
What Music Do You Like?

Oh, this made me think about different venues and concerts!

One of the most amazing bands I’ve seen live is U2. But a huge venue, so typical stadium concert experience. I also saw Pearl Jam in a giant stadium—my first and only time in general admission with no seat. Oh dear God, NEVER AGAIN. The fire marshal had to stop the show several times to tell people to move back. No one moved—we couldn’t. It gives me very weird feelings to read about people getting trampled at concerts because I think we were very, very lucky.

In college I was fortunate enough to see both Alanis Morrissette and the Indigo Girls in small venues. Both were INCREDIBLE concerts. The one for Indigo Girls literally felt like we were in a living room watching them perform for a group of friends. The Alanis concert….the emotion was unreal.
Led Zeppelin is my very favorite band. Any kind of rock mostly, blues-based, anything with Glenn Hughes in it, including Black Country Communion, which also introduced me to Joe Bonamassa. Also fabulous! My husband played drums in a Zeppelin tribute band. Not an easy feat, or feet either, seeing as Bonham used only a single bass pedal, whereas since the late 80s, double bass was the fad. My guy can bounce those ghost notes off that bass like nobody’s business and plays 100% “by feel” which might be why his rotator cuffs caused his retirement.

old video for fun: (drums are louder than vocals cuz they literally are louder than monitors).

Also for fun. This. 1681501415680.png

And this.

Haha this one…

And finally how he proposed… just kidding.

Love me some Zep.
Plant was(is) so sexy. Nobody can croon like him.
Thank you for starting this thread @sledge. It’s been interesting reading everyone favorites.

You’re very welcome.

Hopefully others are also enjoying and will feel comfortable enough to let loose a bit and share. I love learning a little more about each other, hearing some great tunes and hearing all the various experiences and stories that goes with it all.

One thing is certain, music affects us all on some level or another.

Raising my whiskey glass in the air and toasting to all you fine folks — may your hearts be full of love, your eyes cry from laughter, your ears full of amazing tunes and your fingers loaded with bling — cheers mates!!
All the talks of Zep reminded me of a meme I saw awhile back…..


And finally how he proposed… just kidding.

Your meme got me thinking about a Michael Buble concert I took an ex-girlfriend to see. He was her favorite musician. This dude absolutely knew his target audience and I felt like I should have taken notes because his game was simply off the charts! Regardless who the ladies in the audience came with, they were more than ready to leave with him -- they just didn't get an invite, lol.

He started by coming out with a big song or two. Then slowed it down and eventually had a seat on stage and started talking to the audience, individuals and as a whole. Gave some speech about how the concert was going to be like a date, blah, blah, blah. In seconds he had them all twisted around his little finger.

Anyhow, I tried to find something on YT but couldn't find that exact concert. Here are a few that sort of highlight it but not really.

I still send Mrs Sledge songs randomly for no reason other than to brighten her day and let her know I love her. So I'm always on the lookout for new stuff. Sometimes I send it immediately. Sometimes I wait until she's having a bad day.

A few years back I stumbled on this Buble song and had to forward it to her immediately as it fits her perfectly.

Let’s keep this thread going and share more of our tunes. Post a YT link so we can all enjoy!

Some more Bowling for Soup. If you like the Ohio song then look up Ohio Reprise. It’s at the end of their album and they are just jacking around having fun. Caution it gets dirty at the end which is why I didn’t link.

Bringing back a cappella with this AMAZING version of "Brandy"!
The older guy in the middle (Elliot Lurie of Looking Glass) is the original singer:

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Cruising YT earlier and stumbled on this. Skip to around 2:30 for the music. Unlikely combo of Carrie Underwood, Christina Applegate and Kristen Chenoweth.

Not really my normal style but thought they did well together and transitioned smoothly between songs.

Showing a little love for Boston….

Here's what I listen to when I'm missing the people I loved the most.
Infinitely beautiful.
I like Korean music, anyone like me?

If you mean K-Pop, yes! It's so much fun!:

I worked out to this one by the band TXT with the Jonas Brothers today:

Personally, I really like films music and rock music