
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I did read that book (or actually I listened to the audiobook) :D My sister and I were reading the book at the same time just before this pregnancy, so we started referring to the baby as Bumby, and it stuck. Also, I had zero symptoms that led me to believe I was pregnant before I got my BFP. I remember being worried because clomid usually made my nips sore, but they were actually starting to feel less sore by the time I tested. Also, I didn't feel any cramping until 4.5 weeks or so. Just don't read too much into symptoms or lack thereof at this point. Fingers tightly crossed for you! And I know it sucks feeling left behind, but I know your day is coming!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, sending BFP dust to you from CA this week! I have a good feeling that this is it. I have had 3 BFPs and different and sometimes no symptoms each time so don't put too much stock in that. Even now, I think - no symptoms, wonder if I'm still pregnant and then an hour or two later I get my heartburn or queasiness or stomach cramps and I'm back in it. So, it never goes away! Can't wait for you to join us in JBP!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks everyone especially Bright, Mia, and puppmom! Good luck Bright for a BFP!

Today I'm adding nausea to the symptoms..hopefully let's not add vomiting since I am babysitting right now and that's be awkward. Anyway how is everyone's Monday? :)

Eta: I did break down and call the gyn and the nurse said give it one more week and if my period doesn't come and it isn't gone we will figure something out. I was surprised she only wanted to wait a week..I was like do you want me to call back in a month? She said no, a week.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Update: did an ovulation test..and it looks almost positive (so hopefully I will O soon)..yay at least that may be what is causing my symptoms!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sarah, oh, sweetie, I'm sorry you're feeling so poorly! I hope you're feeling better soon. Perhaps if these are pre-o symptoms, they'll resolve in a few days. Good luck catching that egg!
I'm glad your doc will see you in a week if the situation doesn't improve by then. 

Jgator, thanks so much for the dust!
I hope your feeling is right. I guess the worry never really goes away, does it? 
You're traveling a ton lately! I hope you're feeling good (for the most part at least!) & still getting your rest. Hugs. 

Mp, I had a feeling about the book & bumby. Such a cute name (& enjoyable book). Thanks for the reassurance about symptoms & the support! 

Pupp, thanks! I don't think I would be giddy this time after what happened last time, but you know how that is, unfortunately. That must've been hard having the due date for your previous pregnancy come & go. It's so difficult letting go of what might've been.  I'm struggling with it too. Big hugs to you. I hope you're able to distract yourself as much as possible & that you're days away from great news & a super sticky bean. 

Hi to everyone else.  :wavey:

I had a nice conversation with a dear friend this afternoon. Sometimes just talking with someone who's known you for so long & really gets you helps to put things into perspective. 
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright--I am hoping, hoping, hoping you get a BFP very soon!!!! Dust and sticky dust and super dust and PS dust!
DH loved Argentina, definitely. I think he could live there, actually. It must be the combination of their laid-back lifestyle and plentiful dining options for steak. :cheeky: He went with a few friends and it sounds like all they did was eat and leisure around. Sounds good to me!
I'm feeling okay, thank you for asking! Definitely bloated, which is uncomfortable and not something I'm used to. My mother jokes that I have a steel stomach, and bloat is not something I've often experienced. Well worth it, of course. I spent some time on the BabyCenter forums last week and decided I needed to take a step back because they were making me very anxious about all of the things that could go wrong. So, I read a bunch of books instead. Still anxious, but less so, at least.

Sarah--Catch that egg, lady!
And, did you see the Dr. Phil show about Lyme Disease. It aired this week. I had no idea about the extent of the disease. It was very interesting.

Pupp--Big hugs to you. Here's hoping that this TWW goes by very quickly, and that you get some good news at the end of it. (And it definitely sounds like you have distraction a-plenty going for you at home!)

Tammy and Mia--I hope your TWWs fly by, too! We could have a very exciting couple of weeks coming up in this thread!

Hello and hugs to everyone else!

Here's hoping we get some BFPs over the next few weeks, ladies! I'm thinking about you every day!!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey Haven!! I actually don't have cable or an antenna..wonder if it's on hulu or their website? My support group was talking about it. It's a horrible disease..and it's forever for a lot of people. I think (unscientific just my opinion) that a TON of people have it, but recover just fine and don't even know or found out and one round of antibiotics was enough...but then some of us it just hits the wrong way and it's a forever battle. Especially when you add nasty co-infections. It's complicated by the infections disease doctors refusing to recognize it as a real long-term disease and lyme doctors being crazy (I was lucky to find a mostly sane one). Oh and the fact that lyme doctors don't take insurance since insurance companies deny their treatment (since it doesn't follow infections disease guidelines or sometimes even CDC guidelines). It'd be much easier if there was just an answer...a clear answer for why it happens, what it is (lyme disease? MS? something else?), how to treat it, etc. The best advice is an ounce of prevention is worth thousands of dollars of cure..check for ticks, check animals for ticks, be careful. Sorry for so many run-ons!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi guys. 
Well, it's 12dpo for me today & I tested this morning. It was a very faint positive on my wondfo test. (I don't have any frer's) I want to say it's ever so slightly darker than my 12dpo test last iui cycle but I don't know if that's really true or I'm just trying to make myself feel better. After some debate, I went in for a beta at my RE's office this morning but I missed the cutoff for same day results (by 10 min!) so I won't have the results until after 3pm tomorrow. 
I'm just a bundle of nerves today & am terrified what happened last time will happen again this time. (Did I mention I got several new bills for my d&c last night? One from the RE's office, one from the hospital & one from the anesthesiologist totaling over $2k? Ugh.)

So, please send all the dust, prayers & positive thoughts you can, but I think it's too soon for congratulations at this point. And, to the sweet ladies who have suffered a loss but gone on to get pregnant again, how did calm the worry? Or did you?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright--DUST! Dustdustdustdustdust! I'll be thinking about you and sending positive vibes and dust and all good things until you get those results!

Sarah--Everything you wrote is really in line with what they said on the show. I was honestly SHOCKED because I had never known how debilitating Lyme Disease could be. I know Dr. Phil is kind of trashy TV, but I think that show will do good things to spread awareness.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

More dust for you, Bright! I responded fully over on the other TTC thread. :))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh Bright, I'm so very happy to see your update! I was a little worried when I didn't see an update when I checked this morning. I completely understand your worry right now, but just know I'm sending you all the dust and prayers in the world that this will be it for you. And remember that what happened last time is one of those unexplained flukes, and there is a very good chance this little one will be perfectly healthy. Also, if it makes you feel any better, my Wondfo on 12DPO was negative. I was only able to get a very faint line on a FRER that early. I don't think I had a postive Wondfo until 14DPO. Also, my beta on 17DPO was only 165, so DO NOT PANIC if your betas are not significantly higher than last time, although it will be wonderful if they are! Thinking of you lady! Just try to have faith and trust right now.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Woo hoo Bright! Sending loads of sticky, healthy baby dust your way. Too bad you missed the cutoff by 10 mins! Uggh - keep up your spirits though. I'm sure all will be great tomorrow when you get the results of your first beta.

On calming the worry. My RE did a great job of that once we got to the point of an ultrasound by saying the baby was in a great position, and the size was good for the gestational age, etc. Also, you should get to go in pretty often to keep tabs on the baby. But, I tell you the nerves do not go away. Last week, I made it to the point of my first MC in number of weeks and days (10 weeks 2 days). And, that was a major milestone. Every time I go to the OB, I hold my breath until they say - "everything is okay we found a heart beat". My OB is good at that too. She knows not to keep me in suspense too long. My next milestone is our NT scan and/or CVS next Monday. I think after that if all goes well, I will definitely feel much more confident. I would suggest to just take it a day at a time, but I think it's good to be optimistic and not get too jaded by your past MC. You don't want to look back on this time and regret not enjoying every moment. I know - easier said than done!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I'm sending tons of dust your way. I really hope this is it for you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright -- sending you heaps and heaps of dust (and i'm not much of a dust person)!! i so hope this is your moment. i agree with jgator on the worry, it doesn't go away, you can only hope for your care providers to be reassuring as possible, but even that doesn't take the worry away. thinking of you and hoping for all the very best things!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I just popped in to check on you ladies and what great, hopeful news I saw from you! Sending you tons of sticky dust!!!!! For me, waiting for betas, or waiting for an ultrasound caused me anxiety so I tried to stay super busy. You can't help but worry, trust me I get that. But stay busy and try to keep your mind off of it. And are pregnant...try to enjoy it!!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lizzy, enbc, pupp, haven, jgator, mp & Tammy, thank you guys so much for your sweet & thoughtful posts & for all of the well wishes & hope. 
You actually made me feel so much better. I'm trying to take things one day (moment?) at a time as much as possible but sometimes the what if's get the best of me. I'm trying to keep my mind off of this as much as possible & do things that will help relax me. (acupuncture, yoga & a walk through the park for today!) I'm hoping for good news tomorrow but don't think I'll feel better until a good u/s appointment. 

Jgator (& enbc too, I think)-congrats on passing the milestone of your previous losses. I hope that makes you both feel a bit better & more relaxed. 

Jgator, I'm glad your ob is so considerate & good at soothing your nerves. I hope the nt goes well so you can relax even more. 

Ennbc, I think you're right that the worry won't go away. I'm just going to need to develop strategies to manage it as best as possible. 

Mp, thanks for the reassurance about the wondfo lines. This is totally neurotic, but I took out the little Baggie containing the old tests from last iui cycle & it seems like this time's 12dpo test better resembles last time's 13dpo test than the 12dpo test. So I've been focusing on that grain of hope until my beta results come in. And I'll try not to panic if they're not significantly higher than last time. Perhaps easier said than done. Did your doc ever give you an explanation as to why your betas might've been on the low side when everything, in fact, was fine? What a stressful time for you-I'm so happy all is going swimmingly now!

Lizzy, thanks, sweetie! I've been thinking about you & was so pleased to see your post. Thanks for the advice. I will try to stay busy as much as possible (& thanks for the reminder to enjoy this too!) I know you've been through so much more than I in this department & am so happy for you & your little one!

Hi to everyone else!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, just popping in to send you oodles and oodles of dust, and then some more dust.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yay Bright, sending you truckloads of dust and hugs. I so hope this is it for you, you really deserve it.

Sorry just a quick post as I am under the pump here at work this last week. Hi to everyone else for now :wavey:

AFM, 5DPO today (although I may actually be 4DPO) here is my chart

My Ovulation Chart || Ovulation Calendar

No real symptoms other than some slight twinges, so I am not expecting anything after last month when I was sure I was pregnant, especially having stabbing lower back pain.

I don't think I can resist the urge to poas though, which will probably start next week even though I know if is too early!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Delurking to cheer your little bean on, Bright! Stick, beanie, stick!! :appl: Dust!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright- Yeah girl!!!!! :appl: Heaps of dust for you and your little bean!!! I'm so happy for you! Hoping to hear more good news in the coming weeks!

Sarah- I was confused by what your Gyn told you. Did you ever get your period after stopping the pill? Or even the "artificial" period that you get from taking the placebo pills? Because I'm not sure you would get another period within three weeks. Is there any chance you could be pregnant? Wow, I never knew all that about lyme disease either. Ticks creep me out because they do get on you or your pets without you noticing. My husband likes to run with our dog on a trail and twice we found ticks on us from it! The first time my husband woke up in the middle of the night because he felt it on him. After that, we thoroughly inspected our dog each time, but then I was the one to wake up with one on me!!! :eek: :eek: I don't think either of us was biten, but eek we got lucky! Anyway, I'm glad you were able to get a good doctor that you like!

Tammy- Hey! I saw in the other thread that your DH is from NF! Hubby and I are from the suburbs of Buffalo! Is he Canadian or American? Mmmm... now I am craving Tim Horton's!

MLK- Yay for ovulation! We are cycle buddies! I think I am 3-4 DPOish. Ah well, I hope we won't be cycle buddies for much longer and you have some good news when you test!

Sorry if I forgot anyone else... I'm trying to get to bed before 10:30!

AFM, held a baby Sunday, held a baby today, and it is killing me! Is it May yet? I am also a little worried that my chart is looking a mess and my post O temps are not as high as they usually are so far. My other fertility signs (CM, CP) are not quite in sync with my temps either (although they do indicate ovulation). There have just been so many disturbances to this chart that I'm not sure if it's accurate. I changed my temp time from 6am to 5am, I have been sick, had some alcohol a couple of times (really affects my temps), skipped temping a few times, temped at the wrong time, fell asleep with the thermometer in my mouth, etc., etc., etc.... I would just be so bummed if my cycles went back to irregular before we even got to TTC. I guess time will tell...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright sending tons of prayers yor way! So excited for you!

Haven, I am so glad they got it right. Hopefully it will raise awareness at least among medical professionals.

Mia - Definitely keep checking the babies for ticks! I am sorry your charting is off a bit, that has to be frustrating. May is getting so close though!! I mean it's only a few weeks! So excited for you! As for holding babies, I totally get it. My SIL is pregnant and I am so overjoyed for her and excited about my first nephew, but at the same time it kills me because I want one so bad. All the baby pics online of my friend's kids don't help either. For now I am just babysitting and showering them and my family munchkins with gifts!
Love seeing happy kids. As for me, yeah I am confused by the nurse, too. I gave her the schedule, but maybe she misunderstood me. And oh I'd love to be pregnant, but I think it's wishful thinking and probably unrealistic because it's probably too early to be pregnancy symptoms. Pregnancy test says no as of right now. If you don't mind the TMI here is my schedule..anyone that does stop reading here! Lol. An X = sex. :oops: Sorry if it is incoherent I am exhausted, but have insomnia nonetheless because I had too much soda at dinner. My stomach is also still hurting.

03/31 X
04/01 Start of inactive pill week
04/06 Artificial Period started, a day later than most months but not unheard of. Usual heaviness.
04/08 Last day of artificial period and did not start officially off BC
04/09 X neg o test
04/10 X maybe? Neg o test
04/11 X and symptoms start. Stomach/lower abdomen cramping immediately after sex..ow!
04/12 Symptoms worse. Negative o test
04/13 about the same negative o test
04/14 about the same, but add dizzy and lightheaded. X negative o test
04/15 Boobs worse emotions crazy cramping worse negative o test
04/16 nausea and dizziness came and went, but when it was there it was so bad I could barely drive :errrr: (DH found me sitting in my car resting my head on the steering wheel when he got home, I had been home for a few minutes and hadn't made it out of the car yet). Think this is also the day where my o test started looking more positive. X anyway
04/17 not really nauseous or dizzy, mood better, cramping not as bad. Boobs eh. Stomach still bad. Neg pregnancy test, o test still not quite positive.

So whatcha think Mia? I know you're not a psychic, lol, but O symptoms or BC? It seems to really line up with BC dropping out of my system and maybe (hopefully) an impending O. I will say the most frustrating thing is I just feel weird, it feels like I am in someone else's body or something I just think it's too early for it to be pregnancy, but if it was I'd be overjoyed. My luck is decent, but probably not that good. :lol:

In other non-TTC related news I finally got a decent draft done on my paper. I could have it be a final one, but I only got a B and she said I could revise and get a higher grade if I can do it quickly. I am SO close to cum laude, that I think I am going to do it just to try to help my chances. Even a B+ may seal the deal since I would only need an A- in my two classes this semester.

Sending everyone tons of baby dust! Going to try to sleep again since I have court in the morning..
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

OMG, Bright!! Stick stick stick, little bean! Tons and tons of stick dust coming your way!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sarah- Hmmm... It looks like you are on CD13 today, which would place you right around ovulation and your OPKs seem to back that up. As for a pregnancy as long as your BC was working, you didn't miss any pills, and you aren't a part of the 1% that can still get pregnant, then it would be too early for you to have any symptoms related to pregnancy. In my not-being-a-doctor opinion, I would guess most of your symptoms have to do with your body adjusting being off of the hormones and maybe the symptoms are magnified because of the Lyme disease (a total guess because I know nothing about Lyme disease), or maybe you are just a bit more sensitive than most. I have never had many ovulation-related symptoms so I might be biased but it sounds like you are experiencing way more than most do, just simply from ovulating. Some women have a little cramping, sore nipples, but I have never heard of full blown PMS or pregnancy symptoms. So the good news is that if you are not KU right now, I would be willing to bet ovulation won't be nearly as bad the next time around. It does look like you got some DTD in at the right time so my fingers are crossed for you! Have you considered charting your symptoms at all? I think it could be helpful to keep track of this stuff. Also, you could consider checking for other fertility signs like cervical mucus. I know my CM has been pretty reliable as far as indicating ovulation. On cycles where I didn't ovulate, I had several patches of fertile mucus across the cycle, while on my regular cycles I have it only around the middle of the cycle. Another bonus to tracking CM is that you get a little more warning as to when to have sex than you would from an OPK. Okay I will stop rambling now!

AFM- Well another close to the coverline temp for me this morning. I am really hoping I actually did ovulate... I'm posting my charts for opinions. These are my last four charts. Do you guys think it's possible that my current chart looks so flat because this cycle I started temping an hour earlier? It also says I ovulated on CD16 which would be my earliest ovulation ever (I think) so maybe I really haven't ovulated yet? But then again my EWCM had come and went... Ugh! I know the answer is to wait and see what my next temps are but this is driving me crazy!

4 charts.jpg
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Popping in to dump a bunch of dust on Bright that this bean is a super sticky one!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey Sarah,

Your post reminded me of just how wonky my first cycle after BCP was! I even went in for an US because I was in SO much pain that they were afraid something was wrong. As it turned out, I o'd approx 17-22 days after my last active pill. So it very well may be your body just trying to sort out an ovulation after being "dormant" in that department for a while. At any rate, good luck!! If you have an almost + opk, try testing 2 x a day from here until your surge, and feel free to post pics if you're unsure about whether it's + or - because we love to weigh in on such things. :tongue:

Bright, how are you doing my dear? I'm on pins and needles waiting for your beta results! Sending healthy beta sticky dust your way. :))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, that is funny you kept your HPTs from last time. Keeping my fingers crossed for you today for great numbers! I can't believe they make you wait until after 3 the next day for your results! Anyway, to answer your question, I never did have an explanation for my lower betas in the beginning, but when I had my blood drawn again at 21DPO, it was above the median level they have on I think it just goes to show that there is a wide range of normal. Hope you are hanging in there as best as can be expected. Lots of dust to you and your baby!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey guys. Well, I tested last night & the line was a bit darker than the am test, which made me feel better. But when I tested this morning, the line was about the same as yesterday evening's test. Definitely no darker. So now I'm paranoid again. Ugh. I'm still waiting for my beta results from yesterday too. 

China, thanks so much for checking on me & for the mega dust! 

Mlk, thanks for the dust & hugs. Your chart looks great! Hoping this is it for you!

Sha, thanks for the dust, dear! How are you doing?

Mia, thanks so much! It sounds like lthere are a lot of factors that might make your temps erratic right now. But if you can still see a temp shift at o, then that's probably fine. Will you plan to use opk's next month? You're so close!

Sarah, thank you for the prayers. I need them! I'm sorry you're still not feeling well. I had really awful headaches the first month off the pill. I was nauseated & had to go to bed early for about 2 weeks straight that first month. So I wouldn't underestimate the power of hormone withdrawal. There could be a mix of things going on including o symptoms. When will you see your doc if you're not feeling better?

Dandi, thanks so much! Really hoping this one sticks. How are you feeling, dear?

Clairitek, thanks for the dust!!

Tammy, thanks for checking on me.  I'm on pins & needles too & it might e a few hours until I hear. (probably not until 3pm et). Ugh. 

Mp, yeah pretty neurotic to keep the pee sticks, isn't it! At least they all fit in a snack sized Baggie. That is interesting how your betas ramped up to above the median. I guess there is indeed a wide range that's ok. Hoping I'm in it!

Hi to everyone else. 
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, sending positive thoughts your way. BTW, I have my wondfos from my August and Feb BFPs. You are not crazy.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright - Sending so many good vibes your way!!!! Looking forward to your update later!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, no need to apologize for being neurotic. You're preaching to the choir! I know you'll have more information soon, but in the meantime, I just wanted to tell you not to stress at all about the darkness of today's line. As you probably recall, I drove myself crazy comparing lines back in February, to the point I was in a panic. You should see all the tests I took and all of the variation from day to night to day. I was convinced things were going south because the lines stopped getting darker, only to learn my betas were nearly tripling at that point. I know nothing anyone can say will reassure you because there is just so much unknown at this point, but just try not to cause yourself any unneeded stress. Big hugs and lots and lots of sticky dust!