
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

April, your timing is great!

AFM, 10DPO and really want take something for this terrible cold that came on couple of days ago but afraid. Coughing is killing me and my usual savior, guaifenesin, is category C so not advised. I don't feel pg at all and finally broke down and POAS'd which was negative but it's still early.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

baby monster|1413661161|3769128 said:
April, your timing is great!

AFM, 10DPO and really want take something for this terrible cold that came on couple of days ago but afraid. Coughing is killing me and my usual savior, guaifenesin, is category C so not advised. I don't feel pg at all and finally broke down and POAS'd which was negative but it's still early.

That sucks! I have serious sinus problems and live on those types of meds. What helps me most besides meds are really hot steamy showers and LOTS of hot tea to help soothe everything. I hope you feel better soon and get that BFP to make the not taking meds misery worth it!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

baby monster|1413661161|3769128 said:
April, your timing is great!

AFM, 10DPO and really want take something for this terrible cold that came on couple of days ago but afraid. Coughing is killing me and my usual savior, guaifenesin, is category C so not advised. I don't feel pg at all and finally broke down and POAS'd which was negative but it's still early.

I hope you feel better soon. Colds SUCK.

I really hope our timing was good enough. DH has been sick (horrible allergies) all week. I basically had to beg him to "take one for the team" and not let me completely miss the "window" on tues and seduce him on Thurs. Ha Ha. Thankfully, he's a good sport.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Temp today confirmed Thursday O, so officially in the TWW.

And to make things super awesome, the "allergies" DH said he had was contagious. Woke up with his nasty funk. This is the SECOND time I've fallen for his " it's just allergies" routine. When will I learn?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Asscherhalo_lover|1413662328|3769135 said:
baby monster|1413661161|3769128 said:
April, your timing is great!

AFM, 10DPO and really want take something for this terrible cold that came on couple of days ago but afraid. Coughing is killing me and my usual savior, guaifenesin, is category C so not advised. I don't feel pg at all and finally broke down and POAS'd which was negative but it's still early.

That sucks! I have serious sinus problems and live on those types of meds. What helps me most besides meds are really hot steamy showers and LOTS of hot tea to help soothe everything. I hope you feel better soon and get that BFP to make the not taking meds misery worth it!

Baby Monster (and any others who need something for coughing):

I absolutely swear by Chestal. Here is their website: LINK

This stuff is amazing. It is mostly honey with some herbs but it really really works. I used it almost exclusively a few years ago when I had pertussis (whooping cough).

Hope this helps.... Back to lurking.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So I had a F it with DH seems that if I've ovulated that would have been O+1 based on a recent positive OPK and temp dip followed by a spike, yet to be confirmed. It's highly unlikely but ya never know. I'll happily take a BFP or an AF at this point, anything other than just waiting around.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

TooPatient|1413756744|3769539 said:
Asscherhalo_lover|1413662328|3769135 said:
baby monster|1413661161|3769128 said:
April, your timing is great!

AFM, 10DPO and really want take something for this terrible cold that came on couple of days ago but afraid. Coughing is killing me and my usual savior, guaifenesin, is category C so not advised. I don't feel pg at all and finally broke down and POAS'd which was negative but it's still early.

That sucks! I have serious sinus problems and live on those types of meds. What helps me most besides meds are really hot steamy showers and LOTS of hot tea to help soothe everything. I hope you feel better soon and get that BFP to make the not taking meds misery worth it!

Baby Monster (and any others who need something for coughing):

I absolutely swear by Chestal. Here is their website: LINK

This stuff is amazing. It is mostly honey with some herbs but it really really works. I used it almost exclusively a few years ago when I had pertussis (whooping cough).

Hope this helps.... Back to lurking.
Thanks. I absolutely hate the taste of honey, makes me gag, but may need to try this stuff. Had such a restless night with all of the coughing.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Asscherhalo_lover|1413767987|3769595 said:
So I had a F it with DH seems that if I've ovulated that would have been O+1 based on a recent positive OPK and temp dip followed by a spike, yet to be confirmed. It's highly unlikely but ya never know. I'll happily take a BFP or an AF at this point, anything other than just waiting around.
That's a fun way to kick things in gear :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

baby monster|1413815926|3769745 said:
Asscherhalo_lover|1413767987|3769595 said:
So I had a F it with DH seems that if I've ovulated that would have been O+1 based on a recent positive OPK and temp dip followed by a spike, yet to be confirmed. It's highly unlikely but ya never know. I'll happily take a BFP or an AF at this point, anything other than just waiting around.
That's a fun way to kick things in gear :bigsmile:

It certainly was one of those "this needs to happen now" kind of things, lol. FF targeted ovulation today so we were +1. Now lets see if the crosshairs actually stick and I have a BFP or AF in two weeks!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

6DPO. Waiting. Waiting. I'm not so good at waiting.

Instead of taking it's sweet time to ramp up to my typical post-O temp range, my temp went up to 97.45 and 98.29. Often it waffles around 97.4-97.6 for a few days and then levels out around 97.8ish. I rarely have over 98 temps post-O and never this early in my LP, so hoping it's a "good" sign. I also had a major temp drop yesterday. I jumped right back up to 98.25 today. I looked and it did this last month as well. So we will see where I am next week!

How's everyone else in the TWW?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi April! I'm a day behind you, we only hit O+1 and that wasn't really on purpose, lol. So while I doubt I'll be pregnant ya never know! The next cycle we will def be making an effort :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

CD1. Happily taking sudafed and robitussin.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

baby monster|1414020939|3771288 said:
CD1. Happily taking sudafed and robitussin.

Mmmmmm sudafed! I started sneezing today and have been soooooo tired, I wish advil cold and sinus was on the menu!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm still on the wanting but waiting thread and usually only lurk over here. I'm de-lurking to ask about cycles. I'm 26 but worried about fertility because of my abnormally long cycles. usually 38-42 days but I'm now on CD51 and still waiting for AF. and 100% not pregnant. I'm not overweight/anorexic/too athletic or any of the other reasons women might not get periods. I'm completely average.

we're not actively trying to conceive yet but it does make me wish we could start trying sooner rather than later in case its a problem. anyone have long cycles?
hippi_pixi said:
I'm still on the wanting but waiting thread and usually only lurk over here. I'm de-lurking to ask about cycles. I'm 26 but worried about fertility because of my abnormally long cycles. usually 38-42 days but I'm now on CD51 and still waiting for AF. and 100% not pregnant. I'm not overweight/anorexic/too athletic or any of the other reasons women might not get periods. I'm completely average. we're not actively trying to conceive yet but it does make me wish we could start trying sooner rather than later in case its a problem. anyone have long cycles?

38-42 days is long, but not crazy long. 51+, on the other hand...that's long. Can you make an appointment with your OBGYN to get some blood work done?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

hippi_pixi|1414324607|3772848 said:
I'm still on the wanting but waiting thread and usually only lurk over here. I'm de-lurking to ask about cycles. I'm 26 but worried about fertility because of my abnormally long cycles. usually 38-42 days but I'm now on CD51 and still waiting for AF. and 100% not pregnant. I'm not overweight/anorexic/too athletic or any of the other reasons women might not get periods. I'm completely average.

we're not actively trying to conceive yet but it does make me wish we could start trying sooner rather than later in case its a problem. anyone have long cycles?

Nice to see you over here Hippi! I'm having a super long cycle right now but only because I just came off of BC (hopefully). I did track daily with a bbt thermometer and use OPKs to track when I actually ovulated. I've had some ups and downs but I finally ovulated for real on day 42. If this is normal for you, I would also go and have bloodwork done but I would also start temping and using OPKs to see if you are actually ovulating. This info can help your doctor locate and possibly treat any issues.

I've also started using fertilitea to help try and regulate things, I'll be using it 2x per day once I get my CD1 which should be 5-7 days from now unless I have a bfp from my O+1 oopsie (doubtful).
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

today is now CD52 and no sign. in Australia we dont tend to see obgyns unless pregnant or have serious problems with our lady parts. ill probably just wait it out and see how we go TTC when the time comes i have a pretty bad phobia of IV's and blood tests, that seems to get worse each time i have tried to have blood testing. so it would have to be a life or death situation to get one done now.

just wondering if anyone else has these issues. i have opks and a BBT thermometer so maybe i will try to use them next cycle when/if it comes. i thought i could predict ovulation purely based on CM but if i was correct i should have had AF weeks ago.

never heard of fertilitea so I'm off to look it up now! so are you 100% sure you ovulated? based on temping or opks?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

hippi_pixi|1414408640|3773234 said:
today is now CD52 and no sign. in Australia we dont tend to see obgyns unless pregnant or have serious problems with our lady parts. ill probably just wait it out and see how we go TTC when the time comes i have a pretty bad phobia of IV's and blood tests, that seems to get worse each time i have tried to have blood testing. so it would have to be a life or death situation to get one done now.

just wondering if anyone else has these issues. i have opks and a BBT thermometer so maybe i will try to use them next cycle when/if it comes. i thought i could predict ovulation purely based on CM but if i was correct i should have had AF weeks ago.

never heard of fertilitea so I'm off to look it up now! so are you 100% sure you ovulated? based on temping or opks?

My ovulation was based on both. I've had multiple patches of fertile CM and positive OPKs but I finally ovulated based on the temp shifts on day 42. Only the confirmed temp shifts show for sure.

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

April20|1414006289|3771128 said:
6DPO. Waiting. Waiting. I'm not so good at waiting.

Instead of taking it's sweet time to ramp up to my typical post-O temp range, my temp went up to 97.45 and 98.29. Often it waffles around 97.4-97.6 for a few days and then levels out around 97.8ish. I rarely have over 98 temps post-O and never this early in my LP, so hoping it's a "good" sign. I also had a major temp drop yesterday. I jumped right back up to 98.25 today. I looked and it did this last month as well. So we will see where I am next week!

How's everyone else in the TWW?

How's it going April20? I'm pretty sure I'm out for good, I'll only test again if AF is late. My temp dropped this morning to cover line so I'm hoping I'll have an end to this horrifically long cycle soon!

I hope yours stays nice and high!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Asscherhalo_lover|1414511770|3773884 said:
My temp dropped this morning to cover line so I'm hoping I'll have an end to this horrifically long cycle soon!

As nerve-wracking as this long cycle is for you, there's something to be said for not having a period ;))

AFM, we're just chugging along and enjoying the process :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

baby monster|1414549610|3774209 said:
Asscherhalo_lover|1414511770|3773884 said:
My temp dropped this morning to cover line so I'm hoping I'll have an end to this horrifically long cycle soon!

As nerve-wracking as this long cycle is for you, there's something to be said for not having a period ;))

AFM, we're just chugging along and enjoying the process :bigsmile:

And just like that my temp is back up! Ugh, lol. Oh well I'm CD 12 for now so if I have no AF by CD 18 I'm calling the Dr.

I'm glad your enjoying the process Babymonster! You'll be approaching potential go time soon right?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Asscherhalo_lover|1414511770|3773884 said:
April20|1414006289|3771128 said:
6DPO. Waiting. Waiting. I'm not so good at waiting.

Instead of taking it's sweet time to ramp up to my typical post-O temp range, my temp went up to 97.45 and 98.29. Often it waffles around 97.4-97.6 for a few days and then levels out around 97.8ish. I rarely have over 98 temps post-O and never this early in my LP, so hoping it's a "good" sign. I also had a major temp drop yesterday. I jumped right back up to 98.25 today. I looked and it did this last month as well. So we will see where I am next week!

How's everyone else in the TWW?

How's it going April20? I'm pretty sure I'm out for good, I'll only test again if AF is late. My temp dropped this morning to cover line so I'm hoping I'll have an end to this horrifically long cycle soon!

I hope yours stays nice and high!

Not great. My temps were higher, but a bit "erratic" this post-O. It dropped from 97.9 to 97.6 yesterday and then to 97.4 today, so I'm sure AF is about to rear it's ugly head. I hate that I ovulate between CD19-21. I'm not good at waiting. It feels like it takes forever just to get to the TWW. And next month, I'm going away for a weekend without DH. I *should* ovulate just before I leave. I really hope I do. Because if I miss the window while I'm gone, I will be so so unhappy. I feel like I'm living my life waiting right now.

Hopefully you'll have an answer to your long cycle soon!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Asscherhalo_lover|1414592176|3774407 said:
baby monster|1414549610|3774209 said:
Asscherhalo_lover|1414511770|3773884 said:
My temp dropped this morning to cover line so I'm hoping I'll have an end to this horrifically long cycle soon!

As nerve-wracking as this long cycle is for you, there's something to be said for not having a period ;))

AFM, we're just chugging along and enjoying the process :bigsmile:

And just like that my temp is back up! Ugh, lol. Oh well I'm CD 12 for now so if I have no AF by CD 18 I'm calling the Dr.

I'm glad your enjoying the process Babymonster! You'll be approaching potential go time soon right?
I'm expecting to O this weekend so go time is soon.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

baby monster|1414616846|3774633 said:
Asscherhalo_lover|1414592176|3774407 said:
baby monster|1414549610|3774209 said:
Asscherhalo_lover|1414511770|3773884 said:
My temp dropped this morning to cover line so I'm hoping I'll have an end to this horrifically long cycle soon!

As nerve-wracking as this long cycle is for you, there's something to be said for not having a period ;))

AFM, we're just chugging along and enjoying the process :bigsmile:

And just like that my temp is back up! Ugh, lol. Oh well I'm CD 12 for now so if I have no AF by CD 18 I'm calling the Dr.

I'm glad your enjoying the process Babymonster! You'll be approaching potential go time soon right?
I'm expecting to O this weekend so go time is soon.

Have fun!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

CD1. On with the show.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

CD1 here! This means I actually did ovulate at least and I had a normal LP, yay for some good news! This month will be an official trying month, 2x per day Fertilitea starting now.

I hope you had a good weekend Monsterbaby!

April20 looks like we're on the same cycle for now, let's see if I manage to stay up with you and have a normal one, lol.

Hippiepixie any news on your cycle yet?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Asscherhalo_lover, great news on finally getting to CD1!

Fun weekend for us but haven't gotten a positive OPK yet. So we'll just keep on trying.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm taking Vitex this round, hoping that it will help me ovulate earlier. With my luck, it'll delay it and then I'll be really irritated!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

April, sorry AF showed up.

Baby monster, hope you O soon!

Asscher, glad you had a normal cycle, good luck trying this month!

Hippie pixie, sorry your cycle is so weird right now, I hophotly can get some answers soon.

AFM - CD27, 12dpo. BFN this AM and expecting AF tomorrow. I know a few cycles isn't anything abnormal but starting to worry as with my daughter it was so easy I foolishly thought it would be again. Onto the next cycle...
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

April, how did you come across vitex? I looked it up and it's very interesting that it's so widely used in Europe but I never heard of it before in US.

Stephbolt, second ones can be tricky. I'm in the same boat as you. IMHO, age can be a contributing factor. I'm 5 years older now than trying for #1.

AFM, almost positive opk this morning so we're just going with the flow.