
*~~The Updated Ladies in Waiting List~~*

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Did ~*~Alexis~*~ get engaged?

She posted this ring on the under a carat thread.
Also Luckgirl333 has not posted in over a year
add me!!!
Welcome, Gwyn and happyfeet1988!

*Honorary #1 Blueroses*

1. hopefulheidi
2. Angel7
3. sparkly_stars
4. hilbake
5. beanie
6. Cailet
7. Callista
8. Sleeping Beauty
9. luckygirl333
10. ~*Alexis*~
11. MustangFan
12. Çã†hër
13. JenStone
14. chrissy2006
15. berkley
16. Sugarbritches
17. midorikiss
18. BlackDiamond21
19. Galateia
20. bee*
21. emeraldlover
22. jones_poet
23. velveteenrabbit
24. AceP
25. Chels7
26. sunshine14
27. Rachie
28. mandm4ever
29. prettyinlove
30. pookie
31. cRaSh
32. monica
33. DaynaRA
34. lost in new york
35. LyBug
36. Becky P
37. goldenstar
38. ksprincess
39. DMBsgirl
40. curls
41. Alisoun
42. hopelessromantik
43. Dagnygault15
44. stillwaiting
45. Bec
46. anixiety_stricken
47. AnnaBelle
48. Shinythings
49. FutureMrsH07
50. Hudson Hawk
51. Tommys Girl
52. Bunnifer
53. Erinleighm22
54. gladyskristen
55. nycgal
56. princessmo2
57. Tuesdayschild
58. zoebartlett
59. jamiesorr
60. partyjewels
61. SparkleIllinois
62. Junkenpo
63. FutureMrsC
64. luckystar112
65. bronniejade
66. fashionsweetie
67. Bella23
68. Rosebud08
69. Melody
70. gigglebuns1186
71. neatfreak
72. Haven
73. miss_flo
74. cherry_vanilla
75. wortheverypenny
76. emilina22
77. hikerchick
78. sarahthewarrior
79. whenharrymetsally
80. leoslove730
81. Shannon72781
82. enbcfsobe
83. Gwyn
84. happyfeet1988

May everyone''s stay be short and sweet!
Add me, please! Thanks!
i''m ready to be added! thanks
Welcome, dianne and maybemanda!

*Honorary #1 Blueroses*

1. hopefulheidi
2. Angel7
3. sparkly_stars
4. hilbake
5. beanie
6. Cailet
7. Callista
8. Sleeping Beauty
9. ~*Alexis*~
10. MustangFan
11. Çã†hër
12. JenStone
13. chrissy2006
14. berkley
15. Sugarbritches
16. midorikiss
17. BlackDiamond21
18. Galateia
19. bee*
20. emeraldlover
21. jones_poet
22. velveteenrabbit
23. AceP
24. Chels7
25. sunshine14
26. Rachie
27. mandm4ever
28. prettyinlove
29. pookie
30. cRaSh
31. monica
32. DaynaRA
33. lost in new york
34. LyBug
35. Becky P
36. goldenstar
37. ksprincess
38. DMBsgirl
39. curls
40. Alisoun
41. hopelessromantik
42. Dagnygault15
43. stillwaiting
44. Bec
45. anixiety_stricken
46. AnnaBelle
47. Shinythings
48. FutureMrsH07
49. Hudson Hawk
50. Tommys Girl
51. Bunnifer
52. Erinleighm22
53. gladyskristen
54. nycgal
55. princessmo2
56. Tuesdayschild
57. zoebartlett
58. jamiesorr
59. partyjewels
60. SparkleIllinois
61. Junkenpo
62. FutureMrsC
63. luckystar112
64. bronniejade
65. fashionsweetie
66. Bella23
67. Rosebud08
68. Melody
69. gigglebuns1186
70. neatfreak
71. Haven
72. miss_flo
73. cherry_vanilla
74. wortheverypenny
75. emilina22
76. hikerchick
77. sarahthewarrior
78. whenharrymetsally
79. leoslove730
80. Shannon72781
81. enbcfsobe
82. Gwyn
83. happyfeet1988
84. dianne
85. maybemanda

May everyone''s stay be short and sweet!
Just wondering what rule we were going by 6 months, 9 months or a year?

Çã†hër --- has not posted in 10 months
Callista--- Has not posted in a year
also it looks like midorikiss got engaged. one of her last posts said she had gotten the ring.
berkley is engaged already too!
Monica only posted twice and that was 8 months ago, so she should probably be taken off the list also.
last update for now since i should really be doing work! velveteenrabbit hasn't posted in 8 months.
I''d like to be included! I don''t know how well I count as a LIW since my future fiance and I have a three year old daughter and have already begun wedding planning. The ring is done and IN MY HOUSE SOMEWHERE
but he''s not proposing for a few more weeks because he wants to have some element of surprise. So, yeah, I guess I''m waiting!
Date: 4/2/2007 2:37:58 PM
Author: MustangFan
Just wondering what rule we were going by 6 months, 9 months or a year?

Çã†hër --- has not posted in 10 months

I think 9 months is good - what do others think?

P.S. - a huge thanks to MustangFan and shinythings!
The new list. And welcome, BeachBride!

*Honorary #1 Blueroses*

1. hopefulheidi
2. Angel7
3. sparkly_stars
4. hilbake
5. beanie
6. Cailet
7. Sleeping Beauty
8. ~*Alexis*~
9. MustangFan
10. JenStone
11. chrissy2006
12. Sugarbritches
13. BlackDiamond21
14. Galateia
15. bee*
16. emeraldlover
17. jones_poet
18. AceP
19. Chels7
20. sunshine14
21. Rachie
22. mandm4ever
23. prettyinlove
24. pookie
25. cRaSh
26. DaynaRA
27. lost in new york
28. LyBug
29. Becky P
30. goldenstar
31. ksprincess
32. DMBsgirl
33. curls
34. Alisoun
35. hopelessromantik
36. Dagnygault15
37. stillwaiting
38. Bec
39. anixiety_stricken
40. AnnaBelle
41. Shinythings
42. FutureMrsH07
43. Hudson Hawk
44. Tommys Girl
45. Bunnifer
46. Erinleighm22
47. gladyskristen
48. nycgal
49. princessmo2
50. Tuesdayschild
51. zoebartlett
52. jamiesorr
53. partyjewels
54. SparkleIllinois
55. Junkenpo
56. FutureMrsC
57. luckystar112
58. bronniejade
59. fashionsweetie
60. Bella23
61. Rosebud08
62. Melody
63. gigglebuns1186
64. neatfreak
65. Haven
66. miss_flo
67. cherry_vanilla
68. wortheverypenny
69. emilina22
70. hikerchick
71. sarahthewarrior
72. whenharrymetsally
73. leoslove730
74. Shannon72781
75. enbcfsobe
76. Gwyn
77. happyfeet1988
78. dianne
79. maybemanda
80. BeachBride

May everyone''s stay be short and sweet!
I have to say that I''m feeling a bit guilty for not being as dedicated to the list as MustangFan or shinythings.
Work has been pretty hectic the past few weeks due to a coworker being out with an injury, and I know it''s not going to get better anytime soon - I can only check PS once or twice a day for short periods of time!
My bf *hinted* (cross my fingers) yesterday that a proposal may only be a month away but I''m not counting on it.

If the LIW''s don''t mind me just popping in to update the list, I''ll continue. But I feel bad that I''m not able to keep up as quickly as others can. Perhaps someone like MustangFan, who''s been a LIW a bit longer than me and wanted the position when Mandarine got engaged, should take over?
I think you''re doing a great job jenstone! i just look for updates when I''m procrastinating anyway!
You are doing fine! You can consider me your assistant! lol
I just like to help, I hope I don''t seem pushy.
shinythings and MustangFan - thanks! I really have appreciated your help during the entire time I was the listkeeper and I''m very grateful to have both of you checking the list constantly. THANK YOU!
jones_poet HAS NOT POSTED SINCE 6/06
Wow.... I''m at 25. When I first started posting in around August, I was at around 93. I thought it would take forever to get to the top.

I know it''s no reflection of WHEN it will happen, but it does give you a sense of hope. Wierd, I know.
Crash...although I asked to be removed from the list because it looked like it was going to be a LONG time before "therighttime" came around, I do remember I was right above you, or right below you so I always check to see where you are on the list. That way I can keep up with where I would''ve been! So, as you are moving on up, you''re taking me with you. Sure hoping you (we) don''t get to #1!

OOOhh and I started posting in February, so if I had joined the LIW list then, I would be in the top 10 now!! ugh! I just waited to join the list when my boyfriend talked to my dad (in AUGUST) to ask his blessing. Then I felt i was a "real" LIW. (yes, i realize august was 7 months ago!!!)
MustangFan, you''re awesome (I like your new profile pic, btw).

The new list:

*Honorary #1 Blueroses*

1. hopefulheidi
2. Angel7
3. sparkly_stars
4. hilbake
5. beanie
6. Cailet
7. Sleeping Beauty
8. ~*Alexis*~
9. MustangFan
10. JenStone
11. chrissy2006
12. Sugarbritches
13. BlackDiamond21
14. Galateia
15. bee*
16. emeraldlover
17. AceP
18. Chels7
19. sunshine14
20. Rachie
21. mandm4ever
22. prettyinlove
23. pookie
24. cRaSh
25. DaynaRA
26. lost in new york
27. LyBug
28. Becky P
29. goldenstar
30. ksprincess
31. DMBsgirl
32. curls
33. Alisoun
34. hopelessromantik
35. Dagnygault15
36. stillwaiting
37. Bec
38. anixiety_stricken
39. AnnaBelle
40. Shinythings
41. FutureMrsH07
42. Hudson Hawk
43. Tommys Girl
44. Bunnifer
45. Erinleighm22
46. gladyskristen
47. nycgal
48. princessmo2
49. Tuesdayschild
50. zoebartlett
51. jamiesorr
52. partyjewels
53. SparkleIllinois
54. Junkenpo
55. FutureMrsC
56. luckystar112
57. bronniejade
58. fashionsweetie
59. Bella23
60. Rosebud08
61. Melody
62. gigglebuns1186
63. neatfreak
64. Haven
65. miss_flo
66. cherry_vanilla
67. wortheverypenny
68. emilina22
69. hikerchick
70. sarahthewarrior
71. whenharrymetsally
72. leoslove730
73. Shannon72781
74. enbcfsobe
75. Gwyn
76. happyfeet1988
77. dianne
78. maybemanda
79. BeachBride

May everyone''s stay be short and sweet!
rachie is engaged
Lordy! I''m at 52? Last time I checked the list I was at like 60!!! That list does seem to fly sometimes :)
Haiee!! I''m at #14 already?!

(And hi everyone!
JenStone - You''re doing a GREAT job as listkeeper!!! Although, if Shiny Things and Mustang keep saying that people haven''t posted in a while, then I''ll be in the top 10 before I know it!!! I swear, I''m not supposed to be this high on the list!!! When I first joined, I was hoping to be engaged before I got to #50, haha, that was a long time ago!!! Now I''m just hoping I don''t get to #1!!!
Wow! The last i checked i was 99th and now i''m 46th place! I hope i get engaged before i hit single digit!
Can i be added to the list, plz?
Thank you.

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