
What do you think of this Spess?

movie zombie said:

Link to file: ... 5b3f001e57

note the spess at $800 per carat.


ps must be on her mailing list to get the discount....easy enough to do at her website.

The link doesn't work, and I don't see a 4.4 carat mandarin on her site. I'm really curious to see it. :))
Link to file: ... 5b3f001e57

re the $800 per carat: i didn't say the carat size as i didn't remember....i only remembered the price per carat

see if the link works now.


long version ... 5b3f001e57

eta: i just tried them again and they worked. if it doesn't work for you, sign up for her newsletter and i'm sure you'll receive it in a day or two.

and a 2nd eta: well, its not working for me now either. however, if i go to the original e-mail i rec'd from her and use the link, it works. the catalogue is 50 pages and the $800 per carat stone is not listed at the website but is in said catalogue.

and a 3rd eta: i've copied the link and it must be too long for the inner workings of pricescope web design. i'm merely a user, not a techie. my attempts to copy and paste keep getting shortened.
movie zombie said:
Link to file: ... 5b3f001e57

re the $800 per carat: i didn't say the carat size as i didn't remember....i only remembered the price per carat

see if the link works now.


long version ... 5b3f001e57

eta: i just tried them again and they worked. if it doesn't work for you, sign up for her newsletter and i'm sure you'll receive it in a day or two.

and a 2nd eta: well, its not working for me now either. however, if i go to the original e-mail i rec'd from her and use the link, it works. the catalogue is 50 pages and the $800 per carat stone is not listed at the website but is in said catalogue.

and a 3rd eta: i've copied the link and it must be too long for the inner workings of pricescope web design. i'm merely a user, not a techie. my attempts to copy and paste keep getting shortened.

Hi MZ, thanks for the links! I was trying to get to them, but I see that the links have been modified. Can you just post it as text? Then I can copy and paste it into a new browser window.
The original is in a PDF file which isn’t easy for me to manipulate so this is the best I can do, complete with picture.
Thanks MZ and Chrono.

That's a pretty stone.
I took the liberty of finally getting on Lisa's mailing list and getting to her catalogue, and then I blew up the photo of the spessartite by 600%. Here you go!! I would also ask about modifiers in this stone, and really any stone you see online, if you're interested. This is a very pretty stone.


When you mention my spessartine, I always remember your three stones. Ah!

But to be honest, I really lliked Marc's stone.
Spessartites are one of my favorite gems. It's so difficult to find untreated pure orange gems in nature, so I feel they are a rare breed. That's why I always push Mexican fire opal too. I love your stone!!
Tl, see I see brown in that stone you posted " shrug"
Ditto: thank you, TL for bringing up both Crasru and my spessartite. I not only love Crasru’s amazing spessartite but also the setting. Your pear spessartite is no slouch either. I have to be honest and admit I’ve never stopped looking for another Mandarin/Fanta spessartite and have yet to find it.
RockHugger said:
Tl, see I see brown in that stone you posted " shrug"

Ha RH, well, I'm almost afraid to say the "b" word again in this thread, but since we have photos to rely on, I think it's good advice, as was originally brought up by Arcadian, to always ask the vendor if there's a modifier in a gem, any gem. It's really difficult to find true Fanta/Mandarin garnets without any yellow and/or brown, but it's good to post some candidates that are very pretty regardless. I think Lisa's stone is very pretty and definitely well cut, and I hear she gives a PS discount if you ask. I never bought anything from Lisa, or dealt with her though.
Lol yeah I kept out of the thread till it calmed down a bit lol. I don't have any spess advice because I like the reddish Orange ones....but good luck!,,
Chrono said:
Ditto: thank you, TL for bringing up both Crasru and my spessartite. I not only love Crasru’s amazing spessartite but also the setting. Your pear spessartite is no slouch either. I have to be honest and admit I’ve never stopped looking for another Mandarin/Fanta spessartite and have yet to find it.

Thanks Chrono!
I don't have further spess info to add, but I can vouch that Lisa is very easy to deal with and flexible, she does have a 25% off list price discount for PSers, and her cutting is top notch. ::)
Sorry I've been MIA. Work and internet outages have made my life very complicated the last several days. :sick:

I really like the stone that is set in the ring at Africagems. That looks beautiful to me. I haven't contacted them yet, however I did see that Andrew will be at a gemshow near me this winter. I did contact Swala and he posted some online. Any thoughts?
I love the 3.47 c cushion!

Best of luck with your search, Portia!
portia said:
Sorry I've been MIA. Work and internet outages have made my life very complicated the last several days. :sick:

I really like the stone that is set in the ring at Africagems. That looks beautiful to me. I haven't contacted them yet, however I did see that Andrew will be at a gemshow near me this winter. I did contact Swala and he posted some online. Any thoughts?

Ask Eric about the brown and or yellow in them. They are pretty stones too. All I can tell you is that I've seen Andrew's stones in person, and I think they're gorgeous. However, Eric might have some nice material as well. It's always good to shop around and not limit yourself. More options means more opportunity to get what you want.

Come to think of it, I have seen Eric's material, indirectly.
I have a precision cut Loliondo spessartite, 6.16 carats, cut by Gene of He obtained the rough from Eric when he went to Africa on a gem buying trip. It's gorgeous. Slightly on the yellow side, but glows neon orange in the sun. It has some inclusions, but the color!! :love:
It would make sense to ask Eric about the ones you're interested in, especially if you're wanting to avoid too much brown or yellow. I see that a couple are reserved though (is that you?)

Are those spessartites new on Swala? The pear TL linked to shows promise and is worth inquiring if that’s the shape you are looking for.
I like Lisa's stone. AJS has very good stones as well. Now if someone wants a Namibian, go to Richard Homer's website. They are not for everyone's pocket, but beautiful.

Here is an old thread


When I saw this girl's ring I immediately called Richard and he was very polite. His per carat price was higher than Marc's and when I saw Marc's stone I grabbed it. But if you look at MINE!'s stone... It was made by Wink.

I wonder if you could get two discounts from Richard? As a PS member and as someone referred by Wink?
i believe Wink is already giving a discount on the Homer stone....less than what Homer would sell it for. at least, that's how it appeared to me some years ago.

OK, Homer gives PS-ers 10% discount. Wink gives a 10% discount on Homer's stones. Question is, if we are PS-ers + go through Wink, can we get a 20% discount?

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