
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I feel exactly the same way AHL. And then I felt worried about worrying.... That I was going to cause myself to miscarry by worrying. Apparently though, that doesn't happen. There isn't actually a whole lot you can do in the first trimester. From what I ve read the foetus is either viable or it isn't. That sort of helped me - knowing that my worry wasn't going to have a negative effect- so I thought I d pass it on.

Sending you sticky prayers.

And conception prayers for you LadyCiel.

Then we can all be early pregnancy worrywarts together.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

ladyciel|1430837633|3872415 said:
Asscherhalo_lover|1430824223|3872309 said:
Thank you all I'm so excited! Of course now I'm panicking that it won't stick. I'm going to try and get to my Dr. today for a beta.

Oh, I can only imagine - I know I will be a nervous wreck the second I see a BFP, imagining the pain of losing it once getting it. Like April20 said, not worrying is easier said than done, but do whatever you can to take your mind off it! As early as you got a photographable line, I wonder if you could have more than one bean contributing... :naughty:

I'm still waiting on a positive OPK, but I'm already hoping I get to join you on the "other side" this month so we can be preggo buddies. :pray:

Yes please LadyC! I hope to heck there's only 1 bean, we have a very small nursery room which would def oly fit 1 crib, more than that and babies would be sleeping in the living room! I still haven't heard back from my Drs office so I might not be able to go in. I'll just have to rely on testing every time I pee. I'll feel much better once my AF day comes and goes without actually getting AF. Thank you all again I'm still in more drinking for me!!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

AHL, 9 DPO may be a little early for a beta! I think 14 is more like it or later.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I know, I'm just freaked out. Trying to process it all lol. Now that I'm PG I'm just being paranoid about it going away. I'll feel better after my AF date passes. Today is 10DPO, still have lines so far so good.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

I'm just basing this off when the RE has you come in for a beta - 14 DPO or DPIUI for me anyway. I would think it would be less than 10 now and that might just scare you more. You can do this!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

They're having me go in Thursday at 12dpo, I can just pee on things until then. Today's FRER is much darker than yesterdays so I'm feeling good right now. Thanks again ladies!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well I came in here to see if anyone was pregnant yet because it's about dang time and got my wish!

Congrats Asscherhalo :) H&H 9 months! :dance:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

random_thought|1430863436|3872624 said:
Well I came in here to see if anyone was pregnant yet because it's about dang time and got my wish!

Congrats Asscherhalo :) H&H 9 months! :dance:

Thanks RT! Dust for us all!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Asscherhalo_lover|1430861652|3872606 said:
They're having me go in Thursday at 12dpo, I can just pee on things until then. Today's FRER is much darker than yesterdays so I'm feeling good right now. Thanks again ladies!

Yay for darker FRERs!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Well from days 9-10 the tests were darker, now days 10-12 my FRERs look the same. I know it can be just a coincidence but I'm feeling pretty bummed. I had the beta and prenatal panel done today and may get beta results tomorrow, they haven't scheduled me for a re-draw but I'll ask tomorrow when I hear from them. On a good side, my temp usually dips by today and it hasn't yet, I'll keep temping and being paranoid until I have reason not to. Thanks again ladies, wishing you all well! If I make it to tomorrow I will have officially missed my period. Phew, I hate this process :)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Asscherhalo_lover said:
Well from days 9-10 the tests were darker, now days 10-12 my FRERs look the same. I know it can be just a coincidence but I'm feeling pretty bummed. I had the beta and prenatal panel done today and may get beta results tomorrow, they haven't scheduled me for a re-draw but I'll ask tomorrow when I hear from them. On a good side, my temp usually dips by today and it hasn't yet, I'll keep temping and being paranoid until I have reason not to. Thanks again ladies, wishing you all well! If I make it to tomorrow I will have officially missed my period. Phew, I hate this process :)

Congrats on the BFPs!! Just to hopefully calm you down a bit, with this pregnancy I was *convinced* I was having a chemical pregnancy because I was POAS every day multiple times a day and for a while they got darker but then started actually getting lighter. Long story short, tomorrow I'll be 14 weeks :appl: Hoping for happy and healthy 9 months for you! I know it's hard to not keep staring at the darkness of those tests, but sometimes it really just has to do with the concentration of the urine or the amount of dye in the tests... trust me, I know how hard it is to relax (I'm being a hypocrite just telling you to!) but try not to focus too much on how dark they are, just enjoy the positives!! :))
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Asscherhalo_lover|1431042645|3873679 said:
Well from days 9-10 the tests were darker, now days 10-12 my FRERs look the same. I know it can be just a coincidence but I'm feeling pretty bummed. I had the beta and prenatal panel done today and may get beta results tomorrow, they haven't scheduled me for a re-draw but I'll ask tomorrow when I hear from them. On a good side, my temp usually dips by today and it hasn't yet, I'll keep temping and being paranoid until I have reason not to. Thanks again ladies, wishing you all well! If I make it to tomorrow I will have officially missed my period. Phew, I hate this process :)

Try not to freak out. FRERs have differing levels of dye and darkening (or not darkening) isn't always an indication of a pregnancy progressing or not. If you can do it, I would quit peeing on things! I never got a super dark FRER this go round. I did a digital that said 2-3 weeks but then i was too scared to use the second one to see if I could get a 3+. I decided it would freak me out if it still said 2-3 or worse said 1-2. For my sanity, I had to quit peeing on things. Sometimes we freak ourselves out when it's not necessary. And FWIW, when I had a chemical, I only had squinter lines. They never, ever darkened.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you ladies. It probably sounds worse in writing but in person I am by no means freaking out lol. I've always seen the darker side of things and expect the worst. It's just how I am. I would rather expect the worst and be pleasantly surprised that put all of my hope in something and be completely crushed. I've officially missed my period so I'm cautiously optimistic.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Beta results are in, 113 at 12dpo, the Dr. did not request I come in for a second draw since the numbers look good so I'm just going to keep on trucking until the 26th, thank you all for your support and kind words, dust to you all I'm wanting to see you in JBP soon! :wavey:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

That's great news, AHL!!

AFM, OPKs got slightly darker yesterday, but still not as dark as the control line. Today is CD19, I ov'd CD19, 20 and 20 the last 3 cycles, so I am dearly hoping for a positive today. I tested 4 times yesterday to make sure I didn't miss it, since I have no experience to know what my surge is like. Is it easy to catch or super short, best time of day, etc. My hope is this is my month and I won't need the OPKs for over a year after this :pray:, but if not then I'm hoping to get a good idea of what my surge is like and what time is best to catch it. i.e. Test tons this month so I can just test once a day, maybe twice, in the future. Beyond being impatient, I'm also hoping for a positive today, because + today, ov tomorrow, would mean we've had/will hit -2, -1, ov, and +1. That would be our best timing ever, and CM is looking good this month, too. So so so so so want this to be it, and feeling hopeful again this month, which means this TWW is going to SUCK.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Fingers crossed for you ladybird.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, Mousey.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi lovely ladies! I'm sorry I've been so slack posting here over the last couple of months. In all honesty, I was starting to feel a bit discouraged about the whole TTC thing. My son who is now 2 and 5 months was conceived on our second cycle of trying. This time around, DH and I are into our 9th month of TTC #2, and while that isn't long in the grand scheme of things, I was starting to wonder why, what if, etc etc.

I just wanted to share (because we don't want to tell anyone yet as it's so early) that I tested on a whim three days ago on 9dpo, and got a faint positive! I've been testing every day since then and the line is getting darker, plus I feel pretty much the same way (starving hungry, aversion to sweet foods, crampy belly, aching boobs) as I did when I was just barely pregnant with DS. Hoping, hoping that this one will stick. I am busting to tell someone, and I knew all of you gorgeous girls would understand my excitement :bigsmile:

Even though I've been quiet I've been keeping up with you all on this thread, much love and baby dust to all!

Huge congratulations AHL! So, so excited for you, and sending you lots of bean sticking dust! :appl:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats, Dandi! Sticky dust!!!

My OPK tests today looked exactly like yesterday, darker, but not as dark as the control. However, my temps this month are matching, to the day and 10th of a degree, with my pre-ov temp pattern last month. I am betting that ov is still today/tomorrow and I just don't get a full positive on these tests, but only time will tell. We are BDing every day under that assumption, so our bases are covered..
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats Dandi!

Ladyciel - Ladybird??!! ipad correcting my spelling I think.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you ladies! Ladyciel, I have tested 2 or 3 times per day using OPKs around mid cycle, and usually got a line, but never a positive, including this cycle :confused: Those things baffle me, either they're not sensitive enough, or I missed my surge.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Lady C I never got a blaring positive on the LH strips either, I only assumed it happened when they lightened up again. My last two cycles I actually used the clearblue advanced (about $35 with enough for 3-4 months) and I found it much better than the strips. I got clear two "high" days and one "peak". Our pattern this month was O-4, O-2, and O and it worked! With those you only test 1x per day until you get a "high", then 2x per day until you get a "peak". I almost always ovulated on CD 15 so I would start it on CD 11.

Congrats DA! :appl: Come on over to JBP anytime!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Mousey, I figured it was probably auto correct. :lol:

AHL and Dandi, I've definitely heard of women not getting a fully dark line - you two are proof positive that it can happen despite a successful surge/ovulation. :) I tested SMU today around 9:30 and it was definitely fainter. I'll try again around 2 to confirm, but I think my positive was probably the last 24-48 hours and ov is ongoing. I've had twinges on the left side throughout yesterday and this morning, and the timing fits my norm. Temp was slightly up from the last two days, but not high enough yet to confirm.

AHL, thanks for the tip about the Clearblue advanced. Hoping it is a moot point, but I'll have to look into it if AF shows.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Fingers crossed LadyC!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks, AHL! I just tested again and the line is now a squinter by comparison, possibly even lighter than it was 5-6 days ago. Hoping for a solid temp spike tomorrow so I can take a week off from peeing on things (cuz, let's be honest - I won't make it much longer than that before giving in)!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Fingers and toes crossed for you ladyciel!!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Congrats DandiAndy!

CD2 for me. Feeling a little discouraged. Our timing has been good for past 4 cycles but still not pg. Plus my 4yo told me last week and I quote "I want to be an only child." What 4yo says stuff like that? This was during a conversation about my pg friend and potential brother or sister for DS. Now I'm worried about traumatizing him with a sibling. I love having a sibling and am very close with my sister and her kids. DS loves playing with his cousins so I'm not sure where this is coming from.

Then my mom told me that she thinks it'll be too much stress for me to have another child. She's right of course. My mother is always right :cheeky: . I work very long hours and the rest of my waking hours are consumed by DS. DH helps but I'm still the primary caregiver. So confused.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Big hugs, BabyM. Feeling like you can't win even when you're doing everything right is a definite bummer. Please don't feel guilty or wrong for using the lows to take a step back and evaluate TTC, your big picture, and whether another baby is truly what you want or not. As for DS not wanting a sibling, does he tend to prefer the status quo over change? I don't think a 4yo can ever truly know if they want a sibling or not - they haven't experienced enough to appreciate the bigger picture. Goodness, my younger brother didn't even want to try chocolate pudding when he was 3 or 4 - my mom had to wrestle him to the kitchen floor and wipe it on his lips while he kicked and screamed and threw a record setting tantrum so he couldn't escape a taste. I was hoping to get his share, so I was rather disappointed when he begrudgingly decided that fine, he DID want some pudding. I think you should certainly take his cues to mean he might need some reassurances and help adjusting - a new sibling would certainly be a big change in his world - but I don't think whether or not you and DH want to have a second baby should hinge too much on DS's ideas on something he can't fully grasp at his age. He would need time to adjust even if he was super happy and excited at the idea, and in that case you might be less prepared or likely to notice more subtle cues.

AFM, slow temp rise (that's what I get for hoping for a strong spike), but I'm pretty sure I Ov'd. I'm just not sure if it was Sat or Sun. I had cramps/aches on the left side much of Sat and into Sunday. I put in a guess for a higher temp for tomorrow, and then FF puts cross-hairs on Sat. However, the ov-like pains continued into Sunday, so I'm not sure what to think. In the grand scheme of things being off by a day doesn't really doesn't matter, but I'd like to obsess on my DPO as accurately as possible. :cheeky:
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you baby m! And big hugs to you, my love, this TTC thing is such a mind boggle sometimes. It's perfectly understandable to be in different mindsets about another baby, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate already...but the heart wants what the heart wants. I hope your four year old comes around to the idea soon. Kids hey??!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thanks for the support, ladyciel and DandiAndi. LC, I know what you mean about playing with FF. I like the chart overlay feature and so far the graphs track pretty close month to month.

DS is definitely not an "early adopter" so I always have to slowly warm him to new things. I'll have lots of time to adjust him if we do get pg after all.