
The Supreme Court just further eroded the separation between Church and State

Putting this here for anyone who is skeptical of a movement to overturn the 1st amendment.

From an elected representative:

“The church is supposed to direct the government. The government is not supposed to direct the church. I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk.”

The crowd attending the speech applauded.

That's just nuts. And very scary.
Putting this here for anyone who is skeptical of a movement to overturn the 1st amendment.

From an elected representative:

“The church is supposed to direct the government. The government is not supposed to direct the church. I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk.”

The crowd attending the speech applauded.

Source please?

You can search the quote to find the source. Ella stipulated in a different thread awhile ago that mentioning names and parties was a no no.
Putting this here for anyone who is skeptical of a movement to overturn the 1st amendment.

From an elected representative:

“The church is supposed to direct the government. The government is not supposed to direct the church. I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk.”

The crowd attending the speech applauded.

It defies logic that LB can be a congresswoman and say such ignorant nonsense.
There, did that help?
It defies logic that LB can be a congresswoman and say such ignorant nonsense.

And get reelected. It boggles the mind.
She and her cohort remind me of the halls of high school
She and her cohort remind me of the halls of high school

LOL. They one we are talking about didn’t even graduate high school.
I’m sorry but prayer does not belong in the public schools or for that matter anywhere else where everyone’s tax dollars go in support. We’re supposed to have a separation of church and state here.

Out of interest, are there state funded schools in the US that overtly follow a religious ethos other than Christianity?

In the U.K. there are state funded Christian schools, state funded Jewish schools, state funded Muslim schools, mixed religion and unaffiliated (non-religious) schools, so practising religion in school doesn’t worry me (I have similar views to mellowyellowgirl above) but only because there’s a choice. I think I’d feel differently if the only religious state-funded options were Christian.
It defies logic that LB can be a congresswoman and say such ignorant nonsense.
There, did that help?

It's perfectly logical.
Look at the voters. :nono:

Also look what the orange one said and did ... and he was a president! :doh:
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Putting this here for anyone who is skeptical of a movement to overturn the 1st amendment.

From an elected representative:

“The church is supposed to direct the government. The government is not supposed to direct the church. I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk.”

The crowd attending the speech applauded.

I saw that. It’s just unbelievable.
Putting this here for anyone who is skeptical of a movement to overturn the 1st amendment.

From an elected representative:

“The church is supposed to direct the government. The government is not supposed to direct the church. I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk.”

The crowd attending the speech applauded.

I saw that. It’s just unbelievable.

Lauren Boebert
is a nutter.
Out of interest, are there state funded schools in the US that overtly follow a religious ethos other than Christianity?

In the U.K. there are state funded Christian schools, state funded Jewish schools, state funded Muslim schools, mixed religion and unaffiliated (non-religious) schools, so practising religion in school doesn’t worry me (I have similar views to mellowyellowgirl above) but only because there’s a choice. I think I’d feel differently if the only religious state-funded options were Christian.

In theory, yes, if they support those schools with public tax dollars by way of voucher schemes to allow a student and parents to pick a different school than their assigned public school. Whether I agree with that, different question and doesn't matter, because of recent SCOTUS ruling.

But, most of it is Christian in the US.

This is older, but a bit illustrative.

Of the private schools, the percentages are for students attending that type of denomination.

So, 36% of the enrollements are Roman Catholic, 15% general Christian, 4% Baptist, 3% Lutheran, 2% Episcopal, 1% Presbyterian and 1% 7th Day, so 62% are Christianity based, so if the numbers hold, the vast majority of any voucher money is going to Christian schools, in all likelihood and probably Catholic, if I had to guess, just by the sheer numbers. Just a guess though.

There are no Muslim or Eastern based religious schools on the chart, but maybe they exist but did not meet the threshold to meet 50k to students to be included, but then, it would be a really small number.

Jewish schools account for 6% of the attendance numbers.

From the survey:

In fall 2015, some 5.8 million students were enrolled in private elementary and secondary schools, accounting for 10.2 percent of all elementary and secondary school enrollment.

This indicator groups private schools into the following five categories based on the school’s religious orientation: Catholic, conservative Christian, affiliated religious (schools that are affiliated with denominations other than Catholic or conservative Christian), unaffiliated religious (schools that have a religious orientation or purpose but are not affiliated with any specific denomination), and nonsectarian (schools that are not religiously affiliated). In fall 2015, of the 34,600 private elementary and secondary schools in the United States, 20 percent were Catholic schools, 12 percent were conservative Christian schools, 9 percent were affiliated religious schools, 26 percent were unaffiliated religious schools, and 33 percent were nonsectarian schools. Of the 5.8 million students enrolled in private elementary and secondary schools, 36 percent were enrolled in Catholic schools, 13 percent were enrolled in conservative Christian schools, 10 percent were enrolled in affiliated religious schools, 16 percent were enrolled in unaffiliated religious schools, and 24 percent were enrolled in nonsectarian schools.1

Table 3.1. Number and percentage of private school students enrolled in prekindergarten through grade 12, for each affiliation of school enrolling 50,000 or more students: Fall 2015

Religious affiliation of schoolNumber of
Percent of
all private school
Roman Catholic2,082,700 36
Christian (no specific denomination)876,400 15
Jewish334,400 6
Baptist 239,200 4
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod158,300 3
Episcopal 103,700 2
Presbyterian56,100 1
Seventh-Day Adventist53,300 1
“The church is supposed to direct the government. The government is not supposed to direct the church. I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk.”

He/she'll change her/his tune on a dime when another religion becomes the majority and it dictates every aspect of his life due to non separation of church and state.
@Kalanna, Your post was heartbreaking. I’m sorry you had to experience this.

I second this, @Kalynna . I simply cannot imagine such sheer meanness. No wonder you find religion triggering. I would! Just know that what they were doing runs COMPLETELY COUNTER to the principles of love and tolerance towards all that they are SUPPOSED to espouse. But, you know, my grandmother made a big show of being religious and she was the most intolerant, judgmental, selfish person you could ever hope to meet. I think sometimes people use religion as a smokescreen for their awful personalities. And you see some famous celebs doing the same in terms of pretending to be humanitarians. (Referring here to Meghan Markle and Angelia Jolie, who want to save the world yet are absolutely vile to their families. In terms of AJ, I'm talking about the way she treated the father of her kids - who she moved in on while he was married. She loves everyone until they're in her way.)
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@Matata I'm really shocked by what you experience, Matata! That is harassment. OK, now I see why overhearing a prayer in a restaurant sends you a bit wild, lol!

Praying on the treadmill!! I don't know where to start with that sounds like something out of a bad sitcom.

It's also DANGEROUS! You have to have your wits about you on a treadmill. And talk about disrespectful to other patrons. If I was the management there, I'd put up a notice saying no praying on the machines as they're meant to be used for their proper purpose, that this isn't a consecrated space, everyone should be comfortable, and that lack of concentration is very dangerous. If they fall, and hurt themselves or hit their head, the gym will pay for that. Maybe I would dedicate a small room in the gym to be a prayer space if I had regulars who were that religion-crazy. They really can't leave their religion outside the door of the gym for an hour or so? I consider myself a Christian, but I have no interest in touting it round with me like that during my everyday life - it's private. And I'm sorry, but praying on the treadmill is INSANE.

It is very annoying when people monopolize machines. At a gym I went to, a woman would set up her laptop on the moving-staircase machine and stay on there for ages, working while stair-climbing. Again, quite apart from being unfair to other patrons, since there were only two steppers, talk about dangerous!

I'll try not to start myself off, but people displaying such selfishness and lack of manners in public places makes me aaaaaargh! We all have to play nice so that public spaces are pleasant for EVERYONE. People who monopolize machines for hours in the gym, people who use the machines as prayer pews, people who scream their way through their meals, ruining everyone else's evening out....honestly, much of the time I prefer to stay home!
And now that religion is so openly tied to far right views

This is true, and I really hate that it's true. It gives all Christians a bad name. I identify as Christian (Episcopal) but I don't go to church and don't really know the Bible, except the really famous bits. To me, Christianity means loving EVERYONE, and it is - or should be - the absolute heart and spirit of tolerance and acceptance. It's also meant to be private (except in a church). People who act all religious outside a church or a private home are nothing but show-offs.

If I was a vicar in my church, I would marry gay couples, trans couples, couples of all gender identities, and different religions, too. Whoever wanted to marry could marry in my church. I'd get round all the objections by saying that it's the spirit of the Bible to love and accept everyone, no matter what the actual words might say, and that we don't have to abide by the actual words since we have moved on since then, and that the principles (of love/tolerance etc.) are a better guide.

I had a hilarious vicar once. He had been a docker (unloading cars from the docks), and once, he mentioned the Christian spirit of forgiving your enemies and turning the other cheek. He said, "Well, you can't, can you? That's ridiculous!"

This thread has basically shown me my second bolded bit from redwoods article rings truer than the first.

"they simply don’t care what religious minorities experience"

No, they don't, which is counter to what they claim to believe. IMHO, people who are truly religious are deeply humane and care about the suffering of everyone, particularly those who are in any kind of minority group and who experience disadvantages from that.
Putting this here for anyone who is skeptical of a movement to overturn the 1st amendment.

From an elected representative:

“The church is supposed to direct the government. The government is not supposed to direct the church. I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk.”

The crowd attending the speech applauded.

This is COMPLETELY terrifying.

I cannot see what on earth any church has to do with the state. They should be totally separate.

Not meaning to make a pun or anything, but my god. We cannot be headed this way, surely.
Putting this here for anyone who is skeptical of a movement to overturn the 1st amendment.

From an elected representative:

“The church is supposed to direct the government. The government is not supposed to direct the church. I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk.”

The crowd attending the speech applauded.

She is a dingbat.
@Jambalaya I totally agree on what Christianity is supposed to be! I "sampled" a few churches in my youth, and Episcopalian and Methodist were my favorite. They were very chill and the potlucks were great

I do know quite a few Christians who aren't judgmental and who are truly kind, caring people. And I know that religion helps a lot of people through life. But of course those people probably aren't the ones preaching about how women are inferior at restaurants! Seriously, I have no idea what I'd do if I ever encountered that, but it wouldn't be pretty!!

I saw this the other day... here we go, sigh.
