
Weekly Workout Thread 12th March till 18th March

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Date: 3/13/2007 5:16:29 PM
Author: katebar
Date: 3/13/2007 3:03:17 PM
Author: decodelighted
KATEBAR ... spot reducing thighs? You must share your secrets!
Alas decodelighted I have not uncovered the secret of spot reduction. But it is true you lose weight first from the last place you put it on and that is my thighs.
WA-wa-WEE-wa!!! Really??? I have never heard that before -- but if it is true I will CELLLLLEBRATE! In the overall scheme of my pudge, this strange protrusion pooching out from my ribcage down to my KNEES(Ok-maybe-pelvis) is quite NEW
. I'd be THRILLED to wave it on bye-bye-bye ...

OK -- Today I'm STARVING ... I think it's because I'm TIRED. Our boiler went out last night & we both up at the crack of dawn waiting for the emergency service. MUCH less sleep than normal & WAY more "waking hours" to be wanting F-O-O-D. Also my outside walk came to an abrupt halt when wee Tallulah & I were nearly gobbled by a fierce neighbor dog. The dog came SO close to knocking over it's own owner LUNGING at us. I swept T up in my arms and beat feet home. Does raised heart rate due to FEAR count? Do arm curls with a muddy, squirming Papillon translate to "strength training"?? Nap anyone?
I will have to stop at TJ''s and find out what this fage craze is all about. In my head I say it ''fayj'' but that freaks me out because phage are viruses that infect bacteria, and that''s not something I want to think about putting in my mouth.
But I do love yogurt, so I''ll have to find some.

I did my 45 min of treadmill this morning (we have one at home but it''s ancient so it doesn''t do things like tell you how many calories you''re burning) and had a bowl of special K with skim milk for breakfast. Lunch was a turkey sandwich with 4 water crackers and a slice of brie. Don''t know what''s for dinner tonight. Have to work late so it might be a Lean Cuisine lasagna, which isn''t terribly bad (390 cal).
Date: 3/13/2007 6:07:31 PM
Author: Mara

oh ETA that i forgot to mention this. had my body fat checked and the trainer was telling me that as women age, it''s way less desirable to have super low body fat. he also said that if it''s too low aka 16-17 that you might have problems getting pregnant and having kids? kinda interesting.
I know a girl that was an uber fitness buff and really, really into exercising. She was trying to get pregnant and it wasn''t working and the doctor told her she really needed to gain some weight and cut out all that exercise. I haven''t heard a doctor ever tell me that! LOL.
I just spent $191.84 on two pairs of "temporary" pants. This loosing weight thing is expensive, LOL. I tried things on EVERYWHERE and ended up at the same place where I always buy my pants, Talbots. I got one pair in a Petite Small (they are kinda stretchy fabric and come S/M/L, but when I say stretchy fabric I don''t mean anything weird or work-out pants looking) and one pair in an 8 (rather than a 10 Petite which where oddly too short--I''m five foot nuttin'', if they''re too short on me who exactly are they making these pants for???). Anyway, so now I have two pair of black pants and a pair of khakis that I hope will get me down to the next size.

I''m at 700 cals today and am getting ready to go to the gym. My plan is to have a LC pizza with sauce to dip it in for dinner and then some snacks since I have the cals left.

The bad news is my feet are killing me right now from walking all over town in my pointy toed boots trying to find pants, but hopefully once I get my workout shoes on all will be good.

ETA: Oh damn, I just realized I forgot to consider some cals for that stupid tea this morning, plus 25 cals for the emergenC. I''m telling you, these stealth cals sure add up in a hurry!!!
mara, we don''t have dreyers ice cream here. I looked them up on the web but we have edy''s. if you go to edy''s website is looks exactly the same as the dreyers website down to the packaging. 2 companies or one with different names are they both made by nestle and marketed to different markets?? anyway, I''m going to see if I can find the edy''s version of the crunch are dessert QUEEN...
Man, I was SO not motivated today...but as usual, you guys got me out of the house. Ran for 5 miles in a bit under an hour. Gonna do a little bit in weights now.

I caved and had chocolate covered sunflower seeds good! So as penance, no beers for me tonight at bowling! My ICUs for the day will be the bowling and I will be at around 800 cals burned for the week so far. Goal is 2000 for the week!
Date: 3/13/2007 8:24:27 AM
Author: Lorelei
Good luck on your new gym membership MrsSalvo!
I know my Hubby had calf issues which we solved with the right shoes, something to do with if you walk on the outside of your feet or inside ( supinate or overpronate - can''t remember which is which!) But the calf cramps he had were completely gone once he got these shoes, he walks on the outsides of his feet, so when I need my next pair I will get some of these too. Rod has some I think also, he will probably have more info.

Deco - WELL DONE on the weight loss, over 4 pounds is incredible!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome PG and FG

Thanks Bee and Ellen, it is a nice feeling to have a much smaller skirt!

Great job Kate and Basil!!

Sorry about the pie Kim!

Had a great workout last night, 1 hour and 730 cals, REALLY pushed it. I can feel it in my hips along the sides with the hands free on the ellip, so it will be interesting to see what happens after a month of handsfree!
I found that I had terrible cramps and calf issues with shoes that were my size. It wasn''t until I discovered that I had to buy shoes at least 1/2 size larger. For me, Asics work best. I have two pair, one for the gym and one higher quality pair for running (I have the Gel Kinsei for running). Don''t go to a discount shoe place to buy workout shoes. Go to a real specialty fitness shoe store (they usually cater to runners) and while it can be a bit more intimidating, they have people who are way more knowledgeable. They''ll ensure you don''t pronate or supinate (walk inwards or outwards) and they''ll recommedn the brand and size that will really help avoid pain and discomfort.
Date: 3/13/2007 9:43:05 PM
Author: Rod

Date: 3/13/2007 8:24:27 AM
Author: Lorelei
Good luck on your new gym membership MrsSalvo!
I know my Hubby had calf issues which we solved with the right shoes, something to do with if you walk on the outside of your feet or inside ( supinate or overpronate - can't remember which is which!) But the calf cramps he had were completely gone once he got these shoes, he walks on the outsides of his feet, so when I need my next pair I will get some of these too. Rod has some I think also, he will probably have more info.

Deco - WELL DONE on the weight loss, over 4 pounds is incredible!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome PG and FG

Thanks Bee and Ellen, it is a nice feeling to have a much smaller skirt!

Great job Kate and Basil!!

Sorry about the pie Kim!

Had a great workout last night, 1 hour and 730 cals, REALLY pushed it. I can feel it in my hips along the sides with the hands free on the ellip, so it will be interesting to see what happens after a month of handsfree!
I found that I had terrible cramps and calf issues with shoes that were my size. It wasn't until I discovered that I had to buy shoes at least 1/2 size larger. For me, Asics work best. I have two pair, one for the gym and one higher quality pair for running (I have the Gel Kinsei for running). Don't go to a discount shoe place to buy workout shoes. Go to a real specialty fitness shoe store (they usually cater to runners) and while it can be a bit more intimidating, they have people who are way more knowledgeable. They'll ensure you don't pronate or supinate (walk inwards or outwards) and they'll recommedn the brand and size that will really help avoid pain and discomfort.
I'm a pronater and darned proud of it too!

P.S. someone shoved a blue iced chocolate cupcake under my nose today. I threw out the icing and ate the chocolate. It didn't taste that great.
Now I can taste preservatives in food that I never could before I started eating really healthy. I really hate preservatives in food
yep mrs salvo, edy''s is the dreyers east coast version/arm of the company. i used to know a gal who worked for them..i was always like why not just have one brand name? totally confusing. same factories and everything i guess. anyway yeah i know i am always looking for something to satiate my sweet tooth lol!

speaking of sweet tooth, i am sure we all have seen the nine hundred million ads for the quaker mini rice cakes...they come in all diff flavors and are like 60 cals a serving? well after seeing the nine hundred million and ONE ad today i said you know what i am getting some. so i had to stop at the store again (i swear the new ''shopping'' for me is the grocery store, i can spend hours there) to get some avocado and onion for a corn salsa/salad i am making tonite as a side dish so i picked up a caramel corn bag and a cheddar cheese bag. figured one sweet and one salty would give me a good basis for comparison. a serving of the caramel corn is 7 crisps, and yes they are small but actually pack quite the flavor and crunch punch so that you feel like you don''t need to eat the whole bag (though you probably could)...i put out 7 (okay 8) and then closed and put the bag away so as to not tempt myself. definitely yummy. and caramely corny for sure! i''ll try the cheddar tomorrow.

FG how the heck do you stay full on one bowl of special K til lunch? that''s crazy! that stuff never keeps me full for more than literally 30 min. hehe. it has no real nutrients in it though so maybe that''s why. honestly i have gotten to the point where i basically consume about 5 mini meals of 200 cals until about 6pm and then we have dinner at 7:30ish which is typically about 400 cals and then dessert is 100. sometimes dinner is more and mini meals equal less or similar. just curious but how did you figure out how many cals to eat with working out and still experience weight loss? the way i did it (and have recommended this to tons of other WWT''ers) is with where you enter your profile info and it gives you a ''healthy'' range of calories to eat per day/week along with workouts so that you won''t undereat and slow your metabolism when it thinks you are starving. it also won''t let you lose more than 2lbs a week i think so it''s a healthy way to go. anyhow my range of cals while losing and burning about 2k cals a week was like 1300-1500ish i think per day.

so i had a peanut butter cookie luna bar (love those things!!) for snack this afternoon and now the caramel corn crisps...greg has rehearsal tonite so it''s me making dinner for me (and then later for him) so i think i am going to finally do those TJ black bean and corn enchiladas and also make us a side salad/salsa kinda thing which is going to be corn, avocado, olives, onions, and red peppers mixed with some sort of lime vinaigrette (this is all in my head so far lol)...i was reading ''women''s health'' at the mani pedi place and it had the top 12 foods that women should be eating for health, and in it said avocado is a fab source of the good fat for those who work out a lot, it said something also about people who work out a lot needing to consume more good fats...and some statistic about those who consume less than 20% of their diets in fats NOT being as healthy (i can''t remember the exact thing, skin elasticity, not losing weight? something like that) as those who consume 31% of their diets in fats (good fats). and i know i can get lax about the good fat kinda thing so i figured i''d throw in some avo to this salad thing and do the right thing for my body.

also interestingly enough, another body factoid for those interested, this mag also said that 48 hours is the amount of time you can go without working out before your body will start to store the calories you would typically burn as FAT. so it said don''t be sedentary for longer than 2 days. do SOMETHING. anything. a 30 min walk is something. it said something like when they tested mice that their fat cells showed a 25% increase after 2 days of no activity. yikes. i don''t want my fat cells increasing no nothing percent, nevermind 25%.

oh and if anyone is interested, here are a few of the top 12 foods that this mag suggested women should eat. whole wheat bagels, bananas, avocado, baked potato, salmon, flax seed, berries, hummus, carrots, and a few others i can''t remember. i was pleased to see i eat most of that stuff on a regular basis. i actually want to sub to this magazine because it had a lot of interesting health facts and data for women...and lots of workout stuff too.

taking P out for a 20 min walk in a few...which are my ICU (kinda) for today, lol. so far this week i have burned about 950 cals (hah TG i beat you, slacker!)...the ''lets see if i can do it because i have the time'' goal for the week is about 3350.
Hey and Happy Tuesday,

Mara, you''re probably right that I have "home" on my mind and it is messing with me, but I have to say that my new boss enjoys playing head games with people and I''ve never never responded well to insecure messages and intimidation. It just makes me realize that while I know I''m doing well and they do like me, it''s not the place I see myself in a year or two. And if that''s the case, I surely don''t want to buy the ''uber'' beautiful condo here for a job that probably won''t last long term for me. Not sure if I''m making sense.

Then I had a conversation with our realtor in Tampa and there''s absolutely nothing happening. The market for high end condo''s seems to have just died. And we''re paying all this money each month for a fabu condo we can''t see or touch, plus the rent on the crappy place we hate. Something''s just got to give. And if my old company doesn''t offer me my job back, Charlie doesn''t want to stay with the company anymore, so we have to do something. And I think we''ve decided that if there is no resolution by the end of this month, we might just go home, sans jobs and at least live in our nice condo on the bay and continue waiting for a buyer and then deciding what to do. Maybe, it''s what we should have done from the beginning instead of making such huge changes to begin with. Hindsight. Who knows???

So, after a long day and the deal Charlie and I made that we will at least DO something, I had one of the best workouts I''ve had in a long time. I just relaxed so, and I hit this stride and all of the sudden I wound up doing way more than I usually do and didn''t get home till just a few minutes ago. I guess I worked out for nearly 3 hours, but it felt really good. The true measure of whether we''re headed in the right direction will be whether I sleep tonight. As many of you have been reading our continuing saga, I don''t sleep well when things are messed up, so if I sleep well tonight, it will mean that I''m more at peace with things and for me, that will be a good thing indeed!

Have a great Wednesday everyone and thanks for being there for Rod''s messed up life!

Dee, sorry to hear about hubby''s broken finger. And Lorelei, I''ve been meaning to congratulate you on the smaller skirt sizes and to say I''m sorry your toe still hurts. I wonder like Mara does whether you broke that toe? Not that there''s much they can do for a broken toe anyway, but you should be really careful in high heels there friend!!
Date: 3/13/2007 9:55:05 PM
Author: Mara
taking P out for a 20 min walk in a few...which are my ICU (kinda) for today, lol. so far this week i have burned about 950 cals (hah TG i beat you, slacker!)...the ''lets see if i can do it because i have the time'' goal for the week is about 3350.
3350??! Woman, that''s not encouraging...that''s downright intimidating!

Slacker? Hmph. Just for that I''m bowling with a 40 pound ball tonight. I''m gonna have biceps bigger than our governator!
Date: 3/13/2007 9:52:09 PM
Author: Modified Brilliant

Date: 3/13/2007 9:43:05 PM
Author: Rod

Date: 3/13/2007 8:24:27 AM
Author: Lorelei
Good luck on your new gym membership MrsSalvo!
I know my Hubby had calf issues which we solved with the right shoes, something to do with if you walk on the outside of your feet or inside ( supinate or overpronate - can't remember which is which!) But the calf cramps he had were completely gone once he got these shoes, he walks on the outsides of his feet, so when I need my next pair I will get some of these too. Rod has some I think also, he will probably have more info.

Deco - WELL DONE on the weight loss, over 4 pounds is incredible!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome PG and FG

Thanks Bee and Ellen, it is a nice feeling to have a much smaller skirt!

Great job Kate and Basil!!

Sorry about the pie Kim!

Had a great workout last night, 1 hour and 730 cals, REALLY pushed it. I can feel it in my hips along the sides with the hands free on the ellip, so it will be interesting to see what happens after a month of handsfree!
I found that I had terrible cramps and calf issues with shoes that were my size. It wasn't until I discovered that I had to buy shoes at least 1/2 size larger. For me, Asics work best. I have two pair, one for the gym and one higher quality pair for running (I have the Gel Kinsei for running). Don't go to a discount shoe place to buy workout shoes. Go to a real specialty fitness shoe store (they usually cater to runners) and while it can be a bit more intimidating, they have people who are way more knowledgeable. They'll ensure you don't pronate or supinate (walk inwards or outwards) and they'll recommedn the brand and size that will really help avoid pain and discomfort.
I'm a pronater and darned proud of it too!

P.S. someone shoved a blue iced chocolate cupcake under my nose today. I threw out the icing and ate the chocolate. It didn't taste that great.
Now I can taste preservatives in food that I never could before I started eating really healthy. I really hate preservatives in food
LOL Jeff!! Sounds like a 12 step program (not that I've ever been in or needed one). But, you could stand up and say......."Hi I'm Jeff an I'm a Pronater" and the room responds back......."Hi Jeff!!"

Funny how eating healthy really changes what your tastebuds will accept. I hate artificial tastes and I agree with you, preservatives taste bad!

It''s wonderful to read about everyone''s successes and continual tips for healthy eating!
While at the Doc''s yesterday, one of the nurses asked me about my "fitness program"; since I don;t know her, she must have deduced this by my appearance. Anyway, we discussed healthy eating and exercise as a lifestyle--I passed along the calorie counting as a motivator as well as different excerise regimens, points gleaned from these many threads and my own experience. It was kinda flattering for someone to observe/comment that I looked "fit and healthy" and not simply assume that b/c I am small, I don''t eat well, or something ridulous along those lines.

Hope you sleep well Rod--worrying often keeps me awake too. I have faith that you and Charlie will make the right decision about your work/living situation!!

kudos sharon on getting doctor props! hehe. it does feel good to have some validation.

rod..sorry to hear that you are still having a tough time of it. if stuff is weighing heavily on my mind..and i''m afraid i can''t sleep, i end up typically doing things continuously so that i am so tired at night i HAVE to sleep! i would imagine a 3 hour workout would help you sleep? hehe. maybe a tart cherry scone?!

took P out for a short walk before dinner, then made my TJ enchiladas, pretty yummy!! i seasoned them a little extra with garlic, salt, pepper and added some sliced olives to them and they were verra good. my corn avocado salsa/salad turned out yummy, i will post the recipe in the other thread.

jeff, blue icing sounds scary! at least you resisted that portion of the treat...hehe. i do love cupcakes though so i understand giving into temptation, hehee. go girl with your 40lb ball. everyone loves toned arms!!

so on the job front, i have a phone interview tomorrow with a big co who liked my resume for a contract. and another int early next week for another large company contract. the other job from last week i haven''t heard from but the gal said she was swamped and not to worry if i didn''t hear from her, but i am going to drop her a line and just remind her i''m here, hehe. that is the one i really want (contract) so i am going to try to stay in front of her. seems like not much will happen this week but phone interviews, and maybe a face to face...but that''s okay as long as things ARE happening! i''ve gotten some other calls for perm things too but i don''t know how keen i am right now on just jumping back into a permanent gig. too much pressure to determine if i really want to be there long-term...esp after this last thing. my old coworker/friend is interviewing too so sounds like she''ll be gone soon as well.

anyhow, hope everyone had a great tuesday!! it''s almost american idol time and that means vitalicious brownie and ice cream time!
Happy Wednesday morning everyone! For my weekly weigh-in I'm thrilled to reprot that I'm down 2.5 lbs from last week (despite the peanut butter cup debacle LOL) and 15 lbs overall!!!

Last night happy hubby made a big batch of sloppy joes, but he made them with buffalo since it's so lean, and I'm enjoying one right now. Yum! And there's nothing like going to bed with smell of something delish brewing away in the kitchen and then finding a big pot of it in the fridge when you wake up.

I just realized that we're going out to eat three times in the next six days. Hopefully it will be easy to make a good choice on Saturday night because we're going to a nice high end restaurant with an interesting menu, but on Monday night I'm going out for one of my girlfriend's birthday and she wants to go to--you guessed it--Red Lobster. Geez, after my experience there last week it would be fine with me if I never went there again, but it's her bithday and that's what she wants. And on Tuesday night we have friends in town that want to go out for real Chicago deep dish pizza. I'm sure next Wednesday's weigh in won't be quite a joyous as this one is for me, ha ha.

And I can't remember if I reported my workout last night, but I did the elliptical for an hour to the tune of 520 cals. I had a hard time keeping my heartrate low and had to go really slow to keep it on the lower end.
Happy Weigh In Wednesday All! So here are my stats:

Week 1
Height: 5''5"
Weight: 138
Bust: 34
Waist: 28"
Lower Waist: 31"
Bicep: 12"
Hips: 39.5"

Last Week - Week 10
Height: 5''5"
Weight: 130.2
Bust: 32.25"
Waist: 27"
Lower Waist: 33"
Bicep: 11.75"
Hips: 37”
Thigh: 20.5"

Today - Week 11
Height: 5''5"
Weight: 128.8
Bust: 32.25"
Waist: 26.5"
Lower Waist: 31.5"
Bicep: 11.75"
Hips: 36.5”
Thigh: 20.5"

I''m down 9.2 lbs total and have lost more inches.

Last night we went to dinner before the play, and it was delicious and I was starving. I only had time to eat a protein bar yesterday so I was very ready to eat by the time we got to the restaurant. I had pork osso buco with sweet potato, zuchini, corn and bell peppers. YUM!

Deco: I like your interpretation of my over-spiced meal. I''ll have to tell J that''s why I put so much red pepper in!

I''m subbing again today. I''ll do my 30 minutes of moving by walking then tomorrow is an elliptical day.

Have a great Wednesday all!
morning everyone! congrats to many on all the weight loss, and welcome to the newbies! rod, sorry to hear you aren''t sleeping well - hopefully you will get everything sorted out soon. it''s unfortunate timing with the time change as well - i know that it has really thrown off my sleep schedule. lorelei, sorry to hear your toe still hurts, hopefully it will feel better soon

yesterday was soooo beautiful here - 70 and sunny - so i walked outside with a friend for about 1.5 hours. it felt great to be able to get out of the gym. unfortunately, it''s going back to more seasonal temps now, and we have rain that will be turning to snow shortly.

i made a key lime pie from cooking light last night to bring in to work, and should get to taste it this afternoon. if it''s good i''ll put the recipe in the other thread.

food today is a pumpkin muffin, then a tuna sandwich and broccoli slaw for lunch, with a small slice of pie for a snack. Dinner is TBD after yoga, but will probably be a quesadilla with tortilla factory tortillas and some refried beans. i''ve been doing well for the past couple weeks at roughly 1300 calories on the weekdays.
wednesday weigh in....

bicept: 9
natural waist: 25 1/2
lower waist: 29
bust: 32
hips: 32
thigh: 18 1/2

i managed to lose almost 2 pounds, but i attribute that to ttotm.(maybe its because mara hasn''t posted new muffin recipes this more importantly i''ve lost inches and now i''m trying to maintain without really losing more weight. i hate the stick arm look. it''s weird because before i got pregnant i was 128-130 depending on the time of the month. now i''m the weight i was in my early 20''s....i''m not complaining, but its weird. has anyone elses body changed for the better since pregnancy?
anyways i had a great walk throught the park yesterday..pushing the carriage uphill was working on defining my arms
i love toned arms...hahaha. it was about 3 1/2 miles and i''m planning on going again today.....i think i''m making tacos for dinner tonight...yummy so that shouldn''t be so bad with the whole wheat spinach wraps.
good workout and healthy eating to all!!!!
Mara, I am beginning to think the bloody toe is broken, it is even making my ankle hurt. I am able to workout still as a tennis shoe keeps it rigid, but the bruising has gone although the swelling hasn''t and it is just as painful. I don''t think the docs can do anything for it, so I will just have to wait it out.

I did an hour workout last night, 700 odd cals and it went well, so that is 3 in a row, I am determined to look nice on Friday night even though it is quite likely I will be limping!
Date: 3/14/2007 10:55:53 AM
Author: Lorelei
Mara, I am beginning to think the bloody toe is broken, it is even making my ankle hurt. I am able to workout still as a tennis shoe keeps it rigid, but the bruising has gone although the swelling hasn''t and it is just as painful. I don''t think the docs can do anything for it, so I will just have to wait it out.
There really isn''t. A few years ago I was walking in the basement barefoot, kinda dark, and didn''t see a heavy metal bar on the floor. (thanks kids!) I kicked it with my little toe. Of course it hurt like youknowwhat, but when I got in the light and looked at it, it was jutting out at a 45% angle.
I had to start laughing, it was the most rediculous thing I''d ever seen, and it was on me.

I called my doc and talked to the nurse, she said no point in coming in, it was most likely broken and there''s nothing they can do for a broken toe. She did suggest taping it to the next one, which I''d already done. I can''t remember how long before I was pain free, but it was awhile.

You might try the taping and see if it helps the pain.
OW ELLEN!!!!!!
Struth - that must have hurt like the dickens, I would have ralphed most probably seeing my toe out at that angle...

I will try the tape, have to do something. Who would have thought Chanel Number 5 could be so dangerous????? At least the bottle didn''t break!
Date: 3/14/2007 11:22:33 AM
Author: Lorelei
OW ELLEN!!!!!!
Struth - that must have hurt like the dickens, I would have ralphed most probably seeing my toe out at that angle...

I will try the tape, have to do something. Who would have thought Chanel Number 5 could be so dangerous????? At least the bottle didn''t break!
Well heck yeah, that IS the most important thing!

Date: 3/14/2007 11:25:40 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 3/14/2007 11:22:33 AM
Author: Lorelei
OW ELLEN!!!!!!
Struth - that must have hurt like the dickens, I would have ralphed most probably seeing my toe out at that angle...

I will try the tape, have to do something. Who would have thought Chanel Number 5 could be so dangerous????? At least the bottle didn''t break!
Well heck yeah, that IS the most important thing!

See? Even with all my pain and suffering I have my priorites right!
Well, this week has been sort of weird for me in terms of weigh-ins. I started out about 4.5 weeks ago at 125-125.5 and wanted to lose 5 pounds. I went along for a good 3 weeks without hardly any movement on the scale - I was at 124.2 exactly for 7 straight days. Then about a week ago I bumped up to 125.5 again and got really frustrated. But then I started dropping really quickly. Over the past week I''ve lost like 1/2 pound daily. This morning I was at 121.2, which is only 1 pound away from my supposed goal weight. I haven''t done measurements in a while, so I''m not really sure if they''ve changed. And I''ve been wearing scrubs everyday so I can''t tell about clothes fitting either. I''m not really sure whether to believe this new weight cause it came about so fast, or if it''s just some weird hydration issue.

Anyway, this is slightly complicated by the fact that I am going on vacation starting tomorrow for 2.5 weeks. I''m staying with Fiance, and though he belongs to a gym, a day pass is like $20, so we won''t be doing that. He doesn''t have any home equipment. I thought maybe I could burn some calories walking, but I calculated it out and to burn an equivalent # of calories to my 50 min bike rides, I''d have to walk like 3 hours?!?! I can run, but I don''t want to start out with more than 2 miles daily, since I''ve injured myself in the past starting out too quickly. And running 2 miles only burns like 175 calories or something. Plus, I''m just on the verge of starting to see some definition in my arms when I flex, but now I won''t be able to do most of my arm exercises, except for pushups and triceps dips, so I''m worried all my precious muscle is going to disintegrate!

Plus, we already have like 8 (!!) dinners out scheduled with various people, and I really have trouble with restaurants. I know these are not the biggest problems in the world, but it''s sort of stressing me out a little that it seems I''m right at the edge of achieving my goal, but I''m also being put in a position to end up right back where I started. Oh well.
Happy Wednesday all

Rod, sorry to hear about your sleepless nights, hopefully things will work out

Mara: good luck on your phone interview! those are the worst, but its good news that you have that lined up so soon

So this week I am back up a pound (149) i was at 148.2 last week...
I''m wondering if it was the eating out over the past weekend. Do you all feel that when you do have a gorge-fest dinner or lunch, that the next day its almost as if your stomach is "used" to the larger than normal quantities of food consumed, and that its just not full on what you eat typically during the week?? I just cannot keep myself full these past couple of days!

I also have a question: when you guys input your weight into the tredmill for example, do you put the lowest weight you''ve been, or do you weigh yourself that morning and use that weight? Like for me, I was at 148 last week, but this week I''m at 149. Now, its not THAT big of a difference, but 1 lb is 1 lb, right

Yesterday I managed to get back on the horse so to speak, and did 600 cals on the elliptical in 45 min, and then 1 hr of weight lifting in with DH at night. Today I''m going to walk on the tredmill for 3 miles hopefully, under an hour.

Dinner last night was southwest turkey burgers from TJ''s. These are pretty good and I''d get these again. Only 100 cals per patty. Oh and Mara, I''ve had the cheddar quaker cakes, and I really like them! They are good for snacking, and I crave a cheetoh or a cheese puff every once in awhile, and these fit the bill for a healthier alternative.
Thanks SB, also a quick threadjack, how is your horse now?
everyone is doing so wonderfully, congrats on the weight loss people!

basil, don't stress out about the vacation. first off your weight loss is probably real, that is kind of what happened to a while of nothing and then suddenly i was down like 3 lbs. and it stayed. and then 3 weeks later i was down another 3 lbs. i didn't have gradual 1 lb per week kinda weight loss. it came off in chunks. NOW however, that i am pretty much at my goal, when the scale does move, it's 1-2 lbs back and forth kinda thing. so it's more of the 1 lb a week rate. anyway if the scale is still down those 3lbs or 4lbs or whatever next time you weigh (aka in a few days) then i would consider it true. the articles i have read say that if the scale still stays there for about a week then it's not water weight, it's true weight loss.

i totally hear ya on the 'omg we're eating out like insane fiends and i love eating out, i'm going to demolish all my hard work' kinda thing. here's my tips, i think i have posted them before on traveling and eating and working out. first off. YES WALK. i don't know what kind of calcs you did, but when i wear my HRM and do 5k walks (3m i think?) i always do them in about 45-50 minutes and i burn about 400-450 calories. i usually get my heart rate up to between 140-165 and average about 145 when i am walking in the races. and i do that locally too. so walking CAN burn a lot of calories...aka if you burn 500 on the bike or elliptical, a very brisk walk for about 60-65 minutes should get you about that amount. or at least CLOSE so that you are doing something. and did you see that stat i posted yesterday about those who don't work out 48 hours in a row, how their calories start to store as fat? so it's really important to keep doing something even on vacations. the other tip i have for vacations is sure you might have 8 dinners out or whatever, but what about breakfast and lunches? where you can, eat light. eat fruit, luna bars, things that give you energy but low calorie replacement meal kinda thing. so then you can do what you want at dinner and not feel guilty. i did that successfully in vegas for 3 days and worked out 1ce while eating like 3 super rich huge meals at night and didn't gain a lb. and when i got home, i got right back into my workout routine, so it was just a blip. just stay positive!

lol DJ and i just gotta say that one of the first things i read this morning when logging in and eating my cereal is you saying you are eating a buffalo sloppy joe for breakfast,
URG woman, talk about stomach rolling. i almost had to make a run for it. haha.

here's my stats for this week...i have to go dig out last week's somewhere.

height: 5'7"
weight: 132
bust: 35
arms: 9.75"
waist: 26.75"
lower waist: 33"
hips: 36"
thigh: 19.75"
calf: 13.75"

i have lost 2 more lbs in the last 3 weeks (it's actually more like 3 but i am being conservative til i see the scale consistently at 131/130)...basically i am eating about 1500 cals a day during the week, then having 2 splurgey nights on fri and sat, then back on it sunday (and having conservative days on sat and sunday, just the nights are big). i wanted to maintain but i was finding that i had to eat like 1850-1900 cals per day average which a little too much for me. so i decided to cut it back down a bit during the week back into my comfort zone, and still do my big splurges. i am staying full, eating the right things, eating when i am hungry, eating more if i need to, etc, and it's working out fine. and i look fine too...i don't look too thin at all or anything...actually now that he is more used to my new shape, greg keeps saying how great i look now...hehe. so i figure well whatever. as long as my body feels happy...if i drop a few more lbs, it doesn't really matter. my measurements are pretty much staying the same (hips still kind of getting smaller, yay) as well.

breakfast was fiber one with kashi strawberry fields and 1/2 a banana with ff milk. i'm meeting a girlfriend for lunch at one of our fave places, a singaporean restaurant we used to go to almost weekly when i worked over near her (a few years ago), so now we go every once in a while because their food is so yummy. sometimes i get a version of pad thai, and sometimes i get this basil beef with snap peas and rice...i would love the infusion of carbs today with the version of pad thai, esp to fuel my workout which will happen about 2 hours after i i might just do that. i found stats online and it's actually not that bad (esp the way i get it aka no fried tofu, no egg), so i think i will go ahead and do that for lunch.

oh and have i raved lately about the vitalicious brownies? GET SOME. seriously people. i can't stress how yummy these things are. honestly, sometimes as i am eating my new lower fat or lower calorie desserts at home i think why would anyone want to get the unhealthy version of this at some restaurant? like i honestly can't imagine a brownie sundae at some gross place like claim jumpers being BETTER tasting than my home version...and it certainly is not healthier (try like 10x the amount of cals and fat!!). totally funny. of course 'specialty' desserts are still worth splurging on, mmm bourbon caramel bread pudding. lol.

lorelei take care of that toe!!!!
Mara, I tried to bump your "shrinking jeans" thread from a while ago but it won''t let me. I wonder how the shrinking worked long term because when the thread ended you were just getting into it and I was curious if the results lasted at all?
DJ...I was able to shrink them SLIGHTLY but nothing huge. I don't wear like 8 pairs of my jeans anymore, they just look silly on me. I really need to sell them on eBay and get rid of them. They are really nice jeans too, expensive brands, in great condition. I do have a pair of AE jeans that are in a size 6 and they are too big for me but I don't fit into a 4 I just dry them for an extra long cycle when I wash them which makes them good to wear for a few hours but after that they get baggy on the legs and butt and drive me INSANE. I hate that look. So I might retire those soon, they were only $30. hehee. I pretty much got a bunch of cheapo $30 jeans from AE while I was losing weight which worked out perfectly (and I do like AE jeans in general, I might get some more at some point), and then waited to get my expensive Paiges til I was at the size I wanted to be. I shouldn't change that much more body wise.
pie update: key lime was a hit! and pretty tasty for less than 200 cals a slice (i actually didn''t eat the crust on my piece, as i really just like the custard, so that''s a few more cals saved)
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