
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm in the wanting but waiting thread and will hopefully join this thread at christmas. I've been lurking though and just wanted to chime in to say congratulations to Muffdog! It's so lovely to pop in and see good news. And goodluck to everyone else :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm so frustrated! Out of nowhere, I ovulated 3 days sooner than I was expecting. But the time I realized it was happening, we had missed reasonable timing by a day or so, and it was too late to try again (trying to time it for a girl). I was expecting to try on Monday. So I think it is not going to happen this month. I cannot predict my ovulation at all. It varies from CD11 to CD17, and it seems to have no rhyme or reason. Sigh.
Tourmaline said:
I'm so frustrated! Out of nowhere, I ovulated 3 days sooner than I was expecting. But the time I realized it was happening, we had missed reasonable timing by a day or so, and it was too late to try again (trying to time it for a girl). I was expecting to try on Monday. So I think it is not going to happen this month. I cannot predict my ovulation at all. It varies from CD11 to CD17, and it seems to have no rhyme or reason. Sigh.

I've got a similar range- anywhere from cd13 to cd19. It can make it tough to plan. OPKs are really helpful in that situation, especially if you get a decent fade in.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yes! We were traveling for a few days and I hadn't even started testing yet! The first time I tested (CD10) it was positive. Geez!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline, the same exact thing happened to me the cycle I got pregnant with a girl. I usually O around CD14-15, so I start OPKs on CD10. My temp randomly shot up on CD11 and I thought it was too late. But apparently my body changed its mind and O'ed later. I still don't know when I actually O'ed this cycle, ha! Do you temp to confirm O, or just use OPKs?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I ovulated on CD11 around 6PM. I don't do temps, but I have other signals. I see pink blood on toilet paper one time, about an hour after ovulation every month (unless I miss it, which is pretty rare, but happened last month). We did the deed 84 hours before O. From my research, that gives me a 15% chance of conception. Not impossible, but not likely. That said, I had really good CM when we did do the deed, so maybe a few sperm cells made it to egg time. I am hopeful even though it was too early, and I will probably drive myself crazy again this month. Hee hee.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hello everyone. We're starting ttc for #2 and I have a question about OPKs. Didn't use them for first one but I'm 5 years older now so think they might be helpful. Are wondfos any good? I see lots of reviews on amazon but they are mixed. Is it better to get an electronic OPK? Any tips for using wondfos? TIA :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

baby monster|1409680314|3743486 said:
Hello everyone. We're starting ttc for #2 and I have a question about OPKs. Didn't use them for first one but I'm 5 years older now so think they might be helpful. Are wondfos any good? I see lots of reviews on amazon but they are mixed. Is it better to get an electronic OPK? Any tips for using wondfos? TIA :wavey:

I highly recommend Wondfos. You will get a ton so you can test multiple times per day. With DS, I used the CVS brand strips and the CBE Digital to confirm. The month he was conceived, I got a nice positive on the CVS strip but never got a positive digi. I no longer test the digitals.

With this kiddo, it was taking much longer so I wanted to test multiple times per day. There was more than one month where I'd have a negative all day long, then suddenly get a positive right before bed. Without the Wondfos I would have missed it for sure.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for the info, amc. I ordered wondfo combo pack on amazon and it should be here tomorrow.

How many times a day do you test? I've been reading reviews and they suggest just testing once a day in the afternoon but that would be at work. Not sure if this will work out:cheeky:.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

baby monster|1409752755|3743984 said:
Thanks for the info, amc. I ordered wondfo combo pack on amazon and it should be here tomorrow.

How many times a day do you test? I've been reading reviews and they suggest just testing once a day in the afternoon but that would be at work. Not sure if this will work out:cheeky:.

I used to only test with FMU, until I got the Wondfos. I know some people don't have luck with FMU, but it was never a problem for me (and my tests specifically said to use it). Once I got my 50 pack, though, it sort of opened the testing gates. I would test with FMU, then again right after work (so like 5:30), then again before bed. If my FMU test was close but not quite there, I'd take one to work and test mid-day as well. I became a pee control expert in that I would just pee on the test strip directly and not have to use a cup. So that made things easier at work.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Gah! I'm realizing that I kind of suck at participating in this thread. Sorry!

I'm on CD12. I usually ovulate around CD21-23, which is next Friday-Sunday. We're leaving on Thursday to spend the weekend with friends in Florida. I'm not sure when we're leaving on Thursday, but I'm figuring I'm going to need some action before we pack it up and go. That's assuming I ovulate as I normally do. Which means I probably won't.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

amc80|1409758265|3744043 said:
baby monster|1409752755|3743984 said:
Thanks for the info, amc. I ordered wondfo combo pack on amazon and it should be here tomorrow.

How many times a day do you test? I've been reading reviews and they suggest just testing once a day in the afternoon but that would be at work. Not sure if this will work out:cheeky:.

I used to only test with FMU, until I got the Wondfos. I know some people don't have luck with FMU, but it was never a problem for me (and my tests specifically said to use it). Once I got my 50 pack, though, it sort of opened the testing gates. I would test with FMU, then again right after work (so like 5:30), then again before bed. If my FMU test was close but not quite there, I'd take one to work and test mid-day as well. I became a pee control expert in that I would just pee on the test strip directly and not have to use a cup. So that made things easier at work.
Hmm, target practice here I come :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So I uh... stayed away from this thread because I thought that things just weren't going to happen for awhile. Plus we were in the middle of deciding on a house and job offer for me...etc etc. Basically it made me sad to think that my place may not be here for awhile and I didn't want to be a debby downer.

um I think I just got my first two lines test. I'm about 5 days late and haven't tested since I was due and it was still negative. But the Wondfo said positve. I am drinking a lot of water to take more tests and will update.

:errrr: :errrr: :errrr: :errrr:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Positive with First Response and CVS Store brand. I know this sounds so dumb, but what do I do now?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

OMG!!!!!! I am so happy for you, Huff!!!! Woo-hoo! Make an OB appointment. Tell them your history when making the appointment and they'll decide when you should come in. YAY!!!!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

As for me...I am 5dpo and had spotting today. It's a day earlier than the lowest common number of days past ovulation that implantation happens, but I don't think it's impossible. And I had a food aversion. Because of the specialness of the BD this month, hee hee, even though the timing was a bit far, I have a good feeling about this month.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline: Thank you oh so much for your reply. I appreciate it so much and all of your replies to me. So again, thank you. I emailed the dr's office and hopefully they will call me Monday. My head is completely reeling.

I am excited for you too that you already had some spotting and you have a good feeling. I really hope we can be on the Barely Pregnant thread together this month!!! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Again, I am SO happy for you, just thrilled that it happened so quickly for you! There are other forums about pregnancy that are much more active than this one. On Baby Center, you can find a group of women who are all due the same month as you. You can calculate your due date if you know your ovulation date. Just Google "Due Date Calculator." Enjoy!

So, I assume you've told your husband? How did it go??
We need pics!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ok so here is a pic of the two tests... ignore the aug date I wrote... my brain wasn't working and I forgot it was Sept :oops: :oops:


Tourmaline: Again thank you so much for the congrats. The dr's didn't expect for me to be able to get pregnant at all, or at least without extreme intervention. I feel so incredibly lucky but scared out of my mind. I got a job offer for a full time position literally today and now I don't know what they will say!

And I told my DH. He wanted to go celebrate :naughty: lol he already KMTFU but he said he wanted to try for two :nono: :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Haha! Wow, those tests are dark!! That is a dilemma about the job (for you whether to tell them and for them whether to continue with the hiring). Good luck! :)
Congrats! Those are awesome positives. About the job- just take it. What is the FMLA law in your state? Some require less than a year to be eligible. I have a friend who was barely pregnant when she started a new job and it all worked out.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Huff! So many congratulations! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!

I'm 7 DPO. Right now think I'll wait to test until next Saturday AM if AF hasn't showed up by then, I have crazy work meetings the end of this week so trying to avoid testing then. Timing wasn't great - O-1 only, but hey, only takes once, right?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Nice positives, Huff! Congrats.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

stephb0lt|1410028104|3746044 said:
Timing wasn't great - O-1 only, but hey, only takes once, right?

I think your timing sounds ideal!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Huff!! Congratulations girlie! This are POSITIVE. No faint lines there. The FRER actually has a darker "pregnant" line than the control line!

Tourmaline - I'm crossing my fingers for you!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, Muff. I am 7dpo, no BFP yet. I had spotting on 5dpo and I have been feeling sort of low blood-sugary these last couple of days. I'm probably creating these symptoms, but maybe not. ;)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline|1410097696|3746417 said:
Thanks, Muff. I am 7dpo, no BFP yet. I had spotting on 5dpo and I have been feeling sort of low blood-sugary these last couple of days. I'm probably creating these symptoms, but maybe not. ;)

7DPO is very very early for a bfp. Be patient!! Crossing my fingers for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

MuffDog|1410139206|3746729 said:
7DPO is very very early for a bfp. Be patient!! Crossing my fingers for you!

I know it is. :) I am 8dpo and bfn now. I did the math, and I have never gotten a BFP before 12dpo. Two of the 4 times, I tested every day until then. One time it didn't register BFP until my period was 8 days late! But I take these tests anyway! Haha!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks so much everyone. Currently trying not to be sick all the time :sick:

Tourmaline: I am so pulling for you this cycle! I am checking back constantly for your updates!!