
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

HI ladies. I'm on CD11. My perfect BD schedule I had planned went out the window when B got sick on Sunday. He ended up sleeping in bed with us last night (so we could monitor his breathing) and that was supposed to be BD night. Oh well. We will BD tonight and then skip a night and do a few nights in a row if we can manage. My temp dropped to my normal pre-O temps so I'm hoping it's not another long cycle. OPKs have a second line that is maybe 50% of the control, so it's getting there. Hope everyone else is doing well! I will respond to everyone once I'm back at work tomorrow and not trying to type with a toddler on my lap :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats Mia! Hope you have a happy and healthy 8 or so months ahead of you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mia, you were a good pregnant buddy! I'll be cheering you along! Some days I think "thank god I'm never doing that again!" and other days
I'm all, "aw, I'm never doing that again?". I really love having two little ones and I'm sure you will too!

Ello, I'm sorry you're on pins and needles and hope you get some reassurance soon!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, poor guy, I hope he's feeling better today. It's such a helpless feeling when they are sick. Maybe the change in BD-plan will do the trick this cycle. You never know. Fingers crossed for you.

Thanks guys for all your support.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks MLK and Pupp! I'm definitely excited to have two little buddies running around!

So here's my PSA for the day: if you are wondering how sensitive the ClearBlue Advanced Digital Pregnancy test with the weeks are, they aren't very sensitive at all!

My temp went up .2 degrees today so things were looking good and I tested thinking I would get the 1-2 week reading. Nope, "not pregnant!" So I panic a little and save my pee cup and head to the store. I grabbed the sweater I wore last night while making chicken soup and I'm gagging all the way to the store from the smell! Getting through the store was awful because I was so nauseous but I had to grab a couple other things while I was there! I'm thinking "how could I not be pregnant, I feel awful!"

Here's the FRER from today's old stinky pee. At this time last pregnancy I got a positive on the FR Digital Gold but I wasn't going to waste any money to try! I'm happy with this line and done testing! I have to get bloodwork done today and I'll save the last 2 tests for moments of panic in the future.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mia, congrats!! I meant to post yesterday because your 8dpo FRER looked almost identical to mine (at 8dpo) and by 9dpo, the line was very visible...just like yours. In those first few days, hours make a difference. I had the same experience as you with the CB digi. I tested with FMU at 9dpo and got a "not pregnant". I tested again at noon and got a "pregnant". I wouldn't run out and buy any CB digis since you have a great line on your FRER, but I wouldn't be surprised if you got a "pregnant" later today.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mia, congrats! That's a pretty line!

Ello, fingers crossed for you. Have you spoken with your doctor?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Mia that is definitely a line, baby!!! :-) I think getting a line so early is wonderful news. I raise my alcoholic-free beverage to you and your bean!

I still have a line. So relieved. Same strength as yesterday but I read that hormones double every 48? I was able to get a Dr's appointment for this coming Friday to confirm the pregnancy. Fingers crossed. I remember a jackass man telling me a long time ago that waiting for your second child is like waiting for the bus - No big deal. Yeah, right, that coming from a man. He was sooo wrong, I'm more nervous about this pregnancy than ever before.

Good luck everyone. You're all hero's in my eyes.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AMC, on a different note, I've always been in-love with your ring. Drooool!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

ello|1391015315|3603391 said:
AMC, on a different note, I've always been in-love with your ring. Drooool!

Aww thank you! It was inspired by a few different JB Star designs so I can't take the credit :)

And yay for still having a line!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

ello|1391015315|3603391 said:
AMC, on a different note, I've always been in-love with your ring. Drooool!

Ditto. I'm so desensitized to blingy profile pics, but yours always catches me eye every time I see it!

Ello- Friday's not that far off so that's great! Has the spotting subsided? You got a positive on that CB Advanced test so I'm thinking there is a lot of HCG floating around in you. Good luck!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Mia, Yes, normally the CB would be good reassurance but I had a positive CB during my last chemical only to turn negative a day later. At least this bean has been ganging on since Saturday so I feel a little more optimistic today. I'm looking to retire TTC after 13.5 months. Ha ha! Fingers crossed!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ello, that jackass comment is the most annoying thing I could ever imagine. Not to sound like a misanthrope, but had to be a man to say something like that. :rolleyes: Anyway, I'm excited for you for Friday! Hoping they'll be able to help ease your worries. I'm hoping you'll graduate from the TTC thread too :)

Mia, your tests are looking great! I've used up my Wondofo cheapies and just have a FRER left. I guess I'll save that if I ever need any reassurance. I find I'm still temping, just for reassurance, but really I should stop.

AMC, Aw, poor B. I hope the bub gets better soon. And I think you still have a decent plan in terms of BDing frequency. Hopefully this is all you need. :)

PPM and O changes yet? Hoping you guys are keeping with your every other plan. And I did the same thing with VIP membership and then was just too cheap to pay for renewal.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

NEL- Did I not respond to you before? I thought I did so sorry if I'm just repeating. I didn't think about variations in HCG in my urine. Totally makes sense since I usually got darker lines in the afternoon with my previous pregnancy. There's just something so harsh about seeing a negative on a digital. A faint FRER looks like "sorta pregnant" to me, but seeing a "not pregnant" on the digi screen just made me worried even though I knew digitals aren't as sensitive. Anyway, I'm rambling and probably for the second time, but I'm glad to hear your test looked similar to mine at this stage in the game, for some reason I'm more worried this time around.

Ello- It's all sounding so good for you! Let us know what the doc says.

LC- How many DPO are you? I just looked up my old charts and last pregnancy I temped until 22DPO. This time I think I will give it up once AF is late (13-14 dpo). I value my sleep much more this time around haha!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ladies, how long is your temperature supposed to stay up after BFP and what temperatures are a normal range during BFP/pregnancy?
ello said:
Ladies, how long is your temperature supposed to stay up after BFP and what temperatures are a normal range during BFP/pregnancy?

I temped until 17dpo. The rule of thumb is that if your temp stays above your cover line for 17dpo then you are pregnant. But don't let one low temp freak you out, random stuff can happen. As for what's normal, all I can say is my pregnancy temps were in the low 98s. I have low temps, though- pre O is in the mid 96s and post O is in the mid 97s. So I might not be the best point of reference.

Having said all that, I think the best advice is to put away your thermometer once you get a BFP.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1391060352|3604008 said:
Having said all that, I think the best advice is to put away your thermometer once you get a BFP.

Ditto. It really depends on what's a normal temp for you. Pre-o I'm in the high 96s and low 97s. My cover line is usually in the 97.2-97.4 range and post-o is 97.7-98s. Last pregnancy everything was a little higher and I was also in the 98s when I was pregnant. This pregnancy I'm closer to 97.7. I think it's fine as long as it's above the cover line. Last pregnancy I had a dip to the cover line. I got worried and it was for nothing. So yeah try not to stress about low temps, I guess it can fluctuate once you are pregnant.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats, Mia! I've always read recommendations that you should stop temping once you get a positive test because it can fluctuate so much and still be normal. I know - easier said than done!

AFM - BFN today at 9dpo, on both a FRER (six days sooner) and a Clearblue Digital with Weeks Estimator. I think I'm out this month, because I have a fairly short luteal phase and expect AF as early as this weekend. From what I can gather, it looks like women with shorter luteal phases should be able to test sooner?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

princess_cut|1391083570|3604081 said:
From what I can gather, it looks like women with shorter luteal phases should be able to test sooner?

Nope! Having a short luteal phase doesn't change biology or the ability for an embryo to implant earlier. All it means is you could be late for AF before you are able to get a BFP.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks AMC & MIA, my temp dipped yesterday but it's up again today at 98.42 F. I think I will stop taking my temperature by Sunday. I'm too compulsive to let go yet! Ha ha! So strange, I've been waking every few hours and it's not my toddler's doing. I'm so restless, maybe nervous.

PrincessCut - the luteal phase according to DR. Google, is 12 to 14 days but mine has been around 11 days and recently as low as 10! Somehow I still managed to get pregnant this cycle so anything is possible. Actually the entire reproductive system is totally mind boggling to me.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Just poppin in to say Congrats mia! :appl: :appl:

I'm still around but things have been crazy busy. At work, at home, everywhere. Tons of stuff to do at my job so no time to pop on here. At home Cayden is sick and I'm coming down with the flu too. Trying to get some home projects done, just started working on a chalkboard wall for Cayden. CD13 and I have yet to BD. Got interupted the other day when Cayden woke up from his nap early, walked into our room and puked right in front of us, sigh. My temps are all over the place anyways so I wouldn't be surprised if I ov late. No ewcm yet either, just some sore bbs.Anyways, that's my update. :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

PrC, I have a short LP 11 days tops. It doesn't necessarily mean you will have difficulty getting pregnant. But, to put your mind at ease you can mention it to your doc and they can test for progestrone. If you come up as low, then they can always prescribe supplements for you when you get your BFP.

Watching this thread and rooting for all you ladies :)

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Random-thoughts, sorry to hear things have been nuts. Don't rule out anything, I ovulated 2-3 days later and look at me now. I adore the name Cayden, can I ask you for your permission to add it to my baby name list?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks LC, I always enjoy reading your posts and appreciate your support.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Excuse me but can you ladies tell me if I'm pregnant? Lol lol!

Beautiful second line this morning at 17 DPO.

Does this mean the Chemical PREG window has passed at 17DPO?

I have my Dr's appointment later today, will report back later or Monday depending on their test results.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Wow, Ello,what a line!!! Hoping your appt goes well today and your levels are great!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ello, congrats!!! Nice line! I think at 17DPO the window hasn't passed, but I think you're in the clear with a line like that.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ello- If I really squint, I think I might just make out a line!
JK JK JK! :bigsmile:

I think you are definitely pregnant with a real pregnancy!

I've been doing a lot of chemical pregnancy research and it seems like a lot of people had faint lines that went away. Was that how yours was? I don't think I found anyone with a dark line like that. I also read that chemical pregnancies aren't actually implanted so I don't see how the HCG could ever get quite that high. I guess technically a chemical pregnancy is any really early miscarriage that occurs before a sac develops, but it doesn't seem like you have any higher of a risk of that happening. I'll be anxiously waiting for your results but I'm thinking that baby is stuck in there!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Whoa, Ello! You body is pretty clear about the status of this pregnancy! How'd the appt go today?

RT, Sorry things are crazy. Hope C gets better soon and you bump whatever bug is sneaking in.

AMC, how's B doing today? Have you guys been able to execute your BDing plans?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

mia1181|1391190963|3605138 said:
Ello- If I really squint, I think I might just make out a line!
JK JK JK! :bigsmile:

I think you are definitely pregnant with a real pregnancy!

I've been doing a lot of chemical pregnancy research and it seems like a lot of people had faint lines that went away. Was that how yours was? I don't think I found anyone with a dark line like that. I also read that chemical pregnancies aren't actually implanted so I don't see how the HCG could ever get quite that high. I guess technically a chemical pregnancy is any really early miscarriage that occurs before a sac develops, but it doesn't seem like you have any higher of a risk of that happening. I'll be anxiously waiting for your results but I'm thinking that baby is stuck in there!

I agree with this. When I had my CP this is the darkest line I got, at 12DPO. I also got a positive digi with the same pee.
