
We want your suggestions!

Hi All!

I think the PM option sounds fantastic, but I can understand certian peoples desire for privacy. What if we had a PS "directory". Instead of just a PM button, a member in good standing with 1,000+ postings will have the option to sign up for the directory. This can be wirelessly delivered via e-mail so it is not made public and will display only those who have opted into the directory. Beyond that, it''s a person right to engage/disengage. This will help weed out spammers because 1,000 postings does take awhile to achieve and I highly doubt someone who is using PS for spam will stick around long enough to compile a mass of messages. Also, the directory would be doubly effective due to the fact that if a spammer does somehow manage to qualify for access, the moderators can clearly make a judgement call to not extend the offer.

I understand that this could mean extra work...but we could has have a volunteer from the board to run the list--similar to how birthdays or LIW work.

Just a thought....
Honestly I think people really need to think through this PM business. All the drama that has gone on recently would be magnified 10x if we had PM''s IMO.
Date: 8/26/2009 11:03:08 AM
Author: neatfreak
Honestly I think people really need to think through this PM business. All the drama that has gone on recently would be magnified 10x if we had PM''s IMO.
This is true. But I think enough members will look at PM as a privilege that the rules of conduct hopefully will be respected.

And you''re right...what recently went out could have been way worse then it was...and that would have been bad, and it''s certianly something I''m going to think about if PM gets approved before handing out my private e-mail address. But there are people that would genuinely enjoy PM and with the opt out feature, it could be a win/win.

On a personal note, I''d love to be able to use PM to help people out with makeup or hair issues. Be it sharing my portfolio with pictures I''m not ever going to pubically post...or even just talking them through step by step applications. I''d be happy to do that for members of this site I like. But, I think--like everyone should--I''d need to consider long and hard before willingly giving people that I may not click with access to me on a far more personal level.
Just my humble opinion, as always...

Buuuuuut... I think maybe the subject of PMs is being over-thought and over-analyzed.
Forums around the globe successfully utilize PMs without too many tidal waves or problems.

Granted, PS has a somewhat unique infastructure, in that we do have vendors who could potentially utilize PMs to try to pressure a customer to buy their wares (or whatever)... but lots of forums have similar set-ups and still manage to maintain a successful PM system. As I mentioned above, maybe only one "rule" is needed, and that would be that vendors simply may not PM. Customers can readily contact them through their websites, which are on every post they (the vendors) make.
Ding! *Problem solved!*

Personally, I tend to think that "less is more", and that maybe we don't need a bunch of rules and regulations to use PMs.

So maybe we could start there and see what happens?

Then, if needed... OR if desired, perhaps certain parameters could then be added. Something like some kind of "friend" connection that allows you to accept PMs only from people whom you approve might be a good (and easy) place to start - if it became obvious that there was a need.

I don't know, maybe I'm naive... (or just plain stoooopid?!
) but I just don't think lots of bells, whistles, rules, cloaks and daggers are necessary for having a fun, successful, PM process.
Date: 8/26/2009 11:03:08 AM
Author: neatfreak
Honestly I think people really need to think through this PM business. All the drama that has gone on recently would be magnified 10x if we had PM''s IMO.
Not to mention the fact that it''ll most likely slow down the posting.

Although I can see the benefit of it since it sometimes seems weird to page someone on here for some reason.
I like the "idea" of private messages, but for this style forum I can see how they won''t do well. It might keep people off of posting things in forums (and really bog down members inboxes who offer alot of advice) and also people might be afraid to post negative experiences if they think the vendors can find them and harass them.
I would like to see PMs tried. I think problems could be addressed as they come, but my BF is a frequent internet forum poster and he was shocked when I told him there were no PMs on this forum. I think that not allowing mass PMs to be sent out could prevent spamming.
I wanted to mention this about private messaging. I''m part of another forum that has pm. But every time someone sends a message, they start a thread just to tell that person a message has been sent which seems unnecessary. So if it is considered it would be great if there was a way to easily identify that you have messages waiting without having to go into your inbox to check first (assuming it''ll be similar to emails). Maybe next to your username where it says logged on there can be an indicator.
Well I guess I am in the minority here on this which is ok! But I won''t be convinced they are a good idea. They seem to breed drama on another forum I am on that has them.

For those people who want to contact each other outside of PS-we have all found ways. I think PM''s just add a lot of drama behind the scenes that just isn''t necessary or needed. Remember that PS had PM''s in the not too distant past and there are reasons they were eliminated.

I guess I just like everything being out in the open.
Date: 8/28/2009 1:40:16 AM
Author: neatfreak
Well I guess I am in the minority here on this which is ok! But I won''t be convinced they are a good idea. They seem to breed drama on another forum I am on that has them.

For those people who want to contact each other outside of PS-we have all found ways. I think PM''s just add a lot of drama behind the scenes that just isn''t necessary or needed. Remember that PS had PM''s in the not too distant past and there are reasons they were eliminated.

I guess I just like everything being out in the open.

ditto. I''d agree with you on that one.
Date: 8/28/2009 1:40:16 AM
Author: neatfreak
Well I guess I am in the minority here on this which is ok! But I won''t be convinced they are a good idea. They seem to breed drama on another forum I am on that has them.

For those people who want to contact each other outside of PS-we have all found ways. I think PM''s just add a lot of drama behind the scenes that just isn''t necessary or needed. Remember that PS had PM''s in the not too distant past and there are reasons they were eliminated.

I guess I just like everything being out in the open.
Just felt the need to chime in and say I must be *stoooopid*
then ''cause there are LOTS of folks I''d love to be in personal contact with -- and by golly, I can''t find a way!
I would like to see pm''s return to PS. I belong to some very large forums and all have pm''s available. They don''t seem to be a problem. I have to deal with spam on my home computer and simply delete it!

Another feature I would find extemely helpful would be the ability to click on the first unread post on a thread. I have used this feature on other forums and find it very helpful. No need to reread long threads to discover where you left off.

Thanks for reading
I've seen private messaging on another site that is purportedly a consumer-led site and it is an absolute disaster. When a poster seeks information about a particular service or product, other posters private message that information to them and only the most general of information (usually just gushing about vendors who advertise on the site) gets shared on the 'public' part of the forum.

Pricescope has a lot of lurkers who rely on the public nature of this site in order to learn and as I understand it, that is the whole purpose of the site, consumer education. Private messaging turns a site into a kind of members' club. It would be lovely to think it would only be used for personal reasons (and there are several people on here I would love to speak to privately as I think they are just fabulous and I wish I could know them better!) but I just don't see that happening. In my opinion it would become an elite layer of the site where the 'real secrets' would be passed on (deals, contact people, discounts to ask for etc) and as a result the only posts on the site proper would be from newbies bleating for help and a few dedicated regulars 'holding the fort'.

Now, an easier way to upload photos? Oh yes please! And a drop down menu for smilies? Yes please!

And I'll ad one more - an intuitive interface for formatting that works in Safari and Firefox like the one in Explorer.
Great post Delster. You explained exactly what I was trying to get across about PM''s.
Date: 8/31/2009 10:58:14 AM
Author: neatfreak
Great post Delster. You explained exactly what I was trying to get across about PM''s.
Yup. Things are happening behind the scenes already. You can tell because in the last several months, the forums have slowed down noticeably.

Or maybe it''s because we don''t have DF''s crazy questions to answer?
risingsun, I was just coming in to suggest the same thing, about automatically going to the first unread post! It''s so handy!
Date: 8/31/2009 3:43:12 PM
Author: TravelingGal

...Yup. Things are happening behind the scenes already. You can tell because in the last several months, the forums have slowed down noticeably.

Or maybe it's because we don't have DF's crazy questions to answer?


That sounds so alarming and *ominous*!
"Things" are happening "behind the scenes already"? "Already" as in what? Ali and Andrey have announced here that there are some changes coming to PS, and one of them *might be* some sort of PM system, and this (?) has caused such a ripple "behind the scenes" that it has even "slowed the forums down noticeably"?! Um... I dunno... that sounds like crazeeee talk to me!

Have the forums really "slowed down noticeably"? Are there some solid statistics to back that up? And IF so, couldn't it just be the normal ebb and flow of such things? Or perhaps the result of the economy, people working a little more, having a little less down time? OR maybe the forums slow down every summer because in summertime, people tend to spend more time outside, on vacation, tending their garden, walking the dog, enjoying bonfires and BBQs. Or there could be any number of other possible scenarios. But how could the possibiility of some as-yet unidentified changes coming to PS even remotely be considered the culprit?

Honestly, I just don't see PMs as menacing or foreboding. Nor do I think that PMs would escalate global warming, spread the H1N1 virus, break up families OR wreck the forums!

Date: 8/31/2009 8:25:26 PM
Author: Lynn B
Date: 8/31/2009 3:43:12 PM

Author: TravelingGal

...Yup. Things are happening behind the scenes already. You can tell because in the last several months, the forums have slowed down noticeably.

Or maybe it''s because we don''t have DF''s crazy questions to answer?


That sounds so alarming and *ominous*!
''Things'' are happening ''behind the scenes already''? ''Already'' as in what? Ali and Andrey have announced here that there are some changes coming to PS, and one of them *might be* some sort of PM system, and this (?) has caused such a ripple ''behind the scenes'' that it has even ''slowed the forums down noticeably''?! Um... I dunno... that sounds like crazeeee talk to me!

Have the forums really ''slowed down noticeably''? Are there some solid statistics to back that up? And IF so, couldn''t it just be the normal ebb and flow of such things? Or perhaps the result of the economy, people working a little more, having a little less down time? OR maybe the forums slow down every summer because in summertime, people tend to spend more time outside, on vacation, tending their garden, walking the dog, enjoying bonfires and BBQs. Or there could be any number of other possible scenarios. But how could the possibiility of some as-yet unidentified changes coming to PS even remotely be considered the culprit?

Honestly, I just don''t see PMs as menacing or foreboding. Nor do I think that PMs would escalate global warming, spread the H1N1 virus, break up families OR wreck the forums!

Have you really not noticed the increase in drama and ganging up on people recently?
Date: 8/31/2009 8:41:33 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 8/31/2009 8:25:26 PM
Author: Lynn B

Date: 8/31/2009 3:43:12 PM

Author: TravelingGal

...Yup. Things are happening behind the scenes already. You can tell because in the last several months, the forums have slowed down noticeably.

Or maybe it's because we don't have DF's crazy questions to answer?


That sounds so alarming and *ominous*!
'Things' are happening 'behind the scenes already'? 'Already' as in what? Ali and Andrey have announced here that there are some changes coming to PS, and one of them *might be* some sort of PM system, and this (?) has caused such a ripple 'behind the scenes' that it has even 'slowed the forums down noticeably'?! Um... I dunno... that sounds like crazeeee talk to me!

Have the forums really 'slowed down noticeably'? Are there some solid statistics to back that up? And IF so, couldn't it just be the normal ebb and flow of such things? Or perhaps the result of the economy, people working a little more, having a little less down time? OR maybe the forums slow down every summer because in summertime, people tend to spend more time outside, on vacation, tending their garden, walking the dog, enjoying bonfires and BBQs. Or there could be any number of other possible scenarios. But how could the possibiility of some as-yet unidentified changes coming to PS even remotely be considered the culprit?

Honestly, I just don't see PMs as menacing or foreboding. Nor do I think that PMs would escalate global warming, spread the H1N1 virus, break up families OR wreck the forums!

Have you really not noticed the increase in drama and ganging up on people recently?

Hmmmm, interesting question. And I guess I have two comments.

First of all, I really try NOT to read negative posts. I'm here to enjoy a bit of down time - having fun and learning, so if I notice a thread is going south, I tend to just quit reading, close it out and move on to something else. And you know what? It never takes long to find an interesting, positive, educational, enjoyable thread to read or participate in.

And second of all, the "drama and ganging up on people" that you referenced is happening ON the forum(s), no? So I still fail to understand what "things are happening behind the scenes already" and how these "things" can in any way possibly be linked to any potential changes that may (or may not) be coming to PS.
Date: 8/31/2009 9:11:34 PM
Author: Lynn B
And second of all, the ''drama and ganging up on people'' that you referenced is happening ON the forum(s), no? So I still fail to understand what ''things are happening behind the scenes already'' and how these ''things'' can in any way possibly be linked to any potential changes that may (or may not) be coming to PS.

People are in touch off the forums. They decide together to gang up on a poster. Ta-dah. Drama. This isn''t hypothetical I can assure you.

If we had PM''s MORE people would/could get involved with the drama/gossiping, etc. and it would spread like wildfire. Right now it''s contained.
Date: 8/31/2009 9:39:38 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 8/31/2009 9:11:34 PM
Author: Lynn B
And second of all, the 'drama and ganging up on people' that you referenced is happening ON the forum(s), no? So I still fail to understand what 'things are happening behind the scenes already' and how these 'things' can in any way possibly be linked to any potential changes that may (or may not) be coming to PS.

People are in touch off the forums. They decide together to gang up on a poster. Ta-dah. Drama. This isn't hypothetical I can assure you.

If we had PM's MORE people would/could get involved with the drama/gossiping, etc. and it would spread like wildfire. Right now it's contained.
People are deciding together off the forum to "gang up" on a specific poster on the forum? I am obviously out of "that" loop.

WELL, even *if* this is happening... I still think that not even trying PMs (that the vast majority of people would simply enjoy and have harmless, innocent fun with) because of what *might* occur (by a few problematic posters) is the answer.

At this point, I think we may just need to respectfully agree to disagree on this subject.
Date: 8/31/2009 10:06:55 PM
Author: Lynn B
Date: 8/31/2009 9:39:38 PM

Author: neatfreak

Date: 8/31/2009 9:11:34 PM

Author: Lynn B

And second of all, the ''drama and ganging up on people'' that you referenced is happening ON the forum(s), no? So I still fail to understand what ''things are happening behind the scenes already'' and how these ''things'' can in any way possibly be linked to any potential changes that may (or may not) be coming to PS.

People are in touch off the forums. They decide together to gang up on a poster. Ta-dah. Drama. This isn''t hypothetical I can assure you.

If we had PM''s MORE people would/could get involved with the drama/gossiping, etc. and it would spread like wildfire. Right now it''s contained.

People are deciding together off the forum to ''gang up'' on a specific poster on the forum? I am obviously out of ''that'' loop.

WELL, even *if* this is happening... I still think that not even trying PMs (that the vast majority of people would simply enjoy and have harmless, innocent fun with) because of what *might* occur (by a few problematic posters) is the answer.

At this point, I think we may just need to respectfully agree to disagree on this subject.

We can totally agree to disagree. No bad feelings Lynn. But it isn''t hypothetical unfortunately. I wish it was.
Lynn: I think Neatfreak was referring to this thread: -- --
and although it's not something I know of personally, it did seem to me like there was behind the scenes discussion that resulted in PS bullying.

I think even a novice computer user could find ways to contact other PSers via google or facebook, and one contact leads to another, which leads to another, etc. I have personal contact information for a few PS'ers thanks to GTG's.

Personally I am somewhat ambivalent on the PM question because I enjoy the real-life PS contacts I've made, and I don't want the less tech savvy members to be kept in the dark. On the other hand, I do see the potential for abuse by vendors (authorized or not) or even crooks, given that we're discussing luxury goods that are often very costly. I'm also concerned about the scenario Delster brought up -- a lot of the discussion goes on behind the scene, leaving a less informative and less vibrant website for newcomers and those who choose to post on-line. I agree with T-gal's assessment that this has probably contributed to a less vibrant "Hangout" scene. So given the choice, I'd ultimately vote against PMs.
Date: 8/31/2009 10:06:55 PM
Author: Lynn B

People are deciding together off the forum to ''gang up'' on a specific poster on the forum? I am obviously out of ''that'' loop.

WELL, even *if* this is happening... I still think that not even trying PMs (that the vast majority of people would simply enjoy and have harmless, innocent fun with) because of what *might* occur (by a few problematic posters) is the answer.

At this point, I think we may just need to respectfully agree to disagree on this subject.
ETA: Just reread my post above, and DUH! I left out a key word!

Highlighted sentence should read:

I still think that not even trying PMs (that the vast majority of people would simply enjoy and have harmless, innocent fun with) because of what *might* occur (by a few problematic posters) is NOT the answer.

Just wanted to clarify that, although I think (hope!) all you savvy PS''ers got my "drift" anyway!
Just to be clear:

My concern about PM is not based in a fear of ganging up/bullying as I believe that can be effectively tackled by vigorous forum moderation and by a general spirit among posters that behaviour of that kind won't be tolerated.

I would be concerned that PM would take the really useful information, that is currently public and accessible to all consumers, off the public boards and into the PM arena. On this other website I am thinking of, if you want to know anything worth knowing, you have to 'suck up' to a poster and persuade them to PM you. The in-the-know posters PM some people and not others, and the ignored people plead on the forums for answers to their PMs while others write thank you messages for the great tips they got that enabled them to save money, find a special deal, source something they really wanted etc etc...

When it comes to sharing consumer information, PS is the most democratic forum I have ever seen. I would hate to see that change.
Date: 9/1/2009 11:03:31 AM
Author: Delster
Just to be clear:

My concern about PM is not based in a fear of ganging up/bullying as I believe that can be effectively tackled by vigorous forum moderation and by a general spirit among posters that behaviour of that kind won't be tolerated.

I would be concerned that PM would take the really useful information, that is currently public and accessible to all consumers, off the public boards and into the PM arena. On this other website I am thinking of, if you want to know anything worth knowing, you have to 'suck up' to a poster and persuade them to PM you. The in-the-know posters PM some people and not others, and the ignored people plead on the forums for answers to their PMs while others write thank you messages for the great tips they got that enabled them to save money, find a special deal, source something they really wanted etc etc...

When it comes to sharing consumer information, PS is the most democratic forum I have ever seen. I would hate to see that change.
What forum is this that is like that?

I have been around PS for over 5 years now. For the first several years after I joined we had an active PM system.

And hey, I suppose *anything is possible* but really, based on that past experience, I just can't see what is mentioned above happening (or happening enough to make any kind of a truly significant impact) here on PS. I think that mentality is simply selling PS'ers short. When we had PMs before, the forums were still active, vibrant, helpful and educational. As a newbie (and later, a not-so-newbie) I was constantly amazed and thrilled with how helpful the posters were and how many responses I always got to my multitude of questions.

With all due respect, I'm done posting about this now. Thankfully, "to PM or not to PM" is Ali and Andrey's decision; and I will be happy to just "wait and see"... and support them in whatever they decide.
Lynn, all I know is that PMs were taken away for a reason. And all I can say is that people are weird.

As for the behind the scenes stuff, my comment wasn''t all that ominous. I am on another site with some of the PS moms. Pics are shared via that site, as well as a little chatter about the pics posted, so I''ve noticed that obviously the mom threads have gotten slower here. Also hangout seems a bit slower in the last few months, and I noticed this before summer.

And I''ll say that the PS of yesteryear''s PM time is different from the PS of today. The forum has grown a lot!

Lynn, I''m sure you could use PM''s wisely, but I''d bet my left pinky finger that you''d be in the MINORITY, not the majority.
Date: 8/31/2009 9:39:38 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 8/31/2009 9:11:34 PM
Author: Lynn B
And second of all, the ''drama and ganging up on people'' that you referenced is happening ON the forum(s), no? So I still fail to understand what ''things are happening behind the scenes already'' and how these ''things'' can in any way possibly be linked to any potential changes that may (or may not) be coming to PS.

People are in touch off the forums. They decide together to gang up on a poster. Ta-dah. Drama. This isn''t hypothetical I can assure you.

If we had PM''s MORE people would/could get involved with the drama/gossiping, etc. and it would spread like wildfire. Right now it''s contained.
happened to me in the past,but i don''t let it bother me.
it would be nice if we can up load more than 1 pic on each post.
Date: 8/18/2009 1:03:27 AM
Author: neatfreak
Private messaging used to be here but unscrupulous vendors used it as a way to harass people about purchases...thus I have to say that I don''t think it''s such a great idea for that reason.

How helpful is PS to newbies if they can be harassed behind the scenes by vendors ya know? I know our beloved PS vendors wouldn''t do that...but there are many that would (and did).

but just like unwanted email or spam...we could have private messaging with a ignore, spam or delete button. Let them try and contact me all they want...I won''t answer if I don''t want to