
You get a do over with your career...what would you choose?

lol! I am a Risk Manager! If given a do-over, I’d stay in the same job/industry, but I would have spent more of my early years learning some of the things that hold me back now.

Love this. Glad you enjoy your profession and I bet you are amazing at it
I'm a professor at a research-intensive university. It's hard to imagine another job I'm more suited to or that has the perks this job has. I'm very fortunate. My profession can look all kinds of different ways so I can "change careers" without having to really change careers -- right now I'm envisioning what the next (and last) 20 years of my career will look like for me and I am contemplating a shift into upper administration for a new challenge.

But a whole do-over... maybe law. I think I would have been a good judge.

Oh this is my second runner up. I always tell my DH (who is an attorney but an environmental attorney so never in court) I would make a great judge. And he agrees :)
I always wanted a law degree so I could send formal nasty letters to people. :lol-2: (I'm referring to bullies or those who take advantage of others.) Law would have been perfect for me -not the criminal or accident kind, but corporate or environmental. Maybe in my next life....

You'd make a fantastic lawyer...and like you it bothers me greatly to see injustice all over. Those who take advantage of others are the lowest of the low
This is my DH! He can be a debbie downer but if you need someone to over-analyze something he is perfect for the job! I always
say it takes him forever to make a decision (due to over-analyzing) but when he does, its almost always the right/best decision. At first
I thought of it as a curse but now I appreciate his ability and wish I was better at it.

I would definitely take it as a compliment @missy. Like I said, at first I thought it was a curse but have realized over the years that
it has saved us/me from making bad decisions. I now appreciate the quality and try not to rush him.

Ha, the difference is I am fast at making decisions..I might over analyze (though I do not think of it as that rather I think of it as exploring all possible outcomes and preparing for them) but I do it with amazing speed. LOL What can I say. It's a gift :lol:
I always wanted to be a novelist but of course it's not a very viable career choice. So now that I'm retired and my kids are raised, that's what I'm doing. :)
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Knowing what I know now, if I had it all to do again, psychology would be my choice. I love studying/observing human nature, and appreciate the myriad ways people can change themselves—if they choose to.
Well, my friends tell me I should have been an FBI agent as I'm always investigating and finding the truth about people and/or things, but I would never have wanted to do that. I think I would have liked to be a judge instead of a lawyer. Probably the Libra in me.
Well, my friends tell me I should have been an FBI agent as I'm always investigating and finding the truth about people and/or things, but I would never have wanted to do that. I think I would have liked to be a judge instead of a lawyer. Probably the Libra in me.

As a youngster, despite the suspense (which I don't love), I used to loooove spy novels. I ended up taking an informal aptitude test that I found somewhere, and the results were that I'd make an excellent "spy". It did intrigue me, but the suspense would have been too much.

Years ago, several clients told me I should become a police officer...and the only way I could have done that was if there was background music to tell me when the "bad guys" were somewhere close by. :lol: Have I mentioned that suspense is a no-go for me? :lol:
Honestly I can't imagine doing anything else. Even if i had infinite money and no need for work I would keep my job (not the boring admin work pieces, but the research and clinical work)
i wish i had dome something where im not on my feet all day standing on concrete
-im feeling a bit sorry for myself because my knee is killing me tonight
Architect….but I’m mathematically challenged, lol
I'm retired and a couple of years ago, it dawned on me, hey, who says it's over? Just a thought here but so what if you're older, you can still start something new if you want to. :)
Oh Missy, you’ve opened a can of worms for me…….

Long story short worked on corporate finance for several years, quit to take care of DS (I HATED my career so it was no loss), blah blah blah ended up accidentally tutoring a few kids and loving it, applied and got accepted to a Masters of Teaching degree but have been told that it’s better to be a speech therapist as there is a huge shortfall in Australia, now torn between a very expensive masters degree (that will only take 2 years) and a Bachelors degree in speech pathology (4 years). I’m in my early 40s and worry that I’m too old for the bachelors.

If I do teaching I would love to work in the public system for at least a decade to give back but I think speech pathology will be very rewarding too. I just don’t know what to do, if I can do it at all. What if my brain doesn’t work anymore???

Have you ever observed speech therapy? Can you do a shadow week working with an established person? Speech therapists are in great demand and they can work in a school setting or in private (where you can work with low overhead) or both. In USA, many students are rejected from in-school speech therapy due to lack of funding so their parents have to find private therapists, insurance pays much of the time. The speech therapy degree and certificate might offer you flexibility. Last, speech therapists who love kids can make a difference. My kids were deprived of their services until it was too late. You might be able to make a huge impact!

Regarding teaching, perhaps you can find a truncated degree where you can apply existing credits and accelerate or do remote work to make time more like two years and costs less. My friend got a two year Masters in early childhood education which was combined with focus on recognizing and addressing special needs (like speech issues) after her BA here in USA. Teacher now. It’s her calling and she’s made a difference every day.
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I’d probably do the same. Lawyer.