
The story of my ring's grading issue

With plenty of experience in making custom jewelry we understand the challenges. We also understand the personal nature of these projects and how special they are when completed successfully. While things go right most of the time and clients are thrilled with their special piece, the journey to achieving all desired results is often not a straight line. Because of the step by step process, changes to the design can be made before production and most surprises are relatively minor and can be addressed post-production. But there are still elements inherent to the process - especially communication - that can cause missteps along the way.

In cases where we have missed something or the result is materially different than the customer would reasonably have expected, we will remake the piece. We recognize this is the case here so we are happy to go back to the drawing board. And this actually presents a unique opportunity for the customer to see all the design elements in real life (not just in CAD simulation) and make changes in a way likely to eliminate any differences between expectations and the ultimate finished piece.

This is quite an interesting situation in that the project is getting a significant assist from ‘crowd sourcing’ ;-). While many of the comments, critiques, and recommendations have been spot on and helpful, one wonders if there is a point at which a customer can get information overload, or get so many conflicting opinions that it makes it hard for them to be certain of their own preferences.

I guess we will all find out together as this progresses.:shock:

I look forward to a great outcome. It will be especially gratifying because it didn't come easy!
While many of the comments, critiques, and recommendations have been spot on and helpful, one wonders if there is a point at which a customer can get information overload, or get so many conflicting opinions that it makes it hard for them to be certain of their own preferences.

My thoughts exactly from the beginning! I'm sure it'll all come out well in the end... and what a story it will be for JulyisJuly!
@Julyisjuly I'm in your neck of the woods and I use David Klass in LA. I had a terrible experience with Trabert Goldsmiths in SF, back when they went by Eric Trabert Jewelry.
I just went back and reread my post. I want to claify that my custom settings were made locally or in NYC, and that all my dealings with the good folks at WF have been great.
I have purchased a ACA diamond, which I then upgraded to another ACA, and also have a WF ACA necklace and bracelet.
There probably was not any misunderstanding, but I wanted to be 200% sure.
With plenty of experience in making custom jewelry we understand the challenges. We also understand the personal nature of these projects and how special they are when completed successfully. While things go right most of the time and clients are thrilled with their special piece, the journey to achieving all desired results is often not a straight line. Because of the step by step process, changes to the design can be made before production and most surprises are relatively minor and can be addressed post-production. But there are still elements inherent to the process - especially communication - that can cause missteps along the way.

In cases where we have missed something or the result is materially different than the customer would reasonably have expected, we will remake the piece. We recognize this is the case here so we are happy to go back to the drawing board. And this actually presents a unique opportunity for the customer to see all the design elements in real life (not just in CAD simulation) and make changes in a way likely to eliminate any differences between expectations and the ultimate finished piece.

This is quite an interesting situation in that the project is getting a significant assist from ‘crowd sourcing’ ;-). While many of the comments, critiques, and recommendations have been spot on and helpful, one wonders if there is a point at which a customer can get information overload, or get so many conflicting opinions that it makes it hard for them to be certain of their own preferences.

I guess we will all find out together as this progresses.:shock:

I look forward to a great outcome. It will be especially gratifying because it didn't come easy!
Gracious and diplomatic as always TL! :wavey:
I think the sad thing here is that there are no Valentine’s 2019 do-overs.

With the inscription, it is apparent that the OP wanted this ring for Valentine’s Day.

I know that mistakes happen ... but I thought the OP was quite clear in wanting the prongs evenly spaced, for example ... not sure what to say about the N&S prongs ... it’s just a shame, that’s all.

Perhaps aiming for this Valentine’s Day was cutting things a bit close.

I hope all is corrected and everyone is happy soon!
I think the sad thing here is that there are no Valentine’s 2019 do-overs.

With the inscription, it is apparent that the OP wanted this ring for Valentine’s Day.

I know that mistakes happen ... but I thought the OP was quite clear in wanting the prongs evenly spaced, for example ... not sure what to say about the N&S prongs ... it’s just a shame, that’s all.

Perhaps aiming for this Valentine’s Day was cutting things a bit close.

I hope all is corrected and everyone is happy soon!
This is a pointless post, and adds nothing to the conversation other than overt criticism, which there is already plenty of. This situation has been handled "oddly" from the get-go by the OP, and WF has responded admirably throughout. So let's try to refrain from adding kindling, shall we?
This is a pointless post, and adds nothing to the conversation other than overt criticism, which there is already plenty of. This situation has been handled "oddly" from the get-go by the OP, and WF has responded admirably throughout. So let's try to refrain from adding kindling, shall we?
Really? And your post helps how?
Honestly? I would go with a stock setting at this point. @Julyisjuly does WF have any stock 6 prong solitaires you might like?
This is a pointless post, and adds nothing to the conversation other than overt criticism, which there is already plenty of. This situation has been handled "oddly" from the get-go by the OP, and WF has responded admirably throughout. So let's try to refrain from adding kindling, shall we?
Let's keep this civil, I think the poster is making valid points and sharing the blame, no need to attack their opinion.
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I just got my upgrade from Whiteflash today, 1.4ct to 1.63ct. I used the same setting, their Platinum Elegant Solitaire Engagement Ring Item: 1661 and they changed the head to accommodate the bigger diamond. I was only charged a nominal fee and the work is flawless. This setting is gorgeous and comfortable. They have a few beautiful 6 prong solitaire settings. :kiss2:
Maybe combining aspects of two different settings is not ideal?

Wishing you all the best.
Let's keep this civil, I think the poster is making valid points and sharing the blame, no need to attack their opinion.

I understand what you are saying. I thought Sandy was making a valid point; that the situation is being resolved, so it is pointless to comment that it was too bad it wasn’t ready for Valentines Day, as that goes back into the negative rather than moving forward to the positive. It had seemed until that post that we had moved on beyond the point of critiquing WF and had moved on to the solution.
That is one awesome 2.14 Valentine diamond and we will all be over the moon when julyisjuly has her dream setting.
This is a pointless post, and adds nothing to the conversation other than overt criticism, which there is already plenty of. This situation has been handled "oddly" from the get-go by the OP, and WF has responded admirably throughout. So let's try to refrain from adding kindling, shall we?

Wow. I meant no harm. That was pretty harsh. Sorry you guys ... I didn’t think of it that way and along the way have tried to be supportive. But you’re right, and I shouldn’t have added anything negative.
It is a bit dramatic to imply that OP's vday was ruined, afterall the ring is hardly a surprise and there was a ring present on vday. :P2 Sending a ring back for adjustments/redo happens all the time with vday proposals! It is what happens when folks put time constraints on these types of projects. I say 'project' because OP did not exactly walk into Tiff's and buy a ring sitting in the counter. ;)2
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I just got my upgrade from Whiteflash today, 1.4ct to 1.63ct. I used the same setting, their Platinum Elegant Solitaire Engagement Ring Item: 1661 and they changed the head to accommodate the bigger diamond. I was only charged a nominal fee and the work is flawless. This setting is gorgeous and comfortable. They have a few beautiful 6 prong solitaire settings. :kiss2:
Maybe combining aspects of two different settings is not ideal?

Wishing you all the best.

@Weecam -

And this does not have it's own thread yet, for WHY?? Get to it, girl!! =)2
@Weecam -

And this does not have it's own thread yet, for WHY?? Get to it, girl!! =)2

:lol: I just don’t think my pictures do it any justice...I’ll get my husband to help me on the weekend. I tried to get my 17 year old son to help me yesterday but he couldn’t understand why the ring needed to be in focus! :wall:

I will get to it, I promise @mrs-b !
:lol: I just don’t think my pictures do it any justice...I’ll get my husband to help me on the weekend. I tried to get my 17 year old son to help me yesterday but he couldn’t understand why the ring needed to be in focus! :wall:

I will get to it, I promise @mrs-b !

Well, I should think so! I'll be keeping an eye out for this mesmerizing beauty on the weekend!

(and congratulations, by the way!) :))
@Julyisjuly sorry things didn't turn out right for you on the setting.

More importantly I am glad to see @Texas Leaguer and the rest of the WF team stepping up to ensure your satisfaction.

I have built lots of custom stuff. One of my favorites was a house I designed. I still remember me and the builder both getting frustrated at one another over a bank of kitchen windows. First try he failed to account for cabinets that would be installed so one of the windows fall partially into the cabinets. Given the fact these were only about 12" off the ground it was an issue. FYI, the plans clearly showed it.

He corrected and I inspected a second time. This time he had spacing and size correct but the wrong type of windows (ones on the back of house where this wall landed was to be solid without the divider bars).

He fixed that but in the process of reinstalling the siding (as the outside was part of an oversized 12'x30' covered patio), it was crooked and running at a slope.

I mentioned this and could tell he was trying very hard to make me happy but he was very frustrated. I came back the next day and saw it was fixed. Saw him onsite and he was grinning ear to ear and asked if I saw the siding by the windows. We both laughed, and told him I really appreciated it.

My point is simple. Every project rather truly custom or not can and likely will hit a few speed bumps. It's how those speed bumps are handled that makes all the difference in the world. In the case of that builder I have recommended him countless times and have a very high opinion of him because while not perfect he performs at a high level, for a fair price and will fix any mistakes he makes. Plus he has a good sense of humor about it all.

While your experience with WF hasn't been perfect I do feel you are in good hands, and I feel confident you will realize success if you can bear a little more patience.
@sledge that is a very thoughtful post and right on point. The attributes that you mention are the ones that count when I'm looking for someone to complete a custom project for me. I have faith that OP will end up with a ring that makes him happy.
I would be inclined to agree with those who have been suggesting finding a ready made setting which you are already happy with, and sticking with that. Seems like the most straight forward way to go to me
I would be inclined to agree with those who have been suggesting finding a ready made setting which you are already happy with, and sticking with that. Seems like the most straight forward way to go to me

It probably would be easier to go this route, but I think that she should give WF a chance to correct this first. If the second iteration doesn't fix the problems, then maybe she should begin to look elsewhere. :)
I went to whiteflash show room one time, among these ready setting displayed there, i didnt see a style I like 100%.

The longer I look at the current one, the more frustrated I am. I don't even want to share the pciture with family and friends yet since the ring looks oval in pictures and I am ashamed.
$21k stone + $1825 setting should not get me in this position. I understand WF is responsible enough for my case for after sale service and you all speak highly of them.
The timeline of delivery was in line with their typically custom setting 3-4weeks. i also communicated, quality first if hard to make the deadline. WF is a nice company, but just in my own case during this journey, too painful......

I really want to get this ring ready ASAP, however, it's busy season for both of us during the couple months, barely serviving from daily workload, working over midnight everyday.
How I wish the ring shopping could be easier for us!

I understand that frustration. I mean , it's normal for custom work to not be EXACTLY how you pictured in your mind, but the outcome of your current setting really is, in my opinion, pretty far off from what you communicated... I feel like they dropped the ball here.

WF is doing right by you in offering to remake it completely or giving you a refund, so at least you're getting treated fairly. And I do think they'll do a better job on the remake. But I would totally understand if, at this point, you just wanted to look elsewhere for the setting. Whatever you decide, let us know here and we can help you find something that you'll truly enjoy. :)

Also, I don't really understand the people telling you not to look elsewhere at this point for a custom setting, using the logic that you'll need to start the design aspect completely from scratch. Honestly, I think it's best to sometimes cut your losses if the communication between customer and designer is not working as you would like. I think that, when it comes to custom work, sometimes the customer and designer just don't see things the same way, while at other times the relationship works perfectly. It's sort of like romantic relationships or friendships. Sometimes relationships just don't work out, no matter how much time you dump into the relationship, while at other times relationships "just click" and everything progresses along effortlessly.

Just as with romantic relationships, if a customer/designer relationship is not going how you expected it to go, sometimes it's best to just cut your losses and move on. There's a designer out there who will "get you" if you take the time to search for them. :)

I know that, for us, it took a bit of time to find a custom jeweler that we were happy with. I had contacted a few custom jewelers with my idea for the setting until I found the jeweler (EVS designs) that I eventually went with. We understood each other almost immediately, and the design process was almost effortless. It only took 2 days and 2 CADS for him to put into CAD form exactly what I had shaped in my mind and roughly sketched onto a piece of paper, and the final product turned out even better than I expected.

All this to say that, once you find a designer who is on your same wavelength, custom design does not necessarily need to be difficult. :)
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I got a label to send back to WF.
But before I drop it off to FedEx, I would like to post more detailed pictures, and ask your guys observations about " what went wrong with this ring?" So we can fix in the remake.
⭐In my vision: a Symphony style, but no Melee, and with tapered band.
Sharp, crisp, well defined and elegant.

I originally also told WF to have a soft shoulder (curved shoulder), which didn't turn out pretty. My mistake. I don't want a soft shoulder anymore.

I am not happy with the work for following reasons:
1. Prongs are not even distributed, oval shape, extra metal on north / south.
2. The side donut is ugly, refer to the second picture
3. Inner metal is not polished, see 4th picture, blue circled part
4. The proportion of the basket is not right, 3 star prong set too high, and it looks like a wave rather than 3 star prong. Far away from the Symphony picture I sent to them.
4. Overall the prongs are too thick, heavy. Side view looks like only 1 carat rather than 2.14 carat. Overall shape too squashed.

Any other things we can improve? Thoughts welcomed, thanks!
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What do you mean by a ‘soft shoulder’? :confused:
You referenced the Vatche Royal Crown to Whiteflash. Your ring looks very much like the Royal Crown. The top and bottom prongs are larger than the others and the spacing is not even like a true six prong setting. Unfortunately, it seems you pretty much got what you wanted but didn't like it.

The Symphony setting is one that cflutist created with High Performance Diamonds. Other than a picture of it, Whiteflash knows nothing of it as far as I know. Once you specify the prongs to be the same size and equally spaced, you are just about back to a six prong solitaire minus the trellis. Several PS have had this six prong setting made by Whiteflash and have been very happy with it. Just something for you to consider.

I would try to be as detailed and precise as I could be with Whiteflash. It is difficult to try to blend two setting styles together to have the exact outcome you wish. I hope you get CAD images this time before the ring is completed; that could alleviate lots of issues. Good luck!
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I got a label to send back to WF.
But before I drop it off to FedEx, I would like to post more detailed pictures, and ask your guys observations about " what went wrong with this ring?" So we can fix in the remake.
⭐In my vision: a Symphony style, but no Melee, and with tapered band.
Sharp, crisp, well defined and elegant.

I originally also told WF to have a soft shoulder (curved shoulder), which didn't turn out pretty. My mistake. I don't want a soft shoulder anymore.

I am not happy with the work for following reasons:
1. Prongs are not even distributed, oval shape, extra metal on north / south.
2. The side donut is ugly, refer to the second picture
3. Inner metal is not polished, see 4th picture, blue circled part
4. The proportion of the basket is not right, 3 star prong set too high, and it looks like a wave rather than 3 star prong. Far away from the Symphony picture I sent to them.
4. Overall the prongs are too thick, heavy. Side view looks like only 1 carat rather than 2.14 carat. Overall shape too squashed.

Any other things we can improve? Thoughts welcomed, thanks!

Ummm, you have permission to shoot me, but I would recommend giving up on the custom design. I’m not sure it’s the right way for you to go.

If you pursue the custom, I do hope it works out for you.
Have you considered any off the shelf solitaires from Whiteflash? Danhov has quite a few beautiful solitaires with interesting galleries in their Classico line, and WhiteFlash is an authorized Danhov retailer.

This is one of my favorite solitaire settings of all time. If my fiancé hadn't requested a bezel setting for work, this is probably the setting I would've gone with. It's an 8-prong, but I think that a 2+ carat diamond is large enough to pull off the 8 prong look. And I love that lotus gallery.
Lower the prong crossing to address the north/south lip issue along with the evenly spaced out prongs.
If the crossing isn't lowered, the lips will be visible.

I'm not sure what you mean by the side donut being ugly. Do you have a better example to provide what you envision for a better correction?

Point out that you're very particular with surface polishing and want every nook and corner polished. This usually doesn't bother most people because it's not noticeable unless super magnified on photo.