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I had an experience with this last year. So annoyingDate: 2/23/2009 8:29:52 PM
Author: arjunajane
I agree with pretty much all of the above - but I have to say the obvious - I hate people who are completely ignorant about diamonds/jewellery but behave like they know everything.
HAHAHAHA I had to wait in the gyno''s exam room for 40 MINUTES in that stupid PAPER GOWN. I was FREEZING. And I could hear her in the adjoining room through the paper-thin walls.Date: 2/23/2009 8:17:47 PM
Author: Steel
You are SO right!Date: 2/23/2009 8:09:52 PM
Author: sap483
It really irritates me when I go to the doctor for an appointment, and am made to wait 30+ minutes in the waiting room, only to be shown in to wait another 30+ minutes in the exam room without so much as an apology. I understand emergencies come up, people arrive late, schedules are thrown off. However, if I was made to feel like they understood that my time was important and apologized for wasting it, it wouldn''t be nearly as bad. Instead I feel like the patient they forgot about.
My hair stylist does this to me ALL the time. He makes me wait to see him, then wait in the chair while he goes and shmoozes with other clients in the salon (his family owns the salon). The only reason I put up with it is that he''s amazing and I haven''t been able to find anyone nearly as amazing. Plus he looks like Justin Timberlake and has a cute bootie!
I am so sick of this, every single time we go to our doctor. Even worse, I hate when you make your appointment for say 10am, check in and sit down to wait then I have heard 2 other people come in after us also checking in for 10am to see the same doctor. He can''t see 3 of us at the same time can he? I think appointments these days are just like serving suggestions - they mean nothing. Just bring a good book and a be prepared to wait the whole morning. Hell it is not as if you are sick or anything is it?
Lynnie: LOL ''brake check''. Shhh. I do that too.![]()
This reminds me of an episode of Sex & the City where Carrie attended a function to upstage Mr. Big''s wife; who did not attend. Instead she sent Carrie a note apologising for not being their.Date: 2/23/2009 8:42:33 PM
Author: B.H.S
One of my biggest grievances is people who incessantly write ''your'' instead of ''you''re''. Seriously, you''re an adult, you should know the difference between the two. I learned the proper way to write it in grade 2 or 3. A mistake here and there is somewhat excusable but if you continue to screw it up, perhaps you should consider going back to elementary school.![]()
LOL! True dat.Date: 2/23/2009 8:54:08 PM
Author: purrfectpear
Lexapro kiddos.
I don''t hate much. Nothing is worth getting very worked up over![]()
Ugghh, that is so frustrating. I''m not sure about where you live, but where I am, it seems that the great majority of my fellow riders have no manners. So many of them push and shove to get into the train ahead of you. I have yet to see someone give up their seat for an elderly person, child, pregnant women, or someone else who clearly needs it more than them. Instead they will look down, or away and continue to sit there while the other person stands. They will often also take up more than one seat with their belongings, etc and ignore all of the people standing up. It really bothers me during every commute.Date: 2/23/2009 8:34:56 PM
Author: Octavia
I hate the vast majority of bicyclists in my city. The ones who ride down the sidewalk, swerving in and out of pedestrians at rush hour. The ones who refuse to stop at red lights or stop signs, and just cruise through the crosswalk thisclose to me, as I''m crossing legally. The ones who swerve in and out of lanes when I''m driving, so I never know whether they''re behind me or beside me or just about to swoop in front of me. Yep, those ones.
And on the subject of transportation, I hate it when I''m trying to get on the train to or from school and the driver slams the doors closed right in my face. It''s annoying enough when I run down the stairs just in time to watch it pull away, but to look right at me and slam the doors? Not. Cool.
It also makes me mad when I choose the first doctor''s appointment of the day so I can waste as little time as possible, yet still have to miss my afternoon class because they''re unapologetically running late for no reason (good call on bringing this one up, sap).
It drives me nuts when they play the same commercial or radio advert twice in a row. Especially when it involves some irritating jingle.
I really don''t like living in a city high-rise, with people on all sides of us, and garbage trucks, and car alarms that go on for hours, and drunk people in the alleyway, and feeling unsafe being out of my apartment alone after dark. I want to move back to the suburbs where it''s pretty and uncrowded and safe(r).
Whew, I feel slightly better now.
They do that at my supermarket too! In fact, they will completely ignore the sign and also go into the non-self checkout 12 items or less lines. The cashiers never say anything at my supermarket either. I''ll admit, I''ve made some snarky remarks under my breath as I''ve stood behind them waiting for them to pay for their 50 items as I wait there with my 3 items.Date: 2/23/2009 6:58:13 PM
Author: Steel
How could I forget...Date: 2/23/2009 6:28:16 PM
Author: Skippy123
Bad drivers, drivers who are on the cellphone or texting while driving and driving 10 miles under the speed limit. People on the cellphone in the grocery store when you need that one item they are parked in front of while yapping about uber personal stuff.
In Tesc0 (supermarket) here there are lots of self service scan stations which have replaced the cashier who took purchases of 10 items or less. So these new self scan machines are also limited to baskets of 10 items or less. These areas have 2 spaces for you to put the item you have scanned onto so the computer can weigh it to be sure that you are not scamming the store. This is a small space not really suitable for more than a few items and you must put the scanned item on this spot so the computer can reset for the next item to be scanned. Hence it is important that the customer only has a few items.
I HATE the people who bring their WHOLE TROLLEY to the self scan and bugger up the whole system calling the SA over every item because they cannot stack any more products on the weigh spots. Then after that debacle they take so much time to pack their items into little baggies and sod off. Argh. And the SA''s are worse and never ask the time wasting rule breaking idiots to use the regular checkouts and not inconvenience the convenience shoppers with less than 10 items. Arggh!
Back to Drivers:
I cannot stand the crazy idiots who drive out from minor junctions at break neck speeds to get in front of you. You then have to break to follow the newcomer who insists on driving at less than half of the speed limit. And there were no cars behind you! What is the hurry you mole? There was nobody behind me? And you are driving slower than an one legged tortoise. Argh!
Date: 2/23/2009 8:53:27 PM
Author: Steel
Date: 2/23/2009 8:42:33 PM
Author: B.H.S
One of my biggest grievances is people who incessantly write ''your'' instead of ''you''re''. Seriously, you''re an adult, you should know the difference between the two. I learned the proper way to write it in grade 2 or 3. A mistake here and there is somewhat excusable but if you continue to screw it up, perhaps you should consider going back to elementary school.![]()
This reminds me of an episode of Sex & the City where Carrie attended a function to upstage Mr. Big''s wife; who did not attend. Instead she sent Carrie a note apologising for not being their.
And more recently reminds me of a job application I sent off. I spent days researching the role and sending off the perfect application. Two weeks later I get a PFO in the mail which said that ''Their had been a large volume of applicants. I regret to inform you...''
That really pi$$ed me off.
Dr. appts. that is anotherDate: 2/23/2009 8:34:23 PM
Author: Lynnie
HAHAHAHA I had to wait in the gyno''s exam room for 40 MINUTES in that stupid PAPER GOWN. I was FREEZING. And I could hear her in the adjoining room through the paper-thin walls.Date: 2/23/2009 8:17:47 PM
Author: Steel
You are SO right!Date: 2/23/2009 8:09:52 PM
Author: sap483
It really irritates me when I go to the doctor for an appointment, and am made to wait 30+ minutes in the waiting room, only to be shown in to wait another 30+ minutes in the exam room without so much as an apology. I understand emergencies come up, people arrive late, schedules are thrown off. However, if I was made to feel like they understood that my time was important and apologized for wasting it, it wouldn''t be nearly as bad. Instead I feel like the patient they forgot about.
My hair stylist does this to me ALL the time. He makes me wait to see him, then wait in the chair while he goes and shmoozes with other clients in the salon (his family owns the salon). The only reason I put up with it is that he''s amazing and I haven''t been able to find anyone nearly as amazing. Plus he looks like Justin Timberlake and has a cute bootie!
I am so sick of this, every single time we go to our doctor. Even worse, I hate when you make your appointment for say 10am, check in and sit down to wait then I have heard 2 other people come in after us also checking in for 10am to see the same doctor. He can''t see 3 of us at the same time can he? I think appointments these days are just like serving suggestions - they mean nothing. Just bring a good book and a be prepared to wait the whole morning. Hell it is not as if you are sick or anything is it?
Lynnie: LOL ''brake check''. Shhh. I do that too.![]()
Steel: I''m glad I''m not the only one![]()
Oh, my gosh! I thought it was only me that creepy old men singled out for smiling duty. It happened to me a couple days ago while I was in court, trying to handle a complicated matter for a client whose liberty was at stake. It was emphatically not an occasion for smiling!Date: 2/23/2009 7:50:39 PM
Author: Haven
Similarly, I really hate it when men say ''Where''s that beautiful smile? Let''s see those pearly whites!'' or something along those lines. I am 28 years old. I will not smile unless I feel like it. Back off.![]()
Ooooooh WOW does this bring back memories. Several years ago, DH and I had lunch with my SIL and her new boyfriend. It was a brunch buffet.Date: 2/23/2009 11:00:48 PM
Author: purrfectpear
I don't hate this, but it does turn my tummy in a major way...people who chew with their mouths open. OMG I want to toss my cookies when I hear food noises. Shut your lips already![]()
Only thing worse than the 'wait so long you're well again' trip to the doc? Waiting nekkid except for the little paper gown thingy.Date: 2/23/2009 8:09:52 PM
Author: sap483
It really irritates me when I go to the doctor for an appointment, and am made to wait 30+ minutes in the waiting room, only to be shown in to wait another 30+ minutes in the exam room without so much as an apology. I understand emergencies come up, people arrive late, schedules are thrown off. However, if I was made to feel like they understood that my time was important and apologized for wasting it, it wouldn't be nearly as bad. Instead I feel like the patient they forgot about.
My hair stylist does this to me ALL the time. He makes me wait to see him, then wait in the chair while he goes and shmoozes with other clients in the salon (his family owns the salon). The only reason I put up with it is that he's amazing and I haven't been able to find anyone nearly as amazing. Plus he looks like Justin Timberlake and has a cute bootie!
Date: 2/24/2009 12:52:51 AM
Author: HollyS
Dislikes, Peeves, Things I Just Might Go Postal Over:
My loud workplace. Car dealerships are notorious for this blatant display of crassness: loud stereo music piped through speakers, loud PA systems, loud-ass salesmen entertaining each other when they''re bored, showroom and waiting room televisions at top volume, the constantly ringing phone, the perpetually perturbed service manager freaking out about not having enough help . . . . I could go on, and on, and on. We are in desperate need of Zen where I work.
Loud people. Anywhere, anytime. Nothing is ever funny enough to shriek over, nothing is ever important enough to yell into your cell phone; nobody is interested in your frikkin'' life, so pipe down, okay?![]()
Obnoxious children and the parents who spawn them.I could elaborate. I''ll just say this, unless they are cute and charming, I don''t want to see them, hear them, eat near them, sit in a theater, church, or auditorium anywhere close to them. I will ask to be seated away from kids at a restaurant. And nothing gets me riled quite like seeing a small child at a very expensive, very swanky, should be adults only, restaurant. Get a sitter or stay home. I don''t want to endure your little monkey if I''m paying through the nose for my swank. (I do fully expect to see children at the grocery store, Wal-Mart, and McDonald''s. That''s okay. But not at midnight, understand?)![]()
Bad drivers. That means about 85 percent of the drivers on the road. They make me apoplectic. And I have to drive 100 miles round trip every day. I''m very much in touch with my inner road rage demon. Yelling is great therapy, but passengers get frightened.![]()
Cell phone usage in bathrooms. OMG. This is the height of rudeness. I hope if you do it, you drop it in the john.
The neighborhood barking dogs. Every morning, same time. Barking is like people yelling; do you yell at your neighbors? ''HELLO!'' So why can''t those darn dogs just meet at the back fence and sniff each others naughty bits and be done with it? Why the BARK BARK BARK, ARF ARF ARF, for 10 minutes every morning? I know they''re excited to see each other, but gee whiz, don''t they know it''s Saturday?
I''m sure there''s more. I''m quite the curmudgeon sometimes.