
Weirdest things your Fur/Feather Babies eat

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Oct 4, 2007
My cats have a tendency to eat some fairly weird and abnormal things and was wondering if anyone else had any animals that do as well, thought it might be funny to share

My fat cat loves strawberry yoghurt''s, apple tea cake and custard whilst the other one is fairly more random loving capsicum, rice crackers and boogy board
(not that we allow him to eat the last one).

Are my kitties alone in their abnormal kitty eating habits??
my kitties have a plastic fetish -- especially the bags from target....I have to be sure not to leave any on the floor or counters!
I have one cat that loves cereal, and the other one loves cheese.
I have a Persian who loves cooked spaghetti and sugary cereal milk!
I bought a cheap rug for up in my room and carpet fibers come off of it, and one of my cats likes to eat those! Another of my cats likes wheat thins. And a third also chews on plastic.
Colby (my small dog) found and ate a tic tac yesterday!! I was freaking out, but started googling it like crazy and found that it's not a big deal in very small doses.

My parents have a cat that will eat anything - and I mean ANYTHING. Peanut butter, cheesecake, broccoli (one of his faves), strawberries. They experiment with him to try to find something he won't eat. I am way too careful with my dog to try that!!
My one cat loves to eat asparagus, broccoli, and pumpkin pie! The other loves to drink iced tea out of my glass with her paw when I''m not looking

What a great topic!

Over the years here is the list of unusual treats my kittys love...

Muffin (homecooked)
Vegetable soup (mmmh
Poached egg on toast
Marmite on toast
Fish fingers (kitty birthday treat only)
Rice pudding
Tea ( he had it once, but is not allowed anymore, because I googled it and it is toxic to cats! He still likes to sniff my cup, though.)
Dog food

Actually Henry likes a bit of everything, and somethimes he just likes to be offered a bite.

ETA: Henry loves carrots. But he is an organic kitty, he likes to dig them up from the garden and eat them there and then!
Actually while they are growing he likes to roll in the carrot leaves (green tops) 'eau de carrot'!
What a fun topic!

My kitty, Davidson, LOVES rice crispy treats. He''ll do anything for them.

My dog, Harley, loves dippy eggs with bacon. I have to make it a little runny because that is his fav!

Harley despises A1 sauce and will NOT eat anything off the floor. Hahaha.

Last night FI and I were laughing as he tried, unsuccessfully, to get a kernel of corn off of his plate. (Yes, he gets his own
I have a house full of cats, so while it''s not as frequent as it would be with dogs, my feline friends are a bit chew happy at times.

Things they eat that they shouldn''t:

-- plastic, particularly the thin plastic that was once wrapped around something. Somehow Lucy considers it very yummy.
-- curling ribbon. This has been BANNED from my house after I had to remove a long strand of it from the opposite end. It was highly unpleasant for both parties. shudder!!!
-- flowers. I can''t have cut flowers in my house because they get eaten faster than anything. Sad, because I have so many vases!
-- houseplants. Same with the flowers

Food things that they like:

- tortilla chips and popcorn
- ice cream (bad, I know!)
- tuna, they BEG for it
- CHICKEN. If we''re having chicken, we best lock them up or they will be on top of us trying to get it
- potatoes, but only a little
portia LOVES watermelon!!! but of course she wants to carry it over to our sand berber and eat it on there. thankfully the pink stains come off with a cloth.

when she''s at my mom''s...she gives her scrambled eggs in the morning and P loves them. she also really likes pieces of whenever we are eating gruyere or something really stinky she wants a bite and will hover until we put a little chunk in her bowl. though of course like all dairy with pets it gives her gas so it''s very far and few between.

we also don''t typically give her people food so these are more like special treats.

the one thing that P will not eat...and this cracks us up, is mushrooms. it never fails, whatever we give her...aka a bit of spaghetti sauce or a bit of pizza toppings or whatever, if it has mushrooms in it, she devours whatever is in there and leaves the mushrooms on the floor. it totally makes us laugh because we''ll walk by later and see these 2 little lone flat mushrooms on the floor by her bowl. we aren''t sure if she can''t eat them (aka too flat/thin for her to chew with her teeth) or just doesn''t like them.
Date: 1/11/2008 11:31:46 AM
Author: musey

My parents have a cat that will eat anything - and I mean ANYTHING. Peanut butter, cheesecake, broccoli (one of his faves), strawberries. They experiment with him to try to find something he won''t eat. I am way too careful with my dog to try that!!

LOL, thats funny... one of my cats eats anything and everything too!!! I dont think I have found something she wont at least try once LOL

My other kitty loves dairy (not too unusual for a kitty) but she also LOVES anything lemon... lemon meringue pie filling, lemon cake, lemon cheesecake, lemon cookies... LOL funny kitty.

My two dogs will eat almost anything if given a chance... not really that atypical for doggies.

Zoe will eat just about anything if I let her. She really loves oranges though, if I start peeling one she follows me and hopes I let her have a piece. She also loves peanuts, shells and all.
My oldest, Tela, would eat broccoli and rice all day long if I let her. She also loves cheese curls too though she is lucky if I hand over one per year to her (I can''t imagine the salt in them is at all good for her). She also enjoys pot roast and tuna (of course). She absolutely loves cat nip just spooned out in a little pile for her to eat. She also loves her kitty toothpaste to the point where I sometimes have to pry her mouth open to get the toothbrush back!

Miyagi, my kitten, will eat anything and everything. He recently ate a small chunk of raw pasta dough. No matter what you are eating, if he sees it go into your mouth he wants some. He also enjoys stealing the dog''s food as well as attempting to munch on his Greenie bones.
My childhood dog, Maggie, would eat pretty much anything. She would follow you around like she was glued to you if you had Caesar salad. She begged for grapes and tomatoes, loved bread, would chew corn cobs for hours, and considered baby carrots dog biscuits. Oh, and she apparently liked Triscuits... she once got her head stuck in a box of Triscuits when the neighbors were dog sitting for us. The daughter found Maggie stumbling around the kitchen with her face stuck in the box. (Maggie wasn''t exactly the brightest bulb.) Haha!
My kitty Theo loves dairy too. He sniffs out cheese like it''s his job. Just the other day he licked all of the cheese off of a bowl of cheese nips that I had left on the counter.
Woofie (our dog) LOVES water chestnuts. Especially when they''re frozen. When he was teething and driving us insane with the gnawing, I''d freeze a bunch and let him at ''em. He''d probably eat anything actually, he''s a bit of a carpet shark, being so low to the ground he hoovers everything off the floor.

One thing he loves that drives me insane- that bitter apple spray you put on furniture so they don''t chew it. He LOVES it. Licked it off the wood- at least he did before we wizened up and realized that''s WHY he was chewing.
Oranges and carpet fuzz....
We DO NOT give ours human food on any regular basis.

Duncan loves and adores: Tuna, Liverwurst (his grandma''s fault, I wouldn''t have given any of them anything from the deli counter) and cheese. Any kind of cream, sour cream, whipped cream you name it. Oh, and oddly enough he got a hold of a piece of garlic bread (the kind costco fresh makes) and went after it like a shark. We had to pry it away from him.

Hally loves French fries, when they are hot, cut up into little pieces for her. Hates bay scallops, plays with them like they are balls, loses them, then you find stinky seafood under the couch a few days later. We no longer buy bay scallops.

Frodo''s first love is shrimp. Which he does get as a treat on special occassions. Thanks to Hally he''s jumped aboard the french fry train (Duncan just does NOT get it), and and he tries to sneak his paw up on anything we eat on the coffee table, cheese, cold cuts... he was sucessful with some Parma Procutto once and gobbled that up like it was shrimp.
Elmo (almost 2 yr old kitty) eats whatever isn''t guarded. Recently I had some boneless hot wings and left the bowl out - I figured hot sauce was safe, but nope, he lapped it all up. He is also prone to jump into the sink and "pre-rinse" our dishes for us. Ewwwwww!

We don''t really let our kitties have "people food" (Elmo''s stealthiness excepted), but my parents are HORRIBLE. If my mom swings through McDonald''s she''ll literally get a burger for Zoey (a little Maltese), too. I called the other night and my mom said "I think we''re going to take Zoey to the vet, she''s been having liquid poo." I said "Did you feed her something weird?" and mom replies " some KFC the other night..."

Ohhhh...I forgot one other thing. Morty (3 yr old kitty) has a thing for chewing on Coach leather. BAD kitty! (but gotta give it to him for having excellent taste)
Good Grief, Mazie, our Lhasa Apso, and Taco, our Indian Ringneck Parrot love to beg for food. At dinner time, Taco climbs down his cage and waddles over to our dinner table, along with Mazie and they both beg. It cracks us up.

Taco only gets fruit or veggies. Mazie gets a little egg, chicken or a bite of meat.

After they are through. Taco waddles back to his cage and climbs up. That bird is totally hysterical.

Our cat, Sammy, loves garlic - anything with garlic is good, but a couple of leaves of Caesar salad make him a super happy boy (yes, he eats the lettuce too). !
Well I''m glad my cat isn''t the only idiot that LOVES plastic!!! It''s a fetish! He''ll chew on it when he''s hungry at 5 in the morning because it makes noise, in the hopes that one of us will get up and feed him.
He''ll also claw your eyes out for string cheese!!

My mom''s saint bernard has a thing for butter. He knows when it comes out and will sit soooo pretty so that she takes pity on him and lets him lick the wrapper. It''s quite gross, especially with the strings of drool attached, but what are you gonna do...
Brownie, our poodle, loves EVERYTHING!!! His favourites are mixed greens with oil and vinegar dressing, steak and corn on the cob (which I feed him right off the cob and turn for him as he eats it).
Date: 1/11/2008 10:55:25 AM
Author: MC
Another of my cats likes wheat thins.

Our siamese does too! She has even gotten them out of the box at night! She also likes pistachio ice cream and licks plastic bags. Oh, and if I am not careful she gets into my white wine [she has "rinsed" the glass more than once].

We once had a cat that ate corn on the cob [as long as you took a bite out of the corn first so kitty yould know where to start]!

Our gray tiger loves parmesan cheese.

My Aunt used to have a dog that would eat SOAP. It would barge in the bathrooms and devour bars of soap


Date: 1/11/2008 12:52:40 PM
Author: sumbride
I have a house full of cats, so while it's not as frequent as it would be with dogs, my feline friends are a bit chew happy at times.

Things they eat that they shouldn't:

-- curling ribbon. This has been BANNED from my house after I had to remove a long strand of it from the opposite end. It was highly unpleasant for both parties. shudder!!!

Same dog also ate a sock once. No damage done to the dog, but, um, it wasn't pretty
Our female likes the standard dairy products she does love popcorn though (I only give her the puff part so she won''t choke) but our male will eat ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Plastic, wheat thins (grabbed one out of DH''s hand), meat, bread....anything....
When I saw the title of the thread I thought for sure Monster Dog would be the weirdest! But, WOW! all of your pets sure do eat the strangest things! MD barely even registers, but it''s still funny!

So, the weirdest thing monster dog eats is raw asparagus ends, even though normally he won''t touch veggies. One time (while cooking) Dh and I were debating''s intelligence. To prove a point DH picks up a trimmed end of an asparagus, holds it up over the dog''s head and said ''want a cookie? Cookie? Monster dog wants a cookie? Ummmm cookie!" And the dog acted like it was a cookie: bounced around, drooled, and happily ate it! Then he begged for more ''cookies''. To this day he still thinks asparagus ends are cookies.

Which just goes to prove that 1) Monster dog is at least smart enough to know the word cookie. and 2) He eats treats so fast he never actually tastes them.
My dog (Shih Tzu - Poodle) is like aprilcait''s... loves tomatoes and carrots. He even will eat bruschetta... vinegar?! weird. Candy canes, water chestnut, watermelon, cantelope, ice cubes, etc. Basically, he likes anything except cinnamon or Ice Breakers Liquid Ice.

My cat (Siamese) loves crackers, sourdough bread and Chinese crispy noodles.

The Pocket Parrot I used to have would go insane when he saw me with a coke can! I didn''t think it was a good idea for a bird to drink coke, so I let him lick the can.

I used to feed raccoons graham crackers and cookies and fed a possum sliced bananas because they looked so cute holding the food. At a wildlife sanctuary I worked at the wolves liked pumpkins with fruit and things stuffed in it.

(I used to sneak my greenbeans to my childhood cat....
shhh... don''t tell mom and dad)
DO any of you use clumping cat litter? Remember the old SNL mock commercial for "crispy critters"--the snack or something
made of the concrete blobs when a cat pees in the litter? Well, my dog used to like to eat crispy critters. My dh was in total denial about this practice until he found a crispy critter by my dog's bed. Yes, it is very gross. And certainly unhealthy for the dog. No litter box anymore--so no crispy critters .
My kitty Tinkerbell used to eat manderin orange segments (straight outta the can), and mini marshmallows. My next cat, spooky, ate mini marshmallows.

Dogs...well, I have two beagles now, and they will eat honestly just about ANYTHING!
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