Date: 2/9/2008 2:57:40 PM
Author: Mediterranean
Hey all! I''m pretty new ''round here, mostly I''ve just been drooling over on SMTR, but I read this article and I must response to the title ''Why You Should Settle for Mr. Good Enough'' thanks, Author...YOU go ahead and settle for him....
My story is weird and totally not typical...but here goes:
10 years ago, when I was 23, I was part of a very close group of 5 friends. I totally fell for one of the guys in our group, but I kept quiet for fear of ruining the friendship, and to avoid dividing the group''s loyalties or having discomfort & tension should something have gone wrong. Besides that, I just plain-old had NO idea if he felt the same way, because I never revealed my feelings, and he never said anything either.
So, his job (he''s a cameraman on movies and TV shows and videos and stuff) involved a lot of travel, and for my part, I decided to go to grad school out of state. So, we didn''t see each other for years. E-mails every once in a while, birthday cards, Christmas cards...bla bla bla....
Now, here''s the part you may think is a little nuts: during the time I was apart from him, I never really had a serious relationship. Oh, I dated. I dated TONS and TONS of guys....but I simply never fell for anyone the way I fell for my friend. i couldn''t bring myself to be serious with anyone, and while my friends were making jokes about me ''playing hard to get'' and being a ''heartbreaker'' and having ''all these guys chasing me'' I was DYING inside, I used to cry myself to sleep, and I actually was in therapy for a while because I couldn''t shake the feeling that this guy was THE guy for me.
Even the therapist fed me that hooey about giving up, and getting on with life, and marrying the ''next best thing.''
Well, I''m glad to say I completely ignored that advice. When I moved back home after grad school, I began to reconnect with all my old friends. By this time, I was 32, and unmarried, and everyone was telling me how time was running out and how I missed the boat by being too picky, and how I was nuts, that I''d never get married if I didn''t just cut it out, etc.
But in reconnecting with old friends, I reconnected with HIM, with the guy I''d had feelings for all this time. And we started hanging out again. And after a couple of months of hanging out, he dropped a bomb on me: as it turns out, he had been attracted to me, but he had been afraid to say anything (because of the same reasons I was). He told me he had strong feelings for me, and that if I didn''t feel the same way, he was sorry, but he just had to say something and know once and for all if he had a chance.
All of this occurred in Oct. 2006. This past Christmas, he asked me to marry him, and we''re planning our wedding right now.
I can''t believe how happy I am. It''s better than all the daydreams I used to have about it, it''s more amazing than I could have ever imagined, and it leaves all my other pseudo-relationships in the DUST.
I''m not saying it''s a perfect fairy-tale...I mean, we''re human and we have the normal issues, but I have never been so happy to ignore advice in my whole life. I''m glad I listened to my heart and refused to settle.
Let the lady who wrote that article have her bland, watery ''companionship.'' I''m sure my marriage will also settle into companionship,too....when we''re 80 years old. However, when I''m 80, I will have the memories of the deepest, most passionate love to sustain me. I will know that when I was young I didn''t ''settle'' for a mere ''companionship'' just to have a warm body around. Heck, that''s a reason for having a DOG, not a MARRIAGE![]()
Awww....that story just warms my heart!