
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Just popping in to say Mia hun you should talk to your doctor about your cycles. I don't know how old you are, but irregular cycles are (fairly) easy to fix sometimes. Have you thought about (or are you already) taking any supplements? *big hugs*
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Aw thanks Tammy, I have contacted my doctor and she wants me to wait another week to make sure it's not just a late ovulation. My cycles do tend to be longer but fairly regular and I have a classic temp shift that corresponds with my other fertility symptoms (CM and CP). In the past three years that I have been charting, I have had one cycle that was 89 days long (I ovulated at the end), and a few that looked anovulatory. When I was younger and in my teens and early twenties, I have had two instances where AF was at least a month late and I was put on provera to start AF. At that time I was told that sometimes it happens, and as long as my cycles were fairly regular, it was nothing to worry about. But when I started charting to TTA, I was worried and saw my OBGYN who said to come back when I am TTC and haven't gotten pregnant in 3 months. I should also note that I don't seem to have any other symptoms of PCOS or other health issues and my AF is not particularly heavy or painful. So since this is just my first cycle trying, I think I will just give it a few cycles and see what happens. I know I might be a little too optimistic but I have seen a bunch of charts of women who ovulate late who get pregnant so that gives me hope. But AF doesn't come soon I will for sure get provera again and ask to get checked out. I haven't tried or looked into supplements but I am a little afraid to change anything since at least right now I know what is normal for me.

All that said, yesterday my cervix dropped and closed! My CM dried up (for the first time on this neverending cycle) and my nipples became sore (typical for me at ovulation). Today my temp went to my usual post-O temp of 97.72 (up from 97.07 the day before)! If it isn't still up tomorrow I will definitely call the doctor, but I think I may have actually ovulated. Okay back to the wait-and-see game! I will let you guys know what happens if I can confirm ovulation on Wednesday.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi mia, just delurking to say I agree with you and tammy about getting things checked out again if AF doesn't come. And even if she does, I think having such long cycles when ttc can be concerning. Your opportunities to ttc would definitely be less than the average woman, who may have 2-3 cycles in the time it takes for you to have one. I can't imagine having an 80 + day cycle! That's a lot of time sitting around waiting to O. :errrr: Also, I know the info out there is conflicting, but I would wonder about egg quality with such long cycles, as well. I would also wonder if there's some hormonal issue that's making you ovulate so late, with the odd annovulatory cycle here and there? PCOS is a classic culprit of that. When I was ttc #1, my cycles were 35 days long on average (with O around day 19 -24). My gyn thought that was too late and put me on Clomid to help shorten/regulate my cycles. I have polycystic ovaries - other than that and the longer cycles, I don't have any classic signs of PCOS (e.g I"m normal weight, no hair loss, acne etc), but my gyn thinks I have it. So you never know... I think it would be a good idea to check things out further, maybe starting with a hormonal work-up if you've never had one?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Sha thanks! :wavey: Yes I promise to get it checked out if I can. The problem is this is my first cycle trying and every doctor I have spoken to has told me to come back when I am actually trying. I think I would feel really uncomfortable using something like clomid to shorten my cycles before at least trying on my own. Especially since my sister is currently pregnant with twins that she conceived on her first try. Not saying that means anything in regards to my own fertility but it just makes me cautious. Also, my last six cycles have been 30, 32, 30, 32, 29 and 29 days long with O occurring from CD16-19 and a clear temp shift that lined up with my other fertility signs. I know that makes me a late ovulator and my cycles irregular, but I don't feel it is that far off of the standard 28 day cycle with O on CD14. This cycle sucks and I know I have a history of messed up cycles but I'm trying to have a little hope for now. I wasn't TTC when I let my cycle go 89 days. I can't remember why I did let it go that long, but I think it was my doctor (different one) wanting to let it start on its own. Now that I am TTC, I would never let it get that long, but I do think it would be ideal for it to start on its own without intervention, so I'd like to try that first. Thanks for your input though, obviously something is a little off with my hormones/fertility and I'll need to look at it at some point. Now, let's see how quickly my story changes after I've gone through another cycle of this madness! :twirl: Thanks again for popping in!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mia - Oh! I thought you were averaging around 40+ per cycle - my bad. :) 29-32 days isn't too bad at all! That's pretty close to average, as you said. Hope that pattern continues for you. All the best this cycle! :))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

No worries Sha, overall, excluding that 89 day cycle, my overall average cycle length is 33.5 days and I have had a few cycles that were 41 days so you were not that far off base. I was hoping that this latest trend of normalish cycles would continue, but who knows now that I have had this long one... Thanks again for your suggestions and experiences though!

The good news is that I did O on either CD43 or CD44, which I have confirmed with a temp shift, OPK and characteristics of my cervix!!! :appl: According to my temps I O'd on CD44, but I think my other signs point toward CD43. At any rate, we did BD on O-2 days and O-4 days (or O-1 and O-3 if I go by OPK and CM). So I guess there is a chance. I'm not really hopeful because it is so late in the cycle, but at least I am in my first 2ww!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mia, yay for ovulating! If you don't get your BFP this month, I hope your cycles go back to normal. TTC is hard enough when you have a general idea of when you'll ovulate.

What's up with everyone else? Tammy, you still around? I think our cycles are pretty close.

Not much going on here. I'm 8dpo today so I should know where we stand at some point this weekend. Other than a weird groin ache (that kind of feels like Round Ligament Pain but obviously can't be), nothing any different this cycle than my others. We'll see. If I'm not knocked up, I don't think we'll be *trying* next cycle. We'll be on vacation with the in-laws and sharing a bedroom with our toddler during my fertile window. :rolleyes: I swear, there always seems to be SOMETHING in the way during my fertile window. Cycle 1, I was sick and O'd 4 days later than usual so our timing was off. Cycle 3, DH was out of town CD10-CD12 and I O'd on CD13 so our timing wasn't good. Cycle 4, DH was sick as a dog during my fertile window but we BD anyway - not fun! This is Cycle 5 - no obstacles this time. Hopefully, that's a good sign!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Pupp, thanks for asking about me. :)) I'm 5DPO and it's officially my most stressful TWW ever. Not because of TTC or bad things, but "good stress" is still stress!

Super long story short, DH and I share custody of my two girls with their biological father. We have them Tues-Sun am, he has them Sun through Tues until after I get out of work. DH works from 1-10 and I work from 8-4:30, so we NEVER see each other during the week. So DH decided to look for jobs in his old field (glass production). Well, within one week of looking, suddenly he's in the middle of interviews for a SF Bay Area company. I work for a school that has a campus there, so now I am looking at jobs too since commuting 3 hrs for him isn't realistic. We want to wait to look at things until he has a firm offer, but since we'd have to move by the time school starts (like 2 months from now), I'm freaking out! Cost of living will be higher, but worth it IF he gets the job, IF I get the job I'm targeting (I have 10 yrs in the system and one opened YESTERDAY that could have been tailor made for me). Oh, and our annual lease is up for renewal this month AND my ex is under consideration for a job that'll have him gone from 6:30 am to 7:00 pm M-F so he would need the schedule to change anyhow (that was a possible sticking point).

So all things considered, I am a nervous wreck and so is DH! :errrr: haha There's SO much that has to fall into place and I know the likelihood of something going wrong is pretty high, but I am still so very hopeful that this is it for us! Here's hoping that in about 10 days we'll have LOTS of things to celebrate and that I'll need to pass on the wine! :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So I got another negative test this morning, absolutely no signs of pregnancy, expect AF still hasn't arrived. At this point I just want to get on with my period already so we can try again. :(
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Good luck to all you wonderful laddies!

Tammy- Just wanted to let you know I am wishing you luck for the job situation too! I grew up in the Bay Area so I think it will be a great place for the family and good that you will have better schedules to see eachother. Lots of dust!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats on the O, Mia!
Pupp, I'm glad the stars finally aligned and this was the month for you guys!
Sorry to hear about another neg Rissa. I sure hope AF arrives soon.

AFM, I am on CD6. Do you guys start testing with OPK's as soon as AF leaves? or do you wait a week? Last month I started immediately and feel like I was just throwing money away.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Girls,

Thanks, Indecisive for the dust and well wishes! We can use all of them right now! ::) I need to go see how your scan went as soon as I finish this, I hope it was wonderful!

Meresal if you ovulated on CD14 or later, I'd wait until CD10 to start testing. After a few months (if you're not pregnant yet) you can stretch it out to CD11-12 and use them just as a security blanket of sorts to know for sure that you're surging. I ovulate pretty much like clockwork between CD14-16 but I still use them anyhow because I can't overcome the "what if this month is later/off" fear. :rolleyes:

Good luck girls!

AFM: I'm bouncing off the walls still. I'm 7 DPO and half terrified that I AM pregnant because THIS is the only month that would be pretty bad timing. That said, we'd be thrilled to finally be pregnant after 8 months of trying. I'd also love to be able to tell DH he's going to be a daddy on Father's Day. :love: Yes, I've thought about this a bit... :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, all of that sounds VERY exciting. I would love to live in SF Bay area. I know that antsy feeling all too well. The only reason I don't POAS more often is I don't keep them in the house.

Meresal, I ovulate on CD 12 or 13 usually and I start using OPKs on CD10. I would start any earlier than that. I do like peeing on OPKs though because I like to see two lines! :lol:

Rissa, I don't know what's going on with your cycle but I hope AF arrives soon. When do you think you ovulated? It might be worth a call to your doctor.

AFM, 10dpo - I don't know if I'm optimistic or not to be honest. I'll be 12dpo on Sunday so I'll test then if I don't start spotting before then. DH's gift delivery is being delayed for Sunday so a BFP would be a good substitute! I usually start spotting 10 or 11 DPO.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Pupp!

I'm excited but SCARED about living in the Bay Area! The traffic and the housing costs really are all that worry me. The rest would be WONDERFUL! ::)

I hope you don't start spotting! I know that this month I'm all kinds of symptom spotting. :rolleyes: I think I've tricked myself into believing that I might be pregnant just because it would be bad timing. I can't explain it lol. That said, I had a temp spike this morning, and at 6 & 7 DPO (so yesterday evening and today) I've been having the strangest pinching cramps off and on in my uterus. It's NOT in my head though because it catches me off guard when I forget about them! Okay I'm going to stop over analyzing every little thing now. :oops:

I do have a temping question though that I can't seem to find an answer for on google. If your first temp is high (mine was 98.5) do you just record it or do you temp again? I temped immediately again on the same side, same spot and it was 98.2. What gives? Which one do I use? :confused: I figured I'd just go by whatever tomorrow's temp is and adjust it accordingly - meaning if tomorrow's is lower, go back and put lower. If it's high again, leave it high for today...but I wanna know NOW! :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, I temp vaginally because my oral temps were all over the place and I could barely tell I ovulated. I'm always caught off guard by a weird temp and usually temp again immediately. I always put the first temp in the chart and put the second in the notes. Since you're in the TWW but not near AF, it shouldn't really matter anyway.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

tammy77|1339782284|3217033 said:
Hi Pupp!

I'm excited but SCARED about living in the Bay Area! The traffic and the housing costs really are all that worry me. The rest would be WONDERFUL! ::)

I do have a temping question though that I can't seem to find an answer for on google. If your first temp is high (mine was 98.5) do you just record it or do you temp again? I temped immediately again on the same side, same spot and it was 98.2. What gives? Which one do I use? :confused: I figured I'd just go by whatever tomorrow's temp is and adjust it accordingly - meaning if tomorrow's is lower, go back and put lower. If it's high again, leave it high for today...but I wanna know NOW! :lol:

I lived in the Bay Area and it was really fun...but not fun enough to make up for the housing costs and traffic!

According to FF, you should always use your first temp. It even says not to temp more than once just because you'll end up debating which to use. So temp once and put down the thermometer :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

puppmom|1339784972|3217071 said:
Tammy, I temp vaginally because my oral temps were all over the place and I could barely tell I ovulated. I'm always caught off guard by a weird temp and usually temp again immediately. I always put the first temp in the chart and put the second in the notes. Since you're in the TWW but not near AF, it shouldn't really matter anyway.

I know you're right. I soooo want a pretty triphasic chart. *sigh* I guess we'll see tomorrow!

Thanks, AMC for chiming in. I need to just take it once and stop! I'm sure my DH wouldn't mind hearing 15 less beeps in the morning too! :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LOL, Pupp, that's funny. I have O'd on 16 and 18, so I will wait a bit and then start around CD12. Fingers crossed for you!

Tammy- I was REALLY hoping that I could tell DH that we were expecting on Father's Day. lol. You aren't the only one :cheeky:

How do you take it vaginally. Do you use a regular thermometer?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

meresal|1339791891|3217173 said:
LOL, Pupp, that's funny. I have O'd on 16 and 18, so I will wait a bit and then start around CD12. Fingers crossed for you!

Tammy- I was REALLY hoping that I could tell DH that we were expecting on Father's Day. lol. You aren't the only one :cheeky:

How do you take it vaginally. Do you use a regular thermometer?

I wonder about this too. I'm not squeamish but I feel so weird thinking about sticking a thermometer up there! :oops: I assume you still have to use a BBT specific thermometer though.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tammy, that brings another question... why do you NEED a basal thermometer? I bought one, but it takes 60 seconds to get the temp.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

meresal|1339793062|3217193 said:
Tammy, that brings another question... why do you NEED a basal thermometer? I bought one, but it takes 60 seconds to get the temp.

You can get a quicker one, mine is ANNOYING but I think it reads in like 15-30 seconds. You need a basal so it goes to the 10th - 98.15 vs 98.2 might be enough to skew your data. It's possible to track without one, but it's still best to stick to BBTs. HTH!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Okay, I'm FREAKING out over here. Long story - my nephew puked in my car (gross! I seriously almost threw up!). So, we pulled off the highway and there was a RiteAid at the bottom of the ramp. I wandered the whole store looking for clean up supplies because it's not set up like the drugstore I frequent. I finally collected a bucket, a towel, trash bags, paper towels and some hand wipes. I came across Answer Pregnancy tests and they were on sale for $9 for 3. I've never used them but they were pink dye and cheaper than FRER so I picked them up. I don't know what possessed me but I POAS. I'm 10 dpo, it was the middle of the day and I didn't even have to pee. My stream didn't even last 5 seconds but I immediately saw a second VERY faint line appear.

I'm kicking myself for doing it because it's SO early and I'll be a mess if this is a chemical or an evap. I think it's unlikely that it's an evap but a chemical is a strong possibility this early.

I guess I just had to post here because there is no way I'm telling anyone including DH because it was just plain silly to POAS. If it gets darker on Sunday, do you think it's safe to tell DH? I would be 12dpo. I do realize that something could still happen so I wouldn't share with anyone else. I would love to be able to tell DH that we're knocked up on Father's day! Please cross your fingers for me!

...taking a deep breath now.

edited to add picture. can anyone see it?

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Pupp I see that line clear as day!!! Have fun telling your DH on Father's Day! :))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

pup- I see a line too!! I think that is pretty dark for 10 dpo too. The line looks pink to me so I don't think it could be an evap line. Congrats!! I would take a test Sunday and then tell your DH. My first positive test I took on a whim right before bed even though I knew it wasn't ideal too. Congrats again!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Puppmom, I see it! I'm sure it will be darker on Fathers Day. Congrats!!! Sending sticky dust your way.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Pupp- that looks identical to my 9DPO BFP!!


Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks guys! It definitely looks darker in the pic than IRL. DH knows my period is due soon so he checked in with me today. He got home and said, "How are my ovaries doing?". I played it off especially since I'm pretty sure he wouldn't see a line even if I handed him that test. It's gonna be a LONG 36 hours!

On the bright side, if I am pregnant, we're leaving for vacation next Saturday so time will hopefully go quickly leading up to the viability scan. I'll call my doc before I go to ask if I need to do anything differently because I miscarried last time but I'm guessing they'll say no. I don't think betas are standard there and they would probably stress me out anyway.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Pupp, I think that's a great line for 10dpo! Have fun telling your dh on fathers day. Congrats & tons of sticky dust your way!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yeah pupp!!! :appl: I'm going to be crossing my fingers this weekend for you!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh, Pupp! That is so exciting...I definitely see the line! I told DH that your husband was going to find out on Father's Day, and he thought that was going to be awesome.

AFM, I looked at my last two months of OPK's, and apparently two months ago, I had a positive on CD13... so I will be starting earlier than the 12th. Probably on the 10th like you guys recommended.