Asscherhalo_lover said:Baby M I took it from CD1 and did notice a difference but I would think in your case it hasn't been enough time. Hopefully there won't be a next month but if there is I would use it from CD1. I also took the Mucinex for my 4 peak days, I've ovulated on CD15 for 4/5 cycles so I just take it starting CD 12, 3 400mg per day with a full glass of water for each one (plus more water throughout the day).
AFM I'm pretty sure I'm out, CD10 and not even a shadow of a squinter (so much for those pinchy cramps) so I plan on using the same regimen for cycle 6
I'm finding myself really feeling down at times over this whole thing. Lots of wondering why it isn't happening and whatnot. Once I run out of pregnancy tests (strips and FRERs) I'm not buying anymore. Once I run out unless I'm actually late one cycle I'm not going to test. I think it's adding too much anxiety to the process for me. CD1 expected for Friday, womp womp.