
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Good Luck tomorrow Jen!!! Keep us posted on the egg count after retrieval!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, hope your DH's SA comes back with psitive results. I am of the opinion that knowledge is power. You can never have enough of it (except from Dr Google). Why wait for all the tests if they are going to show up something now (which I am sending you dust that they wont). If something does show up then you can get treated straight away and not wasting any unnecessary time.

JGator, wow 5 weeks, you must be getting so excited now for your ultrasound. Thanks for sharing your experiences when coming off BCP.

Jen, good luck with your retrieval tomorrow. I am very interested in the whole process (don't know if I will ever need it myself so good to have some idea just in case) so please keep sharing as much as you are comfortable sharing.

Dandi, yay for CD5, so much more closer to O than last week! I guess I know that you can have anovulatory cycles, but when my last cycle was only 29 days and I had a definate O, I didn't expect not to O this time. I too used to have a week long AF pre BCP. Now I am down to about 3 days. I hope that is not going to be a problem.

Prana, thanks for your wishes. Good luck with the acupuncture. I am wishing I was seeing my acupuncturist this week so she could change up things and maybe get me to O but I am not seeing her for another week and a half.

Monkey, thanks for sharing your experiences too. How long did your cycles become after the first? How is bubs going?

AFM, CD20 here and still no sign of O. I got frustrated yesterday and brought one of those saliva microscopes, which is supposed to give you wwarning of O 3 days before. Well that was telling me I am not in that window! So together with negative OPKs and low low temps, not sure what is going on. I have had so much EWCM the last week, I keep on thinking it is around the corner and then getting let down.

I had my follow up appointment with the endo yesterday. My TSH has dropped even loweer to 0.15. He said he was very happy with that and would like it as low, so he is not changing anything. I did get the ok from him to TTC, and I next have to see him when I get pregnant or in three months. Hopefully I will be seeing him sooner than that!

Does anyone know what you are supposed to do if you don't O by a certain time in your cycle, should you prevent say after CD24 due to poor quality of eggs? Also at what stage should I see the dr if AF does not come? can an ordinary gp prescribe something to bring on AF, or do you have to go to a gyno?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi again everyone. Thanks for all of your support.

lizzy - thanks again for all your feedback. Compared to some things I hear, it seems like getting 4 high quality blasts is really great, so you did really well! I think it's pretty common to lose about half the fertilized eggs on the way to blast, but then again, I'm no doctor so I'm just going by tidbits and posts I've seen online. I'm so excited that at this time tomorrow I'll at least have some info on how many eggs they got. Quick question - I know everyone is different, but I'm curious how you felt the day after the retrieval. I'm planning to go into work that day, but is that a safe bet? I'm not sure what to expect. I told them as of right now I'd go in but to be prepared for that to change if it needs to!

enbcfsobe - I'm also a baseball fan, but I have to admit have been following much less closely for the past several years. I used to be kind of obsessive! How did your haircut go?

JGator - so happy to see your excellent beta results!! You must be so excited for your ultrasound on Friday. Lol to the "Trips." Any news on the new car? Thanks for your thoughts and good egg vibes. :))
Yes, we do plan on freezing as many good blastocysts as we can... if everything goes perfectly I'm hopeful this is the only time we'll ever have to "cycle" as we are now. We are also only planning on implanting one embryo. My clinic only does blastocyst (5 or 6 day) transfers now, and considering that plus the fact that we are doing pre-genetic testing of the embryos, we feel a single embryo transfer is the best option for us. My RE said that would give us a 60-70% chance of pregnancy vs transferring two which would be a 70-80% chance (but a MUCH higher chance of twins).

Dandi - Thanks for all the well wishes. I have to say I am a little confused AF was longer on the pill than off for you... it was the opposite for me. However, there definitely seems to be very little that is "normal" in the first months coming off the pill.. seems like it could go either way.

Prana - So sorry to hear your sadness through your post. :(( I know how difficult this process can be. It is great news that your day 3 bloodwork and HSG checked out, as well as your DH's SA, though I understand how it can add to the frustration of why you haven't gotten your BFP yet. Sending you hugs and good thoughts.

MP - haha thank you for the early-ovulation dust! I really appreciate it and welcome it, as I am still nervous despite telling myself a million times to trust the doctors that do this all day long. How are you hanging in?

mlk - I wish I could better answer your questions!.. that's so frustrating (and confusing) to have so much EWCM and no other sign of O. I'm curious to see what the other girls know about preventing if you O late in a cycle. I'm glad to hear that your endo cleared you to TTC. I hope you see him sooner than 3 months too!

tammy - Dust for DHs SA. Sorry that witch AF showed.

Bright - Thinking of you.

AFM, excited for tomorrow. Don't feel nervous about the procedure itself, only about the results. Just want everything to work out well, of course. I will update everyone on how many eggs we got when I'm back.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Just checking in quickly to say hi to everyone & wish Jen good luck tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you. Let us know how it goes!

I'll try to post more tomorrow. Sending good thoughts to everyone. :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey ladies

I've been keeping off this thread because I don't quite know what's happening with me. I'm quite sad and emotional and trying to control it because I don't want to spiral into full blown depression because I know that will just set things back further.

AF is still not here and I'm now 11 days overdue. I've peed on just about every stick I can find and they all give back a big fat negative. I have a doctor's appointment scheduled for this afternoon so I guess I'll discuss my concerns with him. Thanks for thinking of me, I appreciate more than you know.

Good luck to everyone here and I'll be thinking of you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jen, you may want to stay home today to take it easy. I did not have a lot of cramping, but some. For me, it was an emotional day so I preferred to be home relaxing and unwinding.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thinking of you Jen, and sending you lots of dust for a successful retrieval!

Hi Bright, thinking about you, and cannot wait for you to be back in the TTC game and to be cheering you on!

Trekkie, sorry you're having a hard time. I wouldn't get too worried just yet. It is likely you either haven't ovulated yet this cycle, or you had an annovulatory cycle. How long have you been off BC? Sometimes it takes awhile for your cycle to regulate. Hopefully your doctor will have some good insight for you. Hugs.

MLK, my cycles have never been very long - usually 25-26 days, and they returned to that for the first few cycles off BC, but then O started to get a little later and later, so instead of CD12 or CD13, it was getting to be more like CD16 or 17 before I started taking clomid, which moved O to CD13 or CD14. My AF was at least 5 days before I went on BC, during BC it shortened to about 2 days, and after BC, it continued to be pretty short at 2-3 days. I have no idea why that was or if it was causing any of my problems. As for you, with all that EWCM, it seems like your body is maybe trying to ovulate but not quite getting there. Plenty of woman have gotten pregnant after a longer cycle, so I don't think I would be too concerned about that if I were you. Chances are if it is not a good quality egg it will not fertilize and implant properly. Hang in there, you are just getting started, and it might take awhle for everything to regulate. The good news is that you are keeping track of your cycles, so you will be able to start detecting patterns and have more information to share with your doctor if need be. Glad your thyroid is looking so good! That's a positive step!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MLK, make sure you keep getting your blood tested every 4 weeks after you get your BFP to stay on top of your TSH. In my recent research on's message center for Thyroid Issues in the Welcome/Getting Started sticky thread, it has the following advice. Major takeaways - don't take thyroid meds at same time as Prenatals as the Iron/Calcium in Prenatals interferes with the absorption of thyroid replacement. And, see your doctor every 4 weeks as your TSH will likely go up when pregnant.

I was taking my Prenatal and Syntrhoid at same time until I read this yesterday. I have only been on Synthroid for a week though.

Quick Tips:
- the new, improved and updated lab ranges are 0.3 - 3.0
- when ttc/pregnancy, ideally, your TSH will be below 2.5 and your Free T's will be in the upper third of the range your lab uses
- most endos prefer their pregnant and ttc patients have a TSH between 1 - 2
- the Free T4 (FT4) and Free T3 (FT3) will better determine how your thyroid is functioning; most of us feel best when our Free T's are at least mid-range, if not upper range
- while pregnant, you should have your levels checked every four weeks
- get a copy of your labwork, for your records (Free T ranges vary from lab to lab)
- consider seeing an endo if your pcp (a) doesn't have a TSH between 1 - 2 as a goal; (b) doesn't want to check your levels once/month while pregnant, (c) if your thyroid proves difficult to regulare or (d) if you're hyperthyroid
- take your thyroid replacement first thing in the morning (an hour before eating/drinking) and your prenatals in the evening (at least four hours from your thyroid replacement OR
- consider taking your synthetic T4 right before bed, on an empty stomach
- if you're hyperthyroid, remember that in general, it's better to be slightly hyper while pregnant than hypo (ideally, your endo will regulate your Free T's to the upper third of the range your lab uses)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, looking forward to hearing from you. Did you ever get your sparkly?

MP, hi! How are you feeling?

Jen, good luck today. Hope they harvest some good quality eggies today. No word back on the car, I think they didn't like our offer which was a bit lower than they were asking.

Trekkie, keep us posted on your doctor's appointment. That must be so frustrating.

MLK, I don't think you should prevent if you end up having a long cycle.

AFM, not much new here. My ultrasound is in 3 days!!! I'll probably POAS today as I haven't had any blood work since last Friday and I'm so worried about the bean. I haven't had many symptoms. Last time, I had acne - this time - no acne. I think I had heart burn too. This time, no heart burn. I get slight nausea about once or twice a day, but that's it really. And, some strange crampy feelings too once in a while. More often, when I sleep on my stomach. I had those last time too.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey everyone, just wanted to give an update. I'm back from retrieval and they retrieved 28 eggs. I was so relieved everything went smoothly that I started crying when they told me. I don't know how many of the 28 are mature/able to be fertilized.
I'm in quite a bit more pain than I expected and have a date with my couch for the rest of the day.

Lizzy, oh definitely I'm taking it easy today, I wasn't clear... It is tomorrow I'm wondering about. But at this point I'm going to play it by ear and not push anything.

Thanks to all for keeping me in your thoughts!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jen, whoa, that's a lot of eggs! Hoping you have some nice follicles/blastocysts to pick from in 5 days. Hope you are able to get some rest today.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey guys. 

I'm feeling a bit frustrated today. I had a beta last Monday that came back at 9. I went in for a follow up yesterday & really expected my hcg to have zeroed out by then. Well, yesterday's level was a 6.34. So no I has no idea how long it will be before it goes to 0 & AF arrives. It's already been over a month since my D&C & I'm starting to get antsy & worried this will take a really long time. 

Trekkie, so sorry about the roller coaster ride lately. Sometimes it can take your cycles a while to regulate after coming off bcp & since you have pcos it's even harder to know what to expect. I hope your appointment with your doc is helpful & you're feeling better soon. Keep is posted. Hugs. 

Mlk, ditto to what MP said about late ovulation. My first cycle off bcp was 28 days & I think I ovulated (wasn't charting then so can't be sure). After that, my cycles lengthened & ranged between 32-39 days. Also, my af would range from 5-7 days with regular flow & 2-3 days of really light flow. I did seem to have some anovulatory cycles. I forget-are you temping? That could help you determine whether you're o'ing or not. 

Jgator, thanks for checking on me & for sharing your experience. I'm starting to stress about things taking longer than expected to return to normal. 
My sparkly is still in progress, which is fine. Something to look forward to. 
I hope your u/s goes well. Glad you're feeling ok for the most part. The bouts of nausea are probably a good sign.  Keep us posted & good luck with the car!

Mp, how are you doing? Still feeling well? When's your next u/s? So exciting!
Thanks for thinking of me, sweetie. 

Jen, holy cow-28 eggs! That's amazing! Hoping you have lots of fertilized eggs. When do you get an update? Also hoping you're feeling better soon. Hugs. 

Prana, so sorry you're having s rough time. I'm glad to hear that you & your dh's tests came back so stellar but that must be frustrating to have everything check out ok but still not be pg. I think clomid is worth a shot (& the pills are inexpensive without insurance) as it can increase egg quality & improve ovulation. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the little extra push you need to get your bfp. Hugs to you & hope you & your SIL can be preggo buddies soon. 

Dandi, as I mentioned to Mlk above, my af has really varied after coming off the pill. That said, I think I've had more flow (better lining) since starting acupuncture. 

Ltl, how are your temps doing? I hope I did indeed bring you some luck. Duet to you. 

Tammy, so sorry af arrived. Hugs. I'm glad you & your dh are getting tested. Has he done his sa yet? Better to have all the info so you know how to move forward. Thinking of you. 

enbcfsobe, thanks for sharing your experience with me. I really hope I don't have to wait another month for af to show, but it's beyond my control. 
The vacation definitely helped take my mind off things but I'm trying to find ways to lift the weight now that I'm back home. 
I'm glad you're enjoying acupuncture. Has your dh gone yet? How's the new haircut?

Hi to anyone I forgot!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, my doc only does follow up beta levels if you miscarry naturally so I didn't have my levels checked. Did your doc express any concern about your beta? AF showed up exactly 6 weeks after the D&C for me. If I remember right, my doc said that was about when to expect it.

Confession - I never went for my follow up check. I just couldn't. :(sad I'm assuming all is well now because AF has been regular since and I went back to ovulating when I usually do...with the exception of this month and I think it was related to illness. I had a terrible cold (flu maybe?) for about 4 days leading up to my usual O date so I'm pretty sure that's what pushed it off.

ETA - are you charting/temping? Maybe that'll give you an idea of what's going on.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jen, wow! That's a lot of eggs! Great job. When do you find out how many they fertilized? Will they fertilize them today? And, then you wait 5-6 days before PGD? Take it easy today. I hope you are feeling better soon.

Bright, sorry AF is taking her sweet time. I am hopeful based on those numbers that you will get down to 0 in another 2 weeks. Since you already went from 9 to 6 in 1 week. I'm sure AF will be here before you know it. I never had a followup beta post MC so I was totally in the dark on when AF might possibly arrive. I tried OPKs and charted, but they were of no help whatsoever - no lines and very erratic temps. Can't wait to hear about your sparkly once it's finished.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jen, congrats on an awesome egg count!!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Pupp, thanks for sharing & hugs to you. The nurse at my re's office said the beta was coming down nicely, but I missed her call, so didn't get to ask questions. I guess if 6 weeks is a reasonable expectation for af to arrive, I still have another couple of weeks to wait. (2ww anyone?)  I haven't been charting or temping since the d&c. Just can't bring myself to do it & I'm not even sure if it would be helpful. I guess it's possible I could o this month, but since I didn't get pg in a year of charting & trying naturally, I'm assuming this month wouldn't be any different. 

Jgator, thanks. That makes me feel better about not charting. I was surprised at how slowly it seems to be going down the last few points. I'm hoping it will hit 0 in a week or 2. Just makes it hard to plan especially since the next cycle will be another iui with lots of doctor appointments. 

Thanks for your support, ladies!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Morning ladies (well my morning anyway).

Jen, congrats on retrieving 28 eggs. That sounds like a great number. When do you expect a transfer (I hope that is the right terminology)?

Bright, sorry to hear that your levels still ahven't zeroed out. The good news is however that they are continuing to reduce and at least are not too far off zero. When I put my problems into persepctive, they are nothing compared to what you are experiencing. You are so strong and coping with this with such grace.

Monkey, thanks for sharing your cycle history. Do you have PCOS? If you were still ovulating, what reason did your RE give you for prescribing clomid? If I recall correctly, you were also on metformin, was that because you had IR, PCOS or both? My drs won't prescribe anything for the IR, which I am worried may be still causing issues.

JGator, thans for the helpful info on thyroid. I must admit I am taking my prenatals, vitex and other vitamins about 2 hours after my synthroid, so maybe I will swap them till later in the day. It is good to hear that being slightly hyper is better than hypo, I guess that was where my endo was coming from. Hopefully being slightly hyper may let me finally lose some excess weight too. Yay 3 days till ultrasound!

Trekkie, if you have PCOS is it possible you haven't o'd yet? Are you temping?

Hi to everyone else, Tammy, Dandi, Enfbscobe and anyone else I missed :wavey:

AFM, CD21 here. More EWCM. Negative OPK but seems darker than the last week's ones. Does anyone know what effect FMU has on OPKs. Everything I have read says not to use FMU but it seems that is because the LH is not detectable until later in the day. I tested this monring with FMU and was much darker than all the others. Just hanging out until I can test again later in the day.

I have been temping the whole cycle and my temps are very erratic. For the last week, every second or third day my temps drop very low 35.95 celcius (96.7 farenheit) and then go up within a day or two. Last month when I o'd my temps dropped 2-3 days before O and the day of O, so I am starting to think that my body is trying to O but not getting there for whatever reason. There is no other reason to think of why my temps are going so low/jumping around. I have also had EWCM everyday for the last week.

Also, has anyone ever used those saliva microscopes? If so, I would really like to hear what you think of them. So far, I have been getting negatives, no transition ferning at all.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator, not too much longer to wait for your ultrasound. I understand the need for assurance. I was a complete POAS-aholic for the first couple of weeks. I went through an insane number of tests. One thing I'll caution you against is reading too much into the darkness of the line. I was convinced my hcg was not going up at one point because the line didn't seem to be getting darker only to find my hcg at that time was tripling every two days! After that, DH forbade me from taking any more tests :) Yours may very well be darker, but just know that it doesn't necessarily mean anything if it is not.

Bright, darnit! That sucks that your hcg hasn't zeroed out yet. I can't even imagine how much the waiting sucks for you right now, but it can't hold out forever, and I soon you will be back on track. Hugs.

MLK, nope, I do not have PCOS and I never took metformin. Maybe you're thinking of Bright. Also, I'm not sure what IR stands for, but I do not believe I have that either :? My bloodwork came back normal, I didn't have cysts on my ovaries, and I actually seem to ovulate every cycle, so that wasn't the problem, but my nurse practitioner thought clomid might help because I would produce more follicles and therefore have more targets. I took it two months without success. The next month, I used a combination of clomid, hcg trigger, and IUI, and it did the trick.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ladies, I just got a definate positive OPK. Looks like I am back on this month. Haven't BD'd since Sunday, so will have to get DH onto it tonight and tomorrow .

Sorry for all my premature drama, you have all been very supportive and full of advice!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mlk, that's great news! Get on it, lady! :naughty:

Mp, thanks, sweetie! ::)

So, I don't think I mentioned that I've been breaking out for the past few days. Not sure if that was because of the crazy hormones or perhaps my skin rebelling from all of the sunscreen on vacay. I've also been having some weird cramping & today I had a good bit of Ewcm.
I'm so confused. :confused:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MLK, yeah for a positive OPK! You are in it this cycle! Good luck catching that egg.

Bright, maybe AF is on her way. Sounds promising. Funny that we are hoping for AF on this thread. Usually it's the other way around!

MP, I only have the CBE digital tests left (with the Pregnant/Not Pregnant words on them) so no analysis of the line color happening over here which is probably a good thing! I did get a Pregnant this afternoon when I broke down and tested.

Hi, to everyone else :wavey: Hope all is well.
Hey Ladies,

Can anyone recommend a good BBT? I was so devastated a few weeks ago when my dog chewed up my lucky purple BBT from target! I fully realize I must be cray-cray to be so attached to a thermometer, but I was so sad when it happened! Anyway, I had a backup from Walgreens but it gave me the same exact temp several times so I questioned it's accuracy. I went back to target to find that they no longer sell the purple one so I got the new Up and Up brand one. This one is giving me temps that are all over the place which is very unusual for the beginning of my cycle, so now I can't decide whether to trust it's readings. So which ones do you guys use?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MonkeyPrincess I have been off BC for about two years. In fact, over the last four years I've only been on it for about 8 months in total.

JGator I actually postponed my doctor's appointment - I had cramps and was hoping it signalled the arrival of AF, so it seemed like a good idea to just postpone it 24 hours. Well, the cramps were just cramps and no AF yet, so off to the doctor I go. I'm sorry to hear that you are concerned about your bean but also quietly optimistic that everything is progressing as planned!

Jen Congrats on the 28 eggs! Enjoy taking it easy! I'll be thinking of you...

BrightSpot Yeah, the PCOS is a pain in the... I'm on Metformin and from my (limited) research it seemed like Metformin would be this wonder cure. Go directly to pregnant, collect some free weight loss on the way, congratulations, here's a baby! Maybe it is working for some, not really doing it for me. But I'll wait and see what my doctor says. I'm sorry to hear your betas are taking so long to stabilise. It's awful not feeling in control of one's body.

mlk good luck and enjoy the BDing! I'm hoping this cycle is it for you!

mia I just use one I bought online. I live in South Africa so there wasn't really much variety. If I lived in the States and could choose, I'd probably go for something off this list: but that's probably because I have shopping issues. My friends joke that I'm every salesperson and marketer's wet dream: what Trekkie sees, Trekkie buys. lol.

Hello to everyone I might have missed! it's 10h04 here where I am and I'm only seeing my doctor at 16h15. It's going to be a looooooong day!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Ladies!

Well, I bit the bullet and went in to see my doctor after having crazy PMS/heavy bleeding/super cramps. Let me just say that I love my doctor! As it turns out, things I've dismissed (thinning hair, the increased cramping, heaving bleeding periods that are getting progressively worse, etc.) were enough in her opinion to order a full (and I mean FULL) blood workup.

As luck would have it, I'm on CD3, so I'll get an accurate FSH to boot! I don't know if the other tests will offer any insight fertility wise since I had to get them all drawn today vs. 7 DPO, etc. but I'll take all the help I can get at this point.

They drew for...

FSH, LH, Prolactin, Thyroxine, Free (Free t4), Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, 17-Hydroxyprogesterone, Insulin, Testosterone, Bioavail Fe/Child, Dehydroepiandrosterone-Sulfate, Progesterone, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel and CBC Auto + Reflex Manual Diff. Phew, I wonder how much of those I misspelled...

I also picked up DH's little brown bag of goodies and he's going to try to set up the appointment to drop off his stuff tomorrow. It's nerve wracking to say the least, but it feels good to know we'll have at least some answers soon. He'll get his info within 24-48 hrs and I'll have mine in like 2 weeks since some labs have to be sent out. You can bet that I'll be back here posting the results as soon as I get them for some input!

Sorry for the "me centric" post. I should be in bed by now as it is, the boss isn't going to like me in the morning! :oops: I'll be back tomorrow for a less selfish posting, I promise!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mia, here is my BBT from Wal-Mart. I bought it in the store about a year ago, and it's still holding up well.

Trekkie, how did your appt go? Sorry AF has not shown up yet.

Tammy, great news about getting a full blood panel and DH's SA happening so soon. I hope this at least gives you some peace of mind in knowing everything is fine. Or, it will may give you something specific to focus on that can be easily fixed with medication. Ie, if it's thryoid or something like that. Good luck to you and DH!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Girls,

Bright, I've heard some situations where it's possible to ovulate before you get your first AF after a mc, but you said your beta isn't zero yet so I guess that's not possible. The EWCM is confusing, but I do get that for a couple of days pre-AF from about 9-11 DPO then she shows between 12-14 DPO. So hopefully you have something happen soon! *big hugs*

Trekkie, how was your appointment? Hopefully you were able to get some good information to help you on your road to conceiving w/PCOS. It's definitely possible, just more frustrating! I'm sorry that the metformin isn't working yet. :( FWIW, I've heard it can take up to 6 months to really see any benefits from met.

Mia, I just use one that I got from CVS, but I love the BD brand and wish I would have bought that one so I'm not much help!

Jen, 28 that's a LOT! Fantastic news! :))

MLK, have you gotten a temp shift yet? Good luck catching the egg this month! :bigsmile:

Prana, BIG hugs! I'm sorry that you're having a rough time too. :(sad

Hi to anyone else that I missed, hope everyone is doing well.

AFM: DH is on his way to the lab now to drop off the sample. He's already worried about it now that all that's left to do is wait for results, so I'm glad it's only a 24 hr turnaround. Is it the weekend yet?!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, sorry to hear your beta is not at zero yet... How frustrating. I hope within the next couple of weeks it drops so you can get af and get going again. Hopefully your symptoms mean it's going to happen soon.

Mlk, glad you got your positive opk! Sexy time!

Trekkie, how was your dr appt?

Tammy, I'm glad your obgyn is doing a full workup and that the SA is en route! So glad for you guys you hear back quicky. We had to wait 4-5 days both times which was so hard. Dust that everything looks perfect... For both of you!

Mia, I never temp'd but welcome!

JGator, so excited you have your u/s soon!

MP, Lizzy- thanks for your support!

AFM, got great news today! My nurse called and out of my 28 eggs, 27 were mature and 22 fertilized! So happy with that report. Now I am in the dark until Sunday :shock: Don't want to wait that long for my next update, but that's how it works unfortunately.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

WOW Jen that's AWESOME! :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jen, yeah for your eggs! Eek Sunday is a long time to wait, but I am very hopeful that you'll hear good news before your transfer!

Tammy, wow, you sure get down to business when you want to. That's great that you will have a lot more information very soon. Keeping my fingers crossed that everything checks out great!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm a woman on a mission! :bigsmile: Luckily my DH is on the same page and is equally motivated. The next 24 hrs cannot pass fast enough! :errrr: