
99.2% of recent US Covid deaths were unvaccinated people

I just had an appointment with my physician. She made a point of reminding me that even those who have been vaccinated can spread the virus, even masked, and even outside. I'm just reminding everyone to be careful.
Some people did!...CDC stated that after your 2nd shot you can go mask less. Ooops, they changed the rule after 2 weeks.

TBH I never trusted that. I truly have thought of this as similar to the flu the entire time. As in, you can still get it (obviously). But even worse, you can spread it before realizing you have it. I never took it off indoors. Until my kids can have the protection my mask stays on in public.
Social distancing?. I guess not for New Yorkers?...:wall:

My 79-year-old uncle was there! (he wasn't able to snag a free ticket, so he sprung for a VIP one). You did have to show proof of vaccination to gain entrée-- most every New Yorker I know has their Excelsior Pass, the state's version of a "vaccine passport" with an individualized QR code, on their smartphone.

But because masks are a very common accessory seen here in NYC, he and I were both really surprised that the majority of the concertgoers did not have masks or keep them on (my uncle did). Which prompted him to comment, "I felt like I was in a more diverse, and more sedate, version of Sturgis."

And speaking of Sturgis :(sad
I just learned a little more about the mindset in Texas. I was speaking to my doctor's nurse today. Her DD is fully vaccinated and lives in TX. She caught COVID (mild case) and her employer, a nationwide restaurant, told her to come in! I forgot to ask if she did go to work. She's now the only one masked at the restaurant. :x2
Some people did!...CDC stated that after your 2nd shot you can go mask less. Ooops, they changed the rule after 2 weeks.

Because the we’re in a very fluid situation, and the Delta Variant proved to be more transmissible, and more widely spread than originally thought.

Try to keep up.

Seriously, it would be irresponsible of the CDC, or any other responsible public agency/official, not to monitor rapidly changing situations and changing direction when needed. It would be kind of like if you had your speed control set to drive at the speed limit on the freeway, and then chose to continue at that speed even though you were coming up against a traffic jam. Trust me, I wouldn’t accuse you of flip-flopping if you decided to hit the brakes instead!

And yes, I know that we could exchange examples of officials not changing course in the face of looming disaster all day. That’s not the point of this discussion and just so you know… I’m not gonna engage in that exchange.
Because the we’re in a very fluid situation, and the Delta Variant proved to be more transmissible, and more widely spread than originally thought.

All CDC had to say was...After your 2nd shot please keep on wearing your mask for extra protection.
I just learned a little more about the mindset in Texas. I was speaking to my doctor's nurse today. Her DD is fully vaccinated and lives in TX. She caught COVID (mild case) and her employer, a nationwide restaurant, told her to come in! I forgot to ask if she did go to work. She's now the only one masked at the restaurant. :x2
You didn't know that mask aren't required in Tx? not even inside a plane.

Nice try DF. That’s either a charter or a corporate aircraft.
Depending in the charter company’s policy, you can do pretty much whatever you want. Read on for masking policy for US airlines. This photo has no context, it could have been taken 5 years ago!

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Nice try DF. That’s either a charter or a corporate aircraft.
Got it!, The virus does not spread inside a charter jet...thumbsupwink.gif
Good grief DF :doh:this is pointless. Stupid is as stupid does. You’re being deliberately obtuse. You throw a photo up with zero context or proof it’s even in Covid times. What is your point?
No offense to Texans but I don’t think anyone is holding Texas up as a model to emulate so even if the photo is of maskless Texans, again, what is your point DF?
No offense to Texans but I don’t think anyone is holding Texas up as a model to emulate so even if the photo is of maskless Texans, again, what is your point DF?

Rules for thee but not for me!

My DS & DIL live in Texas. They got vaccinated as soon as they were able to, got home deliveries and stayed home. They have only recently started going out again, and continue to wear masks. They’ve flown recently too, and DS said every few minutes there were announcements on how how to wear a mask properly, and warnings that anyone failing to comply would be put off the plane.
Rules for thee but not for me!


Unlike you, Dr. Fauci is vaccinated.

DF I know you are enjoying yourself. Throwing back a few cocktails and stirring up your fellow PSers. Enjoying the show? For your sake I hope we don’t get the last laugh. Nothing to laugh about or entertaining here!
Unlike you, Dr. Fauci is vaccinated.

DF I know you are enjoying yourself. Throwing back a few cocktails and stirring up your fellow PSers. Enjoying the show? For your sake I hope we don’t get the last laugh. Nothing to laugh about or entertaining here!
I'm sure there are other PSers who does agree with me but they are afraid to speak up. They can't take the heat from the PS herd.
Didnt you say you arent wearing masks and attending unmasked events anyways? Your quote doesnt even fly with YOUR OWN actions, try again.
Yes when I go drinking at the bar, but I'm not Fauci who had been preaching us about wearing a mask out in public. He's an idiot...DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO!
This seems to be the only thing that changes vaccine hesitant minds; the heartbreaking reality for many is they didn't survive long enough to get the shot.
It's such a sad and brutal lesson. There are thousands just like it.

Currently, 31% of all newly reported COVID-19 cases in the state are in children below the age of 18. Since Monday, there have been 6,146 confirmed COVID-19 cases in children, with 63 COVID-19 pediatric cases admitted to the hospital.

It is effecting children.
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I am Facebook friends with someone who was an anti-vaxxer well before Covid. She has pushed lots of misinformation and right now is heavy on Ivermectin as a prophylactic or as a treatment for an active infection.

It is so wild to see so many people talking on her page who are completely willing to take a form of this medication intended for animals yet won’t take a vaccine that has been given to millions and millions of people.

This friend previously stated that no one needed the vaccine because of the high survivability rates of Covid. But she’s now saying that Delta is real and Delta can be dangerous so make sure you are stocked up on Ivermectin. It’s like living in the upside down world
I am Facebook friends with someone who was an anti-vaxxer well before Covid. She has pushed lots of misinformation and right now is heavy on Ivermectin as a prophylactic or as a treatment for an active infection.

It is so wild to see so many people talking on her page who are completely willing to take a form of this medication intended for animals yet won’t take a vaccine that has been given to millions and millions of people.

This friend previously stated that no one needed the vaccine because of the high survivability rates of Covid. But she’s now saying that Delta is real and Delta can be dangerous so make sure you are stocked up on Ivermectin. It’s like living in the upside down world
Send them this, Ivermectin didn't help him- he will leave behind a wife and four children. He is 30 years old.
I am Facebook friends with someone who was an anti-vaxxer well before Covid. She has pushed lots of misinformation and right now is heavy on Ivermectin as a prophylactic or as a treatment for an active infection.

It is so wild to see so many people talking on her page who are completely willing to take a form of this medication intended for animals yet won’t take a vaccine that has been given to millions and millions of people.

This friend previously stated that no one needed the vaccine because of the high survivability rates of Covid. But she’s now saying that Delta is real and Delta can be dangerous so make sure you are stocked up on Ivermectin. It’s like living in the upside down world

It’s like “The Twilight Zone” if you’re old enough to remember that.
Send them this, Ivermectin didn't help him- he will leave behind a wife and four children. He is 30 years old.

That is heartbreaking.

And yet, I know better than to share it with those in my extended family who are anti-vax. It’ll just make them dig in their heels more and come up with another reason to resist getting vaccinated.

I just hope I’ll recognize the right message or argument when I see it.
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I wonder how many people DF has been allowed to run off from this forum with his nonstop, ignorant trolling.
Strange, I was wondering how many people had been ran off this forum by disagreeing with the PSer herd. I can think of at least 6 members off the top of my head.
Folks, be adults. No name calling or insults whether you agree with someone or not. Be respectful.

That's not very nice.

If you don't like what a person posts put them on ignore.
If you feel they've violated PS policies, report the post(s).

Let admin decide how to address it.