different steps with her. Mainly seeing how many embryos made it! I'm sure you'll have a good result too.

MP, Hi! Glad things have settled down with your pregnancy. Looking forward to hearing about your ultrasound.

enbcfsobe, I am glad you and your DH's test results came out normal. You could have your progesterone tested a few days post O and then take it depending on your level. That is what I am doing this cycle. Congrats on your sparkly making it to Philly!

Bright, have a great trip. I am glad your RE appt went well, and you have a good plan in place for next cycle. Hopefully, it will be much smoother and result in a super sticky bean.

AFM, I am 4 or 5 DPO. I went to the RE today for a progesterone check. My level is 26.2 which is good so I am not taking the Progesterone supplements this cycle until I get a BFP. I just checked and my level was 13 back in December about a week post O so I am very happy with 26! I go in next Friday for the beta. And, we are going to the beach for 4 days starting on Saturday so that will help with part of the TWW.

Hi, to anyone else I missed. :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, I read your post on JBP. I think you should call your NP and at least get another beta to help with your nerves about the long wait till next Friday.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, thank you. I’m feeling considerably less panicked right now and decided to just wait it out until next week. We’ll see if I still feel that way a couple days from now though :( Glad your progesterone came back okay and that you won’t need to get on suppositories for now. Enjoy your little beach get away! I’ll have my fingers crossed for you!

Bright, glad to hear that the appointment went well today and that it wasn't invasive. You've had enough of that lately! And I’m even more glad that you’re starting to feel a little better about things and that you’ve got a plan in place for next cycle. Your sticky bean is coming! If you don’t check in before then, have a fabulous time in Barbados!

Enbcfsobe, glad to hear your test results came back negative, although I’m sure it’s frustrating not to have any explanation for why you had your losses. Really, really hoping you get another BFP quickly and the third time is the charm for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP - sounds like things are nice and quiet on your end. That is a good thing :-).

Dandi - I hope all the stars align for you this month!

JGator - I am glad that your progesterone levels are good, and I hope the TWW flies. The beach is a great time killer.

BrightSpot - looks like you got a good plan for this cycle. It sounds like you have a plan to get your self away from things and relax. I really hope you get a sticky been this time as well. As for my procedure, I plan on taking 4 Advil as well, after eating breakfast. This may be too much info, but since I am a pediatrician, I dose Advil on a mg/kg basis, and at my weight, I should actually take 600 mg of Advil. But for this procedure, I am going to do the full 800 and just make sure my stomach is not empty (it can cause gastritis/ulcers). As for my new job, DH works in Austin, but can work remote. We plan to live in the North part of San Antonio, so things will work for both of us. He still won't go to Austin every day, but when he does, he can go on a long day trip, vs staying the whole week.

Jen - I am glad you are starting the IVF process, and wishing you the best of luck with it.

enbefsobe - I am so glad your testing came back negative, I am sure that really puts you at mind. As for avoiding all that stuff, it cannot hurt for sure. I was not aware the HSG could mess with your O. I already had a weird cycle last time, another one will be frustrating.

AFM - I am in a hotel, about to go to bed. HSG is tomorrow. I am on CD 6, so that is a good time to do it. The bills are already starting to come in. I guess DH's workup was only partially covered. Thanks to everyone who shared their experiences about the HSG. I know there are no "pain nerves" in that area, but I am sure I will feel a little cramping, hoping the Advil will help. I will also try to get my lab results while I am there, and kindly remind them they forgot to call me.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LtlF, thanks hun! All the best for your HSG, I hope everything goes smoothy and you are comfortable during and afterwards. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!

Thanks JGator, and yay for your levels!! OOH the beach sounds like a lovely 2ww distraction for you, I hope you have a wonderful time!

Bright, thankyou for the well wished my dear!. My fingers and toes are crossed for you this cycle!! A sunny getaway sounds awesome! Where are you off to??
enbcfsobe, I am very relieved! Thanks for thinking of me! I'm sorry you're having a frustrating time, but I'm so glad for you that all your test results were negative. Thinking of you, love. :wavey:

Big hello mp, Jena, mlk, tammy, Jen and anyone else I may have missed!

AFM, herein lies the start of my first 2ww! My OPK was positive on Wednesday evening, and negative exactly 24 hours later, so am I right in assuming O may have occured sometime Thursday?? We BD Wednesday night after my + OPK, so I'm hoping the timing was OK. I had a half degree (celcius) temp shift upwards in the early hours of Friday, but I did have a restless night sleepwise and was called to work at 4am, so I'm not too convinced. However, I have followed suit in the current trend and am distracting myself with a sparkly bling project, woop woop! :bigsmile:

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, much love to all.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for the welcome back everyone! I missed the support of this community.

DandiAndi - Good luck during your first TWW! Try not to let it drive you too crazy. ;) I used to use digital OPKs and they said that ovulation typically occurred anywhere from 12 -36 hours after the first positive. So probably you did ovulate on Thursday though I suppose it's possible it could have been very early Friday morning. I'm sure the other girls will also chime in on this though.

Ltl - Good luck at your HSG today. I hope you have only minimal discomfort if any at all. I hear you on the bills. DH and I need to pay a hefty check on Tuesday and it's pretty scary. :shock:

MP - I'm sorry you've been feeling so nervous. I can only imagine I would feel the exact same way, especially knowing it's been difficult for you to get to this point. Doing an eagle pose that you will see a strong heartbeat next friday.

JGator - That's a great progesterone level! The one time mine was tested was around the same number of DPO was only 8.5... which my OBGYN was actually fine with but I think is low. Luckily I will be doing progesterone injections anyway as part of the IVF protocol and they'll monitor that closely after transfer so I don't need to worry about that too much. Enjoy the beach! (approx where do you live?)

Bright - Glad to see you have a plan in place for next cycle. I can understand your dream and your fears. I imagine with what you've been through it will be extremely difficult to relax and fully enjoy the early stages of your next BFP. I know I haven't been through what you have and that I am in a different situation - but I have a lot of fears going into the IVF and I suspect it's going to be hard to be completely free of anxiety at any point in this. Beyond the anguish that I can only imagine accompanies a mc, I almost feel some extra "pressure" because our insurance company has a financial "cutoff" point... and we are not exactly blessed with incomes to be able to repeat the process indefinitely. Of course I'm getting ahead of myself and know the best thing to do is remain positive, which I try to do- it's just tough sometimes when you let the mind start to race. Anyway, back to you - I am so glad for you that you are getting away (maybe you are even there now!) - there is nothing like warm sun on the body to promote relaxation.

enbcfsobe - Great news that everything checked out - though I understand a feeling of just wanted an answer... cause and effect type of thing. I am wishing a big STICKY BFP for you soon.

AFM - just hanging out here trying not to let my mind get too carried away on me and trying to stay away from my frenemy google. I'm a person who naturally likes to research everything but I think at times with the IVF process that is probably hurting me more than helping. Meaning, I think it would be smarter to just listen to what my RE and nurse tell me and call it a day. I checked out some IVF forums last week and they just made my head spin. I think I'm going to stick to just checking in with you guys. I have 3 more days of my BCP left... I've been spotting on it for 3 days now which is annoying but my nurse tells me is common and totally fine. I'm not sure why my body is so prone to spotting but it's a bit annoying and now I have this fear it's going to happen during my TWW after the transfer and I'll get freaked out. See what I mean about letting my mind get carried away?... Like MP recently said, I swear I'm not a drama queen either! ha... I think these situations can just be stressful.

Hope everyone enjoys the weekend!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi everyone :wavey: Looks like a quiet weekend here.

Bright, glad things are getting better, have a wonderful time in Barbados! Make sure you post some pics when you get back.

Monkey, hope things are progressing well for you and the next 5 days are quick. So exciting getting to see buns thus week!

Dandi, great news that your colop went well and that was great timing getting a positive opk... Hope you caught the egg! :appl:

Ltlfire, hope the hsg went well and clears the way for a bfp this cycle

Enbcfsobe, good to hear the tests all came back clear, I'm sure your time is just around the corner. Hope the wait is not too much longer.

Jgator, yay for testing this week! Hope you have a great weekend away and it provides a great distraction. Fingers crossed for a bfp!

Jena, congrats on the bfp. Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy.

Jen, wishing you the best of luck with the ivf. Please keep us updated with your progress.

Hi to anyone I missed :wavey:

AFM, it's CD 4 here. Last cycle turned out to be 30 days with a 13 day LP so I am pretty happy with that. Not much of a temp shift, but it got higher as the time went on. My temps for the last couple of days have been significantly lower than this time last cycle so hopefully things are regulating more.

Yesterday I went and had all my bloods run again and got a referral for a pelvic ultrasound. I don't think I will other with the ultrasound this month though. Hopefully will get the blood test results on Wednesday so will have more of an idea of whether I am out again this cycle or not . If my tsh is lower than 2.5 I am going to try even though I will probably O before I see the endo.

My symptoms don't really seem to be changing, I am probably less tired, but my hair loss is getting worse by the day and no weight loss either even though I have almost cut out carbs and sugar. I just hope I can start trying.

I stumbled across an old thread here the other day about new preggo finds, baby stuff etc. I have now become officially obsessed! On Friday night I even dreamed about strollers! Today I went to manly beach ( a beautiful bbut tiurusty beach in Sydney) and all I saw were strollers - must've seen hundreds!

I think if I can't even start trying this cycle I will lose it! I think however that this wait has settled my anxiousness/fears etc about actually doing this - almost like it has allow me to skip that phase.

I am just realizing how centered on me my post was - sorry ladies. Hope you are all enjoying your weekends!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies! Hope you're all having a great weekend! Dh & I just landed in Barbados & are killing some time waiting for my friend to arrive, so thought I'd say a quick hello while I have wifi.  :sun:

I had an hcg beta drawn at my follow up on Wednesday & was surprised to hear it was 124. The nurse said that was good it down so considerably from the last one (5000) but I was surprised the hcg was still in my system. Does anyone know how long it takes to zero out after mc?
Also, I guess the bd ban is officially over. I'm a little nervous about getting back in the saddle (physically & emotionally). Perhaps some rum punch will help. 

Mlk, so sorry your hair loss is getting worse. It's pretty devastating. Hugs to you. 
I hope your bloodwork comes back with good results so you can try this month. Remind me-are you on 

Jen, it really is hard to relax during the ttc process when you're fertility challenged & feel you're racing with the clock & the insurance cutoff. I guess taking things one day at a time helps (when you can remember to do it-it's definitely hard for me!)
 I know what you mean about over researching. Sometimes it just promotes more anxiety. I'm trying to step back a bit too & leave some of this in the hands of my re. I hope IVF does the trick for you & gets you your sticky bean!

Dandi, I hope your bling project provides a nice distraction during the 2ww. Do you care to share details? Good luck! Sounds like your timing was great!

Ltl, so glad to hear you & your dh will be closer now! Yay! How did your hsg go? I hope all was clear & you had minimal discomfort. 

Mp, thinking of you, friend. Hoping you're feeling more relaxed. Hugs. 

Jgator, hope you're enjoying your time at the beach! Great progesterone level, btw. Very promising! Fingers crossed your sticky bean is in there!

Enbc, Tammy-hope you're doing well!

Hi to anyone I missed!  :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, glad you made it there safely. Have a wonderful time! Hopefully a little rest, relaxation and rum will ease any anxiety you feel. Completely understandable. Can't wait to hear all about your trip.

MLK, that's great your first cycle was pretty normal. Really hoping your levels come back better both for your sake and so that you can started with the TTC very soon!

Jen, I know exactly what you mean about letting your mind get carried away and getting too much information from the internet. I think the anxiety increases a lot when you finally start getting fertility treatment because the stakes just feel higher. It's scary to take that leap of faith. But I think you are so right that you just have to trust your doctor and not rely on anecdotal internet evidence. I'll be thinking of you! Also, I'm prone to spotting too, but I don't think you should be too worried about that because when you are on your IVF cycle, you will most surely have some sort of progesterone support.

Dandi, hope you are surviving your first 2WW so far! You ladies are making me super jealous with all of this bling talk. Do post pictures when you finish your project!

Firecracker, how did the HSG go? When I had mine, I had cramping off and on for a couple days and then everything returned to normal very quickly. Hope you had the same experience and good results! It stinks getting the fertility treatment bills doesn't it? It will all be worth in the end though!

JGator, thinking of you this 2WW! Hope you're enjoying your get away!

AFM, all is status quo for now. I've been far less anxious this weekend, but I think it helps having DH around instead of feeling isolated at work. I know the anxiety is going to build again this week as I approach the ultrasound, but for now, I'm feeling okay. Still not feeling any symptoms really though, which I guess is not unheard of at this point, but it would be reassuring. Sending all of you ladies lots of dust for sticky beans all around!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies. I apologize in advanced for lurking instead of posting and coming back with a me-centric post. There just hasn't been anything exciting to post at all :(sad . I have given up on the thought that I will conceive without intervention. I had a check up and blood-work Thursday and I go back this Thursday to get the results and have an ultrasound to check things out. I am just working with my OBGYN, not a RE because of $. He says I can start on medication Thursday and kind of left it up to me as long as there is nothing crazy in my bloodwork/scan. He was leaning towards clomid but I had been kind of leaning towards Metformin. He said that might be a good idea because I can be on it longer, less monitoring, etc. I am having seconds thoughts now though (now you understand the screen name!).

What do you think? I have long, irregular cycles and I believe I don't always ovulate. If you had the choice would you go for Met or Clomid?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for all the kind words guys. As for the HSG, it really was not that bad. The doc laughed when he showed me the catheter, and I looked it him and said "that's it? oh that is small and flimsy." I have not gotten the official word, but he was able to position the screen so we could both watch the test at the same time. The left tube did exactly what it was supposed to do, it was fat, and the dye spilled right out in a few seconds. As soon as I saw that, I turned my attention to the right tube. It was just getting going. They dye appeared stringy, and took awhile, but spilled. The tube never got as "fat" as the left tube. The doc stated he needs to look at all 14 slides, but confirmed we both saw the same thing. As for the procedure itself, just some mild cramping when they were injecting the dye, nothing else. I still don't have my lab results. We were in the radiology suite, so he could not look them up. And of corse, they did not call later that day. I will call them call them this week to get the final HSG results and my labs. I know I at least have one good tube, but not really sure what the next step is.

MP - I hope you are keeping yourself busy, your US is this week, correct? Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Bright - I don't know how long it takes the beta to go to zero, but yours seems to be lingering. You should start trying again until you are ready, but at the same time, don't let fear hold you back.

MLK - I really hope that your cycles are regulating. I am making a point to stay off the preggos in waiting forum and the baby forums. I figure no point in getting myself excited/upset when it is not my time yet. I do work around newborn babies, but I am able to detach pretty well. I just think of the parents who had to wait a long time to have their babies, and are now very happy.

Jen - you have got to be careful with the info overload in the internet. Honestly, I have not looked a single thing up since starting the infertility workup. Now, I have some limited knowledge on how this should work. I told myself, I am only going to look something up if my doc does something I don't understand, and his explanation does not make since to me. So far that has not happened.

Dandi - hope your TTW is flying!

To anyone else I forgot, hi.

Other than the HSG, I am about to enter my fertile window. Now, that window is pretty wide since my cycles have not been regular the last two months. I know from the US I ovulated from my right side last cycle. So I am hoping I O from my left side this cycle, since I know for sure that tube is fine. Hoping for success this month!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Firecracker, sounds like we had the exact same result on our HSG, same tube and everything. The OB thought I might have had a minor blockage on the right that was cleared by the HSG, but who knows. All in all, it sounds like pretty good news because you know that you have at least one good tube and possibly two. Hopefully once you address your minor ovulation issues, you will get that BFP!

Indecisive, I'm sorry if you said this and I've forgotten, but have you been diagnosed with PCOS? I assume so, if you are considering metformin. I do not have PCOS and don't know very much about metformin, but it does seem like metformin addresses more of the issues associated with PCOS than clomid alone. Hugs. I hope that you get a little more insight from your doctor as to the best course for you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hello ladies!! Just dropping in to share a blog of my friend's. She struggled TTC for a year or so, with multiple infertility problems. I hope everyone gets a chance to read's hysterical and sad but with a happy ending! She's currently 18 weeks pregnant. She gave me permission to give you the site, and she's really very nice and easy to speak with if you feel like reaching out to her in any way. She appreciates knowing your thoughts.

**edited by moderator. for everyone's protection please do not post personal/family blog links publicly**

I hope everyone is doing well! I have to be honest I haven't read through the posts...not being active in the TTC world has helped me to stop obsessing so much and relax a little.

That doesn't mean I'm not thinking of you all though! :))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jgator, good luck in the two week wait! Thinking of you!

Bright, enjoy your vacation! It is well needed and deserved! I am glad to hear that things are all cleared up now and you have a plan for next cycle. Good things are on the horizon...

MP, I know this will be an anxious week with your u/s on Friday, but hang in there. Your betas looked great and I am so hopeful that you will see a beating heart on Friday and it will put you at ease.

Jen, hi there! I do still check in and am happy to answer any IVF questions. I have to tell you when I watched the video that explained all of the mixing of drugs, injections, etc etc, I was so overwhelmed. But honestly, once you do it the first time, it is E-A-S-Y!!! I expected the whole process to be such a drain, but my RE's office was organized and talked me though things and it made it a great experience for me. The first couple of just want to get started. But the whole process which I think is roughly 6-8 weeks went by quickly for me because I was so HOPEFUL along the way. You can do it lady! ICSI is a wonderful program. my girlfriend did it and also got pregnant via IVF. I had no real side effects that I can remember so they mustn't have been too noticeable. Even the retrieval which I was so worried about, was easy. I experienced more cramping after using Clomid. Please feel free to ask me anything ok? Sometimes those forums can be too much, I totally get that. Try to relax and enjoy making a baby! Even if it is through IVF, it is still making a baby sister! Very excited for you to get started! Sending positive thoughts your way!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies!

I'll do a proper update and catch up tomorrow sometime but wanted to just pop in to say that I hope everyone had a good long weekend! My MIL leaves tomorrow morning, which is sad for us all but we had a fantastic weekend. We spent a wonderful overnight in Napa, had some fantastic food and equally good wine! DH and I also managed to hit the 3-4 days leading up to my ovulation, so here's hoping this is the last of my Napa trips for a good couple of years! :bigsmile:

Anyhow off to bed, I'll be back to post a less me-centric post tomorrow am!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Woops, Sorry Mods!! Forgot about that little rule. :sick:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi guys! Just a quick post from the business center here before hitting the beach. :sun: It's so good to get away & spend some time not thinking about TTC stuff (as I post on PS's TTC forum. :rolleyes: ) It's really beautiful here--we went swimming with turtles yesterday, which was really fun. I'm starting to feel relaxed & more like me again. :appl: I hope I can bring this feeling home with me.

MP, glad you're feeling more relaxed! Can't wait to hear how your u/s goes on Friday. Keep us posted.

lizzy, hi, lady! I hope you're feeling well & baking away. Thanks for checking in on us.

Prana, good to see you! I hope you're feeling more relaxed, but we miss you here. (I totally understand it can be easier to take time away from the forums, though.)

tammy, glad you had fun with your MIL & you had a fun (and maybe productive? :naughty:) time in Napa.

Ltl, so glad the hsg went well & you had very little discomfort (and 2 open tubes!) Maybe this will be just the little push you needed. I've heard lots of stories of ladies getting KU shortly after their HSG tests.

indecisive, check out the website soul cysters. It has a lot of articles on metformin & pregnancy & clomid & pregnancy rates with pcos patients. (Do you have pcos?) I started metformin in November & did a clomid IUI cycle in December. (BFP, then miscarriage) So you can use both drugs simultaneously if you like. It you need metformin anyway for blood sugar regulation, it might be a good idea, but clomid might be faster. Good luck & keep us posted on what you decide!

Hi to everyone else! :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright - Just wanted to say that I'm glad you're enjoying your little trip and starting to feel like yourself again!! I still think about you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, ahh, you sound really good! So glad you are having fun. How can you not?! I hope you are able to bring that feeling home with you too. Sounds like this vacation was just what you needed!

Hey Prana, hope all is going well with you! Still thinking about you and hope you'll keep us posted on how you're doing.

Tammy, sounds like you had a successful trip in more ways than one! I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Lizzy, thanks for the good wishes. I’m trying my darnedest not to even think about the ultrasound because I drive myself crazy when I do. Sometimes I have a good feeling about all of it, and then other times, I start worrying about the fact my betas started off low and the spotting and virtually no symptoms, and I convince myself there won’t be a baby on the screen. I read about people who thought everything was going fine and they find out otherwise at the first ultrasound. I'm so nervous! I wish I could just wake up and have it over with! Anyway, I just keep praying that we will see a strong little heartbeat, but I know it is out of my hands.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats MP!! And totally understandable on being nervous until the 1st u/s, I found that to be the most excruciating wait..and that's without having any issues or reason for concern. What helped me (the 2nd time around) was telling myself that unless there was alot of blood (ie lots of red blood), there is no reason to worry. So each passing day was like a little victory because I was still pregnant as far as I knew and 1 day closer to u/s. Oh and with #1 I had zero symptom except cramping early on (which disappeard so I freaked out). With #2 I had even fewer symptoms except mild nausea wks 6-10. Can't wait until you get that first u/s and can't believe how they screwed up that first beta reading!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Wow, lots to catch up on from the long weekend!!

LtlF - glad the HSG was normal and not too uncomfortable! the only cool thing about mine was it was in the radiology lab at one of the big university hospitals so i got to watch all the dye live on the screen, so i knew the results immediately. next step is probably a consult with your RE, or will they run blood tests as well like fsh and estradiol?

MP - so proud of you, you're really a trooper. it really sounds like initial low betas don't mean much at all, and yours wasn't even that low! hope you're still feeling okay. i agree that work can be really isolating. apparently its been noticeable for me as 2 coworkers insisted they need to take me out to lunch because i've been too frowny. may be awkward as one knows about the first m/c but the other i haven't told at all. not sure how i'll avoid it at this point but oh well.

Bright - betas can take quite a while to go to zero. it can be an un-fun process as the hormones change (hope you haven't had the icky night sweats -- that was awful and i had no idea what it was from until i asked someone who'd been through it before). i hope you aren't experiencing that and are instead enjoying your vacation and reconnecting with your dh. i know the feeling of being both physicaly and emotionally apprehensive after being on pelvic rest and going through that experience, and it is difficult to overcome. hope its not tmi but it helped me to not go straight to bd-ing and instead have some other fun. you still get the intimacy without being worried about infection, pain, ttc, etc, and i thought it was good for getting over some of the emotional barriers.

mlk - i can understand your impatience! i needed a rubella vaccine before the doctor would let me start ttc, and even those 3 months felt like so long!! i'm sorry your hair loss is worse. i don't know much about how that works but i hope everything falls into place for you soon!

jgator - glad to hear you don't have to deal with the progesterone yuck. fingers crossed for you!!

jen - i think sticking to this board is a good plan. i found the universe of ttc boards and websites and blogs so overwhelming, not to mention here we don't have all the ridiculous (imho) signatures with our cycles or failures or little pictures of eggs growing !?!

dandi - here's hoping everything aligns for you! now the waiting!

indecisive - has your OB or GP done any testing at all, like FSH or thyroid to see if there might be other reasons for irregular cycles or anovulation? did he discuss side effects with you? sounds like maybe you will have some questions for your OB after reading through these posts. hope you find a solution that is right for you!

lizzy - thanks for the continued support on this board! hope you are cooking away!!

tammy - glad you enjoyed MIL's visit -- sounds like great fun!

AFM, trying to process the email from my bff saying that she's expecting her second. she moved away in the summer for work reasons that i don't really understand (as she doesn't actually have to work at all), and i've had increasing trouble keeping in touch with her since m/c #1. i just feel like everything comes so easily to her and most of her problems seem to be self-inflicted. she tries hard to be empathetic, but she really cannot relate to this and always seems to say something that makes me feel worse, even if unintended. i've been incommunicado the past few weeks with all this going on for a second time and haven't even shared with her that i had another m/c. i'm glad she's able to grow her family the way she wants to, but beyond maybe telling her that i really don't want to talk. i feel pretty sad about this as we've been friends since preschool. i feel like such a grinch.

in better news got my sparkly and it is awesome!! i've decided that diamonds go with everything, even t-shirts. yay!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Belated congrats, Jena! :bigsmile:

Enbcfsobe - I'm sorry about your friend. I know how much that sucks to grow apart and struggle with feeling negatively about how easily others have things. It helps to remember that there are very positive, wonderful things in our lives and our time will eventually come. *big hugs*

Bright - Hi hun! It's so good to hear that you're feeling like your old self pretty much and enjoying your LOVELY vacation! Thinking of you, as always. :))

MLK - I'm not sure about your whole situation and for that I'm sorry, but I know that Metformin actually caused hair loss for me. I'm not entirely sure how much was the medication and how much was stress/illness (got VERY sick the week of my wedding, which was 3000 miles from our home). Anyhow, it SUCKS and I can totally sympathize with that. I have noticed that since I started taking the prenatals and B complex in the past 3-4 months I have a lot of ~ 3-4 inch baby hairs all over, so hopefully you have the same!

Dandi and JGator - How's the TWW treating you two? Hopefully it's passing quickly! Is anyone else currently in the TWW? I'm so far behind!! :?

Jen - Welcome back! :))

LtlFirecracker - Glad to hear that your HSG went okay. Hopefully all the right tube needed was to be flushed out and that this is your month! Have you ovulated yet?

Prana - it's nice to see you around but I totally understand how it helps sometimes to be less focused on TTC!! I wish I'd had a chance to read the blog before it was removed.

MP!!! I simply cannot stand the wait for Friday! I'm so looking forward to hearing and maybe even seeing how your US went! Please share over on the JBP thread if you get any photos! :bigsmile: You know we lurk over there. :Up_to_something: ETA: speaking of which, I guess it's going to be on Thursday. Hurray!! Hugs and prayers to you and your DH.

Hi to anyone that I missed! I'm out of practice at this update thing and I was already bad about it to begin with! :errrr:

AFM - Trucking along at a whopping 1DPO. I got a strong + opk on Sunday night and my temp shift this morning. I'm going to assume that I ovulated in the early hours of Monday based on the last couple of months. Obviously there are no guarantees, but I feel like we truly did everything we could this cycle. It was within like 12-18 hrs of our last bd that I suspect that I ovulated, so our bases were covered! It's our first month that we haven't missed that crucial day before O, so I'm happy about that! I'm sure that if we didn't make a baby this month I'm probably going to be on edge/worried since we truly couldn't have done a better job of trying. I'm doing what I can to not focus on that just yet though! I do wish that I had some "lead time" between my + opks and ovulation, but I'm lucky to get 12 hours! :devil:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies :wavey:

Tammy, sounds like you have all your bases covered, hope you caught the egg this time. Now the wait begins!

Dandi and JGator, any symptoms yet? When are you both testing?

MP, not long to go until your u/s now. I hope the next few days fly past for you.

Bright, nice to hear you are having a great time and are feeling more like yourself. Hopefully you come back refreshed and relaxed to continue this journey.

LtlFire, it must be good to get the HSG out of the way and know one side at the very least is working.

Hi to everyone else I missed

AFM, I just got back from my appointment with the GP. I don't know whether I am in or out this month. My TSH has dropped to 0.38 but T4 and T3 are in range (but the higher end of normal). She was concerned it was too low, but she was going by the old range of 0.5 - 4.5. She just said to call the endo to ask his opinion. The thing is I went behind his back to get these tests and I think he will just tell me to wait for another 2 weeks, which will be too late.

Also, my hormones seem to be in range. FHS 4, LH 3.9, Estrogen 88 and progesterone 2. These were CD3 tests. I think this probably rules out PCOS.

All in all I guess I should be happy, but I just don't want to lose another cycle!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies! So sorry I've been slack posting, work is insane this week!!

, nope, nothing!! I'm 7dpo now so I think I'll give it until AF is due and if she doesn't appear I'll test then. Yay for ruling out PCOS, I hope you're still in this cycle! Good luck hon!!!

Hi tammy! Yep, halfway there! Sounds like you've done absolutely everything possible this cycle, go you!!!! Hope the next 2 weeks flyyyyyyyyyyyy by!!

Thanks enbcfsobe, we have our fingers and toes crossed! So sorry to hear you've been having a tough time, it's hard to be 100% thrilled for someone when you just wish it would happen for you!! Grrrr. On a happier note, I'm rapt you have your new sparkly!!! Please excuse my sieve-like memory... what did you get again? Aaaaaaand... *cough*pics?? :bigsmile:

Hi Jen! Thanks for the tip re. OPKs, I'm thinking we times it OK, but you just never really know, do ya?! Thankyou for the well wishes my love, and I hope you are well!

Bright, I'm not sure if you saw the thread in SMTB about FancyDiamond's amaaaaaazing diamond earring jackets, but I'm having them made, for smaller earrings than hers, but I am way excited!! It's my first custom project with CADs and everything, it's a little bit fancy shmancy for me! Glad things are starting up again for you my dear, I can only imagine how emotionally nerve wracking the whole thing must be, given what you've recently been going through. BIG HUGS for you!!!

mp, there will be pictures, doncha worry about that!! :D Surviving the ol' 2ww, so far so good, not too neurotic yet! I hope you're well, my love!

indecisive, me-centric posts are no problem, know that we are all here for you honey!! I don't have any advice re. clomid/metformin, but I just wanted to extend my support to you during such a trying time. HUGS!!!

Thanks LtlF, the 2ww is cruising along nicely! A frantic week at work is helping with that one :) I'm so glad your HSG wasn't too bad. I hope you're keeping well, love!

, I hope your 2ww is flying along!! Where are you at in the wait? Fingers and toes all crossed for you!!!!
And I'm just plodding along on CD7, a nuts week at work has kept me mighty distracted!! Hello to any other lovely ladies I may have missed! :wavey: