
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Huff26|1410308967|3748101 said:
Thanks so much everyone. Currently trying not to be sick all the time :sick:

Tourmaline: I am so pulling for you this cycle! I am checking back constantly for your updates!!

10dpo, BFN.

The sickness can be pretty awful. Good luck getting through it! <3
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline: I got BFN the day I was supposed to get my period. You still have two days to go before you are at your 12DPO marker! I honestly didn't test until I was a week late, mostly because I was that oblivious. Thanks for the kind words... I am nervous about going over to the pregnancy thread!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

<3 Huff
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline|1410380055|3748597 said:
Huff26|1410308967|3748101 said:
Thanks so much everyone. Currently trying not to be sick all the time :sick:

Tourmaline: I am so pulling for you this cycle! I am checking back constantly for your updates!!

10dpo, BFN.

The sickness can be pretty awful. Good luck getting through it! <3

Tourmaline - what brand of tests are you using?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

[quote="MuffDog|1410396411|3748732"Tourmaline - what brand of tests are you using?[/quote]

I am using Wondfos. 11dpo BFN.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Still 1 more day to go Tourmaline!!

Also my results came back for HCG... it was 11,549 at 5 weeks on the dot... which is super high right? :confused: :errrr:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Huff26|1410464122|3749198 said:
Still 1 more day to go Tourmaline!!

Also my results came back for HCG... it was 11,549 at 5 weeks on the dot... which is super high right? :confused: :errrr:

It's definitely above average- according to betabase, average for 21dpo is 1,664, with the range being 61-19,726.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Holy Beta, Huff! You might have twins in there. When is your first ultrasound?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Huff26|1410464122|3749198 said:
Still 1 more day to go Tourmaline!!

Also my results came back for HCG... it was 11,549 at 5 weeks on the dot... which is super high right? :confused: :errrr:

Woo-hoo!!! SO happy for you!!!

12dpo BFN on Wondfo and FRER. I am counting this as the end. Period will come in the next couple of days. I knew the BD was too early, but I got totally carried away anyway.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So I got the combo pack of wondfos late last week. Have been POAS with no results thinking these things don't work when I finally got a positive line on CD13 which is late for me as my cycles are short. Unusual for me but I guess the age is starting to affect my timing.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi ladies! I've been over in Waiting TTC for well over a year and I'll officially move over here in December. For now though I just had my nexplanon out a week ago and I'm almost done with my withdrawl bleed. I got the FF app and I've been tracking my temp for the last 4 days so far. I've also been using OPK's since I have over 100 that will expire in November from a friend. Since I have no clue when I will ovulate I figured I might as well.

So, the temping. I am using a basal thermometer and my temp is ALL OVER THE PLACE! I take it at the same time each morning as soon as I wake up at 5am. No talking yet, no drinking, still lying in bed, and then I go right back to sleep. During the weekdays I sleep another 40 min and the weekends usually 3 hours. Does this make a difference? I use an alarm to wake up as well.

Temps so far: CD 6 97.33, CD 7 96.8, and CD 8 97.18

If this is just normal variation and maybe a result from my body regulating after 4 years of progesterone, OK, lol. If it seems like I'm doing anything with my temping wrong please let me know.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Asscherhalo_lover|1410621174|3750326 said:
Hi ladies! I've been over in Waiting TTC for well over a year and I'll officially move over here in December. For now though I just had my nexplanon out a week ago and I'm almost done with my withdrawl bleed. I got the FF app and I've been tracking my temp for the last 4 days so far. I've also been using OPK's since I have over 100 that will expire in November from a friend. Since I have no clue when I will ovulate I figured I might as well.

So, the temping. I am using a basal thermometer and my temp is ALL OVER THE PLACE! I take it at the same time each morning as soon as I wake up at 5am. No talking yet, no drinking, still lying in bed, and then I go right back to sleep. During the weekdays I sleep another 40 min and the weekends usually 3 hours. Does this make a difference? I use an alarm to wake up as well.

Temps so far: CD 6 97.33, CD 7 96.8, and CD 8 97.18

If this is just normal variation and maybe a result from my body regulating after 4 years of progesterone, OK, lol. If it seems like I'm doing anything with my temping wrong please let me know.


That doesn't seem like huge swings to me. I bet you see your temps settle a little bit as the cycles goes on. Mine does that a bit at the beginning of the cycle sometimes before it settles into smaller variations. Those are all pre-O temps for me. I only get annoyed when I get a swing hat goes into what is a post-O temp for me when I know I'm not there yet. I've actually been able to figure out the red wine gives me false highs so I try not to drink it before O since I think it screws with my chart.
Asscher- that is pretty normal for this stage of your cycle. Temps are often erratic during AF, and sometimes all the way until O. An overall shift is what you need. Take a look at this old chart of mine, very erratic but still a clear shift.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

April and AMC thank you for your replies! I'm learning as I go and I appreciate the help. I didn't realize it could be so erratic during menses and how much drinking could affect it (happy hour last night). I'm just anxious with this first cycle since it's been such a long time and I'm curious if my fertility will return to "normal".

I'll keep on tracking, thanks again!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Asscher, my temps are all over the place pre-O also. And, if you have any alcohol the night before that will usually increase your temperature in the AM. I see that you are consistently waking up at the same time, but when I wake up later, my temp is higher too.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I just got my period.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

JGator|1410645240|3750515 said:
Asscher, my temps are all over the place pre-O also. And, if you have any alcohol the night before that will usually increase your temperature in the AM. I see that you are consistently waking up at the same time, but when I wake up later, my temp is higher too.

Thanks again, my temp was back down this morning.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline|1410711746|3750861 said:
I just got my period.

Crappy - I'm sorry, Tourmaline.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tourmaline: I'm thinking of you. I'm really sorry about this cycle and I know how tough it has to be trying for a girl while traveling. I really hope you get her this cycle.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, Muff and Huff. How are your pregnancies going?? :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So sorry AF showed up Tourmaline. Hope this is your month!

Welcome AHL! December will be here before you know it!

AFM, last cycle was a bust, I'm CD12 right now. DH and I have been on vacation the last five days by ourselves (first trip we've both been away from our two year old!) It's been fun and relaxing and we've gotten in way more BD than we would have if we weren't on vacation so maybe we will bring home a souvenir! I didn't bring OPK or my thermometer on the trip with us but we are headed home tomorrow so will start using them then and temping again.

Hi to anyone else who is hanging around in here!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm 10 DPO. I may, and I stress MAY, have gotten a faint line this morning. It was a Dollar Store test and I say may because I took it, looked at it a couple minutes later and it was so stark white I tossed it. I did a few things around the house and then collected all the trash for the curb. I looked at it one last time before I took the trash out. Faint line. The thing is, it was at least ten minutes after I took it and I don't know when that line showed up. It did have color. I suppose I will repeat tomorrow and see what I get. It figures I'd be impatient, assuming it was too early for a $ store test to be positive, and now not know when the line showed up.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

april20 - tentative congrats ;-)

I always get my faint bfps with dollar store tests. Buy some more and test again tomorrow morning with FMU. :-) Crossing my fingers for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi. I'm hanging around here too. I was testing out opks and really monitoring this cycle. CD 25 today and will dive into ttc next cycle.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Tested with a FRER this am. Super light positive.

Honestly, I don't know if this one's going to stick. I have some twinges that I generally get before AF. I didn't get them when I got pg last winter but did have them a couple days before I m/c'd. I mean, I hope this one sticks, but I'm not terribly confident.

Here's a pic. You may be able to see the line.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I can see the light line. Looks like a positive to me. Congrats!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

April, I have been pregnant 4 times, and they were all different. Some felt like AF and some didn't. AF-like twinges are not an indication of anything. Hugs and congratulations!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Definitely a line! Stick!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Major temp drop this morning. As much as I hoped this wouldn't happen, I really knew it would. I tested again the day after the FRER and it was so faint too. I knew it really should be getting darker, so I'm not surprised this is going the way of a chemical.

We leave for a week in DR this coming Friday, so maybe this is for the best. I can really enjoy the vacation (I mean the booze).

But a part of me is so frustrated. Just stick, dammit.

This is why I shouldn't test until I'm late. Testing early just sets me up for disappointment.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Aww, it's still early, April 20. I wouldn't drink until you confirm not being pg. Testing early can give false negatives.

AFM, CD2 so starting some serious ttc next week :wink2: