
Who are the top democratic presidential candidates for 2020?

Well you guys are certainly hard core left according to that test. :lol:

My top 3 parties were 86, 85, 84. Harris, Sanders and the other leftists were at 20+ to 30+% on my ballot, while Kasich, Trump, and Johnson were in the mid 70s.

I did drill down with the additional info on most every question. Did any of you?
Well you guys are certainly hard core left according to that test. :lol:

My top 3 parties were 86, 85, 84. Harris, Sanders and the other leftists were at 20+ to 30+% on my ballot, while Kasich, Trump, and Johnson were in the mid 70s.

I did drill down with the additional info on most every question. Did any of you?
Yes, I asked for additional info on most of the questions. I think this just made me lean further to the left.

My result--
1.Tulsi Gabbard
2 Kamala Harris
3.B. Sanders
4. Elizabeth Warren.

I am only in agreement 80% of the time. Each person is just 1% less than the name above 81-78
I'll now look at Tulsa Gabbard.

To be honest, at this point I'd be much happier with just about anyone besides Trump, whether democrat or republican.
I feel sorry for Biden. He is being pushed further and further to the left by the Radical Dem. party. If this continues Biden will have no chance against Trump in 2020.
Iowa this, Iowa that, Iowa polls, bla bla bla. It's like the rest of the country doesn't exist. And the conservative right thinks they're under the thumb of coastal elites :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Anywho, it makes me happy to see Buttiegieg in a close heat for 2nd place in early Iowa polling. Regardless of whether the country is ready for a gay president, I think (from what I've seen at this point) that he has the smarts and good conscience to be an inspirational leader.
More FREEBIES from uncle Bernie!...:wacko:
Come on uncle Bernie I need a free 2ct diamond.
Iowa this, Iowa that, Iowa polls, bla bla bla. It's like the rest of the country doesn't exist. And the conservative right thinks they're under the thumb of coastal elites :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Anywho, it makes me happy to see Buttiegieg in a close heat for 2nd place in early Iowa polling. Regardless of whether the country is ready for a gay president, I think (from what I've seen at this point) that he has the smarts and good conscience to be an inspirational leader.

This is interesting. Seems most Iowans don’t like it anymore than you do.
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Will you be watching the Dem. debate tonight and tomorrow tonight?
I like Gabbard b/c she isn't far left like many of the other candidates. She won the beauty contest. :love:
I just don't know. Some of them were too far left for me and others I just don't think stand a good chance of winning, regardless of what I think of them personally. I'd be thrilled with just about anyone who could beat Trump, regardless of party.
I just don't know. Some of them were too far left for me and others I just don't think stand a good chance of winning, regardless of what I think of them personally. I'd be thrilled with just about anyone who could beat Trump, regardless of party.
At this time the answer is none!. Even the left wing media aren't very happy after the debates.
Come on uncle Bernie I need a free 2ct diamond.

Could they devalue diamonds that way? (bet: No)

I should be a heck of an expert in socialists - seen them all, even got invited to two meetings of communist parties (one big, one small; one dead, one still alive - as a sort of poetry club), got to chat with Venezuelan CB staff & I'm European; couldn't stand to tune in last night... Can't wrap my head around the appropriation of RED! (wrong time zone)
I should be a heck of an expert in socialists - seen them all, even got invited to two meetings of communist parties (one big, one small; one dead, one still alive - as a sort of poetry club), got to chat with Venezuelan CB staff & I'm European; couldn't stand to tune in last night... Can't wrap my head around the appropriation of RED!
This is where the Dem. party want to take our country...:wall:
I like Elizabeth Warren, and Klobuchar.

I took the test and agreed 91% with Andrew Yang, Beto ORouke, Amy klobuchar, 90% with John Delany, Tulsi Gabard, Joe Biden. 85% with Elizabeth Warren! 40% with Donald Trump!

My party comes out as Democratic, Socialism 2nd.
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Trump was joking and smiling today with Putin about interfering in our elections.

The Mueller Report concluded on Page One that “The Russian government interfered in the 2016 election in sweeping and systematic fashion”

I thought I’d fill you in @Dancng Fire on what actually happened today before Fox News puts some wild spin it. Trump was asked if he was going to talk to Putin about election interference. While sitting right next to Putin, Trump sat there SMILING and said to Putin ‘Don’t meddle in the election please”. This President does not take a strong stand with Russia and make it very clear that we will not allow Putin to interfere in our US elections. We witnessed yet another disgraceful display by this President. Trump continues to show the world he is weak in the presence of Putin.
Good lord. Just forget it. Dancing Fire, when our country is a dictatorship under Trump, maybe then you'll get it.
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Anywho, it makes me happy to see Buttiegieg in a close heat for 2nd place in early Iowa polling. Regardless of whether the country is ready for a gay president, I think (from what I've seen at this point) that he has the smarts and good conscience to be an inspirational leader.

I watched a good portion of the democratic debates last night and thought he was really the most impressive of the bunch in terms of his charisma, ability to speak, and his thoughtful, thoroughly researched answers to the questions being asked. I thought Kamala Harris spoke well too, but she went into a bit too much rhetoric for me. Joe Biden is looking old, and I cringed whenever some of the other speakers piped up (like Marianne Williamsen, Kirsten Gillibrand and Eric Stallwell).
This is where the Dem. party want to ...

Aren't they the Blue party? I keep trying to make jokes about Red/Blue reversing meaning over the Atlantic & most fall flat like this.

If you get bored by the local stuff, there is always Boris (similar colour, British humour) & then, the three heads of Europe are due to change - & there is so little will that they might just shuffle; there are no Liberals anymore - they just changed name & got a Romanian for a head.

one coffee too many

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Trump was joking and smiling today with Putin about interfering in our elections.

The Mueller Report concluded on Page One that “The Russian government interfered in the 2016 election in sweeping and systematic fashion”

I thought I’d fill you in @Dancng Fire on what actually happened today before Fox News puts some wild spin it.
Who was the Prez. in 2016? :whistle:

CNN and MSNBC been saying for 2.5 yrs that Trump is a Russian spy and I believed them. I know, I know I'm a dummy...:(sad
Good lord. Just forget it. Dancing Fire, when our country is a dictatorship under Trump, maybe then you'll get it.
let me know how many people had dictator Trump murdered since he became Prez.?
@DF, that wasn't what was stated so I'm not sure what you're even talking about. But to answer your question, if you're including the murder of small children, I believe the death toll in Trump's children's border concentration camps is about seven so far. This is what you support? And you think Trump supports you?

Also, do you really think this is a normal, usual, liberal vs. conservative political environment? Because it's not. It's far from normal. It's terrifying. And many of us who are against Trump are not liberals, by the way.

Anyway, I thought Biden might be best able to get some of Trump's supporters on his side and beat Trump. But, practically speaking, I don't know if it's wise to back up someone who would be past eighty years old when his first term ended. I guess I'm still undecided.
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@DF, that wasn't what was stated so I'm not sure what you're even talking about. But to answer your question, if you're including the murder of small children, I believe the death toll in Trump's children's border concentration camps is about seven so far. This is what you support? And you think Trump supports you?
did Trump round up all these migrants into the US to be murdered?

If the Dems. keep on talking these kind of rhetorics like they did last night, Trump wouldn't need to go out on the campaign trail. The Dems. will do a better job of campaigning for him. Yup, everything will be FREE for the illegals. :think: Hummm, I wonder who will paying for all these FREEBIES?

Even the far left media MSNBC/CNN said Trump was the big winner last night. How sad is that?
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No, Dancing Fire. Of course Trump did not order innocent children to be separated from their parents and put in cages and under such poor conditions that they are dying. As usual, Obama did it or Hilary did it. Fox News said so, therefore it is true. (Sadly, I feel the need to state that the above is sarcasm).

What's sad is that so many people do not understand how very dangerous, lawless, corrupt, criminal, unqualified and self-serving Trump is. Hopefully, they will wake up before it's too late for us all.

I think I'll block you now. I don't believe anyone who bothered to read real news in any serious way could possibly be on Trump's side. I really don't want to hear any more from people who are being led so easily to help topple our very democracy. Willful ignorance is a dangerous thing.
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I think I'll block you now. I don't believe anyone who bothered to read real news in any serious way could possibly be on Trump's side. I really don't want to hear any more from people who are being led so easily to help topple our very democracy.
You would be #15 ...:bigsmile:
We ALL should be concerned regardless of which political side of the aisle you are on. NOTHING we seeing is normal.

How anyone could watch Trump’s interactions with Putin and the Saudi Crown Prince the other day and say this was normal behavior for a sitting US president is delusional. Since when did it become normal for the United States to heap praise on dictators, to prefer them to our allies? Please remind me when we found it acceptable for other countries to interfere in our elections?

When did we as a country ever believe it was acceptable to torture small children? These children are being held in deplorable conditions. Knowingly separating these families with no plan in place to ever reunite them is the very definition of mental torture. If you beg to differ @Dancing Fire, please ask your daughters how they would feel if this was happening to their children.
How anyone could watch Trump’s interactions with Putin and the Saudi Crown Prince the other day and say this was normal behavior for a sitting US president is delusional. Since when did it become normal for the United States to heap praise on dictators, to prefer them to our allies? Please remind me when we found it acceptable for other countries to interfere in our elections?
Are these normal behaviors for a sitting US Prez. ?