@stracci2000, thanks honey, I do love a good sapphire eternity. Now I have to work on selling the baguette one.
How is work going?
I love those colorful eternity bands. I have a skinny channel set sapphire that just doesn't have very much presence. I need to get a better one. The stones are nice and sparkly, but the ring is just too dainty.
Work is OK, wearing mask and gloves. Many people are not wearing either in the stores. It's making me really mad, and shows that they just don't care.
I love how blue the sapphires are in your band, so often they look black!
They really should be wearing masks and gloves, come on we all know what we are supposed to be doing,
My neighbor made the husband a mask and of course I said I wanted one too. Well I had no idea what the mask would look like so.....
Mortal Kombat![]()
@1ofakind, he does have a 3D printer, two or three huge ones I think. This mask probably took the better part of 2 days just to print and then he spray painted them.
I love how blue the sapphires are in your band, so often they look black!
They really should be wearing masks and gloves, come on we all know what we are supposed to be doing,
My neighbor made the husband a mask and of course I said I wanted one too. Well I had no idea what the mask would look like so.....
Mortal Kombat![]()
Is your husband's mask blue so he could be your subzero?
And do you tell him "get over here!"
It looks awesome! Does he accept commissions? I'd definitely want to order one lol.
@Nikki1415, he is selling them
For $50 shipped but you would have to paint it. Here is the link to his Etsy shop, if you're interested I would send him a message there:
HerosEnd - Etsy
Shop Fun Stuff for Fun People by HerosEnd located in Middletown, Connecticut. Rave reviews! Average review rating is 4.8 or higherwww.etsy.com
'Here's an eBay find, $42.00
An antique ladies watch, for my small collection.
The bow pin is .900 silver and the watch is .800 silver. There's a little enamel loss on the bow and a bit missing from the case, but I don't mind. Maybe I'll restore it with blue nail polish. It runs a while, then stops. If I tap it, it runs again.
Inside it says 'Fauvette'
@stracci2000, LOVE LOVE LOVE
I have a similar one coming in the mail from Ebay---and it's pink! Your fav color!
It has some condition issues, but I couldn't resist, cause I need to rescue sad broken jewelry.
Antique 800 Silver Enamel Ladies' Pocket Watch - Parts or Repair | eBay
Top to bottom 1 3/4" long.www.ebay.com
Hey folks, Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there!
Some of you may have seen that I recently bought a Lightbox pink diamond that I decided to reset because it was too close to my skin tone and I figured some diamonds would help that effect.
Well in looking for the perfect vintage setting I came across this wedding set, the diamonds are not huge but I just love the look AND it has the matching band AND it's already my size. I made a 15% off (it was already on sale) and it was accepted!!!
So that is my Mother's Day gift and the pink diamond necklace will be my SIL's Christmas gift since I know she loves rose gold and it will look amazing on her skin tone.
Anyone else find something for themselves or have some little EBay trinkets to share?
Yay! It's beautiful!!!
Do you have it yet? Those don't look like your fingers.
We expect lots of photos!