
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yeah, what are you two doing hanging around in TTC, anyway?!? Get your pregnant butts out of here! :snooty: :hand:

(completely joking, of course)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I see 2 lines so congrats Lavender! It's hard not to worry about everything during pregnancy but try to put bad thoughts out of your mind.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Today should be ovulation day! I've been having random sharp ovulation pains today and yesterday so I'm hoping today is it! If it is we managed to hit O, O-2, and O-3. Fingers crossed that this is the one! I took fertile CM this cycle and it made a difference for me. A lot more eggwhite consistently and frequently. Along with the vitex I have had a few odd things, my temperature was overall higher this cycle than it has been thus far and I have been breaking out like a teenager. If it works then it's all good but the break outs have been very annoying and painful.

I hope everyone else is well!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Asscher, did you get your temp spike this morning? That's great that you were able to get more EWCM. I read quite a few stories from women getting awful cystic acne type breakouts from vitex, so I guess it isn't out of the ordinary. Interesting about the temp differences, though it could very well signal a change in your estrogen/progresterone balance, and isn't that the whole point of the vitex? What were your temps before and how much higher are they now?

AFM, CD16. I was wrong about ov hitting this weekend. I thought I felt the start of my window coming a few days ago, but all my signs stalled and reverted, so I'm am hoping it was just a misfire and they'll be back in the next day or two. I can't remember a month when I didn't have 2-3 days of impossible-not-to-notice CM, so between that and my temps still being low, I know I didn't just miss it. I'm sure I'm just throwing it off and delaying it by watching it like a hawk. Sigh.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh, and as for my thoughts on the pre-seed...

We've tried it both with the applicator and more "typical" approaches. With the applicator I only used 1g (they suggest 2-4) and it was PLENTY if not too much. Then again, that's from an enjoyment standpoint, and everybody has their own preferences. It's impossible for me to say whether his swimmers would prefer more/less. Applied more casually as needed, it feels fairly natural. I don't regret buying it, since other options aren't good for BD and the stress/timing of BD can mean needing it more often. The plan going forward is to try to balance how and how much with where I'm at re: CM. Only time I'll prob use the applicator thing is on ov and temp spike days when maaaaaaybe there's a shot at catching the egg but CM would definitely need some help for there to be a chance.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

ladyciel|1425226467|3840199 said:
Asscher, did you get your temp spike this morning? That's great that you were able to get more EWCM. I read quite a few stories from women getting awful cystic acne type breakouts from vitex, so I guess it isn't out of the ordinary. Interesting about the temp differences, though it could very well signal a change in your estrogen/progresterone balance, and isn't that the whole point of the vitex? What were your temps before and how much higher are they now?

Yes temp spike this morning! I have discontinued the fertile CM for now and I will continue the Vitex until 5DPO. My temps were running higher but then they started dropping around CD10. Overall my coverline was higher by about .5. As long as I see a dip and a spike I'm happy.

AFM, CD16. I was wrong about ov hitting this weekend. I thought I felt the start of my window coming a few days ago, but all my signs stalled and reverted, so I'm am hoping it was just a misfire and they'll be back in the next day or two. I can't remember a month when I didn't have 2-3 days of impossible-not-to-notice CM, so between that and my temps still being low, I know I didn't just miss it. I'm sure I'm just throwing it off and delaying it by watching it like a hawk. Sigh.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So I've read that taking a baby aspirin daily can possibly help with implantation and a few other things if you actually manage to get pregnant. I've decided to give it a try. Here's to anything! Also....yet another preggo at work, that makes 5 currently...5!

Did you have your ovulation LadyC? I hope all are well!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

That's a lot of pg women at the same time. My workplace usually has a few births each year and right now there are 2 pg women on my floor. They are in their 8th and 9th months and look super uncomfortable so I don't really envy them.

My temps are also running high this cycle. Not sure why as I'm not really doing anything different yet. I did order fertilecm and vit B6 along with another batch of opks. Everything should be arriving soon so I can experiment.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'd not heard about baby aspirin, I'll have to read up on it. My temp dipped today and EWCM quantity picked up, which is my usual pattern 2-3 days before ov.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Have fun experimenting BabyMonster! I hope the fertile CM works for you, are you going to take it the whole cycle or only before O? And yes there is an extreme amount of preggos at my work. My school's staff is 90% women under 35 so we have an unusually high amount of babies on the way. I think the trend is due to continue for at least the next 5 years or more as most are having their first. I have two work related baby showers this weekend alone!

I hope that egg popped LadyC! Did you find any good info on the aspirin? I mostly read that since it acts as a blood thinner it can increase blood flow to the uterus and ovaries to possibly help with implantation and that it can also be beneficial to women who are at higher risk for later on complications like preeclampsia and misscariage which I am due to my weight.

I'm having another Vitex side effect, my post ovulation fatigue is extreme! Usually I'm a little tired but I went to bed at 10 last night and I'm still exhausted! I'm having a cup of coffee right now and most likely I'll need another around 12:30 to make it through the rest of the day.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Yikes, definitely a work baby boom! I will be the only pregnant woman amongst the people I see regularly at work, but that is because they are mostly male. The women are either older with grown children or quite young/unmarried and not likely to have kids just yet. Thankfully, the men I work most closely with, including my boss, all have young kids and are very family/kid focused. Meetings almost always include at least one cute kid story/photo/video. They're all proud papas who contribute significantly to their children's care, meaning they usually work oddball hours to fit around their kids schedules and are understanding of unexpected emergencies. I have no fears about telling my boss about a baby on the way when the time comes, because I am fairly certain he'll be much more excited for me than concerned about me missing work. SO thankful to have found myself in such a family friendly environment.

Egg hasn't popped yet, but I fully expect that to happen today or tomorrow. My temps are following my usual pattern of first day of EWCM matching up with a dip, then 2-3 days back at baseline before the spike. Today is the 2nd day after the dip. I've been taking 12 hour release expectorant the past few days, in addition to the vit b complex, vit c, prenatal, and raspberry leaf tea I've been taking the whole month, and whatever the contributors, my CM is definitely different this month. For years I've always had EWCM mixed with watery (= sitting in a puddle feeling), and this month it's suddenly much less watery and much more lubricative. Even DH noticed a difference, though he assumed it was from the pre-seed. :naughty: :lol:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Asscher, I only got a few minutes to look into aspirin, and what I saw basically said a lot of doctors recommend it for the reasons you listed, but that it probably only makes a difference in a very small fraction of women. Also, it is probably a good sign that you're so exhausted! Progesterone causes fatigue, so the fact you're really feeling it suggests your levels are nice and high. :)

ETA: Since it might help and I can't find anything saying it hurts unless you have impaired clotting (which I don't), I might also pick up some baby aspirin to start. One more to add to my fistful of pills every morning, haha. Two-pill prenatal, vit D that I've taken since I was diagnosed as deficient last summer, vit B, vit C, zyrtec, expectorant...I'm gonna need a bigger pill organizer.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AHL, the instructions say to take everyday but I also seen reviews saying to stop after O. Still thinking about it. Aspirin is definitely not for me. I bruise easily so no blood thinners.

LC, it's great that your work is so family friendly. It takes the edge off when thinking about having a baby. BTW, I showed box of pre-seed to DH when were in the pharmacy last time. He was utterly confused by the concept. :bigsmile:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Haha, too funny about your DH's confusion re: the pre-seed, baby monster. My poor hubby understood, but only because he's already familiar with the whole fertile CM thing. I say poor hubby because he doesn't WANT to know these things, I just tend to ignore his pleas for ignorance and share what I learn as I learn it. That way he can't play dumb when I want his help with decision making (like if we should spend twenty bucks on pre-seed). I think the only thing he researched on his own is how often you should BD (he informed me that every day is perfectly ok, if not better). :rolleyes:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Oh yeah, DH doesn't enjoy the details beyond BDing :lol:. I remember one of the first ultrasounds for DS was to find the heartbeat and it was done transvaginally because the embryo was too small to be seen transabdominally. DH's eyes started rolling to the back of his head, which was almost spinning. :cheeky: He certainly didn't like to see that part so just a heads up for your DH if he doesn't like TMI.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Haha, thanks for the heads up. DH is firmly in the camp where if knowing isn't required, he'd rather not know and have it be magical. He also doesn't do well with blood, gross, etc. That said, he has definitely surprised both of us with his ability to deal with things if it's in the context of taking care of me.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

LOL DHs. Mine likes to know things. He's more eager for a baby than me and has been for years so he's very into all of the info. He's always asking me about my temperature and whatnot. 5dpo. I hate this.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

So this hasn't happened to me before. I've had the same temp for 5 days straight now. Always take it at about same time but usually it fluctuates a few tenths up or down unless it's a clear shift. Tested my thermometer and it's working fine. Has anyone seen this before?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I never have. Last month's post O temps were within .05 for 6 days but they were never exactly the same.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I don't think I've ever had 5 in a row, but I've had spurts here and there where it's more or less stable than usual. Are your temps still running high this month, in addition to being so constant? How far are you from when you usually ovulate?

I'm trying to think what could cause it, but it could be something like you're sleeping really well/poorly, running a slight fever, etc in addition to anything actually related to your hormones. I wouldn't think too much of it unless you've changed something in your routine that could be causing it. If your temps never really dropped to their normal levels, maybe take a test juuuuust to be sure?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

The steady temp is right at the usual coverline so not as high as luteal phase. It's CD9 and I'm 5 days away from usual O day. Temp definitely took a nosedive for CD1, then came up over 4 days and held steady. I can't think of anything different. So odd.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Did the streak continue, baby monster??

I THINK dpo1 here, finally, on CD21. One of the furbabies kept waking me up by insisting he sleep right in my face, then I had to pee 30 min before my usual alarm/temp time, so I'm not 100% sure the small spike I got is real. My temp almost always climbs over a few days in a steady line, so tomorrow should clarify things (I hope).

Asscher, I hope the TWW is passing quickly for you!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Fingers crossed this temps keep on rising LadyC! The 2ww is killing me, it always does. I can't help but want to read into every little twinge and feeling. I have a busy weekend thankfully which will help keep my mind off of it and I plan on starting testing on Sunday 8DPO since I have so many cheapies. I'm hoping the ones from April20 are lucky!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I hope so, too! This cycle dragged on so much that even DH is ready to wave the white flag on any more BD.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

It's up .1 but I kept waking up during the night because it felt very hot so not sure this is accurate. We went to a wine tasting event last night so that likely contributed to the restless night.

ladyciel, too funny. It's either feast or famine, never just right :naughty: . Good luck on 2ww ladies.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

It was definitely the start of my temp rise - this morning it jumped almost a full degree from yesterday! That is a SUPER fast rise compared to what I've been seeing the last few months. I'm excited, since it suggests lots of progesterone. :appl: Vit B complex at work, maybe?? Whatever the case, I'm doing a happy dance and feeling optimistic. Good timing (O, -2, -3, -5), lots more EWCM, and better progesterone. Of course, that means I'm 2 days into TWW with my hopes way up.

Any symptoms, AH?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Ladyciel, that sounds fab. Fingers crossed for this month.

I reckon this month has been better for me too. We've been BDing every second day until I got the sign from the ovulation test yesterday that my luteinising hormone was surging. So we BDed on Friday and Saturday. I tested again a minute ago and there is still a clear line indicating a LH surge. Should I BD again today? I have to admit.... I am a bit exhausted. DF is delighted with himself though.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mousey, if you can find the energy, BDing again certainly won't hurt your chances. That said, both me and DH find 3d in a row difficult. We ended up in a sort of 2 days on, one day off pattern this cycle and we were both exhausted by Ov. I was shocked to see DH hit the wall...mine is usually like yours re: BD.

A decent compromise might be to skip today and hit Mon (especially if your temp doesn't rise).

AH, did you POAS as planned?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks Ladyciel. I reckon I'm for skipping until tomorrow....
Just wanted to chime in- sometimes it's better to skip a day rather than go multiple days in a row. Men only have so many sperm and those puppies can get depleted if going day after day. The month we switched to every other day was the month I got pregnant.