
Which Whiteflash 2 carat stone would you choose/why? Help!

Re: Which Whiteflash 2 carat stone would you choose/why? He

0228lisa|1289842820|2766744 said:
Also when a stone is returned for whatever reason, does WF do anything to it before they restock it (besides polish) that would jeopardize the original certificate integrity?

Lisa, not only do we not do anything to jeopardize the stone, we actually send it back to the lab to be regraded so you get a current report and a peace of mind that the stone is as represented.
Re: Which Whiteflash 2 carat stone would you choose/why? He

Yssie|1289953359|2769187 said:
btrflygrl23|1289951974|2769161 said:
Not sure if this will matter anymore but I'll give my 2cents.
I can't speak for all the other owners before or since but I owned the 2.044 and I ADORED it!
It was a real firecracker and a beauty, shot sparks like mad and got mad compliments. When I purchased it I was told about the inclusion and I'll tell you honestly I only found it when I looked really, really closely and it had to be in certain lighting conditions. Other times I saw nothing and no one else ever saw the inclusion and people looked at the ring very closely.
Also, the ONLY reason this diamond did not stay with me was because I upgraded to a 2.5ct stone.
WF checked it over completely when I sent it back or I would not have been able to upgrade. WF is strict about such things.

It is a BEAUTIFUL stone I think you'll be really happy and I think it will look gorgeous in any setting. Finally, for a 2.044 it is BIG, great spread!

I wish you the best of luck and I'm happy to see that this wonderful stone may have found a forever home! If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask me =)

And *that* is probably the most reassuring perspective you can get :))

Yes, it is the most reassuring perspective I could get. Can't believe I found another owner of it. I was wondering why it wasn't kept and now I know. Thanks for sharing!!!!!!! Was it an engagement ring for you?