
Updates, anyone?

Thanks Madelise!

I think you're organized! I am a little like that! Got idea about dresses, centerpieces etc!!! Do you have an idea of the proposal time?
Oh nothing is happening with the dollar we just wanted to make sure we were buying while our dollar was strong!

Their VS diamonds aren't in house, they bring them in evaluate them send through ASETS, idealscopes, sarin and photos for the diamond your looking at! Which they did! And it was lovely!

So we bought it! And I'm so glad you think the non halo setting is nice because that's what the diamond is getting set in! Now just to wait for some glamour shots!

Oh and the proposal!

I've been enjoying this thread, it feels so good to have peers in a similar situation to mine! Love hearing updates. Wish more would post!

For me, I have no updates of consequence. In late June we had an absolutely TERRIFYING and SAD week, where we almost lost SO's father to a massive heart attack. (He is making a miraculous full recovery.)

I confessed to SO at the hospital that I felt awful not having his father see us married, and he had been feeling the same way. This was during the part when we weren't sure he would wake up. I was willing to have a hospital chaplain marry us right there in the ICU if it meant he would be there! Its funny what these kinds of times do to your brain.

As far as my imaginary-engagement-ring hunt, I am currently obsessed with emerald cuts! Which I did not see coming at all. I have been scouring SMTB for graduated 5-stone emerald cuts (as in all EC, not just center or sides)- I'm beginning to wonder if they even exist! Thinking my taste is really off base, he he. Also.. can't imagine the cost of something like this.
Lislis89|1342302186|3233973 said:
Thanks Madelise!

I think you're organized! I am a little like that! Got idea about dresses, centerpieces etc!!! Do you have an idea of the proposal time?
Oh nothing is happening with the dollar we just wanted to make sure we were buying while our dollar was strong!

Their VS diamonds aren't in house, they bring them in evaluate them send through ASETS, idealscopes, sarin and photos for the diamond your looking at! Which they did! And it was lovely!

So we bought it! And I'm so glad you think the non halo setting is nice because that's what the diamond is getting set in! Now just to wait for some glamour shots!

Oh and the proposal!


Oh silly me, I thought you guys were converting your dollar or something! I have 0 clue about a proposal time. The ring will be done sometime in September. I want go on a mini trip out before school starts (I only have 1 week off!) to Vegas possibly that month. I want to go to a hot air balloon festival in October, but that doesn't seem likely anymore since we overspent by quite a bit. Then our anniversary of when we met was in Nov, and our anniversary is in Dec, and we're headed back to Vegas. My birthday is in March, and my graduation is in June. I hope to God he doesn't make me wait until then but.. they're all possibilities for him. It's all up in the air!

Oh congratulations on your purchase!! When does it come in!
Chewbacca|1342503969|3235282 said:
I've been enjoying this thread, it feels so good to have peers in a similar situation to mine! Love hearing updates. Wish more would post!

For me, I have no updates of consequence. In late June we had an absolutely TERRIFYING and SAD week, where we almost lost SO's father to a massive heart attack. (He is making a miraculous full recovery.)

I confessed to SO at the hospital that I felt awful not having his father see us married, and he had been feeling the same way. This was during the part when we weren't sure he would wake up. I was willing to have a hospital chaplain marry us right there in the ICU if it meant he would be there! Its funny what these kinds of times do to your brain.

As far as my imaginary-engagement-ring hunt, I am currently obsessed with emerald cuts! Which I did not see coming at all. I have been scouring SMTB for graduated 5-stone emerald cuts (as in all EC, not just center or sides)- I'm beginning to wonder if they even exist! Thinking my taste is really off base, he he. Also.. can't imagine the cost of something like this.

O I'm so sorry about your SO's father! I've had many scares with my grandfather, and can relate. I want to get married while he is still alive, and coherent. He's currently 92 or 93, and it's like a ticking time bomb. I used to dream of him walking me down the aisle, but that's no longer feasible.

Have you seen the emerald cut with the french cut sides? I think that one is TO DIE FOR. I forgot who owns it… but it was a recent addition in the last few months.
madelise said:
O I'm so sorry about your SO's father! I've had many scares with my grandfather, and can relate. I want to get married while he is still alive, and coherent. He's currently 92 or 93, and it's like a ticking time bomb. I used to dream of him walking me down the aisle, but that's no longer feasible.

Have you seen the emerald cut with the french cut sides? I think that one is TO DIE FOR. I forgot who owns it… but it was a recent addition in the last few months.

Thanks Madelise. I cannot say how glad I am to be able to say it is a happy ending!! Oh wow, your grandfather is at a great old age. I really hope you are able to have him at your wedding! I am sure you could involve him in the day in another way, aside from the aisle walk. Do you have any ideas? My only remaining grandparent is 90, and I am also beginning to worry about her absence at my wedding.

As far as the ring you linked to, WOW! The sides look beautiful, they are so complimentary to the enormous EC!

I have never seen what I'm looking for either. I am now (obsessively) looking at baguette sides, which is kiiiindof close to what I'm imagining. I am quite partial to the 5 stones being fairly close in size, rather than the big centre stone look.
madelise said:
Lislis89|1342302186|3233973 said:
Thanks Madelise!

I think you're organized! I am a little like that! Got idea about dresses, centerpieces etc!!! Do you have an idea of the proposal time?
Oh nothing is happening with the dollar we just wanted to make sure we were buying while our dollar was strong!

Their VS diamonds aren't in house, they bring them in evaluate them send through ASETS, idealscopes, sarin and photos for the diamond your looking at! Which they did! And it was lovely!

So we bought it! And I'm so glad you think the non halo setting is nice because that's what the diamond is getting set in! Now just to wait for some glamour shots!

Oh and the proposal!


Oh silly me, I thought you guys were converting your dollar or something! I have 0 clue about a proposal time. The ring will be done sometime in September. I want go on a mini trip out before school starts (I only have 1 week off!) to Vegas possibly that month. I want to go to a hot air balloon festival in October, but that doesn't seem likely anymore since we overspent by quite a bit. Then our anniversary of when we met was in Nov, and our anniversary is in Dec, and we're headed back to Vegas. My birthday is in March, and my graduation is in June. I hope to God he doesn't make me wait until then but.. they're all possibilities for him. It's all up in the air!

Oh congratulations on your purchase!! When does it come in!

I hope it comes soon, Your proposal that is! But still you have some amazing things/events coming up in the next year! Lots of things to look foward too! How exciting!!!!
The rings est shipping for us is early august, so it may take a little while to get through customs etc, then most likely I will see it mid august but then I dont have a clue about actually 'getting the ring'! I will likely try it on to see if it needs resizing etc. but I am not in a rush for it to happen! but I dont want to be waiting forever either! (Talk about easy :P )

So I will have to take it easy and concentrate on university study and work..... Bummer! hahaha

Love hearing about all the updates, proposal thoughts and ring things from you! And all the other LIW!

Cant wait for some list movement!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
We celebrated our 1 year anniversary last Saturday on 7/14. We had a wonderful day together and it was just perfect. We've had some unfortunate financial set backs in the last few weeks including having one of our 2 cars crapping out to the point of not being repairable. We're now officially a one car family. It's been okay and not that bad since we live so close to where I work and he works opposite hours that I do. The benefit being that it's an outward symbol to everyone else that we are a team and will deal with *our* problems together. We love that we're doing this independently from family and are taking charge of our own lives. I've started a new job which I'm really excited about and I think is a really good move for me. Andrew graduates in December. Our tentative timeline was to be engaged by the end of our first year living together. We're officially moving in together this month (his lease is up at the end of July) so the long range (we thought) would be by the end of next July. I was hoping (and I'm pretty sure he was too) for December, but I'm not sure we'll be quite out of the hole from the car situation, etc just yet. And I think he'd really prefer to be settled in a job first, that whole macho man provides thing. So we'll see. I'm trying to just forget that we have the ring and enjoy this time. We'll be married for far longer than we'll be in the state of just dating, and I KNOW we'll get there. Patience. Patience. Patience.

I attached a picture of us from our anniversary dinner. I'm surprised it came out so well since we took it ourselves!

gushgushgush audball you 2 are soooo cute!!! I think/know I've told you before, but I'm telling you again ::) I'm so glad that you are so happy with him!!! and obvs kudos to you for being financially responsible and trying to make sure both of your affairs are settled first.
pandabee|1342921410|3237925 said:
gushgushgush audball you 2 are soooo cute!!! I think/know I've told you before, but I'm telling you again ::) I'm so glad that you are so happy with him!!! and obvs kudos to you for being financially responsible and trying to make sure both of your affairs are settled first.
Aww thanks pandabee! He's amazing and I couldn't be happier. Patience patience patience. We'll get there. :love:
Great picture, audball. You are a lovely lady. Happy (belated) Anniversary =)
MBKRH|1342974388|3238148 said:
Great picture, audball. You are a lovely lady. Happy (belated) Anniversary =)
Aww, thanks hun! ::)
Aww Audball, so sweet (and very handsome couple)! Many happy returns for your anniversary. It must be SO EXCITING knowing the path you two are headed down!
Chewbacca|1342999328|3238281 said:
Aww Audball, so sweet (and very handsome couple)! Many happy returns for your anniversary. It must be SO EXCITING knowing the path you two are headed down!
Thanks! Ya'll are too sweet. We are very happy to just be together. Everything else will come together when it's supposed to. I have no doubts.
Waiting on GOG for the next batch of OECs...

....feels like "only a matter of time" but even once we do this, there will be a setting situation, then a proposal situation of some sort so could be another month or two.
Sorry, I've been MIA! So busy!

Audball, you two make a great couple! Congrats on the anniversary!!

For my update: My ring has been DONE! :appl: I only got to see it once and then it was taken from me. ;( So, no handshots. But, please check out the pro shots Mark sent me in my thread!

Madelise, what setting did you choose for your MONSTER of a stone! :naughty:
CaprineSun|1343099494|3238892 said:
Sorry, I've been MIA! So busy!

Audball, you two make a great couple! Congrats on the anniversary!!

For my update: My ring has been DONE! :appl: I only got to see it once and then it was taken from me. ;( So, no handshots. But, please check out the pro shots Mark sent me in my thread!

Madelise, what setting did you choose for your MONSTER of a stone! :naughty:

I have been thinking of you CS!! I kept wondering how things were going! I'm going to hop right on over there to check out those photos right now!!! Do you know when he's going to propose, or are you guys just engaged when it's arrived? Eeek you must be sooo excited!

I actually have a thread in RT titled something like SNQueens Setting Journey.. I just got my mold last Friday, and I okayed for them to go into production! 8-10 weeks! :sun: I don't know how I'm going to survive!
Lislis - concentrating on schoolwork is probably the only thing keeping me sane from LIWitis!

Aud - that photo is toooo cute!

Chewbacca - OOH emerald cut center and side stones.. I now know what I was thinking of! Or trying to think of! Angelina Jolie's E-ring!

LJL - no worries, it'll happen and then it'll be over quickly and soon before you even know it ;))
madelise|1343101777|3238907 said:
I have been thinking of you CS!! I kept wondering how things were going! I'm going to hop right on over there to check out those photos right now!!! Do you know when he's going to propose, or are you guys just engaged when it's arrived? Eeek you must be sooo excited!

I actually have a thread in RT titled something like SNQueens Setting Journey.. I just got my mold last Friday, and I okayed for them to go into production! 8-10 weeks! :sun: I don't know how I'm going to survive!

Found it & posted! I feel like I've missed so much! 1st, your stone. And now, your setting! But I'm still so excited!
Ahh, sorry I'm joining this boat late. Life has been crazy for me, more laid back for the bf. He decided to take the summer "off" from his teaching job, and stick to working his 3 days a week doing therapy. The other two days of the week he has focused on writing, and improving his book so that hopefully an agent will pick it up and offer him a book deal.

Meanwhile I am working 65-70 hour weeks, and trying not to let the mentality of being a student, paying to work this much, and balancing life not get to my head and cause a massive freakout. So, there hasn't been much talk on the engagement front. It's also been really stressful for us trying to balance a healthy relationship when I am chronically stressed and the amount of time we can spend together has been significantly reduced. He's trying to be supportive and understanding, but I can tell it's hard for him. Right now we're taking things one day at a time; we've had way too many stupid fights and hard days to talk about engagement. Thankfully, I only have one month of surgery to go, and after that my hours are way more manageable and less grueling.

Despite all this, we're both extremely committed to this relationship and know that as long as we keep talking, we'll be okay. Our 1-year anniversary is in September, and I got my present early! It's NOT an engagement ring, but something to celebrate our first year together. We both never thought we would find a relationship that would produce so much joy and happiness in times of extreme stress and unpredictability. My last relationship ended after 6 years, and while my ex was moving forward with living in a more exciting city, growing a successful business, and finally engaging in hobbies (which I BEGGED him to get into while we were together) that made him happier, I felt like my life was not going anywhere, especially since the path to a career in medicine is so long, and seeing everyone around me get engaged/married/have kids, I wasn't feeling like my best and felt a bit hopeless. For my bf, he was going through a string of relationships that weren't going anywhere, and he was really starting to think that he would be living his life alone. So this year has been very special for us. We've been very grateful to have each other, and feel very lucky that we're together. So that's the long story behind the bling. And here's a pic!

I don't know much about it, except the sapphire is natural and untreated, and the diamonds are natural. I think this is going to be a pretty nice sit-in until we can both breathe and feel ready to have a really serious talk about engagement, but for right now, I'm very happy with where we are.

madelise|1343102945|3238916 said:
Chewbacca - OOH emerald cut center and side stones.. I now know what I was thinking of! Or trying to think of! Angelina Jolie's E-ring!



I did a google, and now I feel really uncool! It is the closest I've seen of what I'd been imagining! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!

:nono: :errrr:
sweetpea&babycorn|1343107615|3238929 said:
Ahh, sorry I'm joining this boat late. Life has been crazy for me, more laid back for the bf. He decided to take the summer "off" from his teaching job, and stick to working his 3 days a week doing therapy. The other two days of the week he has focused on writing, and improving his book so that hopefully an agent will pick it up and offer him a book deal.

Meanwhile I am working 65-70 hour weeks, and trying not to let the mentality of being a student, paying to work this much, and balancing life not get to my head and cause a massive freakout. So, there hasn't been much talk on the engagement front. It's also been really stressful for us trying to balance a healthy relationship when I am chronically stressed and the amount of time we can spend together has been significantly reduced. He's trying to be supportive and understanding, but I can tell it's hard for him. Right now we're taking things one day at a time; we've had way too many stupid fights and hard days to talk about engagement. Thankfully, I only have one month of surgery to go, and after that my hours are way more manageable and less grueling.

Despite all this, we're both extremely committed to this relationship and know that as long as we keep talking, we'll be okay. Our 1-year anniversary is in September, and I got my present early! It's NOT an engagement ring, but something to celebrate our first year together. We both never thought we would find a relationship that would produce so much joy and happiness in times of extreme stress and unpredictability. My last relationship ended after 6 years, and while my ex was moving forward with living in a more exciting city, growing a successful business, and finally engaging in hobbies (which I BEGGED him to get into while we were together) that made him happier, I felt like my life was not going anywhere, especially since the path to a career in medicine is so long, and seeing everyone around me get engaged/married/have kids, I wasn't feeling like my best and felt a bit hopeless. For my bf, he was going through a string of relationships that weren't going anywhere, and he was really starting to think that he would be living his life alone. So this year has been very special for us. We've been very grateful to have each other, and feel very lucky that we're together. So that's the long story behind the bling. And here's a pic!

I don't know much about it, except the sapphire is natural and untreated, and the diamonds are natural. I think this is going to be a pretty nice sit-in until we can both breathe and feel ready to have a really serious talk about engagement, but for right now, I'm very happy with where we are.

Sweetpea&babycorn that is a beautiful ring!

Its sounds like you two have a strong and wonderful relationship , and all the stress and craziness will only strengthen the bond you have.

Balancing a healthy relationship is hard and i am in a similar situation, my So works 50+ hours a week restoring a plane and the stress of deadlines and where he will be working next puts engagement ring talk on the back burner. With just graduating , passing state boards and taking care of a 3 yr old full time. We don't have much time to ourselves but its what makes us value one another more when we do get moments together.

Keep us updated on your sit in :)
Chewbacca|1343107983|3238930 said:
madelise|1343102945|3238916 said:
Chewbacca - OOH emerald cut center and side stones.. I now know what I was thinking of! Or trying to think of! Angelina Jolie's E-ring!



I did a google, and now I feel really uncool! It is the closest I've seen of what I'd been imagining! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!

:nono: :errrr:
reminds me of this little (big) sparkly!!i=1733367696&k=LB2PPLw

...listed on the first page of modern rings for 5725!
CaprineSun|1343105467|3238924 said:
madelise|1343101777|3238907 said:
I have been thinking of you CS!! I kept wondering how things were going! I'm going to hop right on over there to check out those photos right now!!! Do you know when he's going to propose, or are you guys just engaged when it's arrived? Eeek you must be sooo excited!

I actually have a thread in RT titled something like SNQueens Setting Journey.. I just got my mold last Friday, and I okayed for them to go into production! 8-10 weeks! :sun: I don't know how I'm going to survive!

Found it & posted! I feel like I've missed so much! 1st, your stone. And now, your setting! But I'm still so excited!

Thanks, Caprine! I'm excited for yours as well! I think I told you in your first mentions of the setting that I had been stalking the original ebay setting (still am!) for a long time. I'm totally thinking of doing it like you did, except with a round melee on the very ends, and getting it with milgraining. I was even thinking about going with that style for my e-ring! I've seen a lot of similar styles like that lately. I recently bought Erica's preloved Barry cut tanga garnet that I think I want to set like that for my grandmother, to gift her at our wedding. I seriously love it so much, and figure eventually my grandma's ring will just end up back to me, so why not! LOL! I can't wait til you get your baby on your fingers and photo bomb us with that beauty!!!!
sweetpea&babycorn|1343107615|3238929 said:
Ahh, sorry I'm joining this boat late. Life has been crazy for me, more laid back for the bf. He decided to take the summer "off" from his teaching job, and stick to working his 3 days a week doing therapy. The other two days of the week he has focused on writing, and improving his book so that hopefully an agent will pick it up and offer him a book deal.

Meanwhile I am working 65-70 hour weeks, and trying not to let the mentality of being a student, paying to work this much, and balancing life not get to my head and cause a massive freakout. So, there hasn't been much talk on the engagement front. It's also been really stressful for us trying to balance a healthy relationship when I am chronically stressed and the amount of time we can spend together has been significantly reduced. He's trying to be supportive and understanding, but I can tell it's hard for him. Right now we're taking things one day at a time; we've had way too many stupid fights and hard days to talk about engagement. Thankfully, I only have one month of surgery to go, and after that my hours are way more manageable and less grueling.

Despite all this, we're both extremely committed to this relationship and know that as long as we keep talking, we'll be okay. Our 1-year anniversary is in September, and I got my present early! It's NOT an engagement ring, but something to celebrate our first year together. We both never thought we would find a relationship that would produce so much joy and happiness in times of extreme stress and unpredictability. My last relationship ended after 6 years, and while my ex was moving forward with living in a more exciting city, growing a successful business, and finally engaging in hobbies (which I BEGGED him to get into while we were together) that made him happier, I felt like my life was not going anywhere, especially since the path to a career in medicine is so long, and seeing everyone around me get engaged/married/have kids, I wasn't feeling like my best and felt a bit hopeless. For my bf, he was going through a string of relationships that weren't going anywhere, and he was really starting to think that he would be living his life alone. So this year has been very special for us. We've been very grateful to have each other, and feel very lucky that we're together. So that's the long story behind the bling. And here's a pic!

I don't know much about it, except the sapphire is natural and untreated, and the diamonds are natural. I think this is going to be a pretty nice sit-in until we can both breathe and feel ready to have a really serious talk about engagement, but for right now, I'm very happy with where we are.

SPBC - time will pass, and you guys won't be going through such a trying time! 70 hour work weeks are NOT fun, and only puts you on the edge 24/7! I remember when I was working 70-80 hour work weeks + going to school! Those few months were HELL. SO and I almost broke up from all the fighting! Are you doing all those hours for residency? Or? Can you cut back your hours? I actually made a joint decision with SO to quit one of my PT jobs, and reduce my hours at my other PT job just so I can be more sane. :)) Now that I'm in a more "normal" schedule of 24-36 hr work weeks + school, I still feel crazy stressed and tired, and I can't even PICTURE how the heck I survived 70-80 hours! Take a weekender, girl! Wind down, even away from SO, just to relax a bit and keep your sanity. Sleep in forever, and wake up only to be in PJs. Buy yourself a massage (or buy yourself a bottle of massage oil and make SO do it!).

Congrats on almost 1 year together! That ring is beautiful :love: and makes a wonderful promise ring-y thing. And girl, you know I love p-rings. Any excuse for extra bling! Good that it's not an e-ring, cus now you'll have TWO! :naughty:
LJL|1343163744|3239257 said:
Chewbacca|1343107983|3238930 said:
madelise|1343102945|3238916 said:
Chewbacca - OOH emerald cut center and side stones.. I now know what I was thinking of! Or trying to think of! Angelina Jolie's E-ring!



I did a google, and now I feel really uncool! It is the closest I've seen of what I'd been imagining! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!

:nono: :errrr:
reminds me of this little (big) sparkly!!i=1733367696&k=LB2PPLw

...listed on the first page of modern rings for 5725!

Cough, bump. Chewbacca? :love:
CaprineSun|1343099494|3238892 said:
Sorry, I've been MIA! So busy!

Audball, you two make a great couple! Congrats on the anniversary!!

For my update: My ring has been DONE! :appl: I only got to see it once and then it was taken from me. ;( So, no handshots. But, please check out the pro shots Mark sent me in my thread!

Madelise, what setting did you choose for your MONSTER of a stone! :naughty:
Thanks Caprine!! And DROOL! Beautiful ring!!
Here's my update: I was originally expecting a proposal this summer or fall, but SO wants to save up some money first. So now I'm looking at March/April/May of 2013. I was originally a little bummed but I'm almost fine with it now. Almost. :lol: :roll:
lktx|1343915444|3244793 said:
Here's my update: I was originally expecting a proposal this summer or fall, but SO wants to save up some money first. So now I'm looking at March/April/May of 2013. I was originally a little bummed but I'm almost fine with it now. Almost. :lol: :roll:

Oh, LKTX! I know firsthand how it's like to be let down that you'd have to wait longer! Our original wedding date was supposed to be in Nov '11! I'm not even ENGAGED yet! LOL! I've been let down on timelines so many times that SO refuses to give me one anymore. In fact, I was just bugging SO all day yesterday, last night, and even right before he fell asleep when he was super groggy to see if he'd let a timeline slip. His answers are always "eventually", or "within the next 5 years". haha!

I guess that's somewhere along the lines of normal day-to-day, non-involved-PS-ers and their engagements. Zero clue into the process! :P

Frustrating, but March-May will come soon enough! What will you be doing to keep your mind off of it? I just got my big fat GRE handbooks mailed to me, so that's where my ATTN will be! ;)
madelise|1344111339|3245989 said:
lktx|1343915444|3244793 said:
Here's my update: I was originally expecting a proposal this summer or fall, but SO wants to save up some money first. So now I'm looking at March/April/May of 2013. I was originally a little bummed but I'm almost fine with it now. Almost. :lol: :roll:

Oh, LKTX! I know firsthand how it's like to be let down that you'd have to wait longer! Our original wedding date was supposed to be in Nov '11! I'm not even ENGAGED yet! LOL! I've been let down on timelines so many times that SO refuses to give me one anymore. In fact, I was just bugging SO all day yesterday, last night, and even right before he fell asleep when he was super groggy to see if he'd let a timeline slip. His answers are always "eventually", or "within the next 5 years". haha!

I guess that's somewhere along the lines of normal day-to-day, non-involved-PS-ers and their engagements. Zero clue into the process! :P

Frustrating, but March-May will come soon enough! What will you be doing to keep your mind off of it? I just got my big fat GRE handbooks mailed to me, so that's where my ATTN will be! ;)

Hahaha I try to have srs conversations with SO right before bed as well! It's the only time to catch him when we're more relaxed!