Here is my ring combo with my necklaces today. The silver one has a grape chalcedony cluster . In combo with my aqua horse pendant, they remind me of the sun and the moon. They don’t really “go” together, but they feel so much like dark and light, sun and moon, male and female when worn together. I’m unusually attracted to interesting combinations, even opposites
these days!
Wow, thank you so much!bluegemz --
You have exquisite taste!
Hey, thank you for the compliments on the aqua and the chalcedony! I’ve missed posting recently and seeing everyone’s things, though I’ve been trying to keep up.True! I take most of my ring pics while in the car heading to a little destination (:
& Ive missed seeing you and your beautiful gems.
I love your new aqua ring! Larger pregnant aquas are the best!
I'm still after my dream moss aquamarine ring in yellow gold.
Also lucky you for having a piece that was able to incoorporate a grape chalcedony cluster! Totally fascinating mineral.
@T L what are the pink and yellow gems that you were wearing today?
Chrysoberyl and spinel.
Would love to see that chrysoberyl in other lighting. How do you pick a top chrysoberyl? I have a few of my own, but none that captivate me as yours does.
Thanks, it’s old Tanzanian material. I haven’t seen material like this in eons. Top color looks like neon greenish yellow highlighter.
@Bluegemz your pear aqua ring is beautiful! It also matches your eyes.
In the car with my lavender jadeite bangle and lavender sapphire ring.
Skirt is Myanmar cheik (silk) which is handwoven on traditional looms using a mix of cotton and silk which takes 3 to 4 months to complete a piece. Dying trade as the weavers are giving up owing to machines that can sew cheaper and faster with more patterns and intricate designs.
Ok now that hand made skirt is gorgeous! I adore precious textiles. The lavender jade and sapphire go so well and are lovely!