
We want your suggestions!

I don''t mind the idea of PMs. I dislike the idea of having a "friends only" system though. Anything that smacks of popularity contest is usually bad for any forum. Either you opt in or opt out and take your chances. You can report spam or offensive matter to the Admins.

I wouldn''t mind seeing a marketplace here, with no commercial sales perhaps. Just member to member if it''s workable. Details would be worked out in PMs. PS would take no liability for anything. I don''t really see how this is competing with PS vendors. The items would be used, and prices would reflect that. Limits on value might be set perhaps so no big ticket items are up. There would be general rules in place. Only members with 1000 posts could participate, or something like that, as with the suggestions for PMs so we wouldn''t have "strangers" coming to sell goods. Just an idea. I''ve seen it work successfully on specialty forums without much issue.
Date: 8/20/2009 10:12:31 PM
Author: shimmer
What if the PM could only be used if the person allowed PMs from the other. You would have to select that person from a list to ''allow'' them to PM you--like the Facebook ''friends'' concept.
That is what I was going to suggest.
Date: 9/6/2009 11:52:59 AM
Author: lyra
I don't mind the idea of PMs. I dislike the idea of having a 'friends only' system though. Anything that smacks of popularity contest is usually bad for any forum. Either you opt in or opt out and take your chances. You can report spam or offensive matter to the Admins.

I wouldn't mind seeing a marketplace here, with no commercial sales perhaps. Just member to member if it's workable. Details would be worked out in PMs. PS would take no liability for anything. I don't really see how this is competing with PS vendors. The items would be used, and prices would reflect that. Limits on value might be set perhaps so no big ticket items are up. There would be general rules in place. Only members with 1000 posts could participate, or something like that, as with the suggestions for PMs so we wouldn't have 'strangers' coming to sell goods. Just an idea. I've seen it work successfully on specialty forums without much issue.
I like this idea Lyra- I have not been around for PMs so I don't really know what I'm missing, and I like it how it is now.
Here''s my suggestion: sorry if this has alredy been mentioned....

But I would find a lot of benefit if the search results came up newest to oldest.

I’m a big fan of NOT having a PM system. I’m one of the few public people on PS who is not one of the advertising vendors in that my name and contact information are linked to every post but getting along with Pricescope isn’t a live or die issue for me (for the dealers it is). I suppose that puts me in a fairly unique position. I get quite a bit of email from folks asking private questions that really should be asked in the forum or asking me to comment privately about someone's post and no shortage of drama opportunities even though I scrupulously avoid the threads that bring it to the forefront. In effect, people can and do PM me. I see nothing to be gained and a lot to be lost in terms of the overall civility of the place to encourage this on a big scale. I would even expect a drop in the quality of discussions that come up and the ability of the dealers to function on a level playing field as a result. Leaving it all public makes people self-edit their thoughts and in the egregious examples allows Ali to quickly delete the offending posts.

Neil Beaty
Professional Appraisals in Denver
Date: 11/9/2009 8:49:35 PM
Author: denverappraiser
I’m a big fan of NOT having a PM system. I’m one of the few public people on PS who is not one of the advertising vendors in that my name and contact information are linked to every post but getting along with Pricescope isn’t a live or die issue for me (for the dealers it is). I suppose that puts me in a fairly unique position. I get quite a bit of email from folks asking private questions that really should be asked in the forum or asking me to comment privately about someone''s post and no shortage of drama opportunities even though I scrupulously avoid the threads that bring it to the forefront. In effect, people can and do PM me. I see nothing to be gained and a lot to be lost in terms of the overall civility of the place to encourage this on a big scale. I would even expect a drop in the quality of discussions that come up and the ability of the dealers to function on a level playing field as a result. Leaving it all public makes people self-edit their thoughts and in the egregious examples allows Ali to quickly delete the offending posts.

Neil Beaty
Professional Appraisals in Denver
Thank you for sharing your perspective Neil.
I would like to be able to update my profile on the independent appraiser list as I have added new equipment and have been unable to accomplish this task. I have e-mailed contact us on 4 occasions and have not had any response. I suggest that Pricescope make it possible to update our profiles in the referral lists.
My suggestion is to tell your members to stay the heck away from Zales if they''re buying ANY kind of jewelry and to under NO circumstances have anything repaired or sized there. I am going through an AWFUL situation with them right now. My story is not unique - I can personally testify to the fact that all of the complaints you see on about Zales are true - They stole my Brazilian garnet and replaced it with a piece of glass in the mounting of my ring - they have a playbook they go by to steal off their customers! They did this despite the fact that I REFUSED for repairs to be made ... they flat out stole the ring and sent it to their jeweler and took my garnet from me!! I''ve been talking to the police and am taking further steps. Please - this is NOT an isolated incident - this is nationwide and from the top of the company down!

I hate leaving comments like this but Zales is going to bring the entire industry down with it''s unethical business practices - it would behoove the rest in the industry to hold them accountable or they will suffer from it too!

Re: Personal Signatures

How about limiting them to 4 lines or something. Sometimes the sigs are longer than the content of the posts...
Date: 11/24/2009 12:54:20 PM
Author: terigem
I would like to be able to update my profile on the independent appraiser list as I have added new equipment and have been unable to accomplish this task. I have e-mailed contact us on 4 occasions and have not had any response. I suggest that Pricescope make it possible to update our profiles in the referral lists.
Sorry this got stuck, but hopefully this will get updated.

Do I read from your website that your update should be that you HAVE sarin, rather than hope to have OGI?

I like your avatar.

Best wishes,
Did you try

You will need your password to go in and make changes.
Terri, not sure if was Jeff''s suggestion to you or the mods, but I believe you''re now updated. Merry Christmas!
From tapio:

1. Please keep your coloured stone section, might there be a Sapphire Jewelry Forum (included in this would be all sapphires: Corundum (Aluminum Dioxide -- rubies, pads, etc.

2. A section on synthetics and treatments would be very educational, i.e. man made diamonds, heating, etc. (you have something of the sort now - please keep it),

3.This is my fault for lack of computer savvy as well as photography skills (I still like 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 format negatives and 35mm Chodachrome or Velvia for taking pictures (alas Chodachrome is dead); is there way to more easily download pictures?

4. Is there interest in the historic spirituality of stones(the chakras, Vedics, ancient Hindu beliefs, healing)? But the stories should not just be random third party here say, but be able to cite sources so others may look them up and further read and enjoy stones for more than just beauty.

5. In order to be a gemstone the gemstone must have three qualities: it must be beautiful, durable and rare. citation: Smithsonian Handbooks, Gemstones. By, Cathy Hall. Press:A Dorling Kindersley Book: New York, NY. 1994. pp 6-7. Could there be a place to discuss actual real, untreated gemstones -- for being rare is in fact 1/3 of what makes a gemstone a gemstone. I think this tends to be assumed to be common knowledge -- yet it is swept under the carpet all too often.

6. Conversley a section on treatments stones may undergo: man made diamonds, acceptability and awareness of heat treatment in the sapphire, ruby industry, the diamond cartel (which really takes many diamonds out of the category of being rare). Diamonds are in fact a very common stone used extensively in industry (as is poor quality corundum). And as we know their price is artificially inflated by the cartel - that is why in many cases they are a horrible investment. I believe openness and transparency with regards to this main attribute of what makes a gemstone is elusive in this forum. It may be something that everyone accepts. But, the site has some 2 million forum guests that can transfer into potential power.

7. Might it be possible to have a section on gemstone carving. It is a dying art and needs to re-examined as the proper craft it is -- it does get a bit boring to see and talk about the same basic half dozen cuts ?

8. A Youth Forum: to keep the love and learning alive.

9. Lastly, a section for men to talk bout jewelry.

Your surveying of the demographic base of of the constituency is the correct thing to do for a "feasibility study" for continuance to help make Pricescope a better place for everyone. Keep up the good work moderator(s).



p.s. you may not hear from me so regularly as I''m into a lot of heavy travelling, teaching and gigs over the next few month. "Keep an open mind".
It would be nice if those with furbabies can have their own section where they can chat about their pets and get suggestions on products.
I just went to Price Stats under Resourves for the first time under PS 2, here:

I'm writing this under suggestions because the way it is designed right may not be broken.

But, this utility did, to me, add a good bit of value before, but it was really a different tool than it is now. It added a whole additional dimension, sorting diamonds by cut class, in a way that could not easily be otherwise done, using elements of Dave's older system for measuring cut. you know what I mean?

Second...any thought about bringing this functionality back?

As is, I think the Price Stats does nothing that the standard diamond search also does, right?


Ira Z.
Welcome note

As an FYI, once registration is completed the welcome note reads:

You Are Here : Home >> Welcome on pricescope

We are glad to notify your registration has been carried out successfully. Your password with further instructions have been sent to your e-mail address.

I'll bet that is just a little typo so just giving y'all a nit pickie heads up.

Toodles :wavey:
Testing picture quality on PS
Regular Guy|1289357300|2759687 said:
I just went to Price Stats under Resourves for the first time under PS 2, here:

I'm writing this under suggestions because the way it is designed right may not be broken.

But, this utility did, to me, add a good bit of value before, but it was really a different tool than it is now. It added a whole additional dimension, sorting diamonds by cut class, in a way that could not easily be otherwise done, using elements of Dave's older system for measuring cut. you know what I mean?

Second...any thought about bringing this functionality back?

As is, I think the Price Stats does nothing that the standard diamond search also does, right?


Ira Z.

Hi Ira,

I am looking into this and other statistic ideas.

Kind regards,
i'd like to see a better "advanced" search function in the forum. the search is basically pointless unless i'm looking for something very specific that i've already seen. It would be nice to search only subjects or search exact phrases.

also for the diamond search i'd like to see a field for length to width ratio. i'm personally looking for a square cushion and i can't filter out the rectangles.
why doesn't the diamond search function search ERD?

i'd also love more filters on the price stats page. it would be awesome to search my exact specs and find average prices, rather than having to stick to specific size ranges and single color/clarity settings. it would be great if i could search only GIA/AGS certified G-H stones between 1.2 and 1.45 carats or example.
I'm fairly new here, so maybe I haven't found it yet, but a forum for relationship issues might be nice. There is a forum for "families" but that seems full of pregnancy and parenting issues (which is great). There are also forums for newlyweds, etc. It would be nice to see separate forums for pregnancy/parenting (where TTC, pregnancy, and parenting issues could be discussed) and family/relationships (where family relationship issues and romantic relationship issues could be discussed).

marcy|1252281658|2182017 said:
Date: 8/20/2009 10:12:31 PM
Author: shimmer
What if the PM could only be used if the person allowed PMs from the other. You would have to select that person from a list to ''allow'' them to PM you--like the Facebook ''friends'' concept.
That is what I was going to suggest.

we badly need this. is it never going to happen? :(
Re: Re:

chatbandit|1382122820|3540179 said:
marcy|1252281658|2182017 said:
Date: 8/20/2009 10:12:31 PM
Author: shimmer
What if the PM could only be used if the person allowed PMs from the other. You would have to select that person from a list to ''allow'' them to PM you--like the Facebook ''friends'' concept.
That is what I was going to suggest.

we badly need this. is it never going to happen? :(

At this point we unfortunately have not found a way to do this with our forum software.
Could there be an option for search results to show up:

-as threads
-as individual posts
-as images. Each image when clicked would revert to the post or thread where it was originally posted.

I'm thinking of something similar to Google's option to see images associated with their search results. Craigslist also updated their software to show image results. Immensely helpful.

Just a suggestion.

Not sure if this has been mentioned, but a way of 'tagging' other users in posts.

i.e. if someone were to say - hey @muffdog - did you ever get that 4 carat upgrade your DH promised? (haha) then I would get a notification that I was tagged.

Some other forums use that technique and it is a) helpful if someone needs you/your advice and b) creates a more friendly, interactive environment and seems to bring people back to the thread (as opposed to just leaving a comment and disappearing).

Just an idea.
+1 for private messaging :angel:
Not sure if this thread is open for replies and apologies if this has already been said, but is it possible to put a limit on the number of new threads a poster can make in a day or in an hour? Today there was a spam bot that made 39 new threads plus posting a ton of spam messages which have basically taken over the new posts. While I think it might be difficult or impossible to impose a ban on the number of messages per hour (since some legitimate people can be reasonably active and shouldn’t be penalised for that) I think restricting it to 5 new posts/threads in a 24h period should be good enough for actual prolific posters (since most people don’t really post multiple new posts every day) while lowering the burden on mods to filter out spam.
Great Idea.

I will look into it.
I had previously asked the forum whether a slight delay between registering for an account and posting would be helpful, but the consensus was negative for that idea. Some mentioned that new members might be urgently in need of fast answers, as they might be standing in a jewellery shop at the verge of making an expensive decision, so waiting 24 hours or whatever period would discourage new members.

At this point I'm wondering if people would be less averse to instituting a 24 hour delay for only those new members who register as Trade (which so many spammers do) because 1) it would not affect consumers at all, and 2) Trade members are less likely to need immediate assistance on Pricescope.
