OutOfTheBlue|1395253727|3637419 said:Just to clarify, at least one of the people who e-mailed Grace after you wasn't a lurker. My significant other and I have been reading PS for the past few months to determine ring parameters and using that information picked that ring out a few weeks ago. Unfortunately for me, he decided to be stubborn and wait the extra 2 weeks to have the cash before contacting JBEG about possibly reserving it. He told me yesterday that he'd e-mailed her about buying it and we spent the evening celebrating. Only to find this thread today while wondering why we hadn't heard back from her yet. It is our fault for not trying to reserve the ring, but I figured I'd point out it's not entirely fair to admonish the other people who e-mailed her after you as being lurkers trying to steal the ring because of this thread.
Guess we're back to the drawing boards.
That's too bad... Sorry to hear about your situation. However, I don't think people here were condemning you, so you shouldn't take it so personally.
Also, does she not have a layaway program, 90 days or something? Why didn't you just do that?
Again, sorry to hear, but you will find something else. For sure.
Bad buzz kill to this thread though, haha.