
Why are we talking diamonds at this time?

What I don't think the OP understands is that not only do people come here to get help/advice but that for many of us it's a passion and who doesn't enjoy talking about their passions especially when we have some time on our hands? Also ... while we may be experiencing a temporary set back, people are still falling in love, making commitments to each other and giving their loved ones a token of what it is that is in their hearts for their them. In that the people who give of themselves here on this forum should take pride in the service they give to the public. My .02c
I'm here during a break because I want to think bout something other than what is going on in the world. I need a distraction.
This forum has no lack of intelligent and thoughtful people. Lifeline, indeed.
I sort of tipped over last week and bought a small .37 greenish pear, probably I2 squared, from India on ebay. They're getting rough from Africa and cutting diamonds in Surat that no sane or prosperous person would buy, but for $99 how bad can I get hurt? And it makes me happy when I'm rescheduling (justifiably) unhappy patients.
I need this distraction.
Pure escapism.
My interest in jewels is giving me some relief from all the bad news in the world.
This forum has no lack of intelligent and thoughtful people. Lifeline, indeed.
I sort of tipped over last week and bought a small .37 greenish pear, probably I2 squared, from India on ebay. They're getting rough from Africa and cutting diamonds in Surat that no sane or prosperous person would buy, but for $99 how bad can I get hurt? And it makes me happy when I'm rescheduling (justifiably) unhappy patients.

Do you have it yet? We need to see it!

Because if I didn't talk about diamonds or jewellery or gemstones or pearls, I would have nothing interesting to say.

I'm another PS nurse, and just found out I'm temporarily unemployed (for at least a month), as I work in "elective" surgery. I am thankful for the diversion that PS provides!
Do you have it yet? We need to see it!

Gosh, no, India is all locked down, won't be here for a month. It was an exercise in Which bothers me more - the inclusions or the window?
Gosh, no, India is all locked down, won't be here for a month. It was an exercise in Which bothers me more - the inclusions or the window?

Lol. But color! I didn't realize India was so locked down (according to the Johns Hopkins chart their number of cases is pretty low), but smart of them to be.
Thank you to our psers in the front lines of this pandemic. Your work is appreciated! I have taken a break from checking news 2x per day. I am more relaxed and listen to books, music, watch tv, play solitaire. I order out a lot more to support our local restaurants, made an extra donation to our charity and wash my hands and wipe down surfaces like crazy. I hope that you all stay healthy and calm during this changeful and scary time.
I do try to give the benefit of the doubt as well, but honestly, OP made me feel a bit guilty (which is very easy to do) bc i am here. I cant think, eat or hardly sleep. I live in the 3rd hardest hit state in the US, and my husband works at the biggest hospital in it. He will be home in 2 hrs. and I have no idea what he will bring home with him. I NEED this place. I dont care what we talk about, as long as it isnt THAT bc all my friends and family want to talk about is caronavirus, caronavirus, caronavirus, and i just cant anymore. :((

that is why we are here
we can support each other in what ever way we can and if that means talking about exspensive sparkly little (some definatly not so little ;)2 ) rocks, then so be it

im thankful for your husband's work in this time, may God keep him safe and healthy
Lol. But color! I didn't realize India was so locked down (according to the Johns Hopkins chart their number of cases is pretty low), but smart of them to be.
Yes, I hope they're rewarded for jumping on it.
Here's the photo in the ad. The seller has been sweet and communicative.
I could be thrown off this forum for Blatant Disregard for Clarity.

$_1 Green .37 Pear.jpg
that is why we are here
we can support each other in what ever way we can and if that means talking about exspensive sparkly little (some definatly not so little ;)2 ) rocks, then so be it

im thankful for your husband's work in this time, may God keep him safe and healthy

Exactly! To think everyone is here only bc they are shopping for jewelry is not true, as this thread clearly shows. Its so, so much more than that, to me anyway.

And thank you so much, i told my husband and he says thank you too!! :wavey:
Yes, I hope they're rewarded for jumping on it.
Here's the photo in the ad. The seller has been sweet and communicative.
I could be thrown off this forum for Blatant Disregard for Clarity.

$_1 Green .37 Pear.jpg

Oh what a little cutie! I would totally bezel that and make a little pendant!!
Yes, I hope they're rewarded for jumping on it.
Here's the photo in the ad. The seller has been sweet and communicative.
I could be thrown off this forum for Blatant Disregard for Clarity.

$_1 Green .37 Pear.jpg

Lol, then I would qualify for being burned at the stake. I like the color, and that clarity may not be so bad at all face up?
Lol, then I would qualify for being burned at the stake. I like the color, and that clarity may not be so bad at all face up?

The process was, find a somewhat pleasing inclusion that obscures the window. Partially, in this case, but it looked sweet to me in all 7 photos, so I jumped.
Great idea - thank you, meesmom!

Its the 1st thing i thought of. I had a Tiffany dbty with a pear in platinum that was about that size. I sold it about 2 years ago to fund my upgrade of my e-ring. It was so pretty, i miss it so much.:cry2:
Coming at it from a slightly different direction....

I am an ex-cancer patient who has auto-immune disease. I am 59 years of age. I am in a high risk category so have to self-quarantine. My husband is working from home and has been for three weeks. We are both currently healthy.

What should we be doing with our time?
Diamonds, precious gems, lapidary arts, forging and metal-smithing are all fascinating to me. I'm a nerd, I like to learn about things I'm interested in. I like to speak to others who share my interests, how fortunate we are to have the internet to help us share our ideas! Hence, education/escapism through a forum such as Pricescope!

Unfortunately the internet can also reduce inhibitions in some people, a sort of couth which would typically be present in real-time interaction. There are people who I share a thoughtful, enjoyable conversation with in-person. Then I read their social media posts and cringe, facepalm myself, become frustrated..... even nauseous. An interesting phenomenon indeed.

Negativity will never direct my life, stay thirsty my friends......
I recently saw a psychologist on TV say that during this time of crisis the most important thing you can do is try to stick with your everyday schedule as much as possible. Additionally she said try not get caught up in news watching additionally try to focus on hobbies that make you happy. I think its vitally important to find things that make us smile as we muddle through these tough times. For me I think about the things that make me smile. My family, My puppy kissing me in morning, a funny show, and just popping over here to PS to see a beautiful piece of jewelry. I am very cognizant of those little moments when I can smile Vs cry right now. smiling is so much more important for our mental health. Anyway that we can pull together as a community we need to do it- and this is a community
The process was, find a somewhat pleasing inclusion that obscures the window. Partially, in this case, but it looked sweet to me in all 7 photos, so I jumped.

I'm looking forward to more pictures when you get it. =)2
In the last few days I lost my two cats. Right after our close family member dying of brain cancer entered the end stage. On top of it there is corona. There is more ugliness and uncertainty than most other times. Yet, yes I do look at my diamonds and gems, as well as jewelry. I do talk to my best friend about them as one of our favorite topics. I do talk to colleagues. Am I selfish and superficial? I doubt this is something anyone would ever say after caring for weeks no sleep for dying people and pets. But I enjoy my rocks for the reason that I always took joy in them, for their beauty. We each have our ways of finding beauty and positivity in this world and this is one of my main sources. It is a way to self preserve and no I will not feel guilty about it for one minute thank you. I am sure that others would rather be around a smiling person and I would rather be a survivor at heart.
In the last few days I lost my two cats. Right after our close family member dying of brain cancer entered the end stage. On top of it there is corona. There is more ugliness and uncertainty than most other times. Yet, yes I do look at my diamonds and gems, as well as jewelry. I do talk to my best friend about them as one of our favorite topics. I do talk to colleagues. Am I selfish and superficial? I doubt this is something anyone would ever say after caring for weeks no sleep for dying people and pets. But I enjoy my rocks for the reason that I always took joy in them, for their beauty. We each have our ways of finding beauty and positivity in this world and this is one of my main sources. It is a way to self preserve and no I will not feel guilty about it for one minute thank you. I am sure that others would rather be around a smiling person and I would rather be a survivor at heart.

God bless you, @Sunstorm. What you're talking about here is trying to maintain some sense of balance - some equilibrium - so you're able to keep your head above water and continue moving forward. Your attitude seems perfect to me, and an example of how people can cope with pain and emotional adversity.

I wonder if the OP, in his moral fervor, stopped to think how hurtful his words might be to some people who in no way deserve his reprimands?
In the last few days I lost my two cats. Right after our close family member dying of brain cancer entered the end stage. On top of it there is corona. There is more ugliness and uncertainty than most other times. Yet, yes I do look at my diamonds and gems, as well as jewelry. I do talk to my best friend about them as one of our favorite topics. I do talk to colleagues. Am I selfish and superficial? I doubt this is something anyone would ever say after caring for weeks no sleep for dying people and pets. But I enjoy my rocks for the reason that I always took joy in them, for their beauty. We each have our ways of finding beauty and positivity in this world and this is one of my main sources. It is a way to self preserve and no I will not feel guilty about it for one minute thank you. I am sure that others would rather be around a smiling person and I would rather be a survivor at heart.

Im so sorry for your losses. I found out my 14 yr old dog has cancer last week. I feel for you.
God bless you, @Sunstorm. What you're talking about here is trying to maintain some sense of balance - some equilibrium - so you're able to keep your head above water and continue moving forward. Your attitude seems perfect to me, and an example of how people can cope with pain and emotional adversity.

I wonder if the OP, in his moral fervor, stopped to think how hurtful his words might be to some people who in no way deserve his reprimands?

This is exactly how i felt.