
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Holy sh*t, MP! What a COMPLETE ROLLERCOASTER you've been on. An ERROR?! That's insane! But what happy news about your HGC levels--we know that you CAN get pregnant and I'm sending every ounce of possible dust that you are in fact still pregnant and that this bean sticks!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Wow wow wow!!! Fantastic update, MP! Just looking at, median reported beta for 17dpo is 297, but the range is 5-9000. I think your number is just fine! Congrats and praying for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mp, I'm so excited to hear your news! I was wondering if it was an error at the lab as it just seemed so improbable to have bfps & a negative beta. Sending you all kinds of sticky dust that this little bean is here to stay after all! :appl:
Are you going to go back on the progesterone? Sounds like your level was good there, though, so maybe it's not necessary?
Crossing fingers, toes, legs & eyes for you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, HUUUUGE news! SUPER STICKIES DUST TO YOU!!! I 100% agree with Tammy, maybe they can get you in tomorrow or Weds. I totally do'nt see why they're going to make you (and by default us :Up_to_something: ) wait until FRIDAY! Sending you all the stickiest dust in the world to you!!!

Are they going to have you go back on the Prometrium. Do ask your NP about that too.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, what a wild ride! I'm sending lots of sticky, healthy dust your way and hope to hear good news from you later this week.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, yeah!!! I am so happy/relieved for you. I am sending bucket loads of sticky dust and prayers your way. :appl: Best news!!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you so much JGator, Puppmom, LC, Bright, amc, NEL, Tammy and Lizzy!!! I’ll take all of the prayers and dust I can get! You read about these things, but I never imagined that the lab would actually get it wrong. This kind of stuff does not happen to me. At 17dpiui, my beta is not at all impressive, but I am definitely trying to stay positive and remember that this is good news no matter what because it confirms I can get pregnant. To those who asked, the NP said to get back on the progesterone as a precaution. I still had them in my purse from Friday, so I immediately used one after the call. Good thing my level is still decent, or I would have been furious with the lab. I’m actually okay with not going in until Friday for another blood test. After the roller coaster ride I’ve been on, I think it will do me some good to just wait it out and see what happens on Friday, rather than stressing about it again on Wednesday, and it will be more definitive that way.

Bright, I’m so sorry you’re having bladder issues. I've had a couple bladder infections, and it is the most uncomfortable feeling ever. Do you feel like you have to go to go the bathroom even when you just used it and does it feel like you can't empty your bladder? That's how mine was. Drink lots of water and unsweetened cranberry juice! The good news is that if you do have an infection, the antibiotics should clear it up quickly. Hoping for a speedy recovery for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, I'm sure the wait sucks but lady at least for now you're officially PREGNANT! I love saying that. ::)

Bright, you can also get some cranberry extract pills if you don't want to drink the juice (I'm not a huge fan of the flavor myself). I'm glad you're getting antibiotics though since these things just tend to resurface unless knocked out. Unfortunately infection is a big risk for any catheter. You certainly deserve that vacation SOON!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Major dust for a good beta on Friday MP! That is insane about the error at the lab, but with so many positive tests we all knew something was up. Doubling Dust!!!

And Bright, I second the comments on bladder infections - in 2010 I had appendicitis and once I was a little better from that surgery I got a bad bladder infection. I actually urinated blood right at the same tine I started feeling symptoms, though with spotting you may not be able to tell what's coming from where. Do get checked, it's a really simple urine culture, then another simple antibiotic course to clear it. Usually you feel better really soon after you start the meds. I did take the cranberry pills as well as drink the juice, and I kept up with the pills for a few months afterward since tehyre good overall for the urinary tract. Indignities on top of indignities, right?!

But a Caribbean trip sounds like the Perfect antidote to the rollercoaster! May I ask where you're planning to go? I lived in St Thomas for 5 years so ask away if you have any ???

Welcome Trekkie! The knowledge and support here is awesome, I feel priveliged to be part of the community here :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

And here are my pics!

This AM I used 2 wondfo's and 2 FRER's, it wasn't FMU but was within about 30 minutes of waking up.

Wondfo's showed 2 dark lines instantly, and the FRER's showed dark test lines, but the control lines were lighter. But a line's a line!

After feeling nervous and wndering what's happening and if it's real all day, I got some more tests this afternoon, and decided to see how they would come out without FMU. Well my last Wondfo came up with 2 lines like a champ so I decided to go ahead and try a digi. The nerd in me took out the stopwatch since the instructions said it takes 3 minutes to show a result. Well after less than a minute I got the magic word!

I really cannot believe that this has happened, I was convinced I wasn't ovulating at all. I also (not so secretly) would LOVE twins, so maybe there's something to those dark lines :naughty: I also unfortunatley have no idea what my dates would be, since I haven't even been tracking when we bd'd and honestly, it hasn't been much the past 2 weeks. I'm assuming I'm at least 3 weeks along since I got a BFN 2 weeks ago on the 24th.

I don't know why the pics are coming up sideways, I'll have to get better at posting pics since I'll be in Bump Day Wednesday soon!

Major dust that this starts another BFP Boom!


digi pm.JPG
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats Rachel & MP!!!!!

Oh MP! I'm SOOOOOO thrilled for you! I suppose you're right, but I really cannot WAIT until Friday! You're so much better collected than I am. How's your DH handling everything? LOL He must but something like: :eek: :appl: :errrr: :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP - Wow, what a rollercoster. That is just wild. But I am so glad that your beta is positive!!!! I am holding luck for you Friday.

Rachel - Congrats to you as well! I know after trying for awhile, it can be weird getting a positive result, but it is there!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats Rachel! So exciting!

MP I just had to go back 5 pages to read all of your updates. What a roller coaster! I too had a beta roller coaster and it is not fun. I was always like, how can we not know whether I am pregnant or not? Isn't it just black and white? And whle it is, it isn't entirely. I sincerely hope the bleeding was implantation and that you've got a sticky beanut in there. Pulling for you and sending dust!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

wow mp!! what a rollercoaster ride you've been on - no other way to describe it. But I'm glad to hear about the postive beta! And it's great that your progesterone level was good too. I'ts really not good that the lab made that mistake, though. What if you had gone out and drank glasses of wine and consumed other non-pregnancy-friendly things? Hmm... Anyway, praying that your beta continues to rise the way it should!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkey, hooray for the great news. What a turnaround. I cannot believe you are so graceful considering the error the lab and your dr have made. If your betas are rising and the lines getting darker on the tests, then that is great news. As you said, at the very least you have beena ble to get pregnant. Fingers crossed for your sticky bean and rising betas. Thanks for your analysis of my chart. there have been a few temps which were probably not consistent. The weather here has been very changeable so I am sure that may have something to do with it together with just waking up too early of a morning (plus a neighbours alarms going off at 5am). I don't think it was a good O, considering my temps are still pretty low. Does that mean low progesterone? I am sure I o'd nevertheless because there was EWCM and a positive OPK.

Rachel, congratulations on the BFP. This thread needed some great news like that! Wishing you a healthy and sticky 9 months!

Bright, sorry to hear that you are suffering some discomfort after the procedure. Hopefully you can now concentrate on your upcoming vacation to the carribean (somewhere I have always wanted to go) and once you return on your next and hopefully positive cycle. Unfortunately I am out this month and not in the TWW but thanks for your well wishes anyway.

JGator, hoping for a good upcoming week for you and that you have good BD timing and catch the eggie!

Trekkie, welcome to the thread. Great to have another newbie here. Hope your stay is short and sweet! :wavey:

AFM, 4 or 5 DPO, although no TWW for me. I am really hoping that what they say about your first cycle being the most fertile after coming off BCP is not true. This is taking all the patience I have not starting trying this month. I think I am definately going to see my GP when CD3 comes to get all my tests run again - thyroid tests, hormones and insulin resistance. At least if the TSH is around 2, I am going start trying next cycle and not tell then endo when I see him just after I ovulate. I really don't want to miss next month too because he made me wait to see him until 6 weeks. If things are similar next cycle, I will probably ovulkate a few days before my appointment.

Well I have not had a drastic increase in my temps. I have another appointment with the acupuncturist/nautropath tomorrow night, so it will be interesting to see if she thinks the vitex helped. I felt so much happier after seeing her last time, so hopefully I will feel the same way tomorow. Not sure my bank balance will feel the same way though!

Better get back to work. Hope to hear more good news when I check in tomorrow :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP!! Goodness me, my love, what an emotional time for you! HUUUUUUUUUUGE bucketloads of dust that everything is alright!!!
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! rachel!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!!

Welcome Trekkie, I hope your stay here is short and sweet! Good luck, hon!!

Thinking of you Bright, sorry to hear you're still uncomfortable. Enjoy your time away, WOW the carribean!? Amazing!

Good luck with all of your appointments mlk, I hope they continue to keep you feeling as positive as they have so far!
Big hugs and well wishes to everyone else! :wavey:
AFM, just trucking along on CD5, I haven't been temping or charting, and won't until I'm back on board. Good luck to everyone else!! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks so much for the warm welcome! Wow, things move fast in this thread.

Congratulations to missrachelk and monkeyprincess on your positive tests! Sending lots of super sticky dust your way!

I hope the rest of us are soon to follow!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP - Oh my gosh! Praying for MORE good news from you!!! So excited for you. My beta at 16dpo was only 120ish, if that helps you any. Mine sounded low to me, but it doubled in 48 hours. My hcg levels started out low, but I never had them checked again after the first two times. I never got all the normal pregnancy symptoms, so maybe my hcg levels have always been on the "lower" side? Not sure how all that works. Anyway, thinking so many positive thoughts for you. I can't believe they're making you wait until Friday though!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So many people to respond to. This is going to be a long one!

Missy, thanks! Seeing your numbers does make me feel a little better. I looked at so many sites last night to see what low betas have meant for other people (usually doesn't bode well), but I'm just going to prayer that what is meant to be will be for this little bean.

Trekkie, thanks for the congratulations. I so hope that you and all of the other ladies don’t have long to wait for BFPs!

Dandi, thanks! Hoping your test/procedure goes well and that you get right back on board soon!

MLK, temping is definitely an acquired skill, and it is not a very reliable method for everyone. Assuming you get AF about 10-16 days after your suspected ovulation day, then you can assume the OPK was correct. I think it is too soon to worry about progesterone at this point. If you have spotting during your LP or your LP seems short, then you might want to look into it, but remember that this first cycle off BC might be a little unpredictable, so you will probably have to wait another month or two before your cycle gets straightened out. Your time is coming soon, and don’t worry, in most cases, I don’t think there is any truth to whole “you’re more fertile in the first month off BC” thing.

Sha, thanks! You are so right about the lab error thing. Good thing I kept taking tests over the weekend and didn’t drink away my sorrows. DH and I were talking about how, while in this case, the error didn’t have any consequences, in a lot of cases, an erroneous blood test result could be disastrous. Completely unacceptable!

Meg, thanks! I remember your crazy beta results from your miscarriage cylce. It reminds me of that commercial one of the HPT companies had where the lady said, “There’s no such thing as a little pregnant.” So NOT true! I'm so glad you have a sticky little bean in there this time. I saw your ultrasound pic. So sweet!

Firecracker, how are things going with you? Are you still in the 2WW or have you started your testing yet? Hoping for good things for you soon lady! There are so many ladies on here deserving of BFPs, and I prayer that we all get sticky BFPs soon!

LC, ha! DH doesn’t know what to think! I can tell he is worried that I’m going to have a breakdown if this ends up in miscarriage, which isn’t the case, but he is definitely trying to keeping his and my expectations in check. He is constantly reminding me that no matter what, we are farther than we have ever been, and we weren't even sure if this was a possibility a month ago.

Rachel, there’s no mistaking those BFPs. I feel really good about this for you. I’m guessing your betas are going to be very pleased with your beta results. For reference, I’m 18dpo, and my FRER test line is just now finally almost as dark as the control line. It started off so faint that I was convinced I had made a mistake.

Tammy, thanks. You’re so sweet! You will definitely be in my thoughts this cycle!

Bright, hope you’re feeling better lady! Can't wait until you are back to TTC (as soon as you feel ready for it of course).

JGator, thinking of you and hope you are growing some nice follicles!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MP, I'm hoping for the best for you!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Girls!

Just a quick fly by, trying to behave while at work! :devil: Anyhow, wanted to say nice BFPs, Rachel!! I have line envy! :bigsmile: MP, are you going to POAS for progression this week or are you somehow managing to just let it all go until Friday? Bright, I hope you're feeling better!!! Trekkie, welcome! I hope your stay is short and sweet. ::)

MLK, add me to the list of those that don't believe in the whole "more fertile the first month after BC" thing. I know it wasn't the case for me but I stressed myself out SO much for nothing worrying that I wasn't doing everything right to catch that first month. For me, my first cycle after BC didn't even have a long enough LP to sustain a pregnancy (it was only 9 days) and my ovulation was way late. Subsequent months have had much healthier temp shifts (stronger ovulation, I think?), better ovulation dates of CD 14-16 and most importantly imo, a nice healthy 13day LP. I was on Yaz though, which REALLY thinned out my lining (I think it was 5mm the first time I ovulated). I noticed my periods have gotten a bit heavier, but are still manageable and I just chalk it up to my body being back in the groove of making a nice healthy lining next month! ;)) Anyhow, the bottom line is that even if you can't officially try, you're not sitting idly by. You're temping, your helping your body and reproductive system get healthier and when you finally get the green light, you'll know your cycles well enough to have already worked out the kinks of timing, etc. Phew, I'm long winded...sorry! :oops:

AFM: CD 3 is surprisingly easy compared to the first two days. Cramps are gone and my energy level is decent! As I mentioned above, I definitely notice that I have a more substantial period, but I don't think it's a bad thing. I think what I had the first couple of months may have been lacking to the point of too thin lining wise for implanting. I might be grasping at straws, but it makes sense to me! What else? Oh, trying guaifenesin (generic Robitussin) this cycle. I noticed for some reason that by 2 days prior to O my CM was not really fertile quality so I want to try to fix that. I think I'm also going to ditch the soft cups, but the jury's still out on that for now!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, glad you are feeling good about this cycle. Thanks for reminding me about Robitussin. I am going to add that to my daily regime. All along, I have been taking Royal Jelly and my pre-natals and I also drink grapefruit juice the week of ovulation. This cycle I added Vitex - taking it 3 times/day. I do think I have a lack of CM so hopefully the Robitussin, grapefruit juice, Royal Jelly, and Vitex will help! We'll see. I started the Clomid on CD 3 this time around - I think it was CD 5 last time so I may ovulate earlier than usual depending on how my follicles look on Friday. Glad you are feeling good about this cycle.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, :wavey: thanks for the shout out on Show me the Bling. I never updated that post with my wedding band...need to do that one of these days. Hope all is going well for you. Any luck with getting over the UTI? I didn't notice anything after my D&C, but I did have some irritation after the HSG - I think there was a catheter involved with that procedure.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Monkey, just stopping by with a HUGE HUG for you. I will be waiting anxiously to hear how Friday's test goes. Sending you some sticky bean dust!

Congrats to Rachel! There is nothing like seeing that magic word on the digi. ;))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

We're going to have to come up with a new 'jerkstore'type name for me here.

Beta is 8000 and they are having me go In Tomorrow for US do not pass go do not wait for doubling!!

My mind is blown. Progesterone was 13 and they want to see 15 or higher so I'll start that once my pharmacy gets it in tomorrow.

I forgot to ask how far along this beta indicates but I guess well see in the morning. I can't help but wonder if there's more than one in there. Now I'm wishing I took a frer on the 24 th as well as a cheapo maybe frer would have picked up something. Who knows.

I apparently have plenty of dust to share so I'm spreading it to all of you!

I guess I'll report over to jbp and will also update you all on my us results
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I've been lurking for quite some time just to know someone else is going through all the highs and lows of this process. I'm not sure I'm really ready to talk about what's been going on with me.
JGator, I de-lurked specifically because you said you were taking both vitex and clomid. I know I have read in several places that these two don't mix and can potentially cancel out each others' positive effects on ovulation. If you've already discussed this with your RE then just ignore me, I'm no doctor. But I know you've been waiting and trying and I wouldn't want anything to jeopardize that accidentally.
((goes back into hiding))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, I think that’s a good sign that your AF seems to be getting back to normal. Ever since I started Yaz (about 4 years ago), my AF has been super short and light (2-2.5 days max), and it stayed that way even after quitting about a year ago. If you’re on the fence, maybe you can go half and half with the instead cups this month. Definitely worth trying Robitussin or Mucinex this cycle!

JGator, I have taken clomid starting on CD3 and CD4, and I didn’t really notice a difference in O day, but maybe since you started two days earlier, you will. So hoping your sticky bean is ready and waiting this cycle!

Prana, thanks! How are you doing by the way? Hope your SIL still doing well!

Mannequin, thanks lady! You must be getting close to meeting your little guy. Hope all is well.

Rachel, whoa! I’ve done extensive research on this beta thing in the past 24 horus, so I can tell you that the range is so wide that it would be hard for them to date your pregnancy based on the betas. The ultrasound should give you a good idea tomorrow. Congrats again lady!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Rachel- I thought your betas would be really high based on your dark test lines. In my experience, the test line and control lines are about equal at around a 500 level...yours are obviously much higher than that. Very interested to hear how far along you are. Maybe there's more than one in there?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi, enbcfsobe, thanks for chiming in on my clomid and vitex combo. My doctor doesn't know about all my other stuff I take other than Clomid and Prenatals. Thanks for letting me know - I appreciate it. Hope I didn't mess up my cycle! And, happy to meet you. :wavey:

MP, on my first Clomid cycle I took it on CD 3 and triggered on CD 12. Last time I started Clomid on CD 6 and triggered on CD 14. I hope I do Ovulate this weekend due to DH's work travel schedule. I guess I'll know more on Friday. Have you POASed lately? Any updates or holding out till Friday for the NP visit?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yay MP!! I've been lurking for the past week silently cheering you on from the gallery!! So happy for you that there has been a positive turn in events and I shall pray for you that this pregnancy continues to grow stronger everyday and I'll send you truck loads of sticky dust!!! :appl: :appl:

So so so happy for you! Your time is here lady. :))