
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mer- I agree with Clairitek, booze always raises my temps the next morning. If you scroll up to my chart, all of the X'd out temps are from nights that I drank alcohol. For me it really affect my temperatures. As for OPK's I could never get the hang of the ones with the pink lines but LOVED the digital smiley face ones. They are obvi pricier and give you a smaller winder because you can't see a line getting darker, but I like that they give you a clear yes/no answer. Is it possible to change the setting to "temperature only" on FF? I like that the TCOYF software allows you to play around with settings so that you can look at all the possibilities. I think I am pretty good at reading my CM and CP but I think they tend to be much more subjective than temps so I try to go by temps when necessary. Hope you O soon and are able to time BD accordingly!

Rissa- Girl, I think you are knocked up! I looked back at your second test and I see a faint line in there. You at least have as much of a chance as I do! I think you should def try dipping the stick too especially if it's not FMU. I did with my second test and I think it's a good idea to confirm that the urine should be concentrated enough by looking at the color before wasting the stick. Also, my aim sucks! Good luck! I hope you get that confirmation on the digi in the morning!!!!

AFM, Ultrasound in the morning. All of my googling says that they won't be able to see anything anyway, but because of my long cycle my friends are all teasing that there will be a big baby in there. Last night I had a lot of cramping which had me worrying, today I really didn't have any, which has me worrying more... I just can't wait for Friday so that I can finally miss AF and consider myself pregnant.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Fingers crossed for you Mia. Did u get ur hcg results back?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Good luck Mia and thank you so much for the encouragement it really made me feel better.... So apparently peeing on a stick is not my strong suite or I have horrible luck with buying crappy tests. The digital I got is this weird kind where you insert a test strip and the digital part reads it for you? Well the digital part was inconclusive and told me to read the instructions but when I read them it just said that I didn't insert the test all the way? But I was sure I did. Anywho the non-digital part that I insert I'm sure has a second line! So I give up and I'm just going to call the doctor and make an appointment for next week....wish me luck :)


Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Rissa, I would be careful about trying to interpret the inside of the digital test because it says not to on the package. I remember reading about it on if you want to check it out. If I were you, I would not drink anything or pee for a few hours, get yourself a cup and a FRER, and test again. Make sure your pee is good and dark first though! It's been a couple of days since your faint FMU test, so it's very possible you could get a positive in the day. That's just what I would do though... The other option is to try again in the morning... Good luck again!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mia1181|1340179528|3220015 said:
As for OPK's I could never get the hang of the ones with the pink lines but LOVED the digital smiley face ones. They are obvi pricier and give you a smaller winder because you can't see a line getting darker, but I like that they give you a clear yes/no answer.

Just as an FYI- I used both the test strips (CVS brand) and the digis. I would only use a digital to confirm what I thought was a positive test strip. I never had a problem with the digis until the month I got pregnant. For some reason I never got a positive digi that month, even though my test strips were clearly positive. Thank GOD I was using the test strips as well, because I could have missed it otherwise.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mia1181|1340219567|3220378 said:
Rissa, I would be careful about trying to interpret the inside of the digital test because it says not to on the package. I remember reading about it on if you want to check it out. If I were you, I would not drink anything or pee for a few hours, get yourself a cup and a FRER, and test again. Make sure your pee is good and dark first though! It's been a couple of days since your faint FMU test, so it's very possible you could get a positive in the day. That's just what I would do though... The other option is to try again in the morning... Good luck again!

Ditto. Second lines on digital test strips don't mean anything, unfortunately.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks ladies. It looks like my temp is VERY sensitive to alcohol. Like 3 or 4 degrees higher sensitive.

Also I really do like the opk's. They have been good for me so far and are so cheap, so I am glad they work. Not sure what was up with FF, but we dtd anyway just in case. Who knows. Anyway, there are tons and tons of preggo posts all over my Facebook wall right now. It's funny, but if deuce handn't been a surprise, that would be me posting about our first exciting pregnancy. Lol.
Guess we have t "that period" of our lives. All of our friends are starting to catch up :)

Rissa, I would also pay for a frer and use it first thing tomorrow morning. Yourobably won't be able to get into a doc for a few days, and this will be cheaper than a co-pay.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Rissa How is everything going?

Mer- Are you close in age to me? I'm 30, and noticing the same thing on facebook! Well everyone just seems pregnant or trying in general. I almost died when I went to lunch yesterday with two girls from work and one girl who is in HR said ”Wow it seems like everyone is pregnant at work!” Completely out of the blue! I only know of two girls that are pregnant, but I guess she said that she has been getting a lot of questions about what health insurance is the best for pregnant women.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mia, I'm 28 and DH turns 30 in a few months. So about the same, lol.

I have friends who are pregnant for the first time, have newborns for the first time, and friends that I was pregnant with, who are either pregnant again or already have their next ones here! It's babies everywhere... and those are all MY friends. Most of DH's friends are just now getting married.

AFM, I am CD14 and looks like I had my surge today... so, here we go again :loopy:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So I still haven't started my period, so this is an extremly long cycle even for me becasue I know for sure I have not had a visit from AF since May 13th BUT I'm fairly certain it was more like May 2nd, plus conception would have been May 26th. The positive home test was on Sunday, and since then I've had two VERY faint positives and two "incompletes". So I did make a Doc appt. just to check things out. I scheduled it for July 2nd so If I still haven't started AF by then it will have been long enough to get a solid yes or no and if needed get help on jump starting my (.)
I am at this point still hopeful but realistic.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey Rissa, just butting in to ask what kind of tests you've been using. If you are indeed pregnant, you should be getting pretty decent lines at this point if had a positive test nearly a week ago. Have you tried a FRER or a CBE digital? Sorry you're having such trouble getting conclusive results. Good luck!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

monkeyprincess|1340415191|3222173 said:
Hey Rissa, just butting in to ask what kind of tests you've been using. If you are indeed pregnant, you should be getting pretty decent lines at this point if had a positive test nearly a week ago. Have you tried a FRER or a CBE digital? Sorry you're having such trouble getting conclusive results. Good luck!

Yes and no, the two faints were FRER I haven't tried a CBE, but I wasted so much time and money on tests that I've given up testing. My heart is telling me that I still have a chance of being pregnant, but my mind is telling me that I had a chemical pregnancy. Either way I think I'll feel better if I just go the doctor.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

This is one of the faints that I didn't post before I tried the FRER's. I looked at the pictures again and you can actually see the plus sign a little so I figured I'd share.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm sorry to hear you still don't have a definite answer, Rissa. Preggo tests are seriously expensive, so glad to hear you will get a final answer at the doctor's office. Hugs.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Rissa, honey, you are pregnant! Congratulations! That is so easy to see. It just sounds like you need some practice testing! Hopefully you won't need it though and this bean sticks. I think you are just really early like me. I tested very very faint positive on Sunday and all week it never really got that dark, but definitely more visible (I stopped testing yesterday when AF was finally late). Meanwhile, my HCG doubled from 22 to 65 (still waiting on my 3rd blood draw). I read somewhere that most pregnancy tests can only detect an HCG level of >20, but FRER can detect as low as 6.5. Anyway, you are probably just early so I am glad you are going to get tested at the doctor's! Good luck! When was your LMP, how long is your usual luteal phase and when did you ovulate and how do you know you did? I'm just curious as to how far along you could be... Lots of sticky dust to you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mia you are sooo awesome I love your positivity :)
And to answer your questions, I have no idea, I wasn't even charting or anything since hubby and I were kindda "rolling the dice" the first month trying.
I think I just don't want to say that I'm pregnant because I'm scared of the little bean not sticking. If the Doc says yes a week and a couple days from now then I'll be over the moon joyful! :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Anyone still here? ha
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I am Meresal!
I posted in JBP because I had that positive HPT and still haven't started period and I hope I am pregnant. BUT... I did another test yesterday and today and both are negative :((
I am keeping my doctors appointment for Monday, so we'll see, but the symptoms that I had have also disappeared. I guess you never know fingers crossed!

How are you doing??
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

meresal|1340769660|3224242 said:
Anyone still here? ha

I am planning on re-joining this little club in a couple of months (TTC #2!) Super excited. Of course, I hope you graduate before then!

mia- are you still lurking about here?? Congratulations!!!!! And we thought we would be preggo with number 1 around the same time. My little guy is already 18 months. And guess who is moving back to the B-lo... meeeeee!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh, Rissa, I was so hoping you were done over here. How freaking frustrating. Hugs girl.

I am in the 2ww. 5DPO. It was pretty textbook this month, other than the fact that I have added myself to the super-fast-surge-club. I had a negative at 7am, positive at noon, and a negative by 330 that afternoon. Then a temp rise the next day. lol. No question about O this month.
We had good timing at O-1 and O, both within 12 hours of my surge... so we shall see. If we don't get preggo this month, we are kind of in a tough spot. As my cycle is running, if we were to get preggo next cycle, the new baby's due date would be within days of Christopher's
birthday, and we just aren't sure we want to have that. We'll cross that bridge in a few weeks if we need to.

I am definitely excited for you ice. I think you had just joined the preggo thread when I had Deuce! He just passed 26 months :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yay Meresal! sounds like things will be lining up nicely this month :appl:
Fingers crossed :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Rissa- Oh dear, I'm really sorry :(sad I hope you get answers from your doctor soon.

Mer- Good luck! Sounds like you had great timing! Hoping to hear good news in a week or so!

Icekid- My PS twinnie!!!! How have you been? Your little one is already 18 months?! And you're all ready for #2?! Yeah I can't believe it took us so long to get over here for reals. Now that I am pregnant, I wonder at times if we are really ready, but no turning back now! Moving back to B-Lo huh?! I kind of wish we could be closer to family, but I don't think DH will ever have job prospects in Buffalo. We will be visiting in August when my sister is due to have her twins though. I'm already planning all the food I will eat!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks girls. I was cruising along at my higher temps, around 97.4-97.5, and then yesterday it jumped to 97.84 and then today it was 98.23. Didn't see these jumps last month, and coupled with some odd stomach flurries and random cramps, I *think* this might be it... I'm only 7dpo, so I told myself that I would test on the 4th, if I can wait that long.

Fingers crossed!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yay Mer! not to put more little thoughts in your head but my temp also jumped on 6DPO and I got my super super faint BFP on 7DPO. My temps also dropped back down to my regular post-O temps on 8DPO so don't freak out if your temps go back down a little. I think for me it was related to implantation. I've heard that many women see an implantation dip, but for me it was the opposite. My fingers are super crossed for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

lol, Mia, thanks for sharing though. I am trying to figure out which symptoms are "real" and which my head is just making up. I wish it was easier to just not think about it. The weekend should help keep my mind off of the waiting.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey all! I know my information says I'm new, but I used to post on the old forum a little. I've been lurking around the TTC thread for a bit - wow, all the information is amazingly helpful - but I wanted to actually join in!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh god oh god oh god. I am freaking out.
I have been feeling like my period was coming (and it should be). Because I've been crampy and angry and all of that.
This morning, I thought I started bleeding because I saw something on the inside of my undies.. but nothing red when I wiped!

Today, I drank. Like, a lot. Well, 5 Margaritas. WHY would I do that? Because we decided to take a break so I could get some home stuff done that involves chemicals. My parents had a BBQ/ pool party at their house so you know what? I was just enjoying the day hoping I wouldn't start my period mid swimming.

In April, I had a good cycle. May, I missed it or something. I did some OPK tests but it was neither here nor there, so mid cycle (this month) I gave up. I've been tired and sick so we only bd twice. I had exactly ONE pregnancy test and I figured I would take it just cause.

In less than one minute that line showed up. Hubs is going to buy more in the morning, but for now... I AM FREAKING OUT!
Help! Anyone! Calm me down please. :(

Edit: I am not upset that I might be pregnant. I'm upset that I drank today, had one drink yesterday, and some beer on Monday. I swear I'm not a lush, but... omg... it doesn't look that way, does it.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I couldn't wait, DH went to get more tests.
All positive in less than a minute.

I had a mini melt down and cried for a bit.

Oh man. I'm so lost on this right now.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh bean, I am sure everything is fine! Call your dr on Monday and discuss your concerns with him/her, but it sounds like it is really early, I am sure baby will be fine. It sounds like you were TTC'g but were taking a break? Baby had other plans! Congratulations to you!