
What are your pet peeves?


Nov 2, 2012
A lot of mine are about speech, grammar and spelling, though I also realize that is snobby so I try to reign in it. For ex. They're/there/their, too/two/to, you're/your. Orientated instead of oriented. Defiantly or definately instead of definitely.

Also people who pick up every new, trendy phrase. For ex. Feeling some type of way. Wow, just wow. He/she is salty. Anyways instead of anyway. It seems like there's a new one every week.

People in a privileged group who complain about those who are not without understanding. When it never seems to occur to them that they might just not have experienced those problems because they are in the more privileged group.

Smart mouth combined with being in the wrong in the first place.

Pushiness in the name of friendship. Like neighbors who ignore messages to back off. Or someone who argues when you turn down their invitations

Too much informality in the service industry. Saying "no problem," instead of "certainly" or "my pleasure." As if your request being a problem to them is on the agenda. "You guys" rather than "ma'am" and "sir." Answering the business phone with "hello" rather than the name of the business and who is speaking.

Okay, that's enough of mine for now. You?
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I agree with everything you said above @seaurchin. Bad punctuation, misspelled words, the whole shebang.
I read an article yesterday about how someone "charted" a plane. They said it twice in the same article. Aarrgh!

This is my #1 pet peeve.
When people don't get back to me. Phone calls, emails, texts.
"Ok, I'll let you know!"
"I'll call you when it's ready!" Lies, all lies!

This is my #2 pet peeve. Somewhat related to the first.
When people don't come through.
They say they're going to do something, then they don't. Why are people so unreliable?
If you can't do it, say so!
I have a few :)

Top of my list are these three pet peeves.

People who are rude.

People who don’t pay attention while driving.

Anyone who is late (for an appointment etc).

And I agree with all that has been written above by @seaurchin and @stracci2000
All of the above!

I will add-

-sarcasm and humor that is deprecating of any person or group. Even when one is making a joke about himself/herself .
- super loud gum chewing
-when people say ‘no offense’ and go on to say something super offensive. As though it is a disclaimer
-passive aggression
-knuckle cracking
-non-apology apologies
-line cutters
-when people say ‘how are you’ as a greeting and move on immediately and obviously do not care for a response. If one does not care to know how someone is, don’t ask. Just say hi or something
Another pet peeve.
Men who spit on the ground. So repulsive.
Is it some primal way of marking their territory? Why don't I see women spitting?
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Another pet peeve.
Men who spit on the ground. Such a filthy act. Is it some way of marking their territory? Why don't I see women spitting?

Unfortunately I have seen a woman spitting. It’s gross no matter who does it. And RUDE. See my pet peeve number one. I’ve also seen cyclists doing it. Place vomit emoji here. (I’m on my phone and the emojis don’t work on my phone).

Sometimes I wish we lived in Singapore. They have rules that force people to behave civilly.
I refuse too answer this question for fear of hitting everyones pet peeves! There're just two many possibilities of screwing up!
1. being late. If you are running more than 15 minutes late, please phone. For appointments DONT be late, it throws every appointment afterwards out.
2. being early. It is not polite to arrive 30 minutes early to a party or similar.
3. not waiting your turn. I hate it when people “push in” as if their time and/ or needs surpass those who got there earlier.
4. not saying thank you to people. Where are your manners? If someone helps you, even if it’s “their job” say thank you. Anyone working in a customer service role puts up with the nastiest and rudest people day in day out so be kind, smile, say thank you. Costs you nothing to add a little sunshine to someone’s day!
I can't stand to hear anyone chew or smack. It isn't just annoying. It's like a demon takes over me and my head starts spinning around. I just can't control it. Apparently it has a name. Misophonia. My oldest son is the one who looked it up and diagnosed me. It is a real problem for me. I couldn't eat at the dinner table with my children most of their young childhood! My sweet husband makes the most amazing Korean ramen and will eat his in the kitchen away from me because he says he's saving our marriage, lol.

Sounds ridiculous, but it is kinda debilitating for me. When I was employed I couldn't eat in the break room for fear I would hurt my career. I had to eat by myself in my office with the door closed.

I guess it's more than a pet peeve, actually. So my new answer is not using your turn signals.
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Also people who pick up every new, trendy phrase. For ex. Feeling some type of way. Wow, just wow. He/she is salty. Anyways instead of anyway. It seems like there's a new one every week.

Isn't this just language change in action? Jonathon Swift complained in 1710:

... The War hath introduced abundance of Polysyllables, which will never be able to live many more Campaigns. Speculations, Operations. Preliminaries, Ambassadors, Pallisadoes, Communication, Circumvallation, Battallions, as numerous as they are, if they attack us too frequently in our Coffee-houses, we shall certainly put them to Flight, and cut off the Rear.

THE third Refinement observeable in the Letter I send you, consisteth in the Choice of certain Words invented by some pretty Fellows, such as Banter, Bamboozle, Country Put, and Kidney, as it is there applied; some of which are now struggling for the Vogue, and others are in Possession of it. I have done my utmost for some Years past, to stop the Progress of Mob and Banter; but have been plainly born down by Numbers, and betrayed by those who promised to assist me. ...

Most of the words Swift objected to are now standard. No one now objects to mob, banter, bamboozle, preliminaries or operations. Only circumvallation, country put (What's that?) and kidney (as in persons of that kidney) are clearly obsolete.

That said, some words still grate. It's, used as possessive. I fear this is a lost cause. Nucular. (It's related to the nucleus, right? Or is that the nuculus?) Refute for deny. (As in: The politician refuted the allegation, when he merely denied it. Or even worse: I refute that. Again, this may be a lost cause.)

But this one really annoys me: We apologize for any inconvenience that may have been caused... C'mon guys, you caused inconvenience and you know it.
I can't stand to hear anyone chew or smack. It isn't just annoying. It's like a demon takes over me and I my head starts spinning around. I just can't control it. Apparently it has a name. Misophonia. My oldest son is the one who looked it up and diagnosed me. It is a real problem for me. I couldn't eat at the dinner table with my children most of their young childhood! My sweet husband makes the most amazing Korean ramen and will eat his in the kitchen away from me because he says he's saving our marriage, lol.

Sounds ridiculous, but it is kinda debilitating for me. When I was employed I couldn't eat in the break room for fear I would hurt my career. I had to eat by myself in my office with the door closed.

I guess it's more than a pet peeve, actually. So my new answer is not using your turn signals.

I also have Misophonia..It’s a curse..
@Starstruck8 Yes, that could very well be it. Of course we know that language changes over time so it's quite possible that the constant new phrases and words that sound "off" or "wrong" to my ear are actually just the tiny increments that language changes in. I mentioned that in my first post originally but deleted it because my post seemed too long.

Interesting too that Jonathan Swift mentioned the new words being used by "pretty fellows." If he meant what I think he meant, that's what annoys me now. It reminds me of junior high, where we kids would pick up every new slang word or phrase that came along to try to seem cool lol.
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I find it weird when people use slang when they are too old to use it.
I started a thread about pet peeves years ago, so I have a lot!!!!! Ready?

1. Toilet paper hung the wrong way.
2. Sloppily made food: food seasoned unevenly, sandwich fillings falling out, spread not going to the sides of bread, and burritos with all the meat on one end and the other all beans etc…you get the idea!
3. I’m all for casual dressing because I live in California, but no PJ’s or house slippers in public please.
4. People who throw off flip flops and put their bare feet on restaurant chairs or booths.
5. Passengers in cars putting their feet on the dash.
6. People on cell phones while grocery shopping, blocking aisles.
7. I actually have an issue with wait staff using gender specific address. I have a non-binary child who cringes every time they are addressed as “Miss or Madam”. I think a “welcome my friend, what can I get you” works perfectly IMO.
8. Pet owners who don’t pick up after their pets. My neighbor just lets out their 2 dogs and never picks up after them!

I have so many……will let
The rest of you have a say!
I can't stand to hear anyone chew or smack. It isn't just annoying. It's like a demon takes over me and my head starts spinning around. I just can't control it. Apparently it has a name. Misophonia. My oldest son is the one who looked it up and diagnosed me. It is a real problem for me. I couldn't eat at the dinner table with my children most of their young childhood! My sweet husband makes the most amazing Korean ramen and will eat his in the kitchen away from me because he says he's saving our marriage, lol.

Sounds ridiculous, but it is kinda debilitating for me. When I was employed I couldn't eat in the break room for fear I would hurt my career. I had to eat by myself in my office with the door closed.

I guess it's more than a pet peeve, actually. So my new answer is not using your turn signals.

You are my husband's twin sister that don't know about each other. :lol: He also suffers misophonia. He can hardly stand it when he eats taco chips, LOL! I often eat snacks (that I know will trigger him) in a different room. Yet, so oddly, he will listen to the TV or music with the volume up high. Strange.
This is my #2 pet peeve. Somewhat related to the first.
When people don't come through.
They say they're going to do something, then they don't. Why are people so unreliable?
If you can't do it, say so!

Hehe you should try to get a gardener here!!! My poor mil!!! They kept telling her they'd show up and they never did! She developed a complex and thought it was something to do with her! Until I took over and they lied to me over and over too!!! Different sets of people!!! We finally found her some decent gardeners though! Who show up!!!
People who do / say something jerky then, when you get understandably upset, tell you to chill because it was just a joke. Or use the good old line…I thought you had a sense of humor.

People who use two/to/too incorrectly. I’m not a grammar snob but come on, these words literally have different meanings.

Customers (always men) who refer to me as Sweetie, Honey, Darling. This one makes my blood boil!
People who do / say something jerky then, when you get understandably upset, tell you to chill because it was just a joke. Or use the good old line…I thought you had a sense of humor.

People who use two/to/too incorrectly. I’m not a grammar snob but come on, these words literally have different meanings.

Customers (always men) who refer to me as Sweetie, Honey, Darling. This one makes my blood boil!

When I worked as a supervisor one time we had a girl who worked part time. She was probably 20, and called me "Baby". I told her not to call me that and everyone in the department thought I was unreasonable. They argued that we are in the south and since she was female it shouldn't bother me. (Coming from women!) My argument is we are in a professional setting, I was quite a few years older than her, and I deserve more respect. She stopped, but not without everyone insinuating to her it was my issue and not her:x2
some of the things already mentioned so I'll add people who eat while they are talking on the phone. It really makes me cringe.
So many but here are the top ones.

People who go up to a counter at the grocery store while on their phone, so freaking rude.

Lack of manners, I kid you not I have served customers my age who do not use please or thank you, my kids at the age of two knew better.

People who talk down to others in retail, this is obviously never okay retail or not, but for some reason a lot of people view retail workers as beneath them.

Going in to a store 30 minutes before closing or standing in front of the door waiting for a store to open. This was a thing for me even before I started working retail. Those people that stand in front of the door are so obnoxious, just wait in the car like a normal person.

Dogs left in cars, I don’t care what the temperature is outside there is literally no reason to leave your dog in the car.

SPITTING! Absolutely disgusting and judging from responses above this is a common one.

People who make rude comments while waiting in line at the checkout when the cashier is “too slow”.

Screaming kids in stores, please for the love of all that is holy, if you can’t control your kids then don’t bring them out.

Hmmm I guess a lot of mine are work-related but it just seems like when you work in a store environment you see some of the worst behavior!