
AVC ERD 3 stone with halo

Hi Christina! :wavey: Thanks so much for checking in.

I'm still trying to decide what to do. I have a bit of analysis paralysis going on and can't seem to make up my mind. :wacko: I'm leaning toward replacing the brilliant traps with French-cut traps. Hoping I'll be able to make a decision sooooooooooooon. :)

Thanks for the sweet compliments on my ring. I'm honored!
Kathleen, was ERD able to do a mock up for you with the french traps? They should at least be able to lay out a stone with both
kind of traps and take a photo for you. If you saw it, it might be easier to make up your mind.

Your ring is on my desktop and the thread bookmarked. :love:
Holy mackerel, that thing is totally drool worthy! :lickout: :love:
Beautiful 3 stone!!!! :love: :love: Actually all 3 of your rings are GORGEOUS!!!! :love: :love:
Tuckins1 and ZestfullyBling, thank you so much for the lovely compliments! :)

luv2sparkle, I learned that ERD doesn't have any French cut stones on-hand and would have to custom-cut them for me. I guess my idea of looking at a mock-up before making a decision just isn't in the cards. It would be great to see what Frenchies look like in real life before I pull the proverbial trigger, but they're so darn rare! If I want the French cuts, I'll just have to take a leap and do it--which is sort of the positon I was in during the design phase. I was fine with it then, but sort of lost my nerve when Mark expressed reservations about how it would look. I need to decide what I like (or think I'll like) and put my big girl pants on and make up my mind! :wacko:
Wow! I'm turning green..... =) So beautiful!
Hi Geisha Gyrl! Thank you so much!! :))

For those who have been following my side stone saga, I have decided to move forward with French cuts. Crossing my fingers that it'll turn out well!!
Oh, you are brave!!! This will be really informative for the forum, though. I think these would be our first french-cut traps!!!

Good luck to you and I hope they turn out to be everything you hope for!!!! :appl:
Thanks so much, DS! It looks great in my head, but the proof will be in the pudding--er--setting. :))