
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hmm where are you, Bright? Hope everything is okay!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks everyone!! Life is evening out. Thank you again so much for all of your help and support. Things are a bit better today, finally.

Bright, please post updates soon..still sending good thoughts your way.

How is everyone else today? Almost Friday.. :appl: :appl: :naughty:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi guys. So sorry for going missing today. I've been running around like crazy with no time to update. The nurse called & My 12dpo beta was 36.1.  Not super high but higher than last time's 12dpo reading of 29. I know it's a small difference but I'm finding it reassuring. I go in for another beta tomorrow morning.  Thanks for all your support!

Jgator, thanks for letting me know I'm not crazy! Or at least not entirely crazy!

Mp, I do remember your line darkness stress but didn't realize your betas were actually tripling during that time. That's really reassuring to know. Maybe I should stop obsessively testing. (That said I just poas & it was the darkest line yet. I'm actually noticing that the pm test lines are darker than the am ones. Weird. )

Missy, thanks for the good vibes 

Tammy, thanks for checking on me!

Sarah, thanks for the positive thoughts! I'm so glad you're finally feeling better!

Hi to everyone else!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, yay, I thought I'd check one more time to see if you had posted. It sounds like you're off to a good start (looks like you are right at the median on betabase), and I'm keeping everything crossed for great results tomorrow! Make sure you get to the clinic before the cut-off, so we (I mean you) don't have to wait until Friday for the results! That's great the test was darker yet again tonight. I kind of remember the same phenomenon when I was testing (darker tests at the end of the day than in the morning). As always, thinking good thoughts for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, mp. Funny about the evening tests. I always thought fmu was better.
I'll definitely make the cutoff tomorrow. I have to go before work so I'll be there at 7am. I checked betabase too & am glad to see the number looks ok so far. Hope all goes well tomorrow.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yay Bright! Your beta sounds great. Good luck with tomorrow's numbers. Can't wait for your update.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

:appl: Yay, Bright! I look forward to hearing your update tomorrow!!!!

:wavey: Hi to everyone else!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I'm glad your betas are on target. 36 seems good to me especially since some don't even get a BFP by 12dpo, right? I'm sure the worry will never completely go away but I hope that soon, it subsides enough that you can celebrate and enjoy this pregnancy. I know my math was off with Haven, so maybe you'll be the one with a New Year's baby?!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yay Bright! Those sound like good numbers! I guess a silver lining about having to wait for the first one is that there won't be a 2 day lag to find out that you're doubling! ::)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sorry for the drive by but I have no internet today. 2nd beta at 14dpo was 82. The nurse said it was ok in her vm but I was hoping for higher. I'm supposed to come in for an ultrasound at the end of next week. Very nervous about that. Please keep the dust coming!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, 82 more than doubled in 2 days! I think you are in good shape. Can you go in for another Beta on Monday?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

WOOHOO for more than doubling! That's great! ::) I know it's a small number of hours difference, but you did also go in earlier this morning than you did for your first beta. All things considered, I think it's fantastic news. :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I know you were hoping for higher numbers for reassurance, but it did double in less than 48 hours! Hoping you can remain cautiously optimistic. And just to try to reassure you again, I had 165 on 17DPO, so that means that yours is higher at this point than mine would of been if the lab had not erred with my 14DPO bloodwork. I was thinking along the same lines as JGator - would it make you feel better to get another test on Monday or would it just cause more stress? Thinking of you and sending continued dust!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks guys. I guess it did more than double in 48 hours. (37.89 doubling time to be exact also accounting for the times of the blood draws varying by day). I looked at betabase & was disturbed at how much my 14dpo number fell below their median. Maybe it's io much Internet research freaking me out.

I'd probably like to come in for a 3rd beta but am booked on a movie set through next week (yay!) & it's near impossible to get away for any reason. It was miraculous that I could make it
in for today's beta. I'm also concerned about making the u/s appoitment but after last time, if I'm a day or 2 late I'm ok with that.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, hopefully your movie project/work will help distract you next week. I think everything will be fine this time. Don't worry too much about statistics. I know they always say it just needs to double every 48-72 hours, and not to worry about the actual number in the beginning of the pregnancy.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Great news, Bright! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright -- so glad your numbers are going up appropriately!! i had the same experience with evening tests being darker. so weird! so hopeful that everything goes well for you this time around!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm sorry for the late reply. I didn't see the question in there and so I hope I'm not to late now :) I hope everything is going well for you TTC and I hope your all enjoying the practicing :naughty: .

In regards to the maca root and my hormones being all out of sorts when I got off the pill I'll give you my best go at it with a bit of background. I got on BC at ~18 yrs old and have been on low amounts since then (until I got off recently). A variety of brands-just depends on what was prescribed and where it was picked up. I realize now that changing probably caused my acne to come back (I had it bad at 17 and then it went away when I got on the pill although I didn't realize this until I got off 100% and realized that it came back BAD when I switched to some type 6 months prior to getting off it 100%).

From my understanding is that when you put a synthetic hormone in your system (if any of you haven't researched the dangers of hormonal birth control please do so-I find this out after the fact when I got off of it) your body stops producing it's own hormone since it's no longer needed.

Since I'm from the USA and married a Canadian I've been up here on/off for over 2 years-however well over a year solid at this point. You need an annual to get your prescription and thankfully my OB decided to extend mine for me for an additional 6 months since I was out of the country and couldn't get my annual. That brought me up until the day before the wedding. For some reason I never ever started on Sunday-although that's when the sugar pill started. I always started on Tuesdays. Last pill was on Saturday-wedding was on Sunday and started that Tuesday after the wedding.

I was all sorts of crazy. Crying all the time-easily irritated. Tired. You name it. I talked to my gf who is going to school to be a mid-wife and she recommend maca root. I went to the store that same week and bought some. I took 2 that night after dinner (please don't do that-start with one in the morning with a meal and slowly increase if you need to) and realized that I wasn't supposed to take 2 at once right away like that. However the next day I took it in the morning and proceeded to do this everyday until my next period came (so 3weeks-ish). I felt great. Tons of energy-increased sex drive-no moodiness any longer along with a few other things. I wasn't expecting my period to come when it was supposed to since I had been on the pill and that was what had regulated my cycle. However it did come on time and since it did I figured the maca root had done its job of helping get my body back to normal and stopped taking it (since it also increases fertility and we weren't NOT trying but we weren't trying either). The maca root did it's job (men can take it too) and the 1st week of Jan I got my cycle and then we continued along our merry way just having newly relations.

Conceived Jan 15th but didn't find out until I missed my period Feb 6th. Now I didn't take the maca root at all in Jan so I was thinking after I was supposed to start on a Sunday (for some reason in Jan. it started on a Sunday instead of the Tuesday when I was on my pills) and even though I was expecting it to start-considering it was only my 2nd cycle after my pills ended and one cycle without any maca root I wasn't to alarmed when it didn't come. On Monday it still hadn't come and I thought hmmmm I've had head aches these past few weeks (unusual for me) I wonder if the dollar store carries pregnancy tests. Called them up and sure enough-they did. Went and bought 4 (well what I thought was 4-turns out 2 of them were ovulation tests lol) and took one right when I got home. It was positive. I wasn't expecting that at all-although I wasn't to shocked. Called my husband and told him the news-he was shocked but happy as well. I mean we had been married all of 2 whole months at this point and we wanted to start a family soon-but we really didn't think it would happen that quickly. We are thrilled though and super excited and the timing couldn't have been any more perfect since we are now in a house-which we also hadn't planned on for a while.

Anyways-sorry to make such a long winded post out of it in the TTC thread that there is NO way I could catch up on if I tried. Blessings to all of you beautiful ladies and I hope to see many of you with little ones shortly!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Fly by question of the day...I just realized today that I really would like to whiten my teeth before getting pregnant. I have the trays and gel from my dentist but I've neglected to do it for several months and my teeth just look dingy to me. I am in the TWW, should I just wait to see if this month took or is it safe? I feel silly asking, I know I should google but then I'll get distracted ('s been a challenging day TTC wise).

Thanks for any input!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sorry I can't answer your question tammy, hopefully someone can!

Bright still sending good thoughts your way!!!

I am a bit traumatized, I just watched a live home birth. I think home birth can be great for some, but definitely not for me. The weird part was the STREAMING IT LIVE. Can you imagine? :o I just couldn't..I am way too private. :oops: But hey hats off to her for doing it! :apple: Sorry for the drive-by. I am exhausted.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I think the busy week is a really good thing. The less time you have to stress about the "what ifs" the better. Hope you are hanging in there. I know it must be a really stressful time, but I really, really hope you've got a healthy little baby growing in there. Dust!

Tammy, how many DPO are you? And what does the treatment entail (how many days)? I tend think that most things that happen before the baby is firmly implanted and you get a positive test aren't going to hurt anything, but if it is a several day process and you are already in the second half of the 2WW, I bet you would feel better waiting. It's so hard to know what to do when you are TTC for several months. I put off so many things that I wish I hadn't, but you just never know! Ughh. Really hoping for good news for you lady! Keep the faith!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi guys. I apologize for hogging up the thread lately with all of my woes. 
I'm trying to stop testing obsessively as it just seems to be causing more stress. But something happened this morning that has me concerned. (sorry if this is tmi) 
So I've been using the Crinone progesterone suppositories for a couple of weeks. After a while the cream starts to leak out which is annoying & gross. So I took a bath this morning to try to flush some of it out. Well, it worked & a bunch of it came out (in the toilet after the bath-ick!). What concerns me is most of it was brown. I'm worried I'm spotting. I'm 15 DPO today. Could this be delayed implantation bleeding (who knows how long it's been there?) or spotting & if the latter is that a concern?
The nurse just got back to me & said brown is ok just not red. Still, a bit troubling. 

I hope everyone else is having a good day. Happy Friday!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I would think that if you only noticed it in the remains of the suppository, it is not overly concerning, and it could very well be implantation spotting. Enbcfsobe had actual brown spotting and she's about 8 weeks now. I also had RED spotting on 12dpo and at 5 weeks, which turned out harmless, so don't panic. If there is any chance you could get in for another beta on Monday, I might be tempted to do it if I were you just for a little reassurance, but I know you said you were going to be really busy. Big hugs.

ETA, it's also possible the suppositories are causing some irritation and the possible spotting has nothing to do with the pregnancy.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks mp. I do remember both you & enbc having spotting & being ok in the end. That's reassuring but still scary. That's a good point about the suppositories themselves possibly causing irritation. 
And the nurse advised me against taking baths for now. (a lot of water came out after) I thought the cervix was closed by this point & it was safe but now I'm worried I washed away the baby. Probably silly thoughts. And yet...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Bright,
First of all, I've been away for work for several days and was just able to see your updates - so a big congratualtions is in order! I know you are stressing right now though and completely understand. I just wanted to echo MP though that it is quite common for the suppositories to cause some irritation up there that you wouldn't necessarily feel but could lead to some brown spotting.
Plus, take comfort in what your nurse said. I hear brown spotting happens to a lot of people their first trimester. Your bean may just be burrowing in even deeper.
I'll be thinking of you.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Girls,

Bright I hope the spotting goes away but the fact that it's old brown color is pretty reassuring vs bright red...and even bright red doesn't guarantee that bad things are imminent. Big hugs, this is it for you my friend. :) You definitely didn't wash away your little one with the bath! I think that's just for infection prevention?

MP, I'm 6 DPO today, about half way there. I think I'm going to just go without doing it because it's a week long treatment if I remember right. There are a few things going on in life right now that have me seriously considering taking 2-3 months off from TTC if this cycle doesn't work anyhow. So I'll probably have plenty of time to whiten without worrying about reproductive issues.

Hope everyone is having a better Friday than I am! :tongue:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Jen, thanks for the congrats & reassurance. I'm trying to relax a bit & you guys are definitely helping! Thanks for echoing about the suppository/irritation. After I stopped taking them last cycle I got brown spotting before my miscarriage so I guess it just feels like deva vu. 
How are you doing? Where are you ivf cycle wise? So hoping you've got a bun in the oven soon. 

Tammy, thanks! Really hoping I didn't wash anything away but that's probably true about infection risk. 
How are you holding up? Are you ok? Hugs. 
I was thinking yesterday that if you look forward to & put off teeth whitening  until a bfn, that might likely help you get a bfp! Really hoping this is your month. 

Enbc, you had the same issue with the leakage being brown too, right? And all was ok? Thinking of you. 

Hi to everyone else from crazy town. 
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright -- I had spotting for almost a week before I even got my bfp and started crinone. Unfortunately for me the crinone residue doesn't come out on its own and i've had to remove it (gross). The residue is intermittently brown even now. The doctor said this is fine. From what i've read you can get irritation to your cervix & other areas in there from the crinone itself that can cause some spotting. So it seems like there's a good chance its not even coming from the uterus at all. Trust me I know that this doesn't make the worry go away!! But think of it this way -- if you're spotting so little that its all being absorbed by the 1/2 teaspoon of material or less left by the crinone, that's a pretty small amount.
I hope this helps a little and I wish I had a magic anti-worry pill for those of us who've gone through this!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Bright, I had orange spotting on the crinone clumps, and my doctor said it was fine as long as it wasn't bright red. So, try not to worry too much.

Jen, any updates on your IVF process? I hope all is well with you.

Tammy, good luck with the 2nd half of your TWW. Thinking of you and wishing you well.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Another random thing...

For those of you that have recently (or not so recently but have great memory) gotten a BFP, did you check CP during the TWW? I had stopped, but curiosity got the better of me today and now I'm in analyze mode. :rolleyes:

Anyhow, if you checked CP during the TWW, did you notice anything different on your BFP cycle? The reason I ask is that I checked and it's quite different from anytime I've checked it before. It's med/high, VERY firm, VERY closed and almost elongated to a point. :confused: I'm 6 DPO, so I doubt it actually could mean anything this early but I figured I'd let the crazy girl out of the closet to ask since I've behaved lately. :oops: