I have 9 Chanel bags - the most expensive was 8,000. Favorite Chanel bag is the 2005 Anniversary Flap bag. I have 1 Hermes - I think that was around 5,000. Gucci - 3 bags, the most expensive was around 3500. Gucci belt, 400. Various Gucci keychains and card holders. YSL vintage straw bag was about 300.00 Chanel wallet - can't remember.
Hermes scarves - I collect Kermit Oliver versions only (Texas artist) Louis Vuitton travel bags - I have 4 - 3 bought on Fashiophile, 1 in the store. Lately I'm loving Strathberry bags, great quality. Most expensive shoes were Stuart Weitzman 50/50 boots - love them, bought 3 pr. I do not buy expensive clothes though. I buy mostly from Nordstrom, nothing high designer. So all this said, lately I've boxed up my expensive bags. I don't feel comfortable wearing them out daily, too much crime.
Hermes scarves - I collect Kermit Oliver versions only (Texas artist) Louis Vuitton travel bags - I have 4 - 3 bought on Fashiophile, 1 in the store. Lately I'm loving Strathberry bags, great quality. Most expensive shoes were Stuart Weitzman 50/50 boots - love them, bought 3 pr. I do not buy expensive clothes though. I buy mostly from Nordstrom, nothing high designer. So all this said, lately I've boxed up my expensive bags. I don't feel comfortable wearing them out daily, too much crime.