
What are you wearing today?!

cmd2014|1423354245|3829088 said:

Moderating sounds like a challenging task, and I'm glad that I am not the one tasked to do it! From what I hear, this has historically been especially true in this forum. I appreciate the clarification, as it was otherwise a bit of rumor and conjecture, and can appreciate why there had been a concern. I hope I didn't sound critical....I struggled with how to phrase what I knew about where everyone was so that others wouldn't be concerned about anyone's health or wellbeing.

No worries CMD, I just wanted to be clear about the interaction so everyone could decide for themselves instead of hearing through the rumor mill. I can understand why it might have hurt feelings, and we apologize for that, but it was something we needed to do, and as I explained also made many members of this forum feel more comfortable, which is ultimately our goal.

Despite rumors we are not the scary people we are made out to be. We are actually quite friendly and don't bite despite rumors!

We do our best not to ban people despite rumors to the contrary and to merely ask that rules be followed when we must warn people about something. Getting a message from us or a warning is generally just a reminder about our policies.

today was just a simple tee and my peacock tahitians.

and Ella, sorry if anything I mentioned seemed harsh. I greatly appreciate the work you guys do to maintain PS
Meetings this morning, there's a black blazer that goes on top...the tahitians really look darker against white.
Pirard|1423505949|3829837 said:
Meetings this morning, there's a black blazer that goes on top...the tahitians really look darker against white.

such a classy beautiful look!!!! I love the length go the tahitians and how it frames your shirt with your skirt!
You look great Pirard!
Very elegant, Pirard! Perfect pearls for the perfect business outfit.
Thanks ladies!
Hi all! I'm just catching up on these great posts but I wanted you to know that the reason I haven't posted pictures here is that I keep getting errors uploading them! Seems like my poor excuse for a laptop and the PS website time out on each other. It doesn't happen at PG though. I will keep trying so be patient!

Gorgeous Tahitians, crickett and Pirard! So classy!
Green tahitians today.

My new "lavender" flame ball...the green is so much more vivid in real life

Those are gorgeous Tahitians Babymonster...and I just have to also compliment you on your gorgeous skin!
baby monster - I agree - your Tahitians look great on you and your perfect skin!

Pirard - Love your lavender & green beauty!
You're too kind, Pirard and pkinnew :wavey:
Pirard, very Tilda Swinton-esque! Jealous, oh so jealous!!! :love:

Love your new fireball too!

BM & Ckrickett, love your Tahitians too! I love how they come in so many colour variations, shapes and styles. It makes it hard to feel completely satisfied though when there are so many options...

I took some of the blue akoyas I received that had teensy little blemishes and I wire wrapped them and made this necklace. Sterling silver and blue akoya!

It's cute and casual.
baby monster does have beautiful skin. And that is why I don't post my own neck shots. :oops:

I love those blue Akoyas. The light just shines!
ckrickett|1423708931|3831174 said:

I took some of the blue akoyas I received that had teensy little blemishes and I wire wrapped them and made this necklace. Sterling silver and blue akoya!

It's cute and casual.
I love this! It reminds me of a bar necklace, only better because it's made with pearls! Great little blues.
Beautiful neck shots everyone.
I love your blue akoya necklace ckrickett!
Ckrittet, that is lovely!

Love all the other recent pics too. Much enjoyed. Thanks for posting them!
Thanks everyone! I liked them so much I wore them again today, this time paired with my Tahitian pendant from PP

Hi all,
I'm back after a self-imposed ban. I had to be very good for a few months due to some life changes. :angel: Today I'm wearing these ripples and the matching earrings. I don't have a picture of the earrings.

ckrickett, I love how you styled the tahitian pendant with your blue akoyas. I have a similar way of wearing a small fwp pendant with labodorite necklace. It's simple but still very eye-catching.
ckrickett - Cute blue Akoya and sterling necklace! I really like it with the pendant and by itself!

mapo - Welcome back! Your ripples are stunning!
thank you pkinnew! here's my date night look:
stunning and classy Mapo!!! :love: :appl: :love:
My gosh Mapo, that is just dreamy!
Very nice mapo!
Love those strands together Mapo!

Here's my Valentine's gift from my husband...he's been on a pearl winning streak!
The center pearl is 11mm and it is set with microwave diamonds (VS1, G) The sparkle and glow on this ring are amazing. He did a good job!
:appl: :appl: :love:

Hubby did really well! Gorgeous!!!
Thanks...and I should clarify that it was the ring only...the tin cup was from PPs sale this summer. I wanted to show how well he did on selecting a pearl to match!
He has a good eye. I'd say you should hire him out to train other hubbies, but I have no complaints. Mine bought me a charm for my Pandora bracelet, treated me to all three meals yesterday, and bought me chocolate. A good day!