
What are your pet peeves?

people who chew with their mouths open - blech
texting while driving - plain idiocy
litterers - this isn't your house
grammar nazis :Up_to_something:


lol ok on the grammar nazi point...if you can believe it, i write professionally. but for my goals as a writer are clarity, succinctness, and accessibility. correctness is important to a point. obvious spelling mistakes and whatnot make your products seem untrustworthy. but english is confusing and it can be more important to privilege plain language over flawless grammar esp if you want your products to be more democratic.

also by the time i trawl to PS, i don't want to do work anymore. if you've ever texted me, you'll find that i'm lazier still...truly the worst texter on the planet bc frankly im not getting paid to think hard

in all fairness we do need someone to carry the torch on grammar, it just won't be me :lol:
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The cell phone has to be one of my largest peeves. People enter businesses talking on the phone and still try to conduct business while still on the phone! So rude! Don’t even get me started about the slow poke on the highway who has slowed to a creeping crawl to text! Then there are the grocery store aisles crowded with folks who are oblivious to those around them because they are having an in-depth conversation. It is just mind boggling to me how rude we have become with these damn phones! I do use mine a lot but I don’t hang someone else up because I want to have a conversation and can’t wait until I am somewhere quiet and alone. The car accidents caused by texting have to be phenomenal - such a waste of life and property over selfishness!
Are you a fellow northeasterner? You don't hear "blinker" too far outside our part of the country! :D

What?! What else is it called if not “blinker”? Signal maybe? I live in CT so…..

It was so weird visiting MO many years ago and instead of calling them accidents they referred to them as wrecks.
What?! What else is it called if not “blinker”? Signal maybe? I live in CT so…..

It was so weird visiting MO many years ago and instead of calling them accidents they referred to them as wrecks.
this is Gary's pet peeve when he is watching u tube
a wreck is not a wee dent or a minor case of machanical intercourse
a wreck is usually a write off
Add the word cute to that list. I find both words to be passive aggressive, when used in this manner (e.g. describing a 45 year old grown-a$$ woman as cute)

excellent call on cute
this is Gary's pet peeve when he is watching u tube
a wreck is not a wee dent or a minor case of machanical intercourse
a wreck is usually a write off

I don’t know why but wreck to me just sounds so much worse than accident.
Not in my neck of the Canadian woods! :lol-2: :saint: :wavey:

When I first started to type my response, I hadn’t written “ in my neck of the woods”. I added it as I was going along, because Canada’s a big country! :)
I believe you’re in the west, @canuk-gal. I’m in eastern Canada, and have noticed that my friends in Alberta, especially, but also in BC, do use words differently from me.
I’d like to know - What do you call “ blinkers” in your neck of the woods?
When I first started to type my response, I hadn’t written “ in my neck of the woods”. I added it as I was going along, because Canada’s a big country! :)
I believe you’re in the west, @canuk-gal. I’m in eastern Canada, and have noticed that my friends in Alberta, especially, but also in BC, do use words differently from me.
I’d like to know - What do you call “ blinkers” in your neck of the woods?

Yes, Western Canada. "Signal or signal light". (aka can you please signal, or (sarcastically) is your signal light broken?) :wavey: :razz:
Originally from Philly, Blinker for me!
good lord, when i went to work at 18 we had to call everyone Mr and Mrs (or MIss in my case)

just to add im not that old
it was just a very traditional old firm with a lot of history

Sir and ma’am where I grew up, and we were taught to refer to our elders as such from the time we could speak! I no longer believe in that, and I don’t teach my daughter as such. But she is to try to make eye contact and is expected to speak and answer in complete sentences when having conversations with adults in any setting. (Because she is fully capable; I understand that not every child is able to do this nor should be expected to.)
I use the term “signal” when referring to someone not using their turn signal. My ex from Chicago called it a “directional.” As in: “ffs turn on your GD DIRECTIONAL” in traffic. His father was from Virginia, mother from rural IL. No idea if “directional” had any credence in either of those places. I thought it was hilarious and strange at the time!
What?! What else is it called if not “blinker”? Signal maybe? I live in CT so…..

It was so weird visiting MO many years ago and instead of calling them accidents they referred to them as wrecks.

So then you are also familiar with the term "bubbler," I take it? :lol-2:

Yes, most of the country calls it a turn signal. We take it a step further in my area... it's a blinkah!!
So then you are also familiar with the term "bubbler," I take it? :lol-2:

Yes, most of the country calls it a turn signal. We take it a step further in my area... it's a blinkah!!

Lol, “bubbler” immediately sprang to mind reading this line of conversation. Water fountains are for landscape design and questionable cherub statues, not for drinking — unless you’re a bird. Like hello, people!

50/50 shot you are from WI or RI if you concur. :lol:
N IL and its blinker and flasher or 4way and wreck about 80% of the time and signal, emergency signal, accident the other 20% depending on who you are talking to.

You can hear on the radio: We just heard there is a bad wreck involving 2 cars, avoid the accident scene at first and state.
Lol, “bubbler” immediately sprang to mind reading this line of conversation. Water fountains are for landscape design and questionable cherub statues, not for drinking — unless you’re a bird. Like hello, people!

50/50 shot you are from WI or RI if you concur. :lol:
lol I am close to Wi....
This is a water fountain
This is a bubbler:
Lol, “bubbler” immediately sprang to mind reading this line of conversation. Water fountains are for landscape design and questionable cherub statues, not for drinking — unless you’re a bird. Like hello, people!

50/50 shot you are from WI or RI if you concur. :lol:

oh bubbler - like how brook or a spring bubbles
i read it as blubber the first 10 times :lol-2: