
Who pays for the e-ring?

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I take full responsibility for bringing up the word "gold digger". Not my intention to start a fight on this forum.
Date: 12/19/2006 1:57:07 PM
Author: emeraldlover1
Date: 12/19/2006 1:00:34 PM

Author: stags14

Date: 12/19/2006 12:08:47 PM

Author: colorkitty

What''s wrong with being a gold digger?

I am not even sure where to start with that question.... A gold-digging woman is a worthless member of society. A man that caters to a gold-digging woman is as equally worthless. It is pathetic and disgusts me to see those types of relationships.

Forgive me for not realizing that a ''gold digger'' only applied to a woman. a previous post you stated,

''I have no problem with my girlfriend picking me up, paying for meals, etc... A guy that ''showers'' his significant other with presents and material things is insecure and trying to buy her affection. This is even more true if it happens early on in a relationship. A guy trying to buy a woman''s affection is truly a sad sight to see.

If you want to be a good person and do the guy a favor, return the present and tell him to start acting like a man with some confidence and not like some schmuck trying to buy your love. ''

Forgive me for not understanding. You don''t have a problem with your girlfriend paying for you....but men that pay for their girlfriends lack confidence and are trying to buy their love? But women that accept gifts from their boyfriends are gold-diggers?

Why then did you buy your girlfriend an e-ring? By your statement your girlfriend would only be a good person if she returned the e-ring and told you to act like a man with some confidence... So...when she doesn''t, is she a gold digger?

This post is in no means an attack on you. Sometimes the way things are written they are not always percieved as intended. Some posts latley have been extreamly judgemental and not at all what this forum is intended for.

I''m taking bets on the chances this thread gets deleted by Admin... any takers?
Date: 12/19/2006 2:35:10 PM
Author: the other Jake
I''m taking bets on the chances this thread gets deleted by Admin... any takers?

I''m actually surprised it hasn''t been already, LOL.
Dee, i was reading to figure out who to kick out for my time waisted and fell asleep. Any volunteers?
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