
what are your other bad spending habits (besides buying jewelry ) ?....

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Loose gems (does that still count in the jewellery area?). Book and DVD''s. I literally can spend a fortune at in the blink of an eye. Easy. I also eat out a lot and I do love a great Italian leather handbag.
Date: 1/27/2005 11:53:57 PM
Author: MelissaSue
My WORST habit is BRAS (and panties).. I''ve always had way way more bras than the average girl (since freshman year at college at least).. but I used to at least buy the cheap ones from walmart.. Then one *dismal* day I walked into a victorias secret sale and bought a bra from there for $10.. and it was ALLLLLL over.. Now I must have at least 20-30 full price bras from them. AND I started working there this summer.. so its even WORSE now. Weird.. I know.. but as a teeny chested girl..a great bra can make a HUGE difference.

Other bad habits - clothes in general.. Express is a bad store for me..i buy $80 pants there without blinking an eye.. (THERE IS THE CUTEST PAIR THERE THAT I SAW TODAY.. I WANT!!) American Eagle was bad.. but I''ve been able to resist them lately.. Love Aeropostale because there stuff is always on sale for cheap.

And we eat out way way too much.. we''d be richer and thinner if we could just stop doing that!

Oh yeah.. and the wedding ****.. I''m addicted.. I bet I have wedding magazines you girls have never even HEARD of. lol.. The new issue of THE KNOT weddings magazine is finally out! I got it today!!
did you buy that $1.5 million diamond bra from victoria secret ?
It’s fun to read others’ “guilty pleasures.”

Two things soak up my $…  A short term vice and a long-term vice.

Short-term:  Add me to the all-time dine-out list.  And what about tipping?  I’m the over-tipper, especially with regular servers (is it sad to have a few of those?).

Long-term:  Always always some “improvement” project.  I think I acquired a money-sponge genome coded to soak and redirect any extra I could be saving.  Last year it was the landscaping, the living room, the study & the DVD collection.  This summer it was designing/installing an outdoor kitchen...Okay, THAT was worth it (I have pictures).

If I was on a desert island I would need to rearrange the coconuts.  For now I’m upgrading my home audio/video system.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy........ I will confess it all to you, because I sure as heck can''t be honest with my husband about it all!

Ame: I am with you on LV - can''t stand the look of them. I will never buy one.
Treysar: STARBUCKS!!! I am a coffee FANATIC! need it everyday. I seriously get a warm, fuzzy feeling whenever I pass by a starbucks, which as we all know, is every .03 seconds!

1. CLOTHES! By far, my greatest expense. I can''t help myself. I promise myself and my husband I won''t shop anymore, but I''m like a moth to a flame when it comes to malls and department stores. I have just about every style of the ''editor'' pants from Express. I have a million shirts and sweaters and skirts. I DREAM about clothes. Before I go to sleep each night, I stop in my closet and plan the next day''s outfit, sometimes I spend a half hour in there! When I win the lottery, I will move on to the good designer-type stuff.....

2. SHOES!! especially pointy-toed ones. Heels, looooove heels. I am only 5''2", and I only feel comfortable in 3-4" heels. I''m the only person I know who can dance in 4" stillettos all night and not be uncomfortable. I also have an obsession with knee-high boots. Own about 6 pairs currently.

3. DIAMONDS! Need I say more???
4. Makeup. I have a whole drawer full of makeup, and yet I use the same shade of eyeshadow everyday! I love Estee Lauder, which can get expensive. But I have scaled back on that lately....

5. last but CERTAINLY not least, food. I LOOOOVE grocery shopping. I don''t have any type of diet or anything, just buy what I have a taste for that week. I DO NOT believe in the whole ''low-carb'' thing. Carbs rock, why would one deprive themselves of them???!!! They are worth the extra 5 pounds! Oh and wine, I love wine, especially white zinfandel. my fave!

Sorry this is so long, but It felt wonderful to share this! I am so bad at spending that I keep my purchases in my trunk until my husband leaves the house, then I run to the car and bring them in the house!! The cool thing is, my hubby doesn''t pay alot of attention to the clothes, so I get away with most of it! He''ll be like "is that new?" My response: " oh god no, I''ve had this for years !!!
Uh oh, confession time....

Like D4M, I am a jacket nut. Well not as nutty as she
, but I have more jackets than I need, that's for sure.
Everytime I get a jacket urge, I need to resist, then if I can't I buy it and hide it in the closet hoping DH wouldn't notice.
He thinks I need another one like I need a hole in the head.

Daily footwear. This could mean a new pair of sandals, casual boots, or other shoes.

Everyday blouses. I love Ross. Remember I live on an island. Shopping choices are not exactly abundant here.
Plus I love their prices!

MMM, black is practical.
I lost track of how many black items of clothing I have. Pants, blouses, tees. You name it.

Hobby/craft de jour. Depending on the day, this could range from beading to stamping.

Since I'm still completing rooms in my house, last week it was bath rugs. And towels. Why do I have the obsession that they have to be matching??

Cookbooks. My collection is out of control.

I'm a binge shopper. Since I do not do it often, it just depends on how I'm feeling. The happier I am, the less I shop. The sadder I am, the more I shop to become happy, only to become sad again after I've spent too much money. It's a dysfunctional cycle that I can't really stop.

D4M, if you ever get an urge to unload some of your gem collection, please PM me. My 9 y/o son is a cub scout and is passionately interested in rocks, minerals and gemstones. I support his passion as my kids are not into gameboys, or other types of video games, etc; I think this is a healthy obsession. Look where it got us afterall?
Michael E. recently sent him the beginning of his collection (thank you again, Michael)
and he is in heaven, peering at his rocks on a daily basis.
Dancing fire, what you spend on eating out can be an extra payment to your daugher's college fund!

I do ocasionally go out for lunch with my girlfriend, or order take out for the family on occasion. DH and I do not go out regularly because we prefer to eat at home with the kids. Just easier.
Plus he likes my cooking over restaurant food so I'm lucky. Well, at least I think I'm lucky anyway.
Budget wise, I think it saves us a lot of money.
During the construction it was one take out after another, only because we didn't have time to fix meals regularly. Thankfully that was only temporary because that added up too.

Purses were an obsession at one time too. My favorite is a $7.99 bag from Ross which I am using to death. On LV, I own two replica LV Murakami bags that I basically never use. The ONLY reason I bought them was because I couldn't resist the adorable smiley faces, but I couldn't see paying the money for the real one. My girlfriend, who bought authentic LV bags, then sold them on ebay FOR A KILLING approved them.
I'd be proud to tell others its fake
but no one's ever asked in the two times I've used them.
Handbags and shoes because no matter what, they always fit
I''m ashamed to admit to being a LV hound. Also Gucci, Prada and Chanel. I reall want one of those bags Nicky Hilton designed with the gold stars on them. They seem so fun and casual.
Also, perfume!!It always fits too!!My fh brought me some Still by JLo the other day. I love it. I think I''m getting another LV bag for VDay since I can''t choose which earrings I want.

I also spend extra for organic and vegatarian foods.I know, I know, I''ll get hit by a bus and die healthy.
Kids: I spend most of my money on them. I swear, they can smell when I have extra cash[$$)]It''s a family trait
I was asking hubby what my bad spending habits are and he just rolled his eyes and told me to get off the "diamond web site"! Then he reminded me that I should really try to control my DIET COKE habit!! Somehow I forgot about that

Would love to see pics of the outdoor kitchen!
I''m using Eucerin Plus or something. It exfoliates. It''s a lotion but more like a cream. Still, I''m dry,...even after exfoliating in the shower too

I actually don''t like the marc jacob''s bag at all. It looks like an old lady handbag. But then again, maybe I just can''t pull it off :)

Dancing Fire- I actually don''t really spend too much. I was worse. Now I''m better. But instead if buyng tons of crap, I buy fewer things and go for quality! BTW- this is a great thread!
Date: 1/28/2005 9:14:33 AM
Author: moremoremore
I''m using Eucerin Plus or something. It exfoliates. It''s a lotion but more like a cream. Still, I''m dry,...even after exfoliating in the shower too
I used something from Bath and Body Works that has parafin wax in it. I can''t remember what it''s called but it''s "Spa...something". Blue and white pump bottle. Cost is about $18. It really worked great for me. The only reason I don''t have any more right now is because I just don''t feel like driving that far. But I might just do that today.
I just thought of something else.

Another bad spending habit that I have is shampoo, conditioners, facial cleansers and facial lotions. I have a whole cabinet full of them.

My bathroom looks like an isle in the drugstore!

Oh, and ink pens. What''s the deal with ink pens?? I have a bazillion of them in my office. I have a cup full of them, a magnetic thingy that sticks to the side of my file cabinet is full of them, my cabinet above my desk has about 10 un-opened packs of whatever is just lying loose (the entire middle shelf is lined with them..I''m not even kidding!). Every color you can think of, too. I even have some with feathers on the tops of them.
It must be some kind of condition or something, lol.
Obsessive/Compulsive must be that.
Date: 1/27/2005 10:45:29 PM
Author: Dancing Fire
my wife can go on for months without spending a dime.
that's just like me - i don't spend, except on lil treats for my sweety... we go out once/wk (date nite). other than that, i'm a total saver. we're going to move again this year so i'm saving as much as i can cuz the prices are outta control! i even put a diamond earring project on hold because of the impending move
are my sole spending weakness...

fun topic!
Ohhh.... the guilt. I''m glad everyone has this. For me:

a) Coats. I am obsessed. I get a new fall, winter, spring coat every year. I have an excuse. It gets cold in Canada, so we are always in coats. Therefore, they are more important then clothes

b) Boots/shoes. Especially stiletto heels. I have an excuse for that too: I''m short 5''1, so I need all the help I can get!
This got really frightening when I started to think about it...

SHOES... I always ''need'' good, comfortable (I''m of an age where pointy or high-heeled shoes are to be avoided at all cost!) yet funky shoes...

HAIR - the color & cut seem to be a constant happening

KITCHEN GADGETS - love any kind, Williams Sonoma especially, but when you consider how often I

EAT OUT - you have to wonder - sometimes it''s 3 dinners/2 - 3 lunches/3 breakfasts per week!

WINE - and I only like the ''good'' kind,

ART SUPPLIES - I can visit the art store every week and spend $100 or more!

Yeah, well, it''s easy to see why I have NO savings!
Sushi takeouts from Nobu. Balenciaga handbags. Love ''em!
I''m really enjoying this thread. It''s nice to know I''ve got company in my silly buying obsessions. Well, I''ve read that the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem so here it goes . . .

Diamonds - Well, you knew that already. Actually it goes beyond diamonds. It is jewelry in general. A few of my friend like jewelry too, they just don''t need a giant black leather jewelry case/box to organize theirs. When I get dressed, I pull out "the box" and pick and choose depending on my wardrobe. I can only admit to this here.

Shoes - Bad, bad, bad. I love shoes like many of you. Too many to count. I keep them them in their original boxes on shelves in my closet, organized by style (casual, dress, winter, summer, etc.) That makes it easier to find just the right pair. The only thing I have not done is take a picture of each pair and attach it to the end of each box. Now that would be wonderful! It''s on my "to-do" list when I stop hanging out here so much.

Handbags - Not obsessed with any one designer, but I do have a few. I have a couple of bags that match shoes such as Coach signature "C" fabric handbag and coordinating loafers or my Ugg boots and coordinating messenger bag. Does anyone else like Brahmin? And, as much as I hate to admit, I love my LV.

Clothes - I do love nice clothes. I am a bargain hunter though, and since I enjoy the act of shopping, this is very beneficial. I''m one of those people who gets great joy in finding an awsome something or other on the super-duper-clearance rack and then whipes out a store certificate (Nordstrom''s, Old Navy, etc.) so I get it for almost nothing. They know me by name in Ann Taylor -- that''s bad.
And why on earth do I find it necessary to have so many WHITE shirts? Like some of you with black pants or black shirts, my obsession is white shirts! One of my best girlfriends (she''s bad too) calls my white shirts part of my "uniform."

House accessories - I love decorating. I used to be a decorator BC (before children). I''m always picking up a little this or that here and there and moving stuff around in my house. I mostly collect from special places we have been on vacations, and I stop at antique shops along the way everywhere. I do also admit to the matchy-matchy bath rug and towels thing.

Wow, this looks bad. I don''t EVEN want to add all this up. But, hey, life is pretty short, and if our obsessions are not hurting anyone or putting us in debt, then it can''t be that bad, right?

oh boy...

shoes...b/c no matter how much weight i gain, it''s still the same shoe size!!! LOL...and sex in the city is a bad baD BAD influence.

diamondlil, have you seen the episode of cribs on mtv for kimora lee simmons? she has an INSANE closet and her shoes are in clear plastic containers with a polariod picture posted on the outside! some day i aspire to own enough to justify that sort of classification system!!!

my rationale is that my spending habits are helping our struggling economy...i''m trying my darnest to boost that retail sales number all by myself. this is what i tell my bf when i come home with shopping bags from bergdorf/barneys. but for some reason, he just doesn''t get it.
Coach handbags, coach wallets (to match of course), Coach keychains...

I go in the Coach outlet at the beach and go nuts!!

DH allows it because it's less expensive than his bicycle habit!
Sweaters of all kinds & seasons - anything knit - I hate blouses. I took out a whole row of hang ups to put in shelfs for my sweaters. My latest obsession seems to be shifting to polar fleeces. They are so light weight & wash easy. I''m convincing myself that I am actually *saving* money buy purchasing them - no more dry cleaning. Funny how the mind works!
Date: 1/28/2005 11:33:24 AM
Author: fire&ice
Sweaters of all kinds & seasons - anything knit - I hate blouses. I took out a whole row of hang ups to put in shelfs for my sweaters. My latest obsession seems to be shifting to polar fleeces. They are so light weight & wash easy. I''m convincing myself that I am actually *saving* money buy purchasing them - no more dry cleaning. Funny how the mind works!

I hear ya, I bought three cashmere sweaters last season....and then some micofleece from Helly Hansen (it is cold where I live....heeehheee)
Oh, there is the phone....just my connection at Holt Renfrew...that leather Feragammo clutch I was eyeing is on sale 60% off.......
don''t know whether this is a disease or as Jen says...a drug....
but what I do know is I need help!!!

sniffle, I the only one here who loves Tod''s?

and I want this one in both beige and black

I used to have a thing for coats. I could/would drop $600 easy on jacket that I just couldn''t for any other item. That all changed pretty recently.

An excerpt from my blog (07/2004)

It all started innocently enough when D came home from Canada with an XXL Canadian Flag logo tshirt for me. He had previously mentioned size 36 leather heels and when I pulled out the huge tshirt I thought it was a joke and laughed until I saw his crestfallen face and whispered, "oh." I unfolded the shirt against my body and it hung down to my knees. I brightly said that I could wear it every night as my night shirt and smiled unconvincingly, the disappointment written all over my face. I''m such a horrible liar - which I don''t understand because I was quite the pro when I was 6. Anyways, feeling bad D called up my roommate J and asked her for some help. He ended up getting me the Gucci satchel bag I had been eyeing for months. I couldn''t believe it. I still can''t believe it. He had the bag casually sitting in his room when I came over. We were chit chatting for about an hour before he asked me if I noticed anything different in his room - and there it was, sitting on the floor by the closet next to his bed. How did I not notice it right away? I swear I felt like a 6 year old on Christmas day!

Then came the LV Papillon 30. I never liked Louis Vuitton bags until this one happened across my sight via some celeb gossip magazine (damn you phil!) a couple years ago. I remember telling a friend in college that if I ever started liking LV bags like all the other Asian girls in LA, that it was his duty to shoot me dead. The same applied if I ever wanted to get bangs or if I started shopping at Ann Taylor before the age of 35. Well, I recently tried the long side swept bang look and liked it ok. I didn''t resemble Kristy Yamaguchi this time around, but the annoyance factor of always having hair in my eyes irritated me. Instead of the sexy one eyed look, I pinned my bangs back like a 6 month old baby 90% of the time. But I digress.

My parents bought me the Papillon as a Christmas present. I think I had been home for Thanksgiving and while window shopping with my mom I pointed out that bag and whispered that I liked it. Having grown up shopping at Ross and Marshall''s I was shocked that they even considered it. We never splurged on anything that didn''t somehow relate to my brother and I getting into a good college. We might have been wearing crappy clothes, but we had the best trapper keepers, coolest erasers and ball point pens in 20 different colors. I literally pranced around my room with that bag in my hand for days before I actually carried it outside my apartment.

Then, I found myself suddenly single and standing inside the Christian Dior boutique at South Coast Plaza with my brother, his wife and my best friend. When I broke up with my high school boyfriend my first year of college I bought myself a Gund teddy bear and proclaimed my independence, "I can buy my own damn stuffed animals!" Maybe I was an immature high schooler, but I liked getting stuffed animals as presents. But as a single 26 year old who had her heart set on marriage, I had to up the ante and as a consolation prize I bought myself the Dior clutch. "I can buy my own damn designer bags!" Then came the Murakami. Oh dear God. Here come the justifications. Well, the Dior clutch is more like a wallet and it doesn''t really count as a bag does it? Right? Right. Multicolore Speedy? Mine.

And today, Gucci''s fall line of handbags made their debut on The last few seasons their bags have all been pretty disappointing, but that was great for my wallet. There are still quite a few unappealing bags, but if you venture to the last few pages, you''ll see a few gems. They''re on preorder till 11/08/04 which is right around my birthday which just sends me all the wrong messages. Isn''t that a sign?


I did end up getting that Gucci bag btw (The Medium Flap bag). And it came early (in Sept I believe) which made me feel worse cause that''s no where near my bday!

Anyways, I am now eyeing an MJ shoulder multipocket bag in teal. Or else the medium Gucci horsebit shoulder bag. Most of mine are all top handle and I need/want (same thing) a good shoulder bag to take with me to Italy!

Nooooooo Twinkletoes, don''t take a bag TO one while you''re there!! All of those designers at your fingertips every time you turn a corner into a different piazza....and if you''re going to Milan, whew, I get weak in the knees just thinking about it.
I like Tods too! And if I''m not mistaken, Ms. J-Fo got an awesome Gucci a few months ago....
Great blog twinkle LOL!

And all you hair care freaks...haha, LOL, I get free Bumbleandbumble! I get the stuff even before it''s out in the store but it sits at home!!!! Hehehehe...and treatments...hehehehe...But can you believe I never have. I use Suave. I love it But I might be interestetd in the Japanese straightening (e/t my hair is straight, it "loves" humidity). I''d get that for 1/2 off!!! But still, it''s SO expensive...
Date: 1/28/2005 11:50:18 AM
Author: Matata
and I want this one in both beige and black
I LOVE that handbag
ok- i have a slight handbag weakness...
i get one new bag a year... is that bad? if so, i wanna be BAD!!

Edited to add: haircuts/hair care in NYC is not cheap - and ya gotta get your hair cut
i guess i'm worse than i thought
RE: hair straightening...

I''m not sure where you live, but if you can find one I''d suggest going to a korean hair salon for the magic straight perm. It''s a lot less expensive. I have very long hair that I had done last year for $150. And it lasts 6+ months. It was great having wash & go hair. All I had to do was slightly blow dry it. =)

What''s the exchange rate in Italy these days? I guess I could wait and buy one there, but ... but... now would be nice too. LOL
ditto on the korean magic perm...lasted forever!!
Ok, I have to admit that I really NEED one of these, or is it want?!
Hey MMM you'll need one too, to see into the depths of the LV tote! I just think it's the greatest gadget - Purse Pal - the purse light!

OMG- just throw things into my bag a/k/a garbage can!!! That is so cute.

Re: the Japanese straightening. I''m about 10 minutes outside of NYC so there are so many places to go...My hair is thin and I''m paranoid so I''d only trust a few places that I Bumbleandbumble, it''s like over a grand a think. But I don''t think I''d ever do it. I''m so lazy and poor :)
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