
William and Kate and Diana's Ring

Diana wearing her large aquamarine, the ring she wore after she stopped wearing her sapphire.

Honestly I don't think there will be much comparison with Diana - certainly not here in the UK. Kate has already been on the scene for nearly 10 years and is seen in her own light not in the shadow of Diana. Certainly there's not much comparing going on in the press here.

Diana was not loved by everyone over here and was not the member of the Royal Family who did/does the most for charities - that was and is the Princess Royal, only she doesn't feel the need to leak every detail of her life to the press the way Diana did.

I think we all want to move on from the whole saga of Charles/Diana. I for one am very glad that he is finally with Camilla who he obviously adores and who William and Harry get on very well with. William and Kate are a chance for the monarchy to mend the damage Diana did.

I wish Kate had had a new ring, but even so this one looks much better on her hand than it ever did on Diana where it always looked too much like a cocktail ring. The sapphire is also sadly far from top colour...
Pandora|1290158183|2772661 said:
Honestly I don't think there will be much comparison with Diana - certainly not here in the UK. Kate has already been on the scene for nearly 10 years and is seen in her own light not in the shadow of Diana. Certainly there's not much comparing going on in the press here.

Diana was not loved by everyone over here and was not the member of the Royal Family who did/does the most for charities - that was and is the Princess Royal, only she doesn't feel the need to leak every detail of her life to the press the way Diana did.

I think we all want to move on from the whole saga of Charles/Diana. I for one am very glad that he is finally with Camilla who he obviously adores and who William and Harry get on very well with. William and Kate are a chance for the monarchy to mend the damage Diana did.

I wish Kate had had a new ring, but even so this one looks much better on her hand than it ever did on Diana where it always looked too much like a cocktail ring. The sapphire is also sadly far from top colour...

Hello, thank you for your opinion. The comparisons to or with regard to Diana have already begun and are rampant all over the world in the press and word of mouth. Of course the UK is no different. I have family there, and they are a buzz, as are their friends and the papers and the tele....If you have not yet heard any of it I am surprised.:)
As for kate being seen in her own light, as much is true, but a story has in fact been shown in the press that the young miss kate has been coached for the last several months to behave royal....trained if you will. Clearly helping to shape her into the image the royals wish portrayed. I was shocked with this news. But yet, it is a royal employee and insider who has confirmed this.
Diana was not loved bu everyone, you are correct, but she was loved by a great many people all around the world. No one ever said she did the 'most for charity', not too sure about how to react to that one? It isn't a competition, although it was made to sound as such?
As always it is everyone's right to their own opinion, in weather the ring looks better on one or the other is really personal taste. I myself think it was magnificent on our lovely Diana and many others have readily stated as such, saying she wore it "fantastically well". And she did. It looked at home on her, she carried herself with grace and the way she was loved all around the world and in the UK was so obvious during her life, through the attention she was given, being the worlds most photographed woman...after all, if no one cared for her, no one would have been taking pictures, or coming to see her in rain storms, cold weather, from miles and miles away just to meet her, touch her, speak to her, see her....her magnatism was all ecompassing and the history of the world has proven that. Her funeral was also a momentous showing of this point with the entire world mourning her loss, the palace being bombarded with calls to lower the flag, she was the people's princess, with the flowers so deep one could not even get close to the gates....who brought all of the flowers? the people who mourned her loss. They too, loved her. People who never even knew her, nor paid all that much attention to her in life, found themselves crying at her loss...I did. Many people I have spoken to also did the same.
To insult her is insulting all those who cared for her, including her sons. I would encourage you to speak of Diana with the thought that perhaps if you would not say it to William and Harry in person, you should not voice it here. Especially since Diana herself does not have the ability to defend herself.
You may in fact be glad Charles is with Camilla, and so he is. He should no doubt have been with her in the beginning, but it was her who could not wait for him and so, got married. Then a young 19 year old girl who was in fact the innocent, was taken in to what she believed was a fairy tale. Her love for Charles was obvious. And his betrayal of Diana was devastating. Shame on him. He was old enough to know better. Diana was not. And I have a kinship with her for that, many of us woman do. I wont get into personal devulgence, but suffice it to say, I understand. And at 19, you do think you have it all figured out...But you are just an innocent. Charles and Camilla did the damage to the marriage from before the i dos, and no one can argue that...
And I must ask if you are a gemologist? I ask because you seem to have a good handle on top colour for the stone sapphire....I am a long time student of gemology, and this stone is in fact top quality. very much so. It is the colour most sought after by the general public for sapphire, and it's clarity is impeccable. Garrards did a wonderful job. This stone glows from within, lights up beautifully, is apparently loup clean and holds it's colour in all lights. The undertone of violet brings up it's value to the upmost value. No undertones of green or grey at all, making this, the best of the best when it comes to sapphires.
If you were to purchase a sapphire, this indeed would be in the highest possible bracket. Per carat, with it's size, this sapphire would fetch a higher price then almost any other sapphire, because it has everything gemologists and jewelers and the public look for.

I thank you for your post, it was great to see that people will take the time to post! So, thank you!
Please see the photo below to demonstrate again the very high quality sapphire, good choice Diana!

High quality sapphires with what is considered top colouring....




Some more great sapphires:)




and a necklace as well

This antique sapphire cabochon ring is a similar style to Diana's ring, showing just how traditional it is..:)




Back view...


Penelope's ring as well, a beautiful sapphire....

and one more...i will try to get some amazing pics up of the other royal e rings for us tomorrow.....the queen mom had a sapphire, there are quite a few royals with that stone of the centuries who have chosen the stone which is full of myth and lore....I'll try to rememeber to get that all up as well!:)

ok, here we is an article about some of the lore surrounding the sapphire....
"The value and power of sapphires as well as its use to the wearer, stated by Damigeron and the Bishop of Rennes, as an antidote for poison by Bartolomeus Anglicus, the sapphire of Sir Richard Francis Burton, and the other well-known sapphire gems

The sapphire is noted as a regal gem by Damigeron, who asserts that kings wore it about their necks as a powerful defence from harm. The stone preserved the wearer from envy and attracted divine favor. (Pitra, "Specilegium Solesmense," Parisiis, 1855.) For royal use, sapphires were set in bracelets and necklaces, and the sacred character of the stone was attested by the tradition that the Law given to Moses on the Mount was engraved on tablets of sapphire. (Epiphanii, "De XII gemmis," Tiguri, 1565, fol. 6.) While we should probably translate here "lapis-lazuli" instead of "sapphire," all such passages were later understood as referring to the true sapphire, which is not found in pieces of the requisite size.

In the twelfth century, the Bishop of Rennes lavishes encomiums upon this beautiful stone. It is quite natural that this writer should lay especial stress upon the use of the sapphire for the adornment of rings, for it was in his time that it was beginning to be regarded as the stone most appropriate for ecclesiastical rings. The sapphire was like the pure sky, and mighty Nature had endowed it with so great a power that it might be called sacred and the gem of gems. Fraud was banished from its presence and necromancers honored it more than any other stone, for it enabled them to hear and to understand the obscurest oracles. (Marbodei, "De lapidibus," Friburgi, 1531, fols. 46, 47.)

The traditional virtue of the sapphire as an antidote against poison is noted by Bartolomaeus Anglicus, who claims to have seen a test of its power, somewhat similar to that recorded by Ahmed Teifashi of the emerald. In John of Trevisa's version this passage reads as follows: (Bartolomaei Anglici, "De proprietatibus rerum," London, Wynkyn de Worde, 1495, lib. xvi, cap. 86, De Saphiro.)

His vertue is contrary to venym, and quencheth it every deale. And yf you put an attercoppe (Old English for spider.) in a boxe and hold a very saphyre of Inde at the mouth of the boxe ony whyle, by vertue thereof the attercoppe is overcome & dyeth as it were sodenly, as Dyasc. sayth [pseudo Dioscorides]. And this same I have assayed oft in many and dyvers places. His vertue kepeth and savyth the syght, & clearyth eyen of fylthe wythout ony greyf.

Voicing the general belief that the sapphire was endowed with power to influence spirits, Bartolomaeus says that this stone was a great favorite with those who practised necromancy, and he adds: "Also wytches love well this stone, for they wene that they may werke certen wondres by vertue of this stone." (Bartolomaeus Anglicus, l. c.)

There was in the South Kensington Museum, in London, a splendid sapphire of a peculiar tint. In the daylight it shows a beautiful rich blue color, while by artificial light it has a violet hue and resembles an amethyst. In the eighteenth century this stone was in the collection of Count de Walicki, a Polish nobleman, and Mme. de Genlis used it as the theme of one of her stories, entitled "Le Saphire Merveilleux." Here the sapphire is used as a test of female virtue, the change of color indicating unfaithfulness on the part of the wearer. If the owner of the stone wished to prove that the subject of the test was innocent, she was made to wear the sapphire for three hours of daylight; but in the opposite case the test was so timed that it began in daylight and ended when the candles or lamps had been lighted. This sapphire, still known as the "Saphire Merveilleux," was for a time in the collection of the Duke of Orleans, who bore the name of Philippe Egalite during the French Revolution.

The star sapphire is that variety of sapphire in which, when the stone is cut and rounded off horizontal with the dome of the crystal, the light is condensed across the three lines of crystalline interference. Three cross lines produce a star which moves as a source of light, or as it is moved from the source of light. Star sapphires very rarely possess the deep blue color of the fine blue sapphire; generally the color is somewhat impure, or of a milky-blue, or else a blue-gray, or sometimes almost a pure white. The blue-gray, gray, and white stones frequently show a much more distinct star, possibly from the fact that there are more inclusions between the layers of the crystals than with the darker blue stones, as it is the set of interference bands that produces the peculiar light. Just as the eye agate was used in some countries to preserve against the Evil Eye, so the moving star is believed by the Cingalese to serve as a protection and a guard against witchcraft of all kinds.

The great Oriental traveller, Sir Richard Francis Burton, had a large star sapphire or asteria, as it was called. He referred to it as his talisman, for it always brought him good horses and prompt attention wherever he went; in fact, it was only in those places where he received proper attention that he would show it to the natives, a favor they greatly appreciated because the sight of the stone was believed to bring good luck. The fame of Burton's asteria travelled ahead of him, and it served him well as a guiding-star. De Boot, writing in the seventeenth century, states that such a stone was called Siegstein (victory-stone) among the Germans.

The remarkable asteria, known as the "Star of India," in the Morgan-Tiffany Collection in the American Museum of Natural History, has a more or less indefinite historic record of some three centuries, but after its many wanderings it has now found a worthy resting-place in the great Museum. Its weight is 543 carats. (The subject of the origin, development and reform of the caratweight has been fully treated by the author in the Trans. of the Soc. of Min. Engineers, 1913, pp. 1225-1245, "The New International Metric Diamond Carat of 200 milligrams.")

The asteria, or star sapphire, might be called a "Stone of Destiny," as the three cross-bars which traverse it are believed to represent Faith, Hope, and Destiny. As the stone is moved, or the light changes, a living star appears. As a guiding gem, warding off ill omen and the Evil Eye, the star-sapphire is worn for the same reasons as were the oculus mundi and the oculus Beli. One of the most unique of talismanic stones, it is said to be so potent that it continues to exercise its good influence over the first wearer even when it has passed into other hands."

A wonderful video on You Tube about Diana, her life in jewels, contains some great info on her ring, and shows some great footage, here is the link for those of you who have not seen it...

Press are of course right on it! :) winks

Diana, Charles and the boys..

Diana, beautiful as ever..:)




May this ring carry with it the memory of Diana, and the hope for a happy future for Wills and Kate.




Thank you for that! I loved looking at all of the old and new photos. :))
hawaiianorangetree|1290246864|2773858 said:
Thank you for that! I loved looking at all of the old and new photos. :))
My pleasure!:)
Ok! So, today I will begin to post here some of the other royal engagement rings we have seen over the years which have had us all spellbound! lol. The royals have had some amazing rings and I love to see them. I think every woman would love to have a gorgeous ring for her engagement....big or small depending on taste...perhaps people have been right saying kate should have had her own we can see some of the possibilities! Enjoy!

Let us begin with the Queen's gorgeous ring, of course a diamond that was taken from a family piece from her husbands mother.:)

And our firey Fergie! She was given an emerald but said she would like a ruby, so Andrew got her this ring!:)




Sarahs jewelry.jpg
How about the Duchess of Windsor, Wallis Simpson.....of course the story behind this marriage could have well dictated the fates of Charles and Camillia of late had we still been in those times....George of course was forced to give up his throne in order to wed this divorced woman...and they were in turn forced to leave england as well. This of course was the queen's uncle, which is why we have queen Elizabeth as our monarch....Perhaps Charles really should or will be forced to give up his throne to William. I for one would think that the best course of action.


The beautiful Grace and her amazing rock..:)

Engagement Ring.jpg

Fergie, Diana and Grace...very popular Princess' each offering their own special magic.

a perhaps less popular but just as meaningful ring ......I've heard some do not like it, but hey, they are not required to wear

Rings of Marie, Madeline and Letiza...:)



Famous Royal e rings by!


Colored Engagement Rings.jpg


Princess Anne, Mary, Marie and Maxima




Princess Margaret, Queen Elizabeth..


Victoria, Sophie...


