
What does your username stand for??

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I wish she would come on here and explain it, and the story behind it. I just say Alj for now.
Date: 10/13/2005 2:05:01 PM
Author: kaleigh
I say Alj''s name in my head like Aljeway. Is that right??? And where does it come from???
I always thought of it as a proper in Al J. Dewey. When I first came on PS, I thought she was a he! Then one day, I came across a post where she made some comment that made it obvious that she was a woman!
The more I read of her posts, however, I can''t believe that I ever thought she was a guy!
NJC are my mothers initials. I really wanted my then BF to come and look around to learn about diamonds, so just in case he did I picked something that i didnt think he would think was me. I was pretty vocal in the early days of the LIW...
Here''s one for you. My real name is Alice. Yup Alice, but I was called Lisa since birth. Anyhow my maiden name is Moyer. Middle name Eyre, like Jane Eyre. So it''s Alice Eyre Moyer. Nickname was Moyair in high school. Old friends still call me moyair. Drives me nutts!!!
Date: 10/13/2005 2:11:14 PM
Author: suziQ

Date: 10/13/2005 2:05:01 PM
Author: kaleigh
I say Alj''s name in my head like Aljeway. Is that right??? And where does it come from???
I always thought of it as a proper in Al J. Dewey. When I first came on PS, I thought she was a he! Then one day, I came across a post where she made some comment that made it obvious that she was a woman!
The more I read of her posts, however, I can''t believe that I ever thought she was a guy!
One of the funniest stories ever is how we all found out that Al was female...there was some old thread about it where I said to her ''If you were a female...'' and she was like ''well I AM a girl''...
6.gif was absolutely hilarious.
Diamond Princess.....

I have my own flaws... just like most diamonds
and in my own little world I am the Princess! tee hee

There are a select few that also choose to recognize my own little world and refer to me as Princess as well....
Like my mother used to say, "If the shoe fits, wear it!"

I am sure that I could have come up with something a little more creative and meaningful but didn''t waste anymore brain power than I had to in order to come up with Diamond Princess.


Unfortunately, my story is boring. I have curly hair and I''m a girl. I actually blow my hair out so you wouldn''t know it''s curly--maybe that can create some mystery!
This is fun!
For Aphisglovesssae, I thought it stood for "Aphis G loves SSAE".
For Aljdewey, I thought perhaps she is an administrative law judge (ALJ).
This is pretty fun to read, my name comes from a large butterfly tattoo I have on the small of my back. In college I my friend got a tattoo on her neck and I got one on my back, everyone called her butterfly and me msflutter. No one calls me that anymore, but i use it online alot
Date: 10/13/2005 2:53:21 PM
Author: Madam Bijoux
This is fun!

For Aphisglovesssae, I thought it stood for ''Aphis G loves SSAE''.

Me too!

I chose Cinnabar for an online game I played several years ago. I thought it was unisex so people wouldn''t make assumptions about me based on whether they thought I was male or female. Turned out everyone thought Cinnabar was totally a girl''s name, so that didn''t work. I met my husband through the game though, so the name has fond memories for me and that''s why I still use it.
Date: 10/13/2005 2:07:16 PM
Author: Mara
Date: 10/13/2005 2:01:06 PM

Author: ame

Well you probably dont want us posting your real last name.

Mine is my name. duh.

Id like to know how Alj''s is supposed to be said. And what it means. Where it came from. Yknow. The whole history.

I''m sure Al will post her story on her name...I forget how she says it but I say A.L.J. Dewey. And WF said it differently which was hilarious. Also everything sounds different in Lesley''s fab accent!!

Ame, I thought your name was ''ahmay'' wasn''t until we were at WF that they told me it was pronounced ''aimee''.

Last names? Who has those?
It''s just a shortened AMELIA!
Appletini is my favorite cocktail...the best ones have the apple slice garnish

When I first registerd on PS I used bettycrocker b/c I love to cook, and then 1 minute later changed to appletini, b/c it just sounded more fun. bettycrocker shows up on all my annoying...

JohnQ: I'm in the process of reading Don Quixote (English translation), but I've taken a little break to read the first Harry Potter. DQ was a book I have wanted to read ever since I visited Spain in 1998.
Date: 10/13/2005 2:53:21 PM
Author: Madam Bijoux
This is fun!
For Aphisglovesssae, I thought it stood for ''Aphis G loves SSAE''.
For Aljdewey, I thought perhaps she is an administrative law judge (ALJ).

What in the word does that mean? I can''t make head or tails of it.
Fun thread!

Obviously, my name. When I first signed up for PS, I tried just "Lynn" - but that was taken. (Although I have never seen her post!!!
) At that point, I was apparently >> that I didn't want to take the time to try to think up something original and unique - so I tried "Lynn B" and it was available. (Plus that's my user name on the only other forum I participate in, so that made it easy for my poor little over-stuffed brain!)

Lynn (B!)
Date: 10/13/2005 12:20:26 PM
Author: Mara
Haha these are all so funny and so interesting!!

We found when we went to visit WF in Texas just how everyone interprets and says the usernames differently. aka Aljdewey is said one way, or rather she says it one way, I say it another, but the WF people say it a whole other way...aka more emphasis on different letters. Sometimes someone would say a name and I'd think WHO is that?? But it was just pronounciation.
funny. I thought aljdewey was suppose to be "I love jewlery" in some funky spelling, like if someone was drunk and slurred out "A'll loove jewey!"
pffft, I''m boring. Matata is the middle name of my cat. It means trouble which is what he is and what he''s always in. This morning as I blindly sought the lightswitch in the bathroom I stepped in a pile of fresh poo. He left it there because he saw me packing for a trip and he uses poop as punishment.
Hi Aphisiglovesssae!
I thought maybe "Aphisig" was your nickname or a shortened version of your name and "SAE" could be your husband''s initials.
This is a super fun thread!

Well, it's kinda obvious...I live in Houston, and I'm in med school, and I'm a gal.

I actually figured out that aphisiglovessae was Greek, except for some reason I thought it was "a phi si g(for girl) loves sae"
But then, I guess it would be spelled "psi" instead of "si" if that was the letter. I never thought of the fact that it could be sig for sigma!

And AlJ, the way your name is pronounced in my head is "Al jed away" because the only time I've ever heard your names spoken out loud was from Renee's mouth (strawdermangirl), and that's how she pronounced it. So ever since then, that's what it's been in my head!

Speaking of Renee, what the heck does her name mean?!?!

And Ame, I always said "aim" in my head, instead of "amy". Amelia is pretty though, I like that name!
mine is named after my bear, a stuffed animal we won in Reno, it''s short for ''floppy'' since the bear is really floppy, and ''chicken'', one of those carnival games you play where you flip a chicken into a bucket... I know, it sounds so corny... but my FI (then BF) coined the name and I thought it was cute! thus - flopkins!
Date: 10/13/2005 5:25:56 PM
Author: flopkins
mine is named after my bear, a stuffed animal we won in Reno, it''s short for ''floppy'' since the bear is really floppy, and ''chicken'', one of those carnival games you play where you flip a chicken into a bucket... I know, it sounds so corny... but my FI (then BF) coined the name and I thought it was cute! thus - flopkins!

Real chickens? Rubber chickens? Never heard of chicken in a bucket that isn''t something to do with KFC
"And AlJ, the way your name is pronounced in my head is "Al jed away" because the only time I''ve ever heard your names spoken out loud was from Renee''s mouth (strawdermangirl), and that''s how she pronounced it. So ever since then, that''s what it''s been in my head!"


Haha YES that is how they say it at WF...Al JED Away.
Too funny about Alj - I just say it "Al J. Dewey." It never even occurred to me that might be wrong!
(I think MC's explanation is the funniest though!) for several reasons. It is a nickname I have had for a few years, partially because I love all things red, and I can have a pretty fiery personality in the real world! And furthermore, diamond fire always delights rainbow sparkles!
Date: 10/13/2005 5:13:52 PM
Author: HOUMedGal

And Ame, I always said ''aim'' in my head, instead of ''amy''. Amelia is pretty though, I like that name!
My family and husband generally call me "aim", I answer to anything just about.
I always thought Al J. Dewey too!

I chose Logan Sapphire because there''s a large sapphire in the Smithsonian collection (my avatar) named the Logan Sapphire, and Logan is my married name. So I always tease my husband that it''s my stone that''s on loan to the museum. I work very close to the Natural History Museum, so every so often, I stop by to make sure they''re taking good care of my sapphire!
Jelly is the name of my pet dog. He''s in my avatar.

Date: 10/13/2005 6:44:51 PM
Author: Jelly
Jelly is the name of my pet dog. He''s in my avatar.
What a precious puppy!!!! And I like the name Jelly.
Date: 10/13/2005 5:30:49 PM
Author: cinnabar
Date: 10/13/2005 5:25:56 PM

Author: flopkins

mine is named after my bear, a stuffed animal we won in Reno, it''s short for ''floppy'' since the bear is really floppy, and ''chicken'', one of those carnival games you play where you flip a chicken into a bucket... I know, it sounds so corny... but my FI (then BF) coined the name and I thought it was cute! thus - flopkins!

Real chickens? Rubber chickens? Never heard of chicken in a bucket that isn''t something to do with KFC
cinnabar - no, not real chickens, kind of these stuffed vinyl covered things, I think. You put them on these launching pads and they give you a rubber hammer, you slam the launching thing and it flips the chicken... hopefully into a pot on a rotating table in the center w/large pots...
This is the cutest thread, well if I explain my name, a lot of people are going to think I''m dating a CRAZY GUY.

In any case, my name is Alice, but everyone who is my friend calls me "Ally", but my boyfriend''s pet name for me is CAT because he thinks I look like a cat. Actually if he calls me Ally it means I am in BIG TROUBLE.

In any case, 4 years ago my boyfriend got a tattoo on his chest, the Chinese word "CAT"... I thought it would be safer in case we broke up.

Then last year he had "ALLY" tattoed on his upper arm (it''s BIG by the way, not little discreet letters). So he jokes that if someone reads the words on his body it''s ALLYCAT. And the 03/03 is my birthday.

It sounds so biker guy or something, but I''m totally not a tattoo girl. I don''t even have my ears pierced
You guys are soooo funny - I really enjoyed reading the posts...
My older sister called me Ries since I was a baby. My name is Marisa. Sometimes Risa other time Reese...whatever works! I''ve also been called Peanut!
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