
What is something weird you like to eat, that you think no one else would like?

Peanut butter and banana (The Elvis) sandwich, century eggs with sriracha, Oh and durian!

Do you add honey to yours and cook it in butter? Made it for my daughter a few times
Mac and cheese with cheese and onion flavoured crisps smushed in it.

Anything with durian.
Cream cheese and super thin sliced turkey on a toasted sesame bagel open faced. I just love it.
Just thought of a few more:

-Korean hot noodles (instant ramen) with American cheese melted in the soup.

-Spam and grits with over easy egg

-Any fried food with Siracha mayo.
Mac and cheese with cheese and onion flavoured crisps smushed in it.

Anything with durian.

I can eat cheese in any way shape or form, but cannot tolerate durian in any way shape or form. I have tried fresh durian, durian candy, durian chips…..nope! Enjoy your durian.
Peanut butter and banana (The Elvis) sandwich, century eggs with sriracha, Oh and durian!

I'll one up you & say peanut butter and banana on sourdough slices (has to be sourdough) with cinnamon sprinkled on top and lots and lots of drizzled honey

I also have pica (since I was a child) and enjoy eating calcium clay, especially while pregnant. While pregnant id mix the dry powdery clay with steel cut oats and go through a whole can a week.
How do you eat dried Shrimp? Do you use it in cooking, or as is, like a snack?

I'll often use it in fried rice. But it's good as a snack too!

when I was little I had an obsession with Rollmops.
they are raw herring fillets rolled up with a pickle in the middle soaked in a vinegar like liquid.
love them apparently up until I realised what I was eating :eek2:
That sounds rather Dutch! I remember my mother mentioning them - we moved to the US before I was old enough to develop a taste for raw herring.
Double salted licorice! Yum!
Mayonnaise with ground black pepper and toasted sesame seeds on cooled toast.

DK :lol-2:
I'll one up you & say peanut butter and banana on sourdough slices (has to be sourdough) with cinnamon sprinkled on top and lots and lots of drizzled honey

I also have pica (since I was a child) and enjoy eating calcium clay, especially while pregnant. While pregnant id mix the dry powdery clay with steel cut oats and go through a whole can a week.

Your way sounds good too! Toast with butter, drizzled honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon is also good!

Do you add honey to yours and cook it in butter? Made it for my daughter a few times
I've not but it sounds delicious! I believe Elvis added bacon to his.

I can eat cheese in any way shape or form, but cannot tolerate durian in any way shape or form. I have tried fresh durian, durian candy, durian chips…..nope! Enjoy your durian.
Durian with sticky rice and coconut milk is so yum! You can hardly taste the durian.

When I was a kid, my cousins and I used to eat boiled potatoes topped with shredded pork. Perhaps one day when I'm feeling nostalgic, I shall try it again. :razz:
This is going to sound like I don’t know how to cook (I do!) but they hit a savoury spot.
Fresh chopped tomatoes simmered in a small amount of butter, liberal sprinkle of garlic herb salt and cottage cheese stirred through. Can be served on toast or pasta but is perfect by itself.
Melted cheese on grainy toast with smokey chicken salt.
Packet mac cheese topped with tomatoes and tuna cooked together with mixed herbs.
Salad (lettuce, tomato, onion, carrot, pickled beetroot) cheese and peanut butter sandwich - no fancy breads, just either white sliced or whole meal bread.
When I was little my mom used to make spaghetti with cottage sounds awful but oh my it was delicious. Back when I could eat dairy and gluten lol. And she would often make it with green spaghetti which I swear tasted amazing :)
And we added sweet and low to it hahaha classic 70s move
When I was young, my mom and dad introduced me to Rocky Mountain Oysters from their Basque Sheepherding friends. Every Spring they would get three or four large milk cartons full of them frozen in water. Over the year we would thaw a container at a time and prepare them. Delicious!

One time some of my Baque hunting partners decided to "surprise" me with a meal of Rocky Mountain Oysters, just sure their "city boy" friend would not know what they were and they were looking forward to watching my face when I found out what I was eating. They were a little chagrined when I took my first bite and exclaimed how wonderful they were and how much I had missed them since I went into the Marine Corps and left Idaho for so long. We all laughed long and hard when they told me they had planned to watch me make a yucky face when they told me what I was eating.

They did get one over on me a few years later. We were at my friend Enrique's cabin at 10 Mile Creek above Lowman, Idaho and there were seven or eight of us at the table. Enrique was making fried green peppers of some kind. Delicious and slightly warm. Enrique asked me if I wanted another, and brought me one with some red stripes on it. Holy CRAP! My mouth was on fire and I was at a table full of my Basque friends who would LOVE it if I cried uncle. I ate every bite and kept the pain from my face.

Enrique came to the table with another one on his spatula. I told him I was full and to give it to one of the others. He tried again to give it to me. Again I demurred. He finally said, "Winfield, (I wish I could write it like he pronounced it.) no one at the table is man enough to eat it, it is too hot for them."

I gave up, grabbed my glass of cold beer and chugged it down. Then I looked at him and we all broke up and I was the butt of that joke for hours!
I am a very picky eater. You guys are all crazy!
You know, its interesting all the stuff we ate growing up that didn't kill

Back in those days, nothing got wasted, and I mean nothing.
head cheese , scrapple, sweet breads, pickled feet. it was all good, made with stuff you could pronounce because it came from the farm.

Its interesting that this month would be the time I see this (my grandmother's birthday is this month) and I feel her presence so much in March and October.
Double salted licorice! Yum!

I can't get on board with this.....I have tried it. My Swedish boss used to bring it into the office every time she came back from vacation. Licorice is bad enough....but double salted :knockout:
My husband has a few favorite concoctions that sound gross, but are actually pretty good.

-Power snack before the gym: cottage cheese, mixed with crushed pineapples from a can, and cheerios

-Overnight cold soaked oats (in milk) with trail mix and Milo (malted cocoa)
I love licorice but not the salted Swedish kind-- it tastes like ammonia.
Same reason I can't eat Brie unless it's really fresh-- the ammonia taste that develops bothers me.
You know, its interesting all the stuff we ate growing up that didn't kill

Back in those days, nothing got wasted, and I mean nothing.
head cheese , scrapple, sweet breads, pickled feet. it was all good, made with stuff you could pronounce because it came from the farm.

Its interesting that this month would be the time I see this (my grandmother's birthday is this month) and I feel her presence so much in March and October.

My Dad made the best head cheese!
Your way sounds good too! Toast with butter, drizzled honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon is also good!

I've not but it sounds delicious! I believe Elvis added bacon to his.

Durian with sticky rice and coconut milk is so yum! You can hardly taste the durian.

When I was a kid, my cousins and I used to eat boiled potatoes topped with shredded pork. Perhaps one day when I'm feeling nostalgic, I shall try it again. :razz:

Ohh he did?? Oh man. Talk about filling up your calorie intake for the day, maybe two. :oops2:
Pickled anything, stinky cheeses, sweet chilly crisps (chips) with chocolate.
Salty combined with sweet sounds good to me.
I sometimes add blueberry jam to a sort of mac and cheese dish I make that's not supposed to be sweet but hey who cares.
Lettuce sandwiches. Super fresh whole grain bread, buttered, then filled with LOTS of iceberg lettuce. Salt to taste. Watercress filling is equally delicious.

Raw egg and orange juice smoothies. Put an egg and a glass of OJ into a blender and blend till it's gone a creamy apricot color with froth on top.
Dates stuffed with herbed havarti and a sliver of raw garlic.

Cold tuna salad made with extra sweet pickle relish, served in a toasted pita with a slice of cheddar melted inside, and Cheetos on top.

Prune pierogies, pan fried and dusted with cinnamon sugar.

My long-departed grandad's favorite food, which I have an incredible soft spot for, but only have about once a decade - Dark Karo syrup creamed with butter, spread on white Wonder bread. He was a farmer, and thin as a rail his whole life, and would eat at least 4 slices of this stuff every day with breakfast.