Date: 3/27/2007 8:41:59 AM
Author: Harriet
I didn''t understand why it was called a ''martini setting'', but now I do.
I will wear them in good health.
I'm a bit dense today and don't understand your advice, which I'm sure is sound.Date: 3/27/2007 9:07:34 AM
Author: starryeyed
Hi Harriet. Enjoy the studs! They will be perfect for daily wear.
Be mindful of them in terms of the backing, until you get use to them. Is your hair long?
Sorry Harriet - I wasn''t particularly clear, was I?Date: 3/27/2007 7:11:41 PM
Author: Harriet
I''m a bit dense today and don''t understand your advice, which I''m sure is sound.Date: 3/27/2007 9:07:34 AM
Author: starryeyed
Hi Harriet. Enjoy the studs! They will be perfect for daily wear.
Be mindful of them in terms of the backing, until you get use to them. Is your hair long?My hair is shoulder-lenth.![]()
No worries, I''m just a proud Rafflesian.Date: 3/30/2007 1:34:18 AM
Author: lienTN
Oh, I am sorry (blushed! and I deserve a,
). I thought that HPPS was an excellent school, is it not?![]()
I am afraid I agree with the others about waiting a while to get your wedding necklace to match yr dress.
Btw, I love short bobs. They are tres chic! I used to wear my hair in a short bob, very blunt/ sharp cut by this brilliant French man in HK, but when we left HK, I stopped wearing that style (no one can cut hair like he can - well, maybe David Gan but I''ve never tried David Gan). I tried to look the Frenchman up when I went to visit friends in HK but he was no longer there..![]()
As to yr question re the recycling project, I like it. I think it''s a neat idea, and I''d put the largest stone in the middle and gradually going smaller. You might want to lay them out on a flat surface and see how it looks. It shouldn''t cost you so much money and it''s a great way to recycle stones you don''t otherwise wear.
As for London, oh there are soooo many things you can do. It depends on what you''re looking for, are you for example into history or more the art/ entertainment scene?. Are you looking to go out of London? I''d try Bath or Oxford or Cambridge. Lovely scenery with lots of history. If time is not a problem (you said a weekend? Long weekend, like 4 days or shorter like 2 days?), I''d recommend the Cotswold (do a web search) and there is one more place I''ve always wanted hubby and I to visit but haven''t got round to it, but I forget the name. I''ll think abt it and let you know later. You lucky devils. You''re going to so many places.![]()