
The Official TTC Thread!

Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Huff,

You have gotten some great advice! We have two boys and are TTC for a 3rd (it was a long journey to each of our boys, one through adoption and one through a difficult TTC & pregnancy). We already have a minivan (Honda Odyssey and LOVE it!) and our lives are crazy--I work FT, my husband is in med school, our older son has learning challenges and some special needs, our younger son is VERY strongwilled/spirited, but we always wanted 3-4 children and we are not ready to say our family is complete...finances are going to be tight for the next decade as my husband is in medical school and then residency, I feel stretched thin with work and currently am traveling a lot, both our boys need alot of time and attention but we are hopeful that our family will welcome one more little person (boy or girl--each would be amazing for different reasons :cheeky: ) Good luck with your decision!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Huff, congrats on baby number two! I'm in a similar (but also quite different) situation as you. Trying to decide if we are going to go for number four.

We have three kids, but our youngest two are twins, so we never had to debate going from 2 to 3. We had additional challenges with having three kids under three, twin newborns, three in diapers for a couple months, and one of the babies with a lot of medical issues and special needs. It was very hectic the first several months, but I wouldn't change a thing. I sometimes want to run out the door screaming when all three of the kids want/need me at the same time, but there is so much love in our family, and I am so happy our kids have each other now and will have each other as adults. I completely agree with Laila that the question is whether you feel like your family is complete at two children.

I am one of 4 and always wanted a big family, but my body didn't get the memo, and I have never gotten pregnant naturally. I don't quite feel like my family is complete, and we have two frozen embryos from our IVF cycle that gave us the twins. We will be deciding within the next year whether we will transfer those embryos. I'm all for it, but DH is a bit more on the fence than I am. If we do, and it doesn't work, then I'll be very content with our three. I am so grateful I was able to have three children. But if we are able to add a 4th baby, I'd be really happy. Even though, I know that probably makes me a little crazy.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

One other thing on the car question. One thing you really need to think about if you think three kids is a possibility, is that you really have to consider carseat placement when you have multiple children in rear facing seats. While it's not the law, it is really recommended you keep kids rear facing as long as possible up to 3 or 4 years even, so it's possible you could have three rear facing at the same time, or at least two. It's surprisingly difficult to find cars that have good options for multiple rear facing car seats, that still allow easy access to the third row. DH and I have been car shopping for quite awhile for a large SUV for him and a mid-sized one for me. You have to consider bucket seats or bench seats in the second row and how easy it would be to get in the third row if you want to put a kid back there or if you want the option of an adult riding in the back with young babies. I could write pages about all the issues we've had finding just the right cars. The good news though is that if you get a narrow convertible car seat - like the Radian RXT, you can usually feet three across. That's what I currently have in my tiny Toyota Corolla. I'll most likely get a Honda Pilot this spring, and I DH is probably going to get a Suburban or Denali, because we need a car that is big enough to hold all of us, and allow me to get in the backseat for longer trips, and to also have storage space behind the third row.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Thank you thank you thank you for all of your replies!


I am somewhat of a control freak- but not nearly as organized as you! We do a load of laundry every night and I fold about every 2-3 days. Cleaning is somewhat haphazard although all toys are cleaned up daily. Between that, cooking 3 meals and snacks, and bottle prep that's about all the daily stuff we do. I will say I am a stay at home mom, so childcare is not too much of a concern. We are thinking about sending our two year old to something this fall- BUT I AM STRUGGLING HORRIBLY with this. He is a very quiet and very sweet child- I just don't know if he will be ready in six more months. When I think about the amount of time he will spend in school in the future it seems silly to send him now- but I worry he will be behind you know? We go to the aquarium, zoo, park, music, and art class so I think that might be enough but it's another thing I am just struggling with.
As far as mommy and daddy time- both kids are almost always in bed and asleep by 7pm and usually much earlier. So hubs and I get 3ish all alone hours a night- about 45 minutes of which is run around the house like crazy people getting stuff done. We don't really do date nights yet- our oldest is pretty sensitive and sleeps horribly when we go out. He just knows somehow and stays up talking in his crib even though he normally passes out for 13 hours straight.
Money is something we always have to consider. I am a nurse so I will eventually go back when the kids are in school/the youngest enters pre-k and be able to help with the burden of saving for retirement/fun money/ kids education. My husband is amazing and we are so very blessed to be able to have a good life without me having to work.
We have yet to try a trip with both but I can honestly say we would be ok waiting a couple of years until everyone can enjoy it. We are pretty go with the flo family and don't mind being home for vacations- although I am worried we won't be able to take them to Europe/Asia/Carribean if we grow much bigger as a family.


So I am kinda the opposite. I really want another boy and just to be a boy mom. I would be totally ok with a girl don't get me wrong- but I know my way around with boys you know? I know I would love another child but I want to give the ones I have the best you know?

@Laila619- That's such a hard question. I have always wanted a huge family, I was an only child and hated it. However, both of my kids were born preemie and I have a really difficult time being pregnant. Grow healthy strong babes- just takes a huge toll on my body.
I think if we had a third I would also be open to a fourth. I think my two boys now already have a bond and I am anxious to see how a third would fit if that makes sense. How is it with 4 going to 5? Do any of your kids ever feel left out? Or do they all get along?
Re: The Official TTC Thread!


Sorry about the split post! I wanted to make sure everything I was writing didn't get lost. I remember reading a lot of your story and thank you so much for chiming in. I work in the medical field so I know your path with your husband is a long hard road so I commend you for all you do! Good luck in TTC- hopefully we can revive this thread a little!


Hi! I feel like I know you from following your story with your two babies! I remember back to when you got your positive test from the transfer!!!

We are struggling hard with the car situation. Hubby used to work from home so we only had one and now we are trying to decide whether to buy him a commuter car or go with a bigger one if we try for number 3/4. Its a huge decision and does really affect us month to month which brought up the debate in the first place.
I know what you mean about a fourth. I feel like if we go for three, why not four? I love our boys to pieces and I would be over the moon to have more. I just worry about providing for them all the life *I* want them to have. No student loans, well traveled, and possibly a little down payment help on their first house.
It's a lot to consider- I just want them all to be happy and healthy and feel loved- but I can't deny I would love more babies.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Huff, it sounds to me like you would be happy to add another baby (or 2) to the family, so I'd probably just start planning for that! We are in a similar discussion due to needing a new car, only for us it's whether or not we are getting a dog. I feel forced to make a decision about it because I don't want to buy a car that isn't going to fit our family, so I keep telling my husband "just assume we are" and I think wearing that decision for a couple of months has made us realize we do want it.

Also, just wanted to chime in about sending your son somewhere in the fall. All kids are different, so just go with your gut. My older daughter was very shy and only showed interest in going to school after she turned 3 (I enrolled her in a preschool that was only 2 mornings per week which started when she was 3.5). My younger daughter, however, wanted to go to school as soon as she turned 2. She only does school one day per week, but she loves it and I had to find a 5-day program for her starting this fall. They were completely different when it came to school and I just rolled with it. Wishing you lots of luck! And happy car shopping!

Monkey, always great to hear from you and Bella, wishing you lots of continued luck with trying for #3!
Re: The Official TTC Thread!


You know, I think you are right, I would be really happy to add another 1 or 2. But then days like today make me hesitate on whether I am being selfish. I took our youngest A for his six month check up and our poor little shrimp wasn't even on the growth chart. He has acid reflux really bad and I am lucky most days if I get him to eat 15 oz. We are really struggling with our little man so I just am not sure if everything will work out or not. I am hoping by switching him to a new formula we can try to get a little meat on his bones.
Thank you for what you said about preschool. You gave me the confidence to go ahead and just tell the preschool to call the next family on the wait list. He really is such a sweet little guy and I think he will be much better off at home and we will see where he is in another year. 8)
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hey ladies,

Fun new twist this month...positive OPK (smiley face) CD16, light brown spotting CD 29-33, no cramps, no breast pain, no PMS rage, negative pregnancy I just wait and see what this coming month brings or call my OB? My OB is in NYC and I will be there the second half of this week so could see her (I live 4 hours away now and haven't found an OB in my new town yet).

For anyone who is a stranger to our saga, I am 38 and TTC #3. #1 joined our family through adoption, #2 just turned 3 I got pregnant 2 nd month of clomid after a year of acupuncture/herbs/vitamins/yoga, I had a miscarriage in June 2016 after getting pregnant with no intervention. I have regularish cycles, but they can range from 25-35 days so are irregular in that respect. Have had bouts of prolonged uterine bleeding.

Had bloodwork down 2 months ago, hormone levels are all fine except AMH is very low.
Re: The Official TTC Thread!

Hi Bella!

Sorry for my delayed response. As you know with having two little ones sometimes it's all I can do to crawl back up the stairs and into bed!
How are you? How are you feeling? Did you go to the doctor's yet? Hope all is well with you!
I'm officially TTC!!! Went to Dr. today for an ultrasound testing for PCOS (blood tests a few weeks ago) and Dr told me that even though all the tests haven't gotten back I am Ovulating right now!!! So hopefully I'll have a short 2ww!
Seriously! Every time I'm interested in posting on a board it seems to die...

Tomorrow I have a dr. Appointment to get test results for my PCOS testing... also I'm 12 dpo.... no period, no symptoms really except a small amount of spotting (possibly, I don't quite know), and extremely tired... not trying to play to much into anything.

I'm trying to be busy today because tomorrow I believe the dr will have us take a pregnancy test... wish me (is, my Fiancé and I) luck, oh yeah and 32 days until wedding day!!!
Well I decided to pee on a stick today... and I got a faint positive!!! So I'll wait and test again in a few days to see if I can get a digital to read pregnant! Hopefully this little guy sticks.

Congrats Jitterymo! Praying yours is a sticky bean!
Unfortunately these threads are pretty much dead :( I would suggest something like The Bump even though it's not as personal as this forum.
Good luck!
After 4 cycles of trying with no luck, I finally got a positive pregnancy test last Saturday at exactly 14 dpo, so I should be a little over 4 weeks today. Hopefully it sticks this time, but I'll find out at my doctor's appointment in a month!
I am New here..:)
Hello everyone..
i am new here..:)
Hello if anyone is out there!

I used to spend way too much time reading PS boards years ago when I was first engaged and married, and I lurked here and in the JBP/Preggo threads for quite a while even though I was nowhere near ready to TTC.

Now my DH and I have been married almost 7 years, I just turned 30, and we are finally trying. And these threads are totally dead. :knockout: I'm a bit heartbroken that no one seems to be on here anymore, but I figured I would throw a post out there anyway, just on the off chance anyone might be checking in occasionally and a fresh post might bring them out of hiding.

Even if no one is around, I want to give a big thank you to all the wonderful ladies who posted their journeys here in years past, as I've learned so, so much from them and feel much more confident starting this process.

I've been off birth control for about 3 1/2 years as I was having some side effects that overlapped with thyroid issues and took a while to sort out, but I've been feeling well for at least a couple of years now. In the meantime, my DH and I were using mostly withdrawal along with casually tracking my cycles (not worrying too much about an oops, as we wouldn't have been too upset, but that never happened). We starting actually TTC last month, and I was definitely symptom spotting during my TWW. I had some weird cramping and about 4 days of on-and-off, fairly heavy spotting before AF showed, which was very unusual for me, so I'm not sure what was going on, but we're onto cycle 2 now in any case. I'm on CD 13, using OPKs for the first time, but they're not looking anywhere near position yet. I usually have about a 30-32 day cycle, so hoping for a + maybe early next week and starting to get busy in the meantime just to make sure all our bases are covered.

Good luck to anyone else who might still be out there and trying!
Hi there! I'm not TTC right now but I had almost the exact same marriage and age stats as you! We waited just about 7 years and for me to be 30 before we were pregnant! Good luck and I check here pretty frequently so I'm here to chat if you'd like. Good luck this cycle!
Thanks so much, Asscher! I know there are other forums out there on various cycle tracking apps and such, but I haven't found them anywhere near as supportive or generally well-informed as members here and I always hoped I'd have this thread to come to when it was time.

I had positive OPKs Sunday evening and yesterday morning, and very negative by yesterday evening, so I'm thinking I O'd sometime yesterday or today (not temping, so I can't say for sure). I think we've already had pretty good BD timing, hitting four of the last six days (so somewhere in between ED and EOD I guess!) Trying to decide if I need to get one or two more days in for my own sanity, even though I know we're probably pretty well covered already.

Then I just have to figure out how to keep my mind occupied for the next two weeks, as I'm determined not to test too early this month. I drove myself nuts last month testing from about 8dpo on because I was so sure the weird spotting meant something was up, but I never got so much as a squinter. Frankly, I'm kind of hoping that, whichever way this cycle goes, I don't have too many symptoms during the TWW so there's nothing to overanalyze. Dare to dream, right?
I went nuts constantly checking, but I was using the cheap wondfos so I didn't mind. I actually got my positive at 8DPO with a wondfo! I hope it's a quick wait for you!
@jazzoboe Congrats on starting your TTC! Such an exciting project;)2. It's too bad this thread died. It was pretty active before and very helpful to have others on TTC journey. I haven't posted here since June '15 after getting a bfp and we're done done but always love talking about wonfos and opks and symptom checking.

It took us almost a year of temping and tracking and putting all my info into Fertility Friend to get a bfp so I can totally relate to 2WW anxiety. I found that testing early drove my nuts so I had a rule of not testing before CD1 but my cycles have always been around 95% consistent.
Thanks for checking in, BM!

Well, it's official. I've become a crazy person (again). I think I'm 9dpo today. Maybe 10. Not temping, but basing on OPKs. Anyway, after telling myself I wouldn't test early this month I of course did anyway. Yesterday I thought I got super faint lines on two wondfos, but I think they must have been evaps (especially since I maaaayy have been running around the house holding them up to various light sources until well after they'd dried :oops:). I tried with FMU and SMU this morning and can't see anything. Basically, I keep going back and forth between being fairly confident I am pregnant and equally confident I'm not. I know it's still early enough that the tests don't really mean much, but hmph.

The good news is that I haven't had any spotting yet, and if this cycle had followed the pattern of the last one, it would have started by now. Still, last month was so odd for me, I can't help but wonder whether I did conceive and it just didn't quite implant/make it far enough along for HCG to start registering on tests. I guess I'll never really know.

So far, I've had sore breasts since about 5dpo, but if anything it's been getting milder (still tender, but not crazy sore and not quite as heavy/full feeling as a few days ago), and it's sometimes a PMS symptom for me, but not usually to this extent or this early. I've had some mild intermittent cramps since about the same day, but I took a pilates class Tuesday night and my abs have been sore since, which is making it a little tough to sort out what I'm feeling where :lol: I also feel like I can see more blue veins visible, particularly on my chest, but I wouldn't put it past myself to imagine that either. There are so many weird things I'm overanalyzing now only to realize that they could very well be symptoms I have before AF every month and there's no reason I ever would have noticed.

I guess that's about it. I'm going to attempt to lay off the POASing for the rest of the day and try again tomorrow. If I see any kind of faint line, I'll probably go grab a FRER and a digi. If not, I'll likely wait until Monday to test again, as I'm going to be super busy this weekend and that's the day AF is supposedly due, though it varies by a few days and this is the first month I really tracked ovulation, so who knows. Keeping my fingers crossed it doesn't show before then in any case!
Well, I broke down and bought a pack of FRERs despite no more of a line on the wondfos. And... BFN. I know it's still pretty early and it's only our second month trying, but sheesh! I was sooo emotional this morning. I think part of it is also that most of my "symptoms" seem to have disappeared, so I'm just feeling out at this point.

And if I am indeed out, then PMS is a beast this month. Yikes. I just really hope AF doesn't show over the weekend because I really don't want to deal with it (and the killer cramps I always get) while I'm busy, on my feet all day AND stuck with my in-laws. It's not a great combination. And if my MIL makes a comment about wanting a grandbaby (which she does often and has for years), I might not handle it so well. They definitely don't know we're trying, and they're not going to know, because I will be getting phone calls every 2 days asking how it's going and probably implying that we're doing it wrong. :nono:

My DH is planning to take Monday off of work, so if AF hasn't shown her face by then, I guess I'll take another test. He asked me last night if I was pregnant yet, and it just made me sad. I better try to focus on getting some work done today; it's not going so well thus far.
Well, AF showed up Saturday. It was not a fun weekend, but at least I had some wine.

The good news (maybe?) is that I just had a 28-day cycle for the first time ever. Of course my cycle would pick now to try to be normal. I think I'm going to start temping this cycle just so I feel more confident that I know what's going on and that the OPKs are hopefully accurate. Clearly my LP is a bit shorter than I previously believed it to be, though assuming I ovulated when I think I did, it was about 11 days, so still acceptable at least.

Oh well, on to the next month...
Too bad this wasn't a successful cycle for you. Definitely try temping as it gives a better picture than just opks alone.
Well, AF showed up Saturday. It was not a fun weekend, but at least I had some wine.

The good news (maybe?) is that I just had a 28-day cycle for the first time ever. Of course my cycle would pick now to try to be normal. I think I'm going to start temping this cycle just so I feel more confident that I know what's going on and that the OPKs are hopefully accurate. Clearly my LP is a bit shorter than I previously believed it to be, though assuming I ovulated when I think I did, it was about 11 days, so still acceptable at least.

Oh well, on to the next month...

I had the most success with the clear blue and easy advanced digital OPK, I also used temping to confirm. It's tedious but worth it. Good luck next cycle!
Thanks to you both! A friend of mine who had a beautiful little girl a few months ago gave me her CBE digital OPK with about a dozen sticks left (and not expired for another month or so), so I'm going to give that a shot this month and see if it tells me any more than the internet cheapies I used last month. Hopefully, along with temping, it'll at least help me feel like I'm doing something proactive, whether it reveals any new data or not.

Meanwhile, I think I'm going to stay off Facebook for a bit, as I've seen three new pregnancy announcements in the past week. Two of whom are having their THIRD child.

Anyway, it looks like AF has left the building, which is nice since I used to have more like 6-7 days of bleeding. I'll take 4. Still feeling in a bit of a funk, but it comes and goes. Trying to focus on work this week and get back to working out a bit more.
CD 11, so not much to report here. I'm expecting to ovulate around CD 17. But I had a rather vivid dream about being pregnant last night. I don't remember much except that I kept feeling my stomach to make sure it was real/still there; I could feel the baby really clearly and had a hard spot toward my left side, which I was convinced was the head. Weird. But when I remembered it this morning, it made me a little teary.

Anyway, that's it. Just ready to start peeing on some sticks and hoping our timing will be good this month.
Are you temping this cycle? Expecting CD17 ovulation might be a bit late for a 28 day cycle. When do you start using opks?