
99.2% of recent US Covid deaths were unvaccinated people

central retinal arterial occlusion
Scary. I hope your vision returned. Never heard of it and had to look it up. Use of birth control pills is cited as a common risk factor. In the branch type, pregnancy is cited as a common risk factor. As if we didn't have enough challenges with birth control and pregnancy. Geez.
Sorry to hear this.

Two things:

1. There is no age at which a blood clot during pregnancy -- or outside of pregnancy -- is bafflingly rare. Maybe it was someone just starting their training? Or maybe you were 11 or 60 and they just don't see many folks in that age range? My spouse just had a serious blood clot within the past year and ran to get her vaccine. (Then again, she also ran to administer a few thousand of them back in the happy days a few months ago when folks still believed in vaccines.)

2. COVID causes terrible clotting complications. If I had a tendency to blood clots, I would be terrified of getting COVID. I would be much less terrified of getting clotting complications from a vaccine. Look up the relative incidence -- the difference is many orders of magnitude.

The 45% of the country who will not get vaccinated do not have complex clotting histories. Although I just learned about an Oregon-trained ND who would probably be willing to write you a fake medical history to that effect for the right price :mrgreen2:.

That’s what Yale told me and it wasn’t one doctor it was several doctors and specialists, I had an MRI of my brain, they scanned everything to try to find where it came from and they couldn’t figure it out. Then after delivery they had me come back to see a blood clotting specialist who told me he had no answers why this happened. They told me this type of clot was rare in a 35 year old with no other health conditions during pregnancy. They used the term rare, not me.

I’m sorry about your spouse’s clot, it is very scary no matter the age or circumstance. I have already had COVID (everyone in my house had it) and recovered without issue thankfully, I’m aware an initial infection doesn’t guarantee immunity though.
Scary. I hope your vision returned. Never heard of it and had to look it up. Use of birth control pills is cited as a common risk factor. In the branch type, pregnancy is cited as a common risk factor. As if we didn't have enough challenges with birth control and pregnancy. Geez.

No the vision loss is permanent but hey, I’m alive so nothing to complain about. Birth control pills are a big risk factor but I had not taken them in ten years plus when this happened. Even better, my doctor and Yale could not agree on whether I should be on blood thinners prior to delivery. My doctor said no since I was a scheduled c-section. After that pregnancy I was more than done, I wasn’t going to chance what would happen with another!
After that pregnancy I was more than done, I wasn’t going to chance what would happen with another!

Yeah but you got your cheeky son from that pregnancy right? I got a kick out of reading your posts about some of things he says.
Yeah but you got your cheeky son from that pregnancy right? I got a kick out of reading your posts about some of things he says.

Yeah that little punker, amazingly he came out totally perfect and healthy. He gives me a run for my money though!
For what it’s worth, I had a fairly severe adverse reaction to my second shot of Moderna and was impressed with how the hospital handled it.

I developed vertigo to the point that I couldn’t walk. Within 10 minutes of reaching the hospital I was on a cardiac monitor and getting prepped for a CT scan. I’m confident that appropriate intervention would have occurred had it been an emergency situation.

As it stands I just had to wait it out. 3 weeks and everything went back to normal.

I’m still thrilled to be vaccinated.
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The most horrifying aspect is that it didn’t have to be this way. Japan: 126 million people; fewer than 15,000 deaths, thanks to a culture of mask wearing and competent tracking and tracing. Had we had competent leadership, instead of a man neutered by the thought of smearing his orange makeup by wearing a mask, over half a million U.S. citizens wouldn’t be dead.
Somewhere in the news I read, "There are now TWO Americas".

America 1: Vaccinated and protected.
America 2: Unvaccinated and entering a terrible Delta variant surge with no defense. :(sad

How can this be propaganda if 99.2% of recent COVID deaths have been the unvaccinated?

I feel bad for our health care hero's who must now care for those people, yes those people. :nono:
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I wish hospitals could refuse to treat unvaccinated Covid patients, but I’ve never known any nurse who’d agree to that. They’re selfless and heroic.

All these people are basically committing suicide because they believe fools on tv who make their bread and butter trying to terrify people. :(
I’m not an American so I want to ask a somewhat stupid sounding question and I hope that’s ok. Why would the republicans try to kill off/reduce their voter base? Like logically wouldn’t you want to ensure that more people survive the pandemic to vote for you?

Again I hope it’s ok to ask if not then I can ask the mod to remove my post. It’s just something I wonder about especially as clearly the unvaccinated are at much higher risk of dying.
At first I was super reluctant to take the vaccine especially bc I had been exposed to Covid twice and not gotten it. And I’m talking about face-to- face contact, indoors, no mask. Yeah. Stupid on my part but blind family allegiance made me do it. Anyhow. I had managed to survive Covidless and had been out and about everywhere with only a mask and social distancing since Memorial Day weekend 2020, so I figured yeah, I’ll take my chances. But I’m not gonna lie. I didn’t like to live in angst every time I had a sniffle or an allergy manifestation that I mistook for Covid the hours I endured it. Getting the vaccine has given me peace of mind. Priceless. And no. I don’t wonder wtf is gonna happen to me as a result of the vax. Every medication has a risk and side effects and is made out of crap I don’t even bother to scrutinize but I gladly swallow. Hopefully those of you who are reluctant can come to the other side. If my dear old mother who is 83 is living her best life since she got the vaccine— and this woman has a lot for health issues, maybe some of you who are just reluctant can get it too.
Like logically wouldn’t you want to ensure that more people survive the pandemic to vote for you?

Logic is absent in lies and conspiracy theories. Power is the priority. To have power one must subjugate one's followers through lies and instilling fear. That makes them easy to manage and manipulate, doesn't matter how many voters there are as long as one has control over them. It's akin to cutting off one's nose to spite one's face.
We all got the vaccine, all received Moderna.

My oldest daughter had a horrific allergic reaction to both shots, both ending up in urgent care with swollen throat among other symptoms. She also started having her heart episodes again, almost cluster like. She has SVT, has since she was a junior in high school. The episodes would come maybe once a year. Since her vaccine, she has had half a dozen. One the worst it has ever been. We have been to the ER twice. She will not be getting another vaccine (her choice as a 20 yr old woman).

Both girls periods have drastically changed since the day they got their first shot. Like they were not supposed to start for a week and a half and they started that day. Cycles are longer and more intense than they have ever been.

I was all for the vaccine because my husband had a terrible time with Covid and I would like to never see him like that again, if possible. My best friends dad passed from Covid. BUT... after seeing the side effects first hand, I am honestly not sure if I would get a booster or yearly vaccine again. Please don't skewer me, this is just my opinion based on personal experience.

I'm sorry you're daughters have experienced this. From the literature I've read, these kinds of experiences are occurring particularly in women, and researchers believe that it is due to dosing. The dosing of the Moderna shot in particular is very high, and a lot of researchers believe that it's unnecessarily high particularly for women, being of less body mass than men. They firmly believe that these kind of dosing issues will get worked out over time, so I wouldn't worry about future doses. Bear in mind that these effects are still less serious than getting COVID. I realize that your daughter is an adult and will make her own choices on the matter, but my concern would be that if her heart responded this way to just a vaccine with a little too high a dose, how would it respond to COVID, which is particularly hard on the heart (in addition to lungs and kidneys and the brain)? What has her doctor had to say about what she is experiencing? Just something to think about and perhaps discuss with her and her doctor.
All these people are basically committing suicide because they believe fools on tv who make their bread and butter trying to terrify people. :(

I have two vaccinated kids (23 and 21) and two that are not (17 and 16). My first son came down with a fever so high he had a seizure and was hospitalized. Second sons glands in his neck swelled up so severely it compromised his breathing and he had to have endless tests done. He still has a golf ball sized lump under his chin. He is having an immune response to the vaccine. Both reactions occurred after the second vaccine. Only side affects from the first dose were body aches and mild fever for both boys. Both of them were advised no boosters in the future. Once the vaccine is given it can't be discontinued in the same way a medication could be.

My younger two are not vaccinated because of the severity of reactions from the older two. They mask, social distance and do not go out in crowds etc. Both homeschool and take University classes online. Only activities we travel to are horse shows and they are outdoor events. We all practice the same precautions as when Covid was at its highest. My daughter has had several spinal surgeries and cannot afford to deal with the severe reactions possible. Both of their pediatricians advise against vaccination.

A little back story....I am highly allergic to many, many things. More gets added to the list yearly. It causes extreme immune responses, anaphylaxis and even caused a bleed that ended up in hospitalization and blood transfusions. My kids also have allergy issues to a lesser degree, but I started out that way as well. It is advised I do not get vaccinated because of all of that. I am otherwise healthy and I would prefer to err on the side of caution.

I do think that it is a very personal choice and many people that do not get vaccinated do it for a variety of reasons. As long as people take precautions and do not put others at risk it is their choice. Would I like to have us all safe from Covid and keep others safe? ABSOLUTELY. Is it worth the risk? Absolutely NOT. I honestly do not believe anyone truly wants to cause harm to others. There are so many factors. I would never wish to make anyone ill.

I wasn't even going to post on this thread but decided sharing some of our own experience couldn't hurt. Just food for thought.

Editing to add that both older boys were initially advised against the vaccine because of our allergy issues. Both are adults and decided it was worth the risk to potentially keep others safe. They are both very much concerned about others and wanted to do their part. I believe that many feel this and potentially risk their own health in the process.

I'm sorry your boys have experienced this. From your description of the allergy issues, I find myself wondering if perhaps you have some form of a mast cell activation disorder (MCAD) or systemic mastocytosis? Those tend to have some genetic component, so it is often seen clustering in families.

I don't think any reasonable, rational person would fault you or your family members at all for not vaccinating, or for your sons not taking it in the future. You have a specific medical situation in your family, and you're following doctor's recommendations to not take it. You're taking precautions to avoid infecting others. There just isn't anything to judge here in my opinion. To me, you and your family are members of the group of people who are legitimately medically unable to take it, at least at this time, and for whom I want to take it so that I can help to protect you.

I also have compassion for people who are not dead-set against it, but are hesitating because they're not sure what to believe or because they're just scared and perhaps need a little more gentle encouragement and support from a doctor they trust. My beef is with people who have no medical reason not to, who are being practically begged by their doctors to take it, and who still refuse because they deny the facts and reality of COVID, because they cling to (and spread) an anti-vax agenda for which there is no basis in fact, or because of political and cultural tribalism. I deal all the time with people (even in this thread) claiming that the vaccine has killed multitudes of people in the US - which is factually not even remotely true - and when called upon to provide evidence couldn't, but still insist it's true. I would have a lot more bling if I had a dollar for every time I've explained, and attached a link to the CDC verifying, how the VAERS system works, and that NO, it doesn't prove that the vaccine killed all these people.
So.... what do you propose "they" do with those of us who are posing danger to others and possibly "killing people?" And, are you aware that children have a very low probability of becoming deathly ill from the "virus"?

Why are you putting virus in quotes?

Just because children have a low probability of becoming deathly ill from COVID, doesn't mean they have a low probability of developing lifelong health issues down the road from having been exposed to COVID. I'd much rather have them deal with vaccine side effects than the danger of COVID, which may not kill them, but may shorten their health span if they contract it without having been vaccinated.

My personal opinion? It's not a question of if, but when, the kids will contract COVID, so long as we do not achieve the herd immunity we're aiming for.

America #1 and America #2 just makes me sad. I blame the media that circulates misinformation. As long as we are undergoing a prolonged battle with COVID, we are only becoming more divisive and more incapable of dealing with other types of global threats. Whatever your political leanings, if you can't see that America is losing on other fronts because America is in an extended battle with COVID, then you are truly cutting off your nose to spite your face. It does no good to point fingers and blame other countries. The only way to be done with the COVID threat once and for all is to reach the vaccination rate that we need for immunity. I wish America was more united on this front, and it's frustrating that we are not. I don't blame particular individuals, if they have medical reasons for not getting the vaccination, but overall there's way more people who fear the vaccine for no good reason.

P.S. It's super frustrating that the same people who are not vaccinating, are not wearing masks properly at work. It seems to me they don't seem to be taking their own health seriously.
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I find this absolutely disgusting, to wish death on children is seriously a new low, to wish death on anyone is bad enough.

If this comment is allowed to remain, I might be done here and I guess that would make some of you happy. Maybe that is what you hope for.

I agree. As enraged and disgusted as I am at many people during all this, I am not OK with clapping for anyone's death, especially children's. (I don't mean your comment, @doberman.)

I don't think anyone wants you to leave, @YadaYadaYada. I would be very sad if you did.
So.... what do you propose "they" do with those of us who are posing danger to others and possibly "killing people?" And, are you aware that children have a very low probability of becoming deathly ill from the "virus"?

This is simply not the case any longer with the Delta variant - it has changed the game, just as the chart @Dancing Fire posted no longer reflects what we're dealing with on the ground. That data was compiled based on what were the prevalent strains, which were the native and the Alpha variants. The Delta variant is more severe for all age groups, and is particularly more severe for children, teens, and young adults. I just saw an interview on PBS NewsHour last night with the head of public health for Arkansas, and she discussed how concerning the increased severity in those age groups is. And there are other risks besides death to which they are just as susceptible as adults, such as organ damage and long COVID, either of which could be particularly devastating for a child who should have a whole long life without avoidable disability ahead of them.
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Icy Jade, I don’t think they’ve thought it through. They were no doubt delighted that the virus was disproportionately killing people of color, but the main point was to hide their candidate’s incompetence so he’d get re-elected (didn’t work). As time goes on, though, the virus will kill members of their party disproportionately, and this could indeed cost them the future—but they’re already planning on saying the next election is stolen when it’s again lost, and the violence they’ll incite will likely be far worse than what we saw on January 6th. It’s complicated, but the bottom line is that they simply don’t care about people’s lives, only about power and money. To them their supporters are gullible, beneath disdain, and as disposable as toilet paper.
People coming “across the border” (which one? Guessing you mean the one through which people of color come) aren’t the threat. Unvaccinated Americans are the threat. We’re the world’s laughingstock: the country too stupid to wear masks, the country where 50% of the population is so gullible and ignorant they can be scared into not getting vaccinated.

Agree, Why do we allow thousands of people to come across the border everyday w/o checking for Covid?
Agree, Why do we allow thousands of people to come across the border everyday w/o checking for Covid?

Oh ... maybe to have a chance of getting a dose of C19 vaccine that half of 'muricans are letting go to waste. :nono:
People coming “across the border” (which one? Guessing you mean the one through which people of color come) aren’t the threat. Unvaccinated Americans are the threat.

Nope, their virus are harmless only Americans can spread Covid .
Agree, Why do we allow thousands of people to come across the border everyday w/o checking for Covid?

It's like Whack-a-Mole with you. The world is not perfect so why should anyone vaccinate?

How do you think the number of people coming across the border on a daily basis compares with the 150 million Americans who will not get vaccinated? Which do you think is the bigger number? By maybe 5 logs? Do you want a hint?

OK, here comes Part Two. Ready? Which do you think has the bigger impact on public health in this country vis-a-vis COVID transmission?

EDIT: This is what people mean when they use the expression "willful ignorance."
EDIT: This is what people mean when they use the expression "willful ignorance."
Yup ignorance!, to believe that the only people who can spread the virus are in this country.
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It's like Whack-a-Mole with you. The world is not perfect so why should anyone vaccinate?

How do you think the number of people coming across the border on a daily basis compares with the 150 million Americans who will not get vaccinated? Which do you think is the bigger number? By maybe 5 logs? Do you want a hint?

OK, here comes Part Two. Ready? Which do you think has the bigger impact on public health in this country vis-a-vis COVID transmission?

EDIT: This is what people mean when they use the expression "willful ignorance."

Theres no point in trying to respond to the distractions and red herrings. It's a waste of your time and energy
I’m sure you’re a nice woman, and I love your feminine and romantic username, but you’re not arguing with even a semblance of logic. I do concede, though, that adults, including you, have the right to commit suicide by not getting vaccinated. Whether they have a right to murder or cause permanent health damage to their children by not vaccinating them is a matter the courts will decide.

Yup ignorance!, to believe that the only people who can spread the virus are in this country.
@mom2dolls I am sorry to hear of the side effects your girls are experiencing. I have read quite a bit about this happening. For myself, my hot flashes intensified and the occurrences increased and my autoimmune condition has worsened (flaring up) for the first time in a while.
Hoping your daughters’ symptoms lessen and then go away soon and I completely understand why they would hesitate. It’s definitely a conundrum.

May I ask, if you're comfortable sharing, what autoimmune condition you have?

I have Hashimoto's and prob rhem. arthitis (yet to be confirmed). I also suffered from 2 vertigo attacks in 2017 and 2018. I've been wondering whether to vaccinate and have just made up my mind to get vaccinated - Pfizer - next week. I am very concerned about my autoimmune getting worse and/or getting another vertigo attack.
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