
What are your pet peeves?

People who talk down to others in retail, this is obviously never okay retail or not, but for some reason a lot of people view retail workers as beneath them.

And the reverse is just as irritating: retail clerks who work in a high end stores being condescending to customers that they presume don't belong there.
And the reverse is just as irritating: retail clerks who work in a high end stores being condescending to customers that they presume don't belong there.

So many but here are the top ones.

People who go up to a counter at the grocery store while on their phone, so freaking rude.

Lack of manners, I kid you not I have served customers my age who do not use please or thank you, my kids at the age of two knew better.

People who talk down to others in retail, this is obviously never okay retail or not, but for some reason a lot of people view retail workers as beneath them.

Going in to a store 30 minutes before closing or standing in front of the door waiting for a store to open. This was a thing for me even before I started working retail. Those people that stand in front of the door are so obnoxious, just wait in the car like a normal person.

Dogs left in cars, I don’t care what the temperature is outside there is literally no reason to leave your dog in the car.

SPITTING! Absolutely disgusting and judging from responses above this is a common one.

People who make rude comments while waiting in line at the checkout when the cashier is “too slow”.

Screaming kids in stores, please for the love of all that is holy, if you can’t control your kids then don’t bring them out.

Hmmm I guess a lot of mine are work-related but it just seems like when you work in a store environment you see some of the worst behavior!

Haha, I commiserate with you on all of these!!
Every single one.
Asymmetry and people chewing gum.
When I worked as a supervisor one time we had a girl who worked part time. She was probably 20, and called me "Baby". I told her not to call me that and everyone in the department thought I was unreasonable. They argued that we are in the south and since she was female it shouldn't bother me. (Coming from women!) My argument is we are in a professional setting, I was quite a few years older than her, and I deserve more respect. She stopped, but not without everyone insinuating to her it was my issue and not her:x2

Wow! :shock: I don't even let my DH call me baby. I can't imagine that in a work environment.
What do you mean by “asymmetry?” That cracked me up for some reason.

I hate architecture with uneven spaced windows, crocs better have the same number of holes in each shoe, everything needs to be symmetrical if you know what I mean. I love a three stone ring but a two stone bothers me. There are many things in life that don’t match and my friend likes to push my buttons by pointing out things she knows drive me nuts. :lol:
When I worked as a supervisor one time we had a girl who worked part time. She was probably 20, and called me "Baby". I told her not to call me that and everyone in the department thought I was unreasonable. They argued that we are in the south and since she was female it shouldn't bother me. (Coming from women!) My argument is we are in a professional setting, I was quite a few years older than her, and I deserve more respect. She stopped, but not without everyone insinuating to her it was my issue and not her:x2

good lord, when i went to work at 18 we had to call everyone Mr and Mrs (or MIss in my case)

just to add im not that old
it was just a very traditional old firm with a lot of history
please in lue of this therad please excuse bad spelling
i honestly cant help it and if i spell checked everything with my non exsiatant PC skills i would lose the jist of what i want to say :lol-2:


the news media in general
and im not even refferring to them being left or right leaning

all of them, from the gutter press and dispicable gossipy woman's mags to the BBC , the gardian, the Times, the newspapers here in NZ
not only do they not use proof readers anymore but nobody fact checks

now bear with me, i use this an example but you can use your own particular field of interest you are compident in
please do this and take a mental note over the next week or two

getting basic facts wrong about the royal family
and this annoyed be long before the Queen died
weather it be calling the Queen (or now the king and Queen) HRH instead of HM or misidentifying people
no excuse these days because the internet is in our pockets
recent examples you may have picked up on yourselves
i heard the BBC call Prince Andrew the Duke of Kent- not only do they look completly different but they are a generation apart
also i beleave an Aussie broadcaster called the British PM a minor royal
serously that person should now have no credability in bringing us any news

so my point?? getting to it
is that while i know this particluar subject, or you know your particular subject
if the media get these very basic things wrong how can i trust them to inform me on subjects i dont know as much about ???

while im on the Duke of Kent (he's the late Queen's cousin)
the aggism in todays society is sickening

you know people have never been as young as we are today
we were just saying at work yesterday 65 is the new 50
people arnt old anymore like my grandparents were
(i mean i knew the Queen was old but i would never have said she was elderly)

but there is such meaness towards older people
such disrespect from some younger people and children who should have been taught to know better

all older people were once young
that older person still has their younger self inside them
they still have feelings
I got upset & offended when liquid soap coming out from soap dispenser in restaurants’ or eateries’ toilets was dish washing liquid instead of hand wash :evil:
Is hand wash so unaffordable?
I would use my own pocket soap flakes in my handbag if I see yellow or green liquid :cry:
I hate architecture with uneven spaced windows, crocs better have the same number of holes in each shoe, everything needs to be symmetrical if you know what I mean. I love a three stone ring but a two stone bothers me. There are many things in life that don’t match and my friend likes to push my buttons by pointing out things she knows drive me nuts. :lol:

Hello spirit twin. Behold my other favorite web site:

Hello spirit twin. Behold my other favorite web site:

Thank you for that! I live not far from the South Barrington houses. This one sums it all up for me:

who the Hell puts orange on the walls to a room that you see fruit berry in the distance? Why are the window togas not matching and so low? Who thinks the carpet matches the paint? Or the furniture matches anything? The window togas kill me the most. I just want to take them down ! Then there is the yellow wall hallway to the left. Why are there wall sconces 3/4 of the way up the orange wall? There is one ceiling spotlight over the fake plant, none on the other side. The only other thing that would do me in is if they removed one of the three chairs on the dining table and had 7 total.
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Hello spirit twin. Behold my other favorite web site:

This is my absolute favorite blog. I’ve read it start to finish at least three times over, and it never gets old.

Like @AprilBaby I don’t live far from Barrington’s prototypical McMansion hellscape — “more roof than house” pops into my head just about every 5 minutes when I drive through the burbs.

Hashtags. "Byeee" and other similar sayings. I'm showing my age.
Men (I guess now I'm expected to say 'people with penises' :roll:) spitting into a public urinal as they urinate ... as if saliva was a waste product! :doh:
I wonder whether women people witih vaginas ever do that.

I HATE "smart"phones. What a POX on society. tenor-43332387.gif
the word sweet when its not referring to a small child, kitten or puppy or some kind of confectonary (i would never have called our late Queen sweet)

i may never get over this :(2
but for a prime example yes my grandma's ER is small by PS standards but dont call it sweet, i know sweet means small but i find it an insult to my grandad who brought the ring durring the great depression
Men (I guess now I'm expected to say 'people with penises' :roll:) spitting into a public urinal as they urinate ... as if saliva was a waste product! :doh:
I wonder whether women people witih vaginas ever do that.

I HATE "smart"phones. What a POX on society. tenor-43332387.gif

I cannot speak for all women (with vaginas or otherwise) but I wish to assure you that *I* have never spit into a urinal while peeing!
the word sweet when its not referring to a small child, kitten or puppy or some kind of confectonary (i would never have called our late Queen sweet)

i may never get over this :(2
but for a prime example yes my grandma's ER is small by PS standards but dont call it sweet, i know sweet means small but i find it an insult to my grandad who brought the ring durring the great depression

Add the word cute to that list. I find both words to be passive aggressive, when used in this manner (e.g. describing a 45 year old grown-a$$ woman as cute)
No toilet paper on the roll just when you need it. Whyyyyyyyy?!
I've had many pets, dogs, cats, fish, birds, hamsters, snakes, scorpions, ducks, et al.

But I've never had peeves.
What do they look like?
Peeves, it sounds like their babies are cute.
This is a new one for me... when I'm patronizing an establishment and find myself having to work at the pleasantries, while the person helping me is lacking a pulse. Like, don't we have the roles reversed here? That is starting to get on my nerves. It just runs so contrary to how I view my limited time on this earth. I try to remind myself that they are probably being underpaid and undervalued, but we all have to be here anyway, right? And how does management look at that worker and think, yep, that'll do. I picked up an order the other day, and the young man helping me never said one word... not ONE word... not hello, not here you go, certainly not a thank you or you're welcome. And yet I realized I had said thank you at least 3 times (when he took my name, gave me my card back, handed me the order, etc.). It's just second-nature to me, but you start to feel like a fool. I fully intend to keep on being my agreeable, polite self regardless of the tenor of any interaction, but a part of me wants to try not saying one word either and staring blankly at them, as a social experiment, and see how that awkwardness plays out.

My longstanding pet peeve? Littering. :angryfire: Aside from the obvious, here's why it truly irks me... folks who litter rely on everyone else NOT to litter. Otherwise, we'd all be up to our eyeballs in trash. So it's almost like they're looking at the rest of us like, yeah, I'll let you pick up my slack.

I really try not to be a complainer, but this felt good. Thank you!

Interrupters. Door slammers. Ugh.

NOSEY PEOPLE. A couple of neighbors in my new neighborhood are nosey and it’s beyond annoying and invasive. I was wanting to install a half-glass front door and am seriously rethinking it at this point.

Get a pet skunk. :P2 :saint:
I've had many pets, dogs, cats, fish, birds, hamsters, snakes, scorpions, ducks, et al.

But I've never had peeves.
What do they look like?
Peeves, it sounds like their babies are cute.

Apparently this is a pet peeve: