
Updates, anyone?

LOL! That's awesome I may have to adopt that technique! My friends wouldn't say that, but a few of their less than tactful SO's frequently do :rolleyes: The fiancé of my friend who was engaged a couple of weeks ago has actually ALREADY said it to me. Dude, you only got around to proposing two weeks ago after 6 years, after your girlfriend was not at all subtle that she wanted to be engaged, yet suddenly you are justified to ask why we aren't yet engaged?! Douche.
sad news here today

i need some dust for my dog. she had xrays and biopsy yesterday and its either a bone infection or bone cancer. please keep us in your thoughts that its the lesser of the two evils. we find out definitive results on Tuesday. I honestly think its the "worse" prognosis, her location, symptoms, etc all match up to it. i have such a heavy heart and havent stopped crying since i heard yesterday. SO has been very supportive and cried with me last night (first time i ever saw him cry). Please keep us in your thoughts and send some dust.

LoveLikeCrazy|1359821048|3370478 said:
sad news here today

i need some dust for my dog. she had xrays and biopsy yesterday and its either a bone infection or bone cancer. please keep us in your thoughts that its the lesser of the two evils. we find out definitive results on Tuesday. I honestly think its the "worse" prognosis, her location, symptoms, etc all match up to it. i have such a heavy heart and havent stopped crying since i heard yesterday. SO has been very supportive and cried with me last night (first time i ever saw him cry). Please keep us in your thoughts and send some dust.


So much love and dust your way. Sometimes it's definitely hard having the knowledge you do because you have a better idea of what types of symptoms lead to what kind of prognosis. I am really really hoping that your baby pulls through and surprises you!!!! :((
Ohhhh LLC, I'm so sorry to hear that. I really, really hope it IS the lesser of the two evils. *hugs* and ~*~*dust*~*~
I'm keeping you and your doggie in my thoughts, LoveLikeCrazy. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. Sending you lots of dust for a good report. *hugs*
I'm thinking of you and Bella, LLC. (HUGS) (DUST)
How is your dog going LLC?

I had another ring dream haha! This time, I dreamt my BF proposed (yay!) but with a HIDEOUS ring! It was truly awful haha, it wasn't even a proper engagement ring but one of those weird costume rings that kind of goes up your WHOLE finger if you know what I mean, I don't know how else to describe it. It was like weird carved metal with parts of it painted blue and black :knockout: it didn't even have any diamonds!! Truly awful. In my dream, I told my BF I didn't like it and he was really really upset, so I ended up having to wear it as my e-ring! I hope it wasn't some sort of sick premonition :sick:
Yes, how's your dog doing, LLC? Please update us! I hope for the best!

PhillyMcGee|1360215737|3374207 said:
I had another ring dream haha! This time, I dreamt my BF proposed (yay!) but with a HIDEOUS ring! It was truly awful haha, it wasn't even a proper engagement ring but one of those weird costume rings that kind of goes up your WHOLE finger if you know what I mean, I don't know how else to describe it. It was like weird carved metal with parts of it painted blue and black :knockout: it didn't even have any diamonds!! Truly awful. In my dream, I told my BF I didn't like it and he was really really upset, so I ended up having to wear it as my e-ring! I hope it wasn't some sort of sick premonition :sick:

LOL like costume jewelry!??! I've had one of those, too.... very similar. Totally gawdy ring- not a proper e-ring at all... I don't remember much more, luckily.

M's been throwing a lot of "You're my soon-to-be-wife" and "I'm your almost-husband/ soon-to-be-husband" phrases around lately. Which is great that he definitely sees me/himself as a future married couple. I've been extremely patient; I haven't talked about e-rings, weddings, friends' engagements, etc. Any of that talk, he has brought up on his own. I know the office manager/assistant O.M. have been pestering him about getting engaged, which I feel bad about, but at the same time, I went through enough of it so now he can see what it's like!

He has now been bringing home monthly statements on the payoff for our car. As of January 31, there is about $3,000 left. Which means, if he pays the minimum $75 a week on the car, it'll be paid off in 40 weeks. Some weeks, he'll pay a bit more (if he has it). So anytime after that, hopefully he will start saving for my ring.
Having kind of a bleh day. Oh well.

At least the good news is that there's exactly one week until our fancy Valentine's costume party. It's actually a Lord of the Rings themed Elven Ball/ murder mystery dinner party and it's the fanciest event I've ever planned. It's going to be extremely silly, but also extremely fancy (why elves? because this happened to our BFF last year and we wanted to throw our own party this time: ...The invitation is the funniest part). Anyway, I have an incredible dress and we're decorating the whole house and it will be really fancy and we're planning a delicious meal and it will be the FUNNEST.

Anyway, my secret desire was that he would propose to me at our party while all of our friends are there and I'm dressed up like Galadriel, but I don't think we'll have the ring yet then and I doubt that's when he was planning on proposing anyway. I think he has a secret plan and I'm supposed to be patient. Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
So sorry i havent updated.

So tuesday came and the vet called. in a less than 2 min convo he said "i think its bone regrowth, you should make an appt with a surgeon"...Nothing more. OK so im assuming its not cancer or an infection and this dude has no idea what hes talking about. We started looking at old pics and noticed the "bump" has been there since 2007-ish and probally earlier...just bigger now. We had so many issues with the other vet, and also the way they handled the whole situation was HORRIBLE - so we are getting a second opinion. That appt is 2/21. Her leg doesn't bother her. you can squeeze her leg and she doesn't flinch. We aren't taking her to a surgeon to cut her open if we don't need to. If she was in pain, limping etc...then yes of course we would....after a second opinion of course.

Also i read the records (which we had to get to take her to the new vet) and the vet pretty much said he has no idea whats going on and didnt even ask his colleagues for a second opinion --- so he gave everyone the worst possible and we were all a mess for almost 5 days waiting. They also overdosed her on sedatives. She was COMPLETELY unarousable until 2-3am....we didnt think she was going to wake up!!!

Thanks for the concern and dust! I think it helped :) I will post another update after the second opinion.

As for LIW update, i kinda got teary eyed at dinner. Poor FF was mortified. He was like whats wrong...why are you upset? I tried to explain that im going to be 29 in a few months, all my friends are engaged/married/families and im still in school (2nd degree) with no "big girl job" and i finally found someone i want to marry and i can't marry him because im not engaged, and how i have a timeline for a wedding bc fall 2014 i would be continuing to a bach degree (im in an associate degree rn program) - so we would have to get married then bc i dont want to start fall 2014 then take the next semester off to get married, id rather take the fall semester off then start the bach in jan...Then i started crying and i said i really just want to give him money towards the ring and then he said got mad and told me under no circumstances will i pay any part of my ring...

And hes buying his stupid watch in the next few weeks...originally it was supposed to be last fall, but he didn't have the money until now - it was always planned he buys the watch before my ring but im really pissed about it. He has spent so much money on NOTHING (well of course i feel like its nothing), i think he should start looking to our future. he can buy a watch anytime - we need to be engaged to start the real planning - then he can buy whatever he wants.


wahh. im just whiny in general lately. Thanks for the vent and the dust :)
I am so glad that she isn't in any pain and I toatlly think you should go for a second opinion. Why would he give you a 2 second explanation?! Grrr. That frustrates me. Lots and lots of dust to you and your pup.

I can also totally understand your breakdown. I'm sorry you are feeling so yucky and I would also be extremely agitated about the watch purchase. I can understand that he wants to pay for your ring himself... Do you guys shares finances? Is his'watch' purchase a coverup for your ring? Just hoping I guess.

Where did you guys leave off on after your tears? Did he give you any timelines?

I have an emotional breakdown every 3 months almost like clockwork and it always happens after a couple friends announce an engagement or pregnancy. Most of the time I am just looking for some reassurance that we are still on the right track. :?

I hope your talk made you feel better or at least opened his eyes.

antiquesparkler|1360600943|3377520 said:
I am so glad that she isn't in any pain and I toatlly think you should go for a second opinion. Why would he give you a 2 second explanation?! Grrr. That frustrates me. Lots and lots of dust to you and your pup.

I can also totally understand your breakdown. I'm sorry you are feeling so yucky and I would also be extremely agitated about the watch purchase. I can understand that he wants to pay for your ring himself... Do you guys shares finances? Is his'watch' purchase a coverup for your ring? Just hoping I guess.

Where did you guys leave off on after your tears? Did he give you any timelines?

I have an emotional breakdown every 3 months almost like clockwork and it always happens after a couple friends announce an engagement or pregnancy. Most of the time I am just looking for some reassurance that we are still on the right track. :?

I hope your talk made you feel better or at least opened his eyes.


It was my first "breakdown". I blame it partly on him. He took me ring shopping in nov 2011. We also moved in together in Nov 2011. So even though we have only been dating 1 year, 7 months we have been living together 1 year 4 months and its all perfect. We really do have a great relationship. I really was expecting it sometime last year, (we never had a timeline at that point), then he told me 2013. Well it's if I know the way he's spending its going to be the end of 2013.

He loves watches. He sold one of the watches he doesn't like to help fund the new he's paying maybe 3-4k out of pocket for the new one. He def isn't covering anything up. He's buying the watch. It's always been "the plan" but it's just making me more upset lately. Let me help pay for the ring then...I'm not a child, he's going to be 35 in a few weeks - who cares if I throw down 3k towards it?

To hit the last fe points, we don't share finances. I already feel like we are "playing house" and it sometimes makes me wonder if we hadn't moved in so quick, if I'd be engaged by now? (Like he's getting the milk for free? Lol). I even brought that up last night. I told him I'm not playing house and if he won't allow me to contribute and we aren't engaged by years end then I'm getting my own place till he's ready to stop his purchases of "wants", and be serious about starting our future. If he was spending money on things he needed I really wouldn't care, and generally I don't care what he spends his money on, but he's probably spent about 1/2 the "budget" of the engagement ring since jan.


Which brings me to your last point about the fb posts....this morning he says I should just stop looking at I said we'll I don't need to look at rings to see everyone's statuses on fb about being engaged, planning weddings, taking about their hubby's etc...he kinda shut up after that.

Thank god we all have this place to vent. Thank you so much for listening antique sparkler :)

PS. Here is a picture of my Bella, so you know who the dust is going to. :) _3110.jpg
So as predicted, we bought the diamond at the antique show!! No pics until it's set and on my finger though. Gorgeous old pear cut.

Now I took myself off the list because things are progressing in such a way that I didn't think it was right to be a LIW 'cause really I'm not waiting.... or so I thought.

Idk if you know these types of people, but my dad is one of them. They say a load of crap, repeat it, and somehow that becomes an ingrained FACT! It's so stupid but I've been witness to it my entire life. So in this now circumstance, SO has repeated the phrase "Your parents want us to wait 5 years before getting married" a least ten times. Now it's become "fact." EVEN THOUGH MY PARENTS SAID NOTHING OF THE SORT! THEY SAID THAT WE SHOULD LIVE TOGETHER FOR 6 MONTHS FIRST! Ah! :angryfire: So aggravating because this is not based on reality whatsoever. I tried to clear that up last night, but there is no reasoning when it becomes a fact. Now at the same time, I don't want to seem desperate to get married, but for crying out loud, he started this whole topic!

What's the point of buying a diamond now if he doesn't plan on marrying me for 5 years? That's obscene, no? I guess if there was an explanation like "Oh, I want to have a really great wedding that'll take 5 years to save up for..." would be one thing, but this is literally "Lets be engaged for 5 years for no apparent reason." Who even knows if we'd get married sooner, but now he's got this stupid 5 year thing in my head and I can't shake it!

I definitely don't think that engagement should be longer than courtship... then again, 5 years isn't that long... I'm torn... and confused... and need to talk to him. :sick:
LoveLikeCrazy - Bella is absolutely adorable! Do you have any updates?? I sure hope they are psotive ones.... *hugs*. I can imagine how frustrating it is so to see your SO casually spending moneys (lots of money!!) on "wants" when he knows a ring/marriage is a top priority for you. Especially after you went ring shopping in 2011! At least he gave a timeline of 2013 - hopefully he is referring to the first half of the year!!!

A 5 year engagement is ridiculous. :errrr: Perhaps he's just trying to throw you off, I highly doubt he wants you to wait 5 years if he bought the diamond already this early on and has been talking about getting engaged/married sooner. Good luck!
wakingdreams53 - HOW FRUSTRATING! I know exactly what you mean by now it's a fact in his mind. I feel like someone (men, especially ;-) ) will hear something and put it away in their mind. Then they will refer to it as it's written in stone and there is no changing it - even if it was only a comment said casually in passing! Do you really think he is going to wait 5 years? As an outsider hearing this, it seems like an awful long time to hold onto a diamond for. Perhaps he is telling you 5-years so you will be surprised when it happens? What does he say when you tel him your parent's don't actually think that?
wakingdreams53|1360602569|3377547 said:
So as predicted, we bought the diamond at the antique show!! No pics until it's set and on my finger though. Gorgeous old pear cut.

Now I took myself off the list because things are progressing in such a way that I didn't think it was right to be a LIW 'cause really I'm not waiting.... or so I thought.

Idk if you know these types of people, but my dad is one of them. They say a load of crap, repeat it, and somehow that becomes an ingrained FACT! It's so stupid but I've been witness to it my entire life. So in this now circumstance, SO has repeated the phrase "Your parents want us to wait 5 years before getting married" a least ten times. Now it's become "fact." EVEN THOUGH MY PARENTS SAID NOTHING OF THE SORT! THEY SAID THAT WE SHOULD LIVE TOGETHER FOR 6 MONTHS FIRST! Ah! :angryfire: So aggravating because this is not based on reality whatsoever. I tried to clear that up last night, but there is no reasoning when it becomes a fact. Now at the same time, I don't want to seem desperate to get married, but for crying out loud, he started this whole topic!

What's the point of buying a diamond now if he doesn't plan on marrying me for 5 years? That's obscene, no? I guess if there was an explanation like "Oh, I want to have a really great wedding that'll take 5 years to save up for..." would be one thing, but this is literally "Lets be engaged for 5 years for no apparent reason." Who even knows if we'd get married sooner, but now he's got this stupid 5 year thing in my head and I can't shake it!

I definitely don't think that engagement should be longer than courtship... then again, 5 years isn't that long... I'm torn... and confused... and need to talk to him. :sick:

5 year engagement?!?!????!!!!! He cannot be serious!!! :((
luckyerialc|1360607562|3377638 said:
LoveLikeCrazy - Bella is absolutely adorable! Do you have any updates?? I sure hope they are psotive ones.... *hugs*. I can imagine how frustrating it is so to see your SO casually spending moneys (lots of money!!) on "wants" when he knows a ring/marriage is a top priority for you. Especially after you went ring shopping in 2011! At least he gave a timeline of 2013 - hopefully he is referring to the first half of the year!!!

I posted an update a few posts up :) :praise: we have a second opinion 2/21. Hoping for a positive outlook.
Oh no, he's perfectly set on getting the setting and having it set and appraised and proposing.... but the actual wedding? You know, the whole POINT of a proposal? Last I checked, it's a proposal for MARRIAGE. Not for engagement... it's a means to a goal... the goal of course, is being married...
I'll talk to him about it tonight, but I'm definitely irked/confused. He wants to get down on one knee with a ring and propose marriage.... but extendedly not marry? :confused: I get that marriage is literally just a legality, a contract... but we're business partners, so we're already legally bound in one way. A marriage license would just be another way. So it can't be that he's scared of binding himself to me legally.... and I've never EVER stated that I want some extravagent wedding or that I want to spend all of his money or anything of the sort! I even offered to pay for the ring since he bought the diamond! </end rant>

I think I'm perfectly fair.... maybe too fair. Going to talk to him tonight. :nono:
LoveLikeCrazy|1360615873|3377761 said:
luckyerialc|1360607562|3377638 said:
LoveLikeCrazy - Bella is absolutely adorable! Do you have any updates?? I sure hope they are psotive ones.... *hugs*. I can imagine how frustrating it is so to see your SO casually spending moneys (lots of money!!) on "wants" when he knows a ring/marriage is a top priority for you. Especially after you went ring shopping in 2011! At least he gave a timeline of 2013 - hopefully he is referring to the first half of the year!!!

I posted an update a few posts up :) :praise: we have a second opinion 2/21. Hoping for a positive outlook.

Oops! I meant the second opinion :) Keep us updated on how that goes!! I would definitely be seeking out a second, as well. :twirl:
LoveLikeCrazy|1360601955|3377541 said:
antiquesparkler|1360600943|3377520 said:
I am so glad that she isn't in any pain and I toatlly think you should go for a second opinion. Why would he give you a 2 second explanation?! Grrr. That frustrates me. Lots and lots of dust to you and your pup.

I can also totally understand your breakdown. I'm sorry you are feeling so yucky and I would also be extremely agitated about the watch purchase. I can understand that he wants to pay for your ring himself... Do you guys shares finances? Is his'watch' purchase a coverup for your ring? Just hoping I guess.

Where did you guys leave off on after your tears? Did he give you any timelines?

I have an emotional breakdown every 3 months almost like clockwork and it always happens after a couple friends announce an engagement or pregnancy. Most of the time I am just looking for some reassurance that we are still on the right track. :?

I hope your talk made you feel better or at least opened his eyes.


It was my first "breakdown". I blame it partly on him. He took me ring shopping in nov 2011. We also moved in together in Nov 2011. So even though we have only been dating 1 year, 7 months we have been living together 1 year 4 months and its all perfect. We really do have a great relationship. I really was expecting it sometime last year, (we never had a timeline at that point), then he told me 2013. Well it's if I know the way he's spending its going to be the end of 2013.

He loves watches. He sold one of the watches he doesn't like to help fund the new he's paying maybe 3-4k out of pocket for the new one. He def isn't covering anything up. He's buying the watch. It's always been "the plan" but it's just making me more upset lately. Let me help pay for the ring then...I'm not a child, he's going to be 35 in a few weeks - who cares if I throw down 3k towards it?

To hit the last fe points, we don't share finances. I already feel like we are "playing house" and it sometimes makes me wonder if we hadn't moved in so quick, if I'd be engaged by now? (Like he's getting the milk for free? Lol). I even brought that up last night. I told him I'm not playing house and if he won't allow me to contribute and we aren't engaged by years end then I'm getting my own place till he's ready to stop his purchases of "wants", and be serious about starting our future. If he was spending money on things he needed I really wouldn't care, and generally I don't care what he spends his money on, but he's probably spent about 1/2 the "budget" of the engagement ring since jan.


Which brings me to your last point about the fb posts....this morning he says I should just stop looking at I said we'll I don't need to look at rings to see everyone's statuses on fb about being engaged, planning weddings, taking about their hubby's etc...he kinda shut up after that.

Thank god we all have this place to vent. Thank you so much for listening antique sparkler :)

PS. Here is a picture of my Bella, so you know who the dust is going to. :) _3110.jpg

First off, Bella is beautiful! I love yellow labs. My parents had one named, Ella for a very long time. :bigsmile:

Ring shopping 1 year+ ago! You are a patient girl. He probably shouldn’t have done that. We are girls- we take those shopping trips seriously. It sounds like your relationship is really great though. Your relationship actually sounds a lot like mine. We are coming up on our 2 year anniversary and we have lived together for 1 year this upcoming March 1st. I have often thought about how we might be ‘playing house’. We also don’t share finances and he definitely won’t be checking in with me about dropping lots of $$$ on new golf clubs this spring.

SO and I dealt with the whole money and ring issue. He was really annoyed that I wanted to use my grandma’s stone because then he wasn’t pitching in for the diamond. ARGH. Boys!

Anyway, I do think it’s good that you sent down some rules. He is telling you 2013. I don’t really believe in ultimatums but I do believe in knowing when the current situation isn’t making you happy. HALF THE E-RING BUDGET?! Its only February! Again, BOYS!! SMH

Here to listen anytime you need to vent! We are similar… we need to make sure our men want to buy the cow even if they are getting the milk for free… :twisted:
wakingdreams53|1360616847|3377770 said:
Oh no, he's perfectly set on getting the setting and having it set and appraised and proposing.... but the actual wedding? You know, the whole POINT of a proposal? Last I checked, it's a proposal for MARRIAGE. Not for engagement... it's a means to a goal... the goal of course, is being married...
I'll talk to him about it tonight, but I'm definitely irked/confused. He wants to get down on one knee with a ring and propose marriage.... but extendedly not marry? :confused: I get that marriage is literally just a legality, a contract... but we're business partners, so we're already legally bound in one way. A marriage license would just be another way. So it can't be that he's scared of binding himself to me legally.... and I've never EVER stated that I want some extravagent wedding or that I want to spend all of his money or anything of the sort! I even offered to pay for the ring since he bought the diamond! </end rant>

I think I'm perfectly fair.... maybe too fair. Going to talk to him tonight. :nono:

First of all, I cant wait to see pictures of the stone. I am sure it is beautiful! :appl:

I am so sorry you are annoyed. I can’t imagine being engaged for 5 years. How did he even get the idea that is what your parents wanted? I hope you are able to talk tonight and feel better. Keep us posted!
wakingdreams53 - I hope its all just a misunderstanding! Its not THAT unusual to be engaged for long periods of time (not my jam either, though!), perhaps your SO is into that! Here's to getting on the same page!

LoveLikeCrazy - So glad to read the Bella update. :D I'm sorry you are having a rough LIW time at the moment, I'm sure the vet stress isn't helping AT ALL. Hugs for you.

cygnet I must know if Chanel got to the ball!!! Best ever. It sounds as though its going to be an amazing night! My fingers are crossed for you that it will be extra amazing.

Updates for me? I'm cool as a cucumber at the moment. 8-) That's not to say I don't daydream on the daily!
Here's my update...

I'm *not* engaged, but I got to play with the diamond this weekend. SO let me check it out to make sure I was ok with the color and clarity (which I am!) It'll still be a while before he proposes, I think.

lktx|1360638715|3378030 said:
Here's my update...

I'm *not* engaged, but I got to play with the diamond this weekend. SO let me check it out to make sure I was ok with the color and clarity (which I am!) It'll still be a while before he proposes, I think.

That's a gorgeous stone! So excited to see your ring!
Update: We found a diamond! Its coming in under budget, so we'll probably have it set right away by Chris @ ERD in this beauuuuuuutiful bezel. :love: :appl: :love:

How the heck will I survive when I know he has the ring in his possession? We joked last night that he'll need to have it shipped to his office so that I know a little bit less.

I'm gonna need some advice on how you ladies are persevering!
lktx|1360638715|3378030 said:
Here's my update...

I'm *not* engaged, but I got to play with the diamond this weekend. SO let me check it out to make sure I was ok with the color and clarity (which I am!) It'll still be a while before he proposes, I think.

WOWZA! What a beautiful stone!! Lucky girl!!! :love: :love: :love:
lin_ny|1360777896|3379206 said:
Update: We found a diamond! Its coming in under budget, so we'll probably have it set right away by Chris @ ERD in this beauuuuuuutiful bezel. :love: :appl: :love:

How the heck will I survive when I know he has the ring in his possession? We joked last night that he'll need to have it shipped to his office so that I know a little bit less.

I'm gonna need some advice on how you ladies are persevering!

It's when he has the ring that it's THE WORST. I actually feel like I am going to go crazy at any moment sometimes. I agree. I think the less you know, the better. I even know where the ring is... Some days are so tempting. What would he do if I just started wearing it? lol :Up_to_something:
lin_ny|1360777896|3379206 said:
Update: We found a diamond! Its coming in under budget, so we'll probably have it set right away by Chris @ ERD in this beauuuuuuutiful bezel. :love: :appl: :love:

How the heck will I survive when I know he has the ring in his possession? We joked last night that he'll need to have it shipped to his office so that I know a little bit less.

I'm gonna need some advice on how you ladies are persevering!

P.S. AMAZING SETTING!!! :naughty:
lin_ny|1360777896|3379206 said:
Update: We found a diamond! Its coming in under budget, so we'll probably have it set right away by Chris @ ERD in this beauuuuuuutiful bezel. :love: :appl: :love:

How the heck will I survive when I know he has the ring in his possession? We joked last night that he'll need to have it shipped to his office so that I know a little bit less.

I'm gonna need some advice on how you ladies are persevering!


Wow wow wow! Oh, I love that setting! Can you tell us more about the diamond?

And yes, I know the feeling about not being able to survive once it's in his possession. Mine is in production right now, but soon he will have it and then I have NO idea when he's going to propose. I was trying not to think about it, but then I got all riled up about it again yesterday and now I'm getting antsy again. My 25th birthday is in less than a month, and I was talking to my stepmom yesterday on the phone and she was going on and on about how 25 is the perfect age to get engaged, and asking what my birthday plans for, and if G had any special plans for me for my birthday, and repeatedly saying "well, 25 is a good year. He should do something special for your birthday. Because 25 is a good age...." YES I GET IT you think I should get engaged. Hm, I think so too.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut he's not really big on birthdays (he'll do something nice for me, but he's one of those people who think that birthdays stop being a big deal after you're 21 because after that nothing really changes with a birthday) so I doubt it'd be a birthday proposal....argh!